24327282? ago



Choose one.

24324934? ago

draw me a picture of this Mohammad so we know who you are talking about.

24320068? ago

...but...but...but...Mohammed doesn't count...he was the perfect man...religion of peace...um...um...


24320031? ago

Linclon was not a slave owner. Rober E. Lee did not his wife did and he freed rhem at some point before or during the war cant remember. U.S. Grant only freed his after the war. This about white people and conservatives.

24317928? ago

He was a baby raper so he’s on the cool list

24318894? ago

....birds of a feather ..... ?

24320000? ago

Yep you got it

24316855? ago

Barely any whites owns slaves.

This is a way in whites not slave owners/traders

24316753? ago

This is quite a legitimate point.

I wanna see Liberal heads explode when asked if they hate all muslims for being racist slave holders.

24315407? ago

Thank you for not calling that goatfucker "Prophet Muhammad." I hate that faggot so damn much. There's so many deluded Muslims in the world that think that he was some kind of Jesus when he went around fucking and killing everything pretty much like any emperor. He was very much of a bisexual, and he not only owned slaves, he killed them if they even looked at him wrong. An entire religion doesn't understand that they worship a bisexual murdering psychopathic warlord.

24315097? ago

1 - not White Western so not the target.

2 - Muzzies will smash their fucking heads in, so all of a sudden, not interested!

24314923? ago

And he rode PEGASUS to the Western Wall on his night journey. Kind reminds me of Perseus, for he to rode a horse to Jerusalem. The difference is that Perseus held the head of the Gorgon to stop Cetus from getting to Andromeda..

Oh wait, it was a Mi'raj or is that mirage. Never mind... Same difference, pardon my intellegence.

Back to PERSEUS and Mohamed correspondence (mythology)..

الإسراء والمعراج‎, al-'Isrā' wal-Miʿrāj

Chapter 17.

bani Isra'il: The Israelites

1 Glorified be He Who carried His servant by night from the Inviolable Place of Worship to the Far distant place of worship the neighbourhood whereof We have blessed, that We might show him of Our tokens! Lo! He, only He, is the Hearer, the Seer.

2 We gave unto Moses the Scripture, and We appointed it a guidance for the children of Israel, saying: Choose no guardian beside Me.

The Burāq(PEGASUS) (Arabic: الْبُرَاق al-Burāq or /ælˈbʊrɑːk/ "lightning" or more generally "bright") is a creature in Islamic tradition that was said to be a transport for certain prophets.

The Encyclopaedia of Islam, referring to Al-Damiri's writings, considers Buraq to be a derivative and adjective of Arabic: برق‎ barq "lightning/ emitted lightning" or various general meanings stemming from the verb: "to beam, flash, gleam, glimmer, glisten, glitter, radiate, shimmer, shine, sparkle, twinkle"


Basically, Mohammed is a personification of Celestial Events.

Surah 86:1-3

at-Tariq: The Night-Comer

(1) By the heaven and the Morning Star (2) - Ah, what will tell thee what the Morning Star is! (3) - The piercing Star!

MORNING STAR ( VENUS i.e Lucifer etc..)

Surah 53:1

an-Najm: The Star

1 By the Star when it setteth,

===Question, why does the word star have a capitol "S" in Star, instead of star?

Because this STAR is the one they pray to 5 times a Day...


Surah 52:15

at-Tur: The Mountain

(15) Is this magic, or do ye not see ?

HEre is a little foot note



The Crossing of the RED SEA

H5488 | סוּף |sûph | soof | Probably of Egyptian origin; a reed, especially the papyrus: - flag. Red [sea], weed. Compare H5489.

Total KJV occurrences: 28

H5491 : סוֹף END ( OMEGA )

The REED SEA, i.e a BOOK or scroll written on reeds.

Sefer in biblical Hebrew means any kind of "book" or written document (plural s'farim). It is derived from the same Hebrew root as sofer ("scribe"), sifriyah ("library") and safrut ("literature").

The End of the Age(World), so spoken of by Jesus at Matthew 28:20

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. 

Mat 12:39 

But he answered and said unto them, "

An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet

Jonas: (40)  For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. "

CETUS - JONAH Connection in the COnstellations

24314517? ago

He was a murdering rapist as well.

24314354? ago

Leftism 101. Just being consistent.

These two things don't go together. Literally oil and water.

