24322102? ago

I've wondered a lot about this. How do you explain how seemingly "normal" and "smart" people have become completely deranged with TDS?

Is it just from watching TV? Social pressure? Fluoride in the water?

How do they get adult white males and females to apologize to blacks when secretly they know it's bullshit and would cross the street if a black guy approached them?

I don't get it.

24323376? ago

Every single person I know who is a rabid liberal is someone who is pissed at God. Simple as that. Liberalism is their god. And CNN's anchors are their clergy. Very simple.

This is good versus evil.

24323535? ago

I'm not religious and I still can use my brain. Nice try though. God bless.

24323633? ago

Thank you, you give me hope that there are some who see it.

24320057? ago

We can stop saying MSM and just call it out. Jews are destroying this country

24318695? ago

Fuck some sense into her.

24316342? ago

Sorry that happened to you. You're not alone. The media is turning liberals from goofy dummies to ugly spewing rage machines that won't listen to ANYTHING and who will attack unprovoked.

24314653? ago

Wow.. Is her name my sister??? lol

24314512? ago

good riddance, they'll be back after the arrests

24314410? ago

My 70+ year old Californian mom loves to repeat MSM talking points about the WuFlu. She thinks because she hears it from the radio and doesn't watch TV that she is informed.

24314321? ago

I got bum-rushed off the phone by one of my best friends wishing him a happy birthday the other day which happened to be Trump's b-day.. Worst part is he is now even more entitled since he is a Silicon Valley big wig with big bucks.

We would normally talk for a long time.

Haven't been invited to his family functions either.

My buddy has CNN and MSNBC on all day in his home office. He doesn't yell at the TV like some of my family members, but he always has some type of closed-ended comment and expects me to agree.

I am not going to give up though.

24313716? ago

I've seen this in action. The masters of the universe know secrets about psychology, how the brain works and how to brainwash people that I can't begin to grasp. Look at the control they've exerted over billions of people with smoke, mirrors and fear. I've seen smart, genuinely kind-hearted people turn rabid. Things are a lot further along that I thought and at the speed we're going I believe I might be around to witness the end game.

24313309? ago

Hung up on my granny the other day.. sad

24313132? ago

Next time, end it with a friendly wrestling match, person that gets pinned has to shut the fuck up and eat crow the rest of the day.

This method can get them to re-think their positions. Literally and figuratively.

24313026? ago

Covid? Really? That discussion is over at this point. It ended the day that "experts" told us Covid would kill us unless we happen to be rioters or protesters.

In any case, that person isn't your friend.

24314387? ago

You would be surprised how many people flip-flopped back to "YOU WILL DIE! DIE! DIE!"

I live in Vegas and they are trying to scare everyone as we have had large crowds since June 4th. You can tell who wants us to wear masks... mostly NeverTrumpers and Resistards. Many neighbors in my tract are over it. The rest are cowering and going on Nextdoor mask-shaming people.

24317275? ago

I wish someone would mask shame me.. just so I can tell them that I'm immune since I'm a protester

24312783? ago

Most people are shitheads.

24312552? ago

the brainwash is real.

24312416? ago

MSM = jews

just say it faggot.

24312270? ago


24311828? ago

If it's your house, throw THEM out!

24311800? ago

A few of my 30-year friends are John Oliver, Anderson Cooper, Jim Acosta lap dogs. All of the wives/husbands all real close - we spend weekends at the beach together and sometimes go on vacation together. I have this uneasy feeling that its all going to come crashing to a very ugly end soon. I've been very quiet and let them all vag-flap about Trump....sometimes hearing them say some disgusting things. But for the sake of the friendships - I've not engaged. Its actually come to the point, where I think I will be the one to flip out and unceremoniously go ape shit on them. My patience is frazzling with them. I consider them part of the problem. They're smart people. But they live their lives like smart dumb people.

I know when the fit hits the shan, we're all supposed to welcoming and ease them into the light with care and compassion.

I won't lie. I'm quite confident I'm going to rub their noses in it. Hard! They, and countless others, recklessly welcomed evil into our lives - and I think the deserve to feel some pain for what they did.

24315211? ago

Same - I resent their obnoxiousness ignorance and I won't be spending much time with any of the fools I used to call friends unless they come with their tails between their legs and admit how wrong they were.

24311717? ago

The wife is fairly recently awakened. She had a life long friend and they clashed from time to time. About a month ago she started quoting song and dance from CNN even naming names of her CNN favorities. My wife has stopped taking her calls or talking to her at all. She said that was the final straw, "we don't have a damned thing in common anymore".

24311696? ago

There are some old political cartoons from the 1970's that show people in a stupor, watching their TV's. Now that the shows and the messages have gotten even crazier than they were then, people who watch them have become totally insane.

24311666? ago

Never seen a better imagery of what is happening. The deep state is not only entrenched in the high level organisation, it is I think mostly unconsciously entrenched, where these domestic terrorists slowly created by the MSM are doing the radical damage. They really themselves think they are doing it for the good cause and obviously inflating their moral superiority

24311663? ago

You're better off without cunty sheep in your life.

