24491207? ago

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24326099? ago

Found it here, last card, "The Tape Runs Out" is a fragment (the last line) of THIS:

A fragment. Transcribed from a cassette tape recording made at a seance in 1973.

"I PICK THE GOD DAMN terror of the fucking gods out of my nose! Pardon my language. But YEEEEEHAW, let the sons of God and man bear witness! Even in the belly of the Thunderbird I've been casting out the False Prohets; I'm busting a gut and blowing my O-ring, and ripe to throw a loaf! For I speak only the fucking Truth, and never in my days have I spoken other than! For my every utterance is a lie, including this very one you hear! I say, Fuck'em if they can't take a joke!' By God,Anything for a laugh', I say. I am the last remaining Homo Correctus, I am the god damn Man of the Future! I'll drive a mile so as not to walk a foot; I am a human being of the first god damn water! Yes, I'm the javalina humping junkie that jumped the Men from Mars! I drank the Devil under seven tables, I am too intense to die, I'm insured for acts o' God and Satan! I was shanghaied by bodiless fiends and alien jews from a corporate galaxy, and got away with their hubcaps! I cannot be tracked on radar! I wear nothing uniform, I wear no god damn uniform! Yes baby, I'm 23 feet tall and have 13 rows o' teats; I was suckled by a triceratops, I gave the Anti-Virgin a high-protien tonsil wash! I'm a bacteriological weapon, I armed and loaded! I'm a fission reactor, I fart plutonium, power plants are fueled by the sweat from my brow; when they plug me in, the lights go out in Hong Kong! I weigh 666 pounds in zero gravity, come and get me! I've sired retarded space bastards across the Cosmos, I cook and eat my dead; YAH-HOOOO, I'm the Unshaven Thorn Tree of the Atlantis Zoo! I pay no taxes! The Devil's hands are my ideal playground! I hold the Seven-Bladed Windbreaker; the wheels that turn are behind me; I think backwards! I do it for fun! My imagination is a fucking cancer and I'll pork it before it porks me! The say a godzillion is the highest number there is. Well by God! I count to a godzillion and one! Yes, I'm the purple flower of Hell County, give me wide berth; when I drop my drawers, Mother Nature swoons! I use a python for a prophylactic; I'm thicker, harder and meaner than the Alaskan Pipeline, and carry more spew! I'll freeze your seed before it hits the bathroom tile! YEE! YEEE! I kidnapped the future and ransomed it for the past, I made Time wait up for me to bleed my lizard! My infernal breath wilts the Tree of Life, I left my spoor on the Rock of Ages, who'll tear flesh with me, who'll spill their juice? Who'll gouge with me, whose candle will I fart out? Whoop! I'm ready! So step aside, all you butt-lipped, neurotic, insecure bespectacled slabs o' wimp meat! I'm a Crime Fighting Master Criminal, I am Not Insane! I'm a screamer and a laugher, I make a spectacle of myself, I am a sight! My physical type cannot be classified by science, my familiar' is a pterodactyl, I feed it dipshits! I communicate without wires or strings! I am a Thuggee, I am feared in the Tongs, I have the Evil Eye, I carry the Mojo Bag; I swam the Bermuda Triangle and didn't get wet! I circumcize dinosaurs with my teeth and make 'em leave a tip; I change tires with my tongue and my tool! Every night I hock up a lunger and extinguish the Sun! I'm the bigfooted devil of Level 14, who'll try to blow me down? I've packed the brownies of the gods, I leak the Plague from my nether parts, opiates are the mass of my religion, I take drugs! Yes, I'm a rip-snorter, I cram coca leaves right into my arm-veins before they're picked off the tree! Space monsters cringe at my tread! I wipe the Pyramides off my shoes before I enter my house. I'm fuel-injected, I'll live forever and remember it afterwords! I'm immune! I'm radioactive! Come on and give me cancer, I'll spit up the tumor and butter my bread with the juice! I'm supernatural, I bend crowbars with my meat ax and a thought! My droppings bore through the earth and erupt volcanoes in China! Yes, I can drink more wine and stay soberer than all the heathen Hindoos in Asia! YEEE HAW! Gut Blowout! I am a Moray Eel, I am a Komodo Dragon, I am the Killer Whale bereft of its pup! I have a triple backbone, I was sired by the Wolf Man, give me all your Slack! I told Jesus I wouldn't go to church and He shook my hand! I have my own personal saviors, I change 'em every hour, I don't give a fuck if there's life after death, I want to know if there's even any fucking Slack after death! I am a god damn visionary, I see the future and the past in comic books and wine bottles; I eat black holes for breakfast! I bend my genes and whittle my DNA with the sheer force of my mighty will! I steer my own god damn evolution! I ran 'em out of Heaven and sold it to Hell for a profit! I'm enlightened, I achievedNirvana' and took it home with me. Yip, yip, YEEEEEEE! I'm so ugly the Speed of Light can't slow me down and Gravity won't tug at my cuffs! When the Rapture comes, I'll make 'em wait! They'll never clean my cage! Now give me some more of..."

