24225197? ago

So he deserved to die?

24227206? ago

Yes, he did. He absolutely did deserve to die for being a career criminal shithead. Live by the sword die by the sword.

24225854? ago

I dont even know if he is actually dead... those were closed casket funeral circuses.

24225984? ago

After the Epstein "smoke and mirrors show" absolutely nothing would surprise me anymore.

24228600? ago

If I don't put a seatbelt on in a roller coaster I don't deserve to die but I still will

24225203? ago

No...he didn't...but he also didn't deserve sainthood.

24225158? ago

No hard working, turn their life around felon commits the federal crime of counterfeiting. Remember that these are the only crimes he was caught and convicted of.

24225137? ago

He was just a poor misunderstood boy

24225099? ago

TNB= typical nigger behavior

24226305? ago

False Money, selling Drugs, the La Raza place and masonic links to Shriners and Odd Fellows https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3865523/24210073

24226349? ago

Care to comment on nigger behavior?