24311550? ago

Those that push propaganda on the MSM should be arrested for causing social disruption.

Someone tell Don Lemon thatThe first legal slave owner in American history was a black tobacco farmer named Anthony Johnson.

24316629? ago

And who enslaved and sold those young black men and women? African warlords and arab traders, mostly. Even then, only a tiny percentage of all those African slaves ever ended up in America, and yet that's where all the outrage is focused.

24311496? ago

Words are majic. In days of yor a witch would say an incantation and make you fall in love or fall asleep. Today words are spoken and people run out and by toilet paper. They taught Spell-ing to every child and those that were good casters became the media and PR professionals. Call them out and let them know "your spelling has no power anymore"

24311061? ago

Its called souless humans, in the end times (now) the bible mentions them.

24310805? ago

This is why I am like WHY EVEN TRY TO HIDE WHO YOU ARE. This fucking "conservative" mindset is going to GET US FUCKING RENDERED MOOT. At some point you WILL have to show your power level - I just peacock that shit out at this point. Yeah I am a nigger hating American who believes America should be a white hegemony who maintain a permanent, unquestionable, majority. Expel the jew by '22!

24310752? ago

One of the most insidious characteristics some folks carry into adulthood is the inability to discern between ’friends’ and acquaintances.

That flaw leads to a series of negative surprises, disappointments, and other sad consequences resulting in stories like this from OP.

24310645? ago

Been there, done that.

Histrionic betas and cunts are no longer welcome at any location where I pay the property taxes.

Life is too short to willingly suffer imbeciles.

24310431? ago

I was recently visited by a cousin from Chicago. She had always been hard core Republican and an avid Trump supporter. She still claims to be hard core Republican, but no longer a fan of Trump because of how crass his words are to his detractors. She can't see how crass the words of the media and his detractors are to him. She then mentioned she thinks the Chicago Mayor has been given a bad rap. I had to do a double-take to see if she had been replaced by a pod person. I'm still not sure she hasn't.

24311012? ago

Show her the mayor of Chicago on a hot mic talking about putting someone who swore allegiance to the NWO in a position.

24315177? ago

oooh, need that link pls

24310387? ago

Did you fuck her first?

24310478? ago

Who would want to? You might get what she has.

24310325? ago

Good for you Patriot. Stand your ground.

24310299? ago

One of my brothers thinks he has covid constantly ... he doesn’t but he is so mental, he keeps getting tested. He now has no symptoms at all and is getting a blood test. It’s a mental disorder. Turn off the News (all of it) and you may be able to overcome TDS and all the MSM propaganda.

24310485? ago

PhD? That is a lot of programming.

24310586? ago

Yeah, but he is 59 ... but he subscribes to The NY Times ... so he believes their BS

24310599? ago

Ugh! Old enough to know better. Even the people in my family prefer to selfishly go about their lives instead of fighting with the patriots.

24316064? ago

He is totally brainwashed by the MSM

24310293? ago

Let me guess, a white women?

24310224? ago

I was banging this liberal psycho the other day, and every time she was about to cum, I would slow down. Did it like 4-5x before she screamed "you cant just stop like that, keep going!"....so as she is getting closer again, I said "I'm gonna pull out unless you say 'Donald Trump is the greatest President this country has ever seen,' I am dead serious"....she asks me if I'm serious, I said yes, and then another 30secs later and she made this angry Chewbacca noise and then screamed "DONALD TRUMP IS THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER!!"

So I started to slow down a tiny bit and she screeches "I SAID IT I SAID IT!" and I told her she fucked it up a little, so she can try again. She starts begging me to please not stop, so being the kind gentlemen I am, I allowed her to finish, and then, having thoroughly disgusted myself that I could even stick my dick in something this crazy decided to leave her with a going away present, spat right on her asshole, and dumped 600million swimmers as deeply in her colon as I could.

24310136? ago

Fuck all these mind controlled slaves - they're going to be "turned on" soon using NLP keywords, and when that happens they'll be programmed to kill their conservative friends and family members. Lock them out of your life in every way starting NOW!!

24310125? ago

She was fat wasn’t she

24310116? ago

You have witnessed firsthand victims of the psyop

24309924? ago

I think it's demonic possession - Don't mess with it, protect yourself.

24309922? ago

These people are sick.

The remedy via spiritual.

24309917? ago

sometimes they act like children I never engage them when they act like children

24309862? ago

As you raise your vibration those around you, friends, family, co-workers etc, will no longer be compatible. Don't try to change people. Allow your energy to attract new folk into your life. Say goodbye to anyone and everyone who is not on your path. As the planet moves into 5D the world will split. The 3D old way of thinking remains as the prison matrix and you who would move into 5D are leaving it all behind. If you still associate with the 3D world then that's where you will remain.

24316651? ago

Well said. Highly recommend the book The Vibrational Universe for those interested in the basics of this awareness.

24310279? ago


24309703? ago

My mother yelled me out of her house once as well. I didn't hate Trump enough for her liking. And I was on vacation visiting HER! They truly are completely brainwashed. I asked her if she was for a civil war. She said " whatever it takes." which means she's ok with all of us in the house being killed over an ideology. My mother is mentally sickened by socialist propaganda. A CNN junkie with a Bernie sticker on her fridge.