(Tape runs out.)

24317870? ago

Not 1982, it has to be post 86 as one of the cards quotes this song.


24316068? ago

Some say it's [their] WHOLE plan spelled out and illustrated for "the Initiated" amongst [them] to follow and simultaneously troll us with for profit.

I played this game as a kid with a childhood friend and his dad, who "coincidentally" was also a FreeMason. Looking back on it, the game always made me a little creeped out and gave me weird dreams after playing. I wish I could find it again to show me kids. They'd freak out if they saw it.

24313831? ago

Having spoken with him, he is a serious asshole.

24313162? ago

Here's another that goes back quite a ways...

Trilateral Commission - (Clips) from Barney Miller - Se7 Ep8 (1981)

We were being red-pilled then by the producers, Ted Flicker and Danny Arnold, even if they may have been disgruntled liberals after the election of Reagan, but they certainly seem to have been red-pilled themselves, and, wow, does it sound all too familiar today.

24316370? ago

Dietrich was my favorite character. Watched this as a kid with my grandpa. He was one smart man.

24313015? ago

"Tape runs out" really dates that one! Well done.

24312784? ago

This is one of those games where you need to laminate the rules because you need to keep reaching for them. Hardcore play sessions allow cheating. It’s so easy to steal money in this game. Everyone is so busy counting out their money they won’t notice you grabbing a bit more after your turn.

24316448? ago

That's one the aspects of play. Jewish thievery. As it is in the cards, so shall it be in life. That's what my friend's dad always told us when we played. Looking back on it, he was indoctrinating us for inclusion into "the club."

24311953? ago

its all in the cards

24312454? ago

Thule Asteroid Nazi thing https://files.catbox.moe/74rdo0.jpg , not Pinochio?

24311439? ago

oy vey its as if the jews had everything planned

24311338? ago

Total Eclipse channel on YouTube has talked about these several times about a month ago: He claims the guy that made them got raided... He's into all the sci-fi and old movies stuff... a very interesting fellow with 2 degrees and a photographic memory.

(Check him out - Italian guy - i highly recommend...)

24321378? ago

Definitely got raided by Secret Service on flaky hackerly charges. The talk of the internet for years. You can read about it here:


24311293? ago

Where can I buy?

24311202? ago

Expensive as shit to own a full set in 2020

24310970? ago

The kill for peace card is playing right now or very soon. All the Q Junkies will never admit it but they are the peaceful group that is being controlled, we all know who the violent group is.

24316490? ago

Not all of us are sheep awaiting the slaughter my friend. There's plenty of sheepdogs standing watch over the wolves. We're busy preparing for the fight at the moment. Just like sheepdogs guarding the herd, we'll know when its time to strike back at the wolves. [They] haven't been drawn close enough to the main herd body yet, so we wait. Trust me on that.