24314291? ago

Can someone put up a picture or Mohammed so I know who yous talking about

24314206? ago

Godel's incompleteness theorems:

"The first incompleteness theorem states that no consistent system of axioms whose theorems can be listed by an effective procedure (i.e., an algorithm) is capable of proving all truths about the arithmetic of natural numbers. For any such consistent formal system, there will always be statements about natural numbers that are true, but that are unprovable within the system. The second incompleteness theorem, an extension of the first, shows that the system cannot demonstrate its own consistency."

Their system is a formal arithmetic. They're guaranteed to have "undecidable" statements.

24314098? ago

Communists don't have points or principles, only pretenses meant to distract from, and enable, their crimes.

They're antithetical to truth, and vice versa.

They will be critical of decent people, while apologizing for their assets, until they have eliminated their first target, and then they will reassess who is their opposition.

Divide, conquer, and repeat.

There is no more need to entertain their pretenses beyond pointing out their inconsistencies one time.

Waste your time on distractions once, shame on them. Waste your time on distractions two or more times, shame on you.

Point this out to people so that we can minimize the time wasting, and distractions, and stay vigilant to their genocidal schemes.

24312579? ago




24312850? ago

It's racist or you resist.

24318584? ago

No, its haram.

24312228? ago

yeah, but the mohmud statues are in countries where they don't let commies run freely.

24313412? ago

Muslims and Islam do not allow statues.

Burning the Koran does get them riled up for some reason.

24311874? ago

Scary that some people are that retarded that they think removing a statue means "erased from history". Did you guys never hear of books?

24313327? ago

Have you ever visited the library of Alexandria? No? Me neither. I wonder what was lost.

24320513? ago

hmmm...I need a lawyer who will help me sue my university for allowing me to be taught a false revisionist history....?

24312242? ago

Scary that some people are that retarded that they think removing a statue means "erased from history". Did you guys never hear of book burning?

Eat shit you nigger lover

24311906? ago

Books can be burned. Written by the winner. Much of real history is memory holed.

24316027? ago

The evils of the jew have been whitewashed already. Ignored, or the villains were "white".

The Greatest Story Never Told comes to mind.

24311989? ago

You realize that these statues were erected long after the fact and contain no valuable information right?

24313867? ago

Apparently a statue gives us more information than a book. Herodotus? No need, we have greek statues

24312259? ago

hey kike. What does that even mean? Since when does the date something was erected have any validity? It's an empty talking point.

I hope they put up even more oppressive shit aver we wipe the gravel with your bloody faces.

24312350? ago

It means they are less valuable as history than books.

24312041? ago

Most Confederate statues were a way for the community to heal.

24311649? ago

Islam means- to submit.

Spreading like wildfire, Roving hoards of religious zealots wanted submission. Islam demanded allegiance or death. This cult would descend upon a region and ‘convert’ or decapitate.

24311676? ago

and it's here. We invited the evil into our home.

24315996? ago

I fucking didn't. Bush and Obama did, at the behest of (((bankers))).

24312035? ago

God lives in my home.

I defend it prayers, righteous force and firearms.

24311859? ago

No, jews brought their cousin here to help destroy whites and their nations.

24311573? ago

He also liked for fuck guys up the ass, as per moslem tradition.

24311570? ago

good luck finding a statue to tear down

24315260? ago

There are generally two kinds of groups; those who build monuments, and those who tear them down.


24313362? ago

They call it a Mosque and the house of pedophilia.

Religion of Slavery

The pedo-prophet Mohammad never fucked his seven year old child bride.

Sodomy is not sex for the true believers but husband's right.

24313500? ago

The Islamic BEAST


24315670? ago

This video scared me. I've seen the true inside of what Islam conceals. It's dead on. And that video is years old and I've never heard of it. Islam needs to be destroyed utterly.

24319309? ago

I got the same reaction from a few people who've seen it too.

Eye Opener.

24312507? ago

The dome of the rock?

24313511? ago

On which is written GOD has NO Son...

Sounds...Anti-Christian doesn't it?


24312366? ago

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24312301? ago

There's always Mosques and Qurans.

24311517? ago

and pedophiles

24311503? ago

Consistency is not a tenet of Leftism.

24313060? ago

The founder of islam raped animals, was a terrorist warlord, he fucked his dead aunt and called Blacks pug nosed slaves and raisin heads....all this crazy shit is in their book the Quran if you ever get a chance to read a translation of its madness.