24310501? ago

You just reminded me of a bible verse: And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.

24309652? ago

PART OF THE 4-6% THAT ARE STUCK in a time warp.

24309587? ago

She was social distancing by going to your house? You should have ended the dumb cunt.

24309550? ago

Welcome to the club, it won't be the first time before it's all over.

24309456? ago

I was one of the lucky ones. I got curious before I got psychotic.

24309432? ago

We've been noticing the 5 phases of grief making it's rounds to a lot of people. Even my cats are acting up, however it is flea season and hard to sleep. Sorry to hear about your friend and the stress. I can't imagine how hard it will be for them when the truth is learned by them. Whole swaths of our populations are already traumatized and this will effect children and families going forward. It will be messy. I think mental illness will have a new definition particularly for the persnickety types. Regular folks need to learn to chill.

24309780? ago

when the truth is learned by them.

It's sad that you've been brainwashed into thinking that's going to happen.

24309405? ago

I dropped social media a few years ago.

I don't associate with anyone I spent the years of 2008-2016 with.

New gf comes from conservative parents that are still together. We graduated same class same hq. Neither of us can stand it.

People have lost their minds. Waking up, in the political sense, is WAY more alienating than waking up esoterically, which is utterly shocking.

Sucks y'all, I miss people but not their conditioning and resultant behavior.

24309357? ago

It gets to be fun after you have been at it enough years. It makes me smile just reading about it. I guess that's because I've run out of people to throw out. Ahhhh peace :)

24309323? ago

Your friends are bad and you should feel bad.

All my friends are raging racists like me.

Get new friends.

24309316? ago

Fuck her! To dumb to keep as a friend.

And I really hope people are soon going to start shooting these msm traitors in their own homes.

24309270? ago

When you don't live in God Word. You live in the Fallen World.

24309103? ago

Should have punched that cunt, if you're a lady too...

or had a wife do it.

I'm done, friends nuthin, lines drawn, they jump they out.

24309073? ago

Sad times

24309060? ago

MSM is the last hold on their reality, They are waking. Just hard to seee right now. Maximum Pressure.

24309059? ago

Apparently she wanted to safe you from your misfortune of being able to see clearly.

It is difficult to remain friends with people who have internalized the narcicism that usually needs to be learned to become a liberalism lefty TDS sufferer.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

24309002? ago

It’s fascism. Disguised as anti fascism.

24315164? ago


24309000? ago

Yup guy i live with still watches fucking maddow after i shown him the court case against her, another guy with the good job family etc etc has all his shit together somehow thinks biden is the right choice, iam going to keep suggesting it, you need to hijack a TV station and let the real america speak, if you can get the air waves back you can get america back.

24309062? ago

we dont need the airwaves. we just need to allow leftism to show itself. Defeat the media and our true enemy in one swipe.

24308970? ago

Food for thought... them being wrong and brainwashed doesn't automatically make us correct. I still have high hopes for Trump coming through for us, but I'm not foolish enough to think that there isn't a chance that the whole thing is a psyop. If Q turns out to be a psyop then we too are brainwashed and preaching false prophets. If that ends up being the case then we aren't any better than the msm gang, but simply the ying to their yang in the circle of mislead individuals. And if that's the case it wouldn't make us bad people or mean that our hearts aren't in the right place, it would just mean that we were fooled. I try to keep this in mind before going in to hard on anyone who doesn't share my beliefs when it comes to this stuff

24313115? ago

It is this thought that makes me nauseous.

24312572? ago

Most of us would be better then the MSM because we can admit we have been duped. Then we grab our guns and take care of business.

24311888? ago

Trust the plan?

24309139? ago

also true. I have hope, not faith.

24309408? ago

I have never heard the MSM say to think for ourselves.

24309742? ago

"Think for yourselves... about this riddle I'm feeding you."

In fact, your whole comment is repetition of the response Q programmed you to say. Many of you are nothing but a Q soundboard, with stock phrases to play for the occasion, Patriot...

24310308? ago

Trust the plan

24313002? ago

it will be biblical

24315396? ago

99% of patriots will be in the hospital when they learn the truth.

24309448? ago

They'll say it while double meaning, "by watching us, despite being told we are liars"

They are pretty slippery fuckers.

24309066? ago

yes keep thinking for yourself. For me, this plan is brilliant and I cant think of a better way. But never believe anyone feedinf you shit. You are awake

24308946? ago

this is why nowadays i sound like a woo-woo person for saying that mainstream news is LITERALLY a magic spell and these drones who follow are under it. they harness the spirit of the demons they listen to. it's crazy. it's like only miracles can break the spell.

24308898? ago

The Deep State is trying to start a civil war is exactly what they are doing...and Democrat states are throwing gas on the fire every chance they get to make it happen by allowing these riots and protests hoping it will spread...can't have elections if the country is burning.