24317172? ago

What the hell are you talkin about? I'm assuming you didn't read any of the Illuminati playing cards??? The bottom row Center card is the(((kill for peace))) card. If you read the small print what I said will make a lot of sense. The Illuminati are playing a game against each other. Q Is part of the game, you are just a pawn. If you haven't noticed you are being heavily baited to fight back right now, but it is a total trap. Public perception would have you hanged even if you were in the right, just like the police officers at Wendy's. Unfortunately the Jews have done a great job brainwashing the entire United States population. Don't worry about me, no one lives for forever, and when the time comes I will be flinging lead just like you.

24310997? ago

Go back to sleep. Cern is the timeline rest?

24311218? ago

Are you retarded?

24312955? ago

make your benefit claims v/disabled

24312906? ago

24312937? ago

only watch Wakanda because Marvel is alt-right @Drstrangebeard @ObamasPinkSock @Sw0rdofDamocles

24310910? ago


This is one of the few current conspiracies to out date even MY redpilling. (I been out of the Matrix since the 90's) This helps to remind us old timers that many People have come before us, that we were never alone as the media would have us believe. This shit has been going on for a long time, and for the first time in living memory we have a chance to change that.

Let this game and how long this has been going on be a shining beacon of hope that this Q movement is bigger than anyone can imagine. LOOK how long we've known, LOOK how many knew, LOOK how much our tinfoiled fore-fathers knew and tried to redpill us about, and all we've gotten, all they ever got,.... was the sound of crickets...UNTIL NOW!

NOW, We The People, are awakening (FINALLY!!!) to the ugly truths that have been an unwitting and everyday part of our lives we've ALL been living with the consequences of and most of us had no clue about. Now we aren't just hearing crickets in response to our redpills, now we get the Mueller hearings, now we get fake impeachments, now we get fake pandemic scares, NOW we get riots in the streets when we go online and speak the truth, all over the letter Q and the number 45!

"Future proves past" God is good anons, God told us it would be this way, God warned us how to deal with these times we're living through, because He Loves Us unconditionally He didn't JUST tell us, He's SHOWING us. Just like Q is doing.

WELCOME NEWBIES! (SO glad to have you here! We've been expecting you...)

Godspeed anons! WWG1WGA

24311864? ago

Lol our “tinfoiled forefathers” 👍😊❤️

24312185? ago

I consider "The Founding Fathers" of the USA to be the original Pepes. The OG tinfoilers! kek

If you ever read what they actually wrote, it makes you wonder how We The People ever forgot. I guess it took [them] over 244yrs to get enough of us to go to sleep to get this far, so at least there's that! [They] definitely do NOT have another 244yrs left to get us back to sleep again!

24319832? ago

I think the founders of the united states left Europe because they were fleeing religious persecution. I think they were Christians fleeing the roman catholic church, which was and is satanic.- dr,s

24316153? ago

Itseasy to forget something that stays purposely and purposefully buried for 100+ yrs.

24313700? ago

Sorry, they were masons and planned for the USA to be the biggest human sacrifice in history on the dawning of the new age (i.e., right now, but for Trump).

They did accidentally leave the US with a righteous government though. They thought the people of America would gladly revert to slavery in order to gain illusory security. They were almost right too!

I think the real creation myth of the United States is being written right now.

24314086? ago

24313700? Nice. Digits Confirm your very well informed and uncommon take on the current situation. I acknowledge your hypothesis as highly plausible, and perhaps even probable. The sweet digits you just scored in that get, would seem to add further weight to the probability of your information, and thus the level of likelihood I assign the idea in my list of possibilities. KEK!

Your post just bumped that one up the list of possibles in my book. I could see the elite jerks thinking that way.

Like I've said ever since Q made it a thing: I trust "The Plan" of which Q is one part, but it's not Q's plan, it's God's "The Plan". God, "The Universe" whatever you call it, this place tends to unfold as it should and often miraculously so.

Perhaps, I've been just as fooled as the next guy thinking any part of "U.S.A." was factual and not fictitious, other than in the hearts of good folks who believed the myth, but even if its true that does NOT lesson the miracle we're all living through at the current moment, and indeed should make God's victory all the sweeter in the end!

Winning! Thanks Fren!

24314281? ago

The power of kek compels us.