24314367? ago

all this crazy shit is in their book the Quran if you ever get a chance to read a translation of its madness.

The Talmud is even worse - so bad in fact that any non-Jew who reads it is supposed to be murdered.

24313447? ago

And they're taught Mohammed was perfect in every way and is the example of how to live your life.

24311500? ago

The first legal slave owner in American history was a black tobacco farmer named Anthony Johnson.

24311492? ago

Mohammad did more to establish Institutional Pedophilia than any historical scapegoat in our life time.

24311373? ago

Or Kamala Harris, her family till had slaves in Jamaica relatively recently.

24311360? ago

You forgot he fuck children

24311591? ago

and he fucked men in the ass. (moslems think its not gay unless you 'love' the man, if its just a cornhole its A-Ok with the perverts.)

24312254? ago

Its not gay if you don't make eye contact.

24313363? ago

I had a muzzie as a cab driver once and the weird fucker was going on about how its not gay "to have sex with man, it only gay if you have feelings for man"

He didnt like me saying "yes it is thats the definition of a fag"

24319282? ago


24311493? ago

especially slave boys and girls

24311241? ago

Since Muhammadans are mind fucking the left into insurrection on their behalf that's just not going to happen

24311843? ago

You think muslims are leading the left?? Holy fuck jew, you are pushing a load of kike shit!

24313657? ago

Mohammedians are controlled by jews. You really need to understand more clearly what's going on.

24312907? ago

i have a jew to sell you in brooklyn...

24312936? ago

What's in Brooklyn? A bunch of retard Italians or dirty jews

24312342? ago

I think you underestimate the Wahhabists.

I think you also underestimate the cult that conceals itself within the leadership of the Zionists, Wahhabists and the Jesuits.

Try to keep up.

Edgar Bronfman died. Zionist leader gone. Power vacuum.

Saudi Royalty infighting is happening right now.

Jesuit General died in Japan, last month. Power vacuum incoming.

The secret society is ready for a death blow... or a new leader. Guess we're about to find out.

24312450? ago

I think you also underestimate the cult that conceals itself within the leadership of the Zionists, Wahhabists and the Jesuits.


Try to keep up.


24312475? ago

Literally said nothing. Literally no rebuttal.

Here's the promise I make you. If you bomb the Vatican, Jerusalem and Mecca into the ground, 99% of the world's problems will be solved overnight.

24312581? ago

JIDF, how are you doin' this morning?? Bow down at my boot. You are before the greatest jew hunter who ever lived.

24315310? ago

Oh, hi @crensch. They ever get that phone charger cord out of your dick hole?

24319230? ago

He's not even close to a good jew hunter. He's most likely a jew.

24320919? ago

They like to invetisgate themselves.

24311851? ago

And the Jews and chinks are leading the Muslims stupid fuck

24311914? ago

oy vey muslims own and control everything. They're your enemy, goys!!

24311943? ago

Stupid Muslim, this gass lighting isn't going to work

24311969? ago

oy vey lets bomb muslim nations, goy. They're the enemy. Jews & israel is bestest!! shalom

24311993? ago


24312046? ago

Iran is the enemy oy vey!!

Porn is good because it stops rape oy vey

You noticing that jews owning and controlling everything is anti-semitism!!

Poor black people are oppressed by whitey!

We need to help multi-cultural immigrants here or America will not survive oy vey

24312323? ago

You aren't going to distract. I know China is using the Muslims as their attack force and yes China is run by Jews.

You are just trying to muddy the waters.

24312339? ago

oy vey goys, its China!!

24312358? ago


24312427? ago

oy vey its okay if jews mutilate little baby's penis then suck the blood from them. I like jews owning and controlling everything because they are just so darned smart. They're Gods chosen, ya know.

24313133? ago

They aren't the only ones that need a neck slitting - you are a perfect example of another.

24313206? ago

but but jews are our friends and israel bestest ally, goytard!! If you don't kneel and give nigger all of your money then you hate jews!!

24313279? ago

Not doing any of that. Not letting any Jew pets off the hook either.

Ignorance is one thing but chinks and Islam are willing pets on the attack.

24313353? ago

oy vey its the Chinese and Muslims leading BLM and the Antifa terrorists!! Totally not the jews, guise.

24314381? ago

You are trying way too hard