The MSM should be shut down NOW....but that itself would cause a shit show....but if the people financing this shit were to suddenly disappear would go unnoticed..they are funding terrorism...insurrection...send the seal teams after them...which if I were Trump I would have done long ago....make them look like a suicide...hung from their bathroom door knob with a red scarf.

24308893? ago

this is the biggest letdown of qanon so far

i greatly underestimated how long it would take for the clown msm to be exposed

i was stupid enough to think we had some protections from overt media lies

but it seems even the biggest of news clowns is beyond justice (for now)

seriously, does cnn have a samson option or something? why the fuck is acosta still being coddled at pressers?

is the msm being used by whitehats to help deprogram? how long must we watch our loved ones slip away into sheer idiocy?

24309015? ago

All this shit was a crazy conspiracy theory 3 years ago...95% of the population was oblivious to it...but MUCH has changed in 3 years....to be honest I never thought I would see the day after 30+ years of living in the fucking Twilight Zone since I was awakened...and it is glorious...

For those of you who just recently have been awakened thanks to Trump...you don't have a clue how bad it was to be able to appreciate just how far we have come...which is why some of us seem much more confident in Trump and Q...

We know what it was like before them....sure we don't have every American awakened yet...but we have the majority....which is 1000x better then what we had just 3 years ago...and it is only going to get worst for the Deep State as everyday more and more are awakened.

Trust the plan Patriots...nothing can stop whats coming.

24309853? ago

Both you and the left believe you're "awakened". It's quite a revealing phenomenon.

24309165? ago

i've been archiving offline since 2012, due to SH and BB being so overtly wrong

9/11 truth has been around for 20 years now, a person just has to have an interest

when potus first said "fake news", i knew we were entering anew phase

either the media is being sacrificed in a last-ditch psyop to destroy america

or the media is legitimately self-destructing while trying to take down potus

i'm praying for the latter

24309941? ago

What did you think of the 2012 election...if that didn't open peoples eyes to the corruption taking place then they need glasses..cause the dirty fucks didn't even try to hide it...they knew the sheep had their heads so far up their asses they would not notice...and those that did were censored off the internet...laughed at or ridiculed as crazy nut job conspiracy theorists which prevented many ball less bitches from even talking about it out of fear of being ridiculed lol...I myself was proud of the handle...a badge of honor...

My how things have change since then...since Trump...the sheep are waking up...which is why this country is being turned into a mad house...

The Deep State controlled Dumbofucks are running scared exposing themselves thinking they have chance...

24315375? ago

after 9/11 and the coverage of that event, i stopped trusting most everything coming from pols and propaganda news

24309070? ago

Trust the plan. Seriously.Truml gam theory is unbelievably effective if you just step out of the way.

24308870? ago

Friend of 30 years had never raised his voice at me and finally did over "Trump" told me that I was brainwashed and needed to get "woke".

24312401? ago


You know what I ask? "Were you publicly schooled? How many hours of television are you consuming every day?"

24316055? ago

Yes on publicly schooled. I have no idea how many hours of TV. I don't get my news from there. I can't stand it. I know he watches TV and shows, etc...

24309075? ago

just wait till he wakes up. will be a strong ally.

24309760? ago

You are delusional.

24309138? ago

I've tried. Everything I say he goes to "snopes" and says nope it's been debunked. He also says Trump is an ignorant idiot with a low IQ. That he is not president material like "Obama". I asked so who do you think is president material and he said "Jimmy Kimmel" That he was logical, knowledgeable about politics and articulate. lol

24310460? ago

WOW! Sounds like an aunt of mine. COmpletely out of her mind. It's like someone else is in there.

24309189? ago

But his effort to try to discover truth after your talks is evidence enough, He will absolutely wake up in time.

24309219? ago

I can only hope. I can't stand his arguments that are all based on lies so now I'm just avoiding all things politics.

24309234? ago

love conquers all. I have a lefty friend that now hates the media and blames them for lying and causing all this trouble, thinks trump isnt as bad as people say, and also does photo shoots for black lives matter.

The cognitive dissonance is building. Let it. Trust the plan.

24309031? ago

It will be very hard for some people...they can't admit to themselves that they have been played...made to look like a fool...but when they do...oh shit look out.

24310453? ago

It's a painful process being woke. Be kind and patient. Walk away peacefully if necessary.

24308856? ago

It's social media... they are all drug addicts progressing into deeper psychosis by the day:


24315110? ago

Bullshit about Trump being addicted to Twitter, but everything else sounds about right

24312361? ago

Quality response, thank you.

24308839? ago

Fuck that dumb bitch then.

24308825? ago

Its cognitive dissonance, you are threatening their whole world view, it's a threat to everything they know and belive and so they get angry at the mear suggestion it could be wrong as soon as they start to realise what your saying could be true..

Try telling them somthing that is obviously false, and runs against their world view and they will be calm and understanding

Its amazing to watch, but understand they get angry when you are landing the punches and when they start to doubt...

24312388? ago

Here's how he further defined ideological subversion:

"What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."

Bezmenov described this process as "a great brainwashing" which has four basic stages. The first stage is called "demoralization" which takes from 15 to 20 years to achieve. According to the former KGB agent, that is the minimum number of years it takes to re-educate one generation of students that is normally exposed to the ideology of its country. In other words, the time it takes to change what the people are thinking.