The last similar “real” historical event was Russia casting off the yoke of Jewish Bolshevism. All connected!

24312404? ago

Would you be ok with a pepe on mount Rushmore? How fucking awesome would that be? Or screw it, give pepe and Trump their own mountain. Mount Kek.

24313465? ago

Man that would be awesome! On a side note, this is probably how all the weird statues we find from the ancient past get started! kek!

24310796? ago

Seen those around a lot

When people realize, it's been in front of us the whole time...smh

24881408? ago

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24325739? ago

tape runs out

24310745? ago

Well it does exist many direction~thoughts in life that bounds some elements togheter. The name may change but the cards are still on the table.


24310490? ago

I'm so old, I bought the first edition of this game when the cards were black and white.

24319846? ago

why did you buy it?

24312983? ago

and Meteor Strike was the other Ending?

24316324? ago

A possible ending, yes. Not set in stone. The purpose of the game was/is to teach that one can create one's own reality and have a forceful enough will to see "their" "plan(s)" through to "the end." All cards in this deck are on the table to be played out as each contestant wills it. As it is in this "game of cards," so shall it be "in life." There's a similar game that uses a regular poker deck, too. Although, I'm not too familiar with that version. I'm also going off of memory that's almost 32 yrs old for the game OP brought up. It could be that what I'm remembering abou the game is only one aspect of playing.

24310963? ago

He had a a masonic father? https://files.catbox.moe/yaqgx7.jpg MK-ultra, conspiracy of slavery and mind control mention the Shriners, OddFellowes and being brought to and abused? Odd Fellows from that time include John Wilkes (1725–1797) and Sir George Savile, 8th Baronet of Thornton (1726–1784), advocating civil liberties and reliefs, including Catholic emancipation. Political repressions such as the Unlawful Oaths Act (1797) and the Unlawful Societies Act (1799),[4] resulted in neutral amalgamation of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows in 1798. Since then the fraternity has remained religiously and politically independent. George IV of the United Kingdom, admitted in 1780, was the first documented of many Odd Fellows to also attend freemasonry. Wondered why such a place needed 24 working security guards every /daynight. Also the clown group of 'Jesters' Lots of shriners have been exposed as criminals and pedos, some even in the news with links to human traffickers. Who is the IOOF you ask? Odd Fellows Have Skeletons in Their Closets--and Their Walls and Attics.... epostein links ... The Odd Fellows skeletons have popped up in costume shops and as decorations in bars. One made its way into a serial killer display at a New Orleans art gallery. Another made an appearance in the cult classic horror film “Dawn of the Dead.” The Independent Order of the Odd Fellows dates to 17th-century England as a charitable organization that worked to help families in need and buried their dead....independent order of fudge packers. Another occult / esoteric society... So the bar joint was used to launder sex /drug trafficking. Wondered why such a place needed 24 working security guards every /daynight..."Odd Fellows Local 151, behind the firehouse" Omar Investments ENR, Odd Fellow 17 years. A timeline puts Derek Chauvin, George Floyd showing up to security at Rodeo Cantina and club right after the FBI busts Basim Sabri. Planned riots, they did something similar almost 200 yrs ago ... Haiti is a good example. A soros or a bill gates are just little doggos for them, there are a lot of soros in our world, I read about a one in France called Jackes Attali the jewish soros in France, I think, the real French shadow president that he is a supporter of euthanasia for the 70 years old French because he think seriously that they are a useless burdden. And his pedo jewish bolchevic friend cohn bendit has already push euthanasia years ago. Do not know if he done it yet. Bricks Delivered to Streets, MexiMaya, JewishJacob, a Soros building with drug offenses, 17 yrs together at an old Temple & Nightclub... la Raza radio...and degree to which they're pushing race in this? the ones vandalizing are an ally of the Muslim Brotherhood.

24316226? ago

Whoa, anon. You're dad? Wow. What was it like growing up under that?

24310206? ago

INWO CCG. Played it in high school

24310303? ago

Me too

24310163? ago

Yup... most anons have known for years... I never saw that last one though... the tape runs out. Interdasting.