He used the examples of 1960s hippies coming to positions of power in the '80s in the government and businesses of America. Bezmenov claimed this generation was already "contaminated" by Marxist-Leninist values. Of course, this claim that many baby boomers are somehow espousing KGB-tainted ideas is hard to believe but Bezmenov's larger point addressed why people who have been gradually "demoralized" are unable to understand that this has happened to them.

Referring to such people, Bezmenov said:

"They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior."


24310320? ago

That's a great experiment. I will have to try that.

24309125? ago


They were at an Ipod party in heaven eating corn dogs and you waltzed up and from their perspective for no-good-reason, yanked the whole damn tablecloth away revealing the giant pile of years old bullshit. They cant take it and you made it happen, you motherfucker.

24308821? ago

Evil is bad. Do NOT let evil into your house. In fact. Use Olive oil (ask blessing for it) anoint your door posts and pray that God keep evil FROM YOUR HOME AT ALL TIIMES!

24308794? ago

the 4-6% are lost.

24309768? ago

Only 46%? It's waaaay more than that.

24308745? ago

She needs the dick

24308699? ago

MKUltra went so well they took it nationwide. They figured out the brain a long time ago and have been after our free will ever since. No free will = 100% control. Some will not be able to be saved, even with the red enema.

24308801? ago

Many people are meant to be useful idiots. They are meant to be used for others to flourish. It's nature. One person needs to suffer for the other to succeed. The media has a monopoly on brainwashing, but you can do brainwashing too, but sometimes it's not brainwashing that you want to do, its manipulation.

24308658? ago

I kept many with TDS so I could say I told you so. Finally decided it was not worth it. Got rid of a hundred on FB with more coming soon.

24308632? ago

Karen syndrome is the real epidemic.

24308557? ago

Coworkers and extended family are completely brainwashed. I’ve shared qmap.pub, praying medic, out of shadows, archbishop’s open letter... still CNN and something in the water has them spewing hate, I respond with unity and calm reason... but the personal attacks on my character are intolerable. You need thick skin... and the Armor of God.

24311634? ago

This may sound crazy, but why not say a prayer to have the spell they are under lifted or evaporated, because one is for certain, they are under a spell. Peace and Love to you..

24312294? ago


24310893? ago

something in the water

Indeed. People hooked on Fluoride and Sugar are not much better than those hooked on Waffles and Meth.

You get out what you put in.

Diet is key.

24308526? ago

Honestly I ask myself all the time how I escaped this. The only thing I can think of is, I don't watch TV. TV apparently has a frequency that allows telepathic transmissions, aided by the altered (hypnotic) state it creates. If you doubt this just watch 5 year olds in front of the television. Slack-jawed, totally checked out. There is a reason TV shows are called "programming"

24414454? ago

There even is a patent on googlepatents for exactly what your describing

24312546? ago

Tell a vision.

24311804? ago

If you haven't seen it there's a Robert Crumb cartoon from around 40 years ago that depicts a TV watcher. It fits.

24310300? ago

My father always called it the Boob Tube when I was a kid. It makes a boob out of the viewer.

24313854? ago

Based WWII Dad was who schooled me on politics as well as my choice in men.

24311774? ago

The real name with all anons should point to exactly who controls it. It is the Jewtube.

24310982? ago

also known as the idiot box

24309205? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/CrazyStupidBitches comment.

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24308502? ago

The jewish lying press is committing atrocities every day.

The brainwashing they are doing is a war crime.

24308490? ago

my family is fucking brainwashed by the jew media

24308460? ago

TDS, it’s real. Some old timer flipped out on me. I’ve experienced it

24308447? ago

Yep, wonder what it’s going to take before President Trump puts a stop to it.

24308434? ago

I've tried as well friends. These people will never wake up and when the information is disclosed they will be so mentally damaged they will have a mental breakdown. The combination of their upbringing, education and social programming has done it's job so well they believe that Obama was a great president because he spoke eloquently. Everything is Trumps fault. He's racist yet married a foreigner. He colluded with Russia but there's no evidence.? These people still believe Arab terrorist's took down the towers with planes. They believe everything the media tells them. This is why we've been reminded about cognative dissonence, commonly known as Trump derangement syndrome. Stay the course of righteousness. Fuck that dumb bitch.

24308553? ago

Have you ever looked at what the left is preaching to their masses? They literally twist everything done out of context. It's really disgusting.

24308469? ago

We’re never going to get 9/11 truth.

There’s a whole generation of lying between then and now. Everyone is conditioned to think questioning the official version is retardation.

24310238? ago

The truth is there. 2000 engineers show it fell at free fall speeds.

24308607? ago

giuliani is complicit as well.

Bet Trump is somehow as well.

9/11 was many things that we will never know.

Megaton comes to mind.

24311780? ago

Wasn't there a theft of a tremendous amount of gold from the underground vaults at the WTC complex on the morning of 9/11?

24312158? ago

what about the pallets of exotic material that have nothing to do with WTC.

what about the massive underground lots they have that are apparently not filled with anything?

why is the public only allowed to know about c1 to c5? what about c6 and c7?

c6 and c7 aren't made to be known for any lay person.

I left because I am just THAT sure they are going to blow it all the fuck up again.

I got gang stalked there on account of i'm the type to disarm and disable shit without letting anyone know.

we had backdoor power access that revealed elite control over the grid.

I can gi onnn and onnn and onnn and ooohhh.....

24308379? ago

Not a friend if they have TDS, just let them go.

24308376? ago

... You still have friends.. Pffttt. Fucking SLACKER. What the fuck have you been doing the last 5 years? I've been alone for like 2 years now. Get to work faggot.

24311181? ago

You're not alone. You're surrounded by all these goats.

24309424? ago


Lost many, alienated potential new peeps and became a proud and obnoxious evil genious. Thankfully I still have some loyal friends. It takes a certain moral ambition, and a lot of intellectual courage.

I wish I'd find the formula of how to instill or inspire such an attitude in people regarding breaking the limits of their known and integrating it into their lives.

A certain way to charismatically shine the light of truth

24308595? ago

alone for 3 now. the veil lifting happened so fast.

why did I even want to waste time hanging out with these fucking people?

now as a soy millenial, I farmstead.

24308772? ago

No soy no any fucking processed shit soy in near all. ESTROGEN

24310353? ago

And that’s why there are adult males who are betas, and have the testosterone levels of 12 year old boys. Because of soy and soy fillers in processed food. Deliberately done to take the alpha out of men. We are witnesses to the transformation of men into soy boys, trannies and so forth.

It needs to stop. Bring back the men of old.

24322758? ago

Its part of why males at age 20 develop ED.

24308792? ago

yeah. whatever the boomers tell me i'm made of.

24310217? ago

Fakn millenials. Read the question before you defend yourself. Sheesh.

24308975? ago

Soy has high levels of estrogen

24309640? ago

Soynuts also give you soft stool if you eat too many.

24320747? ago

Also a soft dick.

24308459? ago

Yep. No one turns out for my lectures either. Kek

24308239? ago

You know that web-bot guy, Clif High? He was interviewed by Greg Hunter shortly after the election and was talking about what we now call TDS, the batshit-crazy screamers and criers on election night and at the inauguration. I can't find the interview so to paraphrase what he said, if you imagine that our water, food and air are purposefully loaded with reactive metals, effectively turning us into human antennae, and there is an additional technology that exists, 50 years ahead of anything we've heard of, a satellite that can beam telepathic messages to said antennae.... you can start to understand why these people have gone on tilt, they all scream the same talking points, but when asked to explain or expand on their opinions they cannot. It was drilled into their subconscious mind that Hillary was their president, that Hillary won the election, and when it didn't happen they experienced a mental, emotional and physical error code in their brains that they can't reconcile.

Q said they blew up this satellite I think? But TDS is still a thing. Maybe not as bad. I should know, I'm a closeted Trump supporter in a TDS minefield.

24309654? ago

11/11/18 earth rang like a bell releasing the massice from thier mind controll.

24308394? ago

His best shit was his 4 hours of Antarctica on Forum Borealis

24308493? ago

Listening now

24309114? ago

hey um... passerby anon here....

can I get a link too? sounds decent. will also dig myself. I know about the web bot guy but never heard this bit.

24308217? ago

I’m sorry. Why are people arguing over Covid19?

24308419? ago

She is sure it's coming back and I'm letting my daughter, who turned 16 today, go with two other healthy girlfriends for an overnight. How dare I?

24309830? ago

Make sure she doesn't come back. There's a zombie inhabiting that body.

24308399? ago

Jew told. Them to.

24308370? ago

Some are convinced that if you get it you WILL die. If you aren't in their "mask, stay home, keep everything closed" cult you want people to die.

24308477? ago

They’re the ones who wish everyone would start dying.

24308395? ago

unless you're "protesting" for St. George....

Then its ok

24308167? ago

NPCs aren't worth arguing with

24310625? ago

We were tasked to take care of the sheep anons. They will need hand holding to find the light.

24312621? ago

I think the lines are mostly drawn now. Most of them won't listen.

24309526? ago

They deal with feels before facts, so then....send them 4chan, gamer, kek memes until their brain explodes? https://files.catbox.moe/qwjwqn.JPG

24308508? ago

Beg to differ, they are like the dust-covered people in shock on 9-11, they need help being led to safety. Most can be rescued, a few cannot

24309698? ago

Most can be rescued? Good luck wasting your life on those people.

24308531? ago

9-11 was one generation ago. Not an excuse. They are allowing themselves to be deceived by the electric jew. If you're willing to help them come out of the forest, I hope you are successful. It's not easy playing psychological nurse.

24308863? ago

deceived by the electric Jew

I don’t think you people realize how funny you are. Lol

24309502? ago

Wait until you hear about the liquid jew that people have been drinking.

24310158? ago

They can take electric and liquid forms? How advanced they must be.