Reminds me of:

…5Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his right hand to heaven. 6And he swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and everything in it, the earth and everything in it, and the sea and everything in it: “There will be no more delay! 7But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be fulfilled, just as He proclaimed to His servants, the prophets.”…

Some translations say 'there will be time no more' instead of 'there will be no more delay'. But its a SUDDEN stop of ALL fuckery on earth. And a repossessing of it by the creator.

24325747? ago

Tape runs out is the scary one.

We hear it said all the time.

If they know they will lose, they take us all down.

Read the card, thats what it means.

24326047? ago

Ill read it again. I just figured, it was the end of their time. Like something comes and puts a FORCEFUL stop to everything on earth.

I remember POTUS saying he was going to take back our 'stolen time', and that 4eva GIF of him being president for ever is interesting.

Almost as if were stuck in a time loop till we get our shit figured out, like if you get to the end of a record and it keeps replaying the last 360 degrees. Reset.

24312972? ago

Some of them ended with the Big Asteroid

24311480? ago

Angels despise humans.

24310133? ago

The original set is super expensive (from $100 to $1000 depending on condition). I had to settle for buying the 1995 edition which is highly censored. They removed almost all the good stuff. Steve Jackson became very wealthy and famous in the 1970's for his "Choose your own adventure" book series. He entered a secret society (not sure which one). He published the Illuminati game because of that experience, because he believed the best way to teach people was through games.

24310624? ago

I remember reading the Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone choose your own adventure series as a kid. Can't believe I'd be reading about him again on here...

24310352? ago


He also published the game Car Wars.

24313861? ago

Hundreds of hours with car wars as a kid. Great game.

24310638? ago

I ...SEE... what you did FNORD there.


24311191? ago

We turned Illuminati into a drinking game, back in the day.

24310112? ago

I loved the board game "dealer mcdope" Square path like monopoly. Along one edge you earned money, the next you scored drugs, the third you faced losing some of your drugs and money to crooked cops or other means and on the 4th side you got to sell what you had left. First person to a set money goal wins lol.

24309921? ago

Iirc it was from 1995

24309825? ago


24311143? ago

WTF a celebrity edgy fashion Church of Cannibals? https://files.catbox.moe/2vcyrg.jpg , https://yuki.la/x/20209464

24309950? ago

Even more early, inspired by the 1975 book, The Illuminatus! Trilogy, by Robert Anton Wilson. It was designed as a "tongue-in-cheek rather than serious" take on conspiracy theories. It contains groups named similarly to real world organizations, such as the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Symbionese Liberation Army. It can be played by two to eight players. Depending on the number of players, a game can take between one and six hours. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/20453798/ The players take role of Illuminati societies that struggle to take over the world. The Pocket Box edition depicted six Illuminati groups: The Bavarian Illuminati, The Discordian Society, The UFOs, The Servants of Cthulhu, The Bermuda Triangle, and The Gnomes of Zürich. The deluxe edition added the Society of Assassins and The Network, and the Illuminati Y2K expansion added the Church of The SubGenius and Shangri-La. The aim of the game is fulfilled when Illuminati build a power structure consisting of given number of cards (dependent on number of players), or when Illuminati fulfill its special goal, (such as controlling at least one card of each alignment for the Bermuda Triangle).

The world is represented by group cards such as Secret Masters of Fandom, the CIA, The International Communist Conspiracy, Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow, California, and many more – there are over 300 official cards available. Every group and Illuminati has some Power, Resistance and Income values; most of the world groups have an Alignment. The game is written with the usual SJG humor. The game uses a multitude of conspiracy theory in-jokes, with cards such as the Boy Sprouts (where sinister youth leaders influence the world leaders of tomorrow), the Orbital Mind Control Lasers, the Mafia, two headed Anti-Nuclear Activists, or Trekkies. Special cards represent unexpected phenomena and features, for example increasing Income or Resistance of a group.

24311031? ago

The trilogy is a good read.

As a gun owner when I read that terrorist events and mass shootings will lead to total gun confiscation I perked up a bit.

24309783? ago

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