24309608? ago


24309772? ago


I can't recall who came up with "The ___ Jew" snowclone but TRS used to have a lexicon. The original source was probably some old-school extremist actually... But they weren't wrong. :/

TRS are possible mosaad agents, or at least FBI informants BTW. One of the DJs got doxxed a few years ago and he was married to a Jew! That is why their Jewish impersonations were so good, they were intimately familiar.

24308163? ago


Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses

24308132? ago

Agreed 1000%. People have taken on complete psychological transformations from all the MSM brainwashing.

The MSM is creating domestic terrorist sleeper cells all over the country and telling those participants that it is okay to destroy America because... TDS says you can.

24312168? ago

that's what 2nd storey windows are for

24309441? ago

Yes in my 35 years for the first time ever talking about race my Karen of s mother told me to watch what I say because black lives matter.

Its WEAPONIZED propaganda.

24315665? ago

My mother kicked me out of the house because she can't wrap her head around why the television would lie to her. This, despite the fact she admitted to me that the government has always lied, about WWII, Vietnam, the JFK assassination, etc,. So you mean to tell me we have all been duped before and now that I'm explaining to you that (((they))) are doing it again, I'm the crazy one?

24317049? ago

I am so grateful to have a mother who knows the score. She has lived this once already in 1930's Europe. I know not to call her during Tucker Carlson's slot. It's probably the only things she watches on TV. She's a pip. Bought a new car at age 94 and broke quarantine to shop for her birthday last month. She got tired of a family member who kept buying her organic this and fair trade that.

24322745? ago

My mom was on the news the other day holding an All Lives Matter sign.

24316417? ago

There's a reason it's called the Idiot Box

24309667? ago

Sounds like it's not your mother that's inhabiting that body anymore. Are you ever going to talk to her again?

24308790? ago

Radical groups enlist and indoctrinate kids, teaching them that arson and looting is an acceptable form of escalation protest: resistance.


24309597? ago

Why are groups like this allowed in school? Or are they an outside group like the Boy Scouts.

Why are well-off kids eager to get arrested and even escalate the incident? They aren't even fighting for own interest but for ungrateful niggers. Even if they succeeded the population would drop to midieval levels...

24316867? ago

Why are well-off kids eager to get arrested and even escalate the incident?

Because they are gay and their parents are communists.

24308383? ago

They are agent smiths. Straight outta the matrix.

24317260? ago

Reminds me of the 2nd season of HBO’s True Blood where they were all possessed by the Maynad.

24311559? ago

The matrix protects it's self. When you bring up a subject that is out of the narrative all of a sudden a an agent appears and reiterates the programed narrative.

24311742? ago

Especially on line where they have people astro-turfing every site.

24313177? ago

Research flat Earth.

24314263? ago

It's a fucking hoax, some dumbass fuckers made up, and even stupider fuckers follow.

24314941? ago

Thanks for proving the point.

24313958? ago

My research conclusion is that the earth is not flat

24310690? ago

Love that meme. And it is so true. Amazing how “triggered” they are; and then agent smith appears. We have particularly been seeing this in older (60’s and 70’s) middle class women. They actually listen to NPR; it’s like an addiction.

24316385? ago

The women I know in that age range are all die hard conservative Trump supporters with some Q thrown in. Guess I lucked out in the friend dept. I do have one family member that meets this description who is full on CNNNPR... What an unhappy mean-spirited person!

24317021? ago

We are starting the process of reducing our mountains of accumulated stuff and moving somewhere smaller. We don't know where yet, and it's complicated by the family being spread out all over. I'd like to be somewhere where it's easier to find friends who aren't all mental. There is much to like where we are, but the taxes and politics aren't to my liking.

24316436? ago

I do have to add in that I do know a few women in that demographic who have been red-pilled sometime after POTUS Trump was elected. They have lost many friends to the NPR/CNN indoctrination.

24310957? ago

That's my age group. It has been lonely being a conservative woman in this generation, and it's getting worse.

24316411? ago

It is just so odd. I have been around a couple of these people where I have to go in and out of their apartments. They seem to have NPR on all the time. Each room has a radio with the same NPR station playing. As addicted to it as they are I find it repulsive. There must be an MK Ultra kind of messaging in the programming; like a John Oliver show. You can pick up the buzz words/phrases of the hour/day very quickly. For example one day last week I kept hearing "peaceful protesters" on the NPR programming and then I ran into another woman who was a long term neighbor to a rental property I was visiting. She told me how excited she was that some "peaceful protesters" had walked down the street the night before and they were carrying a "Black Lives Matter" sign and she was so excited. I immediately replied with "White lives matter too" and she went off. Somehow within two sentences of her tirade she had segued into POTUS Trump being morally bankrupt and how he's never read the bible but displaced "peaceful protesters" for a photo op with a bible in front of St John's Church in DC. I hadn't said a word about POTUS Trump. My saying "White Lives Matter" triggered her so badly. And then when I said "I do not know if POTUS Trump has or has not read the bible" she looked like I had kicked her in the stomach. Inexplicable behavior. You simply can not reason with them. There is no place for facts in any conversation with them.

I could go on and on with similar stories.

24316951? ago

I've heard the same mockingbird diatribes . . . and as for NPR, I could pick out the cadence in a few seconds without even hearing the words.

24311902? ago

I'm a white Male millenial... it's not been any better, I'm sorry you've had to endure it longer.

24322700? ago

I'm with you brother. We're not all soyboys. I know a bunch of us that aren't faggots.

24310902? ago

My sister (before the shutdown) trains this age group of women in the gym. She complains all the time that she has to keep her mouth shut while listening to these zombies go on and on every day with their TDS.

24316260? ago

Thanks for the confirmation. I know others dealing with this particular group and the story is invariably the same.

24308454? ago

This is the scene in that movie where neo faces a million agent smithes.

24308558? ago

and we as Neo in the rain on the memeplane of the internet turn to the ravenous horde and say "You just lost the game."

24308411? ago

Agent Smith Effect is real

24308105? ago

My X wife was like that

24308548? ago

Women can't be broken if their man is stronger than the jew. Be careful about what you allow to influence them.

24308751? ago

Her mother's impact on daughter had already been set. My mistake was I only moved 950 miles away from grandma.

I call for a do-over.

24308255? ago

I can imagine that the political climate has broken up a lot of relationships.

24308666? ago

Yep, though the meanace is here since decades, clown factory's top prio is the destruction of family! See the Kalerghi plan for Europe's white genocide for example...

But... God wins ... In the End

24309847? ago

But... God wins ... In the End

Why do you people keep repeating that retarded meme? So what if God wins in the end? What does that have to do with human life on this planet for the next thousand years?

24325001? ago

please have a look at my answer 24324991 too

24330760? ago


Link? I'll never find it on this anon page.

24318245? ago

The "end" is NOW.

24319615? ago

The end is 'very' far off in the future. I'm not even going to guess how many eons from now, but it's on a "God-scale" timeline. It's probably satanists pushing this corrupt stupidity onto the Qtards.

24324991? ago

OP here. I'm a simple patriot. IMHO the "end" is here, in the physical realm everithing is "turning in cycles" look at the atom, solar system, galaxies, fibonacci, etc. There is no straight line in the physical universe. Cycles end and there is instantly a new beginning, it's not the literal "end". And IMHO it's (((their))) END, (((their))) apocalypse we are living right here right now! let's make the BEST of IT!



24331701? ago

I'm a simple patriot.

It probably keeps things simple for you, but it means you're more of a puppet in their schemes than you should be. Not going to go into that in a comment here other than to tell you that everything you probably believe about America and "patriotism" is false, and has been intentionally implanted as a belief by the people running the United States Goyim Ranch. And yes, you're supposed to think that's a terribly unpatriotic thing to say, ignore all that 'high level financial stuff', and just keep paying your taxes like a good slave. A man by the name of Kissinger openly talked about his role in a lot of it, if you're interested.

And by the way, Trump and Q are completely and totally a part of that show, or they simply wouldn't be there. The 'Cabal' runs it all, although it's not really a "the". Note that the attack on Kavanaugh at his confirmation was to distract from his leftist (yes, leftist) history of rulings. They did the same with Trump, and it worked on conservatives both times. Anyway, will get to cycles after this next section.

Have to admit here that I'm a little sketchy on the timeline, but assuming you believe in the Bible, Jesus, and fundamental Christianity, I believe there is a period of time scheduled where God simply hands the whole thing over to satan to rule as he will. Correct me if I'm getting the schedule mixed up, but my impression is that period of rule by satan himself comes after this current period, which is still characterized by relative peace and harmony, compared to what will come. This is where I get to the God WINS! We WIN! part. Some of us will probably survive that period, but it will not exactly be considered "winning". God himself is outside all this, and his win by default is irrelevant to us. So the implications of that shouted phrase appear to be a misleading distraction from the actual plan and timeline.

The great cycle: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZfY2ISsNBzJ-aOZ3APVS8br

The end of our cycle appears to be approaching, and it's interesting how this information is derived from completely outside of any Biblical forecasts, but kind of matches that and other forecasts like the Mayan 'end of time'. That's a long playlist, but it covers all of it. If you're a "cycle guy", it's a must watch. Ben, the crazy scientist, puts out a short daily update on the state of our planet and universe in the early morning, every morning.

Here is todays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYnRquJr5lc


24346927? ago

Well, I consider myself a HUMAN patriot, I'm not from America... There is nothing wrong to treasure our customs cultures and traditions while avoiding the globalist egocentric consumer nihilist mentality.

One thing is very important to understand INHO, good and evil are of similar strength, think ying-yang and thre is no absolute good or evil on the physical plane...

As well I think that (((their))) END is here and now! After millenia long suppression of our POTENTIAL (free will), think dark age, modern slavery (bank debt system) we are in a unique and very powerful position of paradigmic scale, information can not be hidden any longer (IT age), they only can mix it with lies (disinformation) but that's not working since the THRUTH always comes to LIGHT!

As I said I think (((their))) appocalypse is here and I don't mean the Jews, I mean the evil pervert psycho cabal / DS / eLites. God and nobody else will Rul The Earth for the next thousend years!

24308378? ago

a lot of relationships just got destroyed