24224672? ago

Defund police in the middle of antifa riots.

Good idea said no one.

24224428? ago

If I wasn't too old to deal with 4chan, I would suggest a new campaign to "reclaim our Jews" or somesuch. Every time a shapeshifter claims to be white, anons pretending to be Jews would loudly proclaim the person in question is Jewish and to stop whitewashing.

All those pictures of "White Men" who rule the world, lets point out how many are Jews; but do it from the POV of it's racist to call Jews white, and it is offensive to Jews to be lumped in with the rest of us. At the very least, a lot more BLM morons may actually realise that the Jews are their real enemy, not whiteys.

24223150? ago

whoa - she aged very badly. Did'ems run out of adrenochrome honey?

24222230? ago

It’s an idiot actor. Too much attention is paid to them as is. Is she a moron? OBVIOUSLY.

24222144? ago

Therefore this KIKE is not WHITE!

24221805? ago

Just jerk off to her on the extended cut of the professional

24221660? ago

Why would "white privilege" cause her to fear defunding the police?

What kind of bullshit article is that?

This is such a bizarre timeline. Like wtf. Nothing makes sense anymore.

24221654? ago

God, he looks hideous now

24221446? ago

So will she also remove all her private security?? I certainly hope so . . .

24221434? ago

getting ones philosophy from an actress, is like getting brain surgery from a trash collector, both give you a headache that just wont go away and make loads of noise that never shut the fuck up

24221076? ago

Well lads. Once those pesky police are out of the way, you all get a turn.

24221000? ago

Does she want police defunded in Israel too?

24220932? ago

Someone should ask her if she feels the same about Israel. Also, welp, there goes watching any old Star Wars movies again. Sorry George, kinda liked your movies, but your the one that picked kike actors.

24220907? ago

Shapeshifting Jew. Her real name is (((Natalie Hershlag)))

24220697? ago

I'm rooting for Lebanon to hit back at Israel with this latest land grab. Maybe Egypt etc will jump in as well.

That country is a cancer and an escape hatch for criminals.

24220556? ago

No more dual citizenship, of any country.

24220144? ago


24219997? ago

Jewish privilege >>> white privilege.

24219946? ago

Another whore of Babylon

24221031? ago

I have her in a VR sex game.

She's muh bitch and she likes it.

24222733? ago

She’s your bitch only in your fantasy. Go meet a real woman lay off the porn.

24222899? ago

I know lots of real women, each of them, in sequence, has made me love porn more, especially the end, where you turn it off and get back to life.

It probably is the big trap, but the dick wants what the dick wants and they have ruined the women already.

24225448? ago

You're mentality is no different than a busy restaurants dumpster at closing time.

24234789? ago


my mentality was good enough for your momma, son

24224276? ago

Lol 🤦🏽‍♂️

24234824? ago

I also find it humorous, that all I did was acknowledge my occasional use of porn, and now I'm the porn guy.

Methinks yall protesting too much, I didnt create this industry by myself, in fact I dont think I've ever paid into it.

24236472? ago

Bro you watch VR porn there is no hope for you

24238304? ago

not watch, I smack em around too

24263548? ago

Lol 🤦🏽‍♂️

24263699? ago

meshedvr on patreon

its pretty goddamn amazing, whether getting jollies or not.

I agree there are potentially negative social repercussions and to that I say :"I can stop anytime I want"

most people with VR dont know about this yet.

24263899? ago

Black lives matter

24264075? ago

sure they do buddy... sure they do pat pat

24295284? ago


24304520? ago

whatever helps you sleep at night snowflake.

24310183? ago

Yo mamma?

24320416? ago

There's my little niglet, who's a good niglet, yes you are..

24325773? ago

Niglet is the best.

24325820? ago

Wakanda Space Program

24337335? ago

black turds matter!

24222731? ago

Bro get off the porn. It’s why you never get with real women.

24222910? ago

The real women drove me to the porn! I'm old af, not your little brother!

24224267? ago

Do you know what tldr means

24234843? ago

yes, it means you are a niggerfaggot

24236481? ago

Proud niggerfaggot!

24222324? ago

Porn is a weapon used against men to damage masculinity.

24223008? ago

I will have this discussion but only because I have never understood the claim.

How exactly does it do that? Too much, I concur, would be bad. Industry made from it, yea thats not good probably.

But like, as a thing that exists, a dirty picture not mass published, or a private stash, thats like saying photo albums make mothers neglect their children because they have pictures of them already.

24227308? ago



There are countless articles like this on the web. Porn destroys. Even if you’re not married or in a relationship. Jews are behind the pornography push in America and around the world. It’s just another means of control, demoralization, Break down a family, relationships, relationship with God, intimacy, etc.

I’m not OP but I really respect the fact that you were willing to have this discussion versus just being offensive about it.

24234748? ago

yea but I'm asking you why you believe it. Are you saying you believe it simply because you agree with those articles?

24235209? ago

I believe it because for me, porn is cheating. I can’t get past it or cheating. For me, when that happens the relationship is done . It’s also offensive to me that porn treats women like objects, just holes to fuck. Yes I’ve seen porn. A mag here and there growing up (I’m GenX) and I checked out pornhub about 6 yrs ago when A friend of mine said I was being kind of harsh about porn and check it out, wasn’t that bad. I’m not sure what they were thinking but it was so much worse than I thought lol. Mostly I found it gross and demeaning for the women, and the men were gross. Everything was gross lol!!. Frankly, I think any guy who watches porn doesn’t deserve the real thing. Sex is so much better in real life! I love it when I’m in a monogamous relationship.

Anyway, for me destroys trust and makes it impossible for me to have a relationship. I personally prefer to be single than deal with that. This is all my opinion. I’ve felt this way since my 20’s. I’m a ladypede btw.

24227222? ago

To further destroy the family unit. To take sex out of love, so that instead of making sex an expression of love, it is now just something people do when they are bored and horny.

That takes even more allure out of marriage. Remember the old saying "why buy the cow when you can have the milk for free".

Not only that but constant stimulation and ejaculation is not good for our bodies. Ejaculating temporarily lowers our testosterone levels, and if you are ejaculating multiple times a day every day, you are keeping your testosterone levels down, which is damaging to your overall masculinity, and destroying masculinity has been a goal of the left since it's creation.

Porn also weakens our morals. If this truly is a battle of biblical proportions, then you will need all of the moral strength you can muster.

On top of that, porn is a slippery slope. You start out with normal stuff, and that eventually gets boring so you find newer, hotter porn that is a little weirder or more fucked up, until it gets boring then you fnd something even more depraved. That is why we have so many women that seek out multiple sex partners and are obsessed with BDSM and daddy kinks, for example.

It all leads to Sodom and Gomorrah.

24224924? ago

Loser luciferian marxists’ plan for world domination included the separation of sex and love (sex can now be random and hollow and love is a commodity).

The porn industry is controlled by Jews, who handed out dirty pictures for free thirty years ago, in order to hand out bbc, cuck and incest to children today.

24219822? ago

Donate all your money to charity and live among the common folk. See how you feel then, Ms Hershlag

24223422? ago

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24219422? ago

She's an idiot and a terrible actress. How the hell did she ever become famous. I don't even want to know.

24227336? ago

Thank you! I have always found her acting to be wooden and just plain awful. It wasn’t Lucas’s writing that made her acting look bad In the prequels, it was her bad acting. She certainly didn’t deserve her Oscar for black swan, And she ruined the Thor movies. She’s even a bad actress in her commercials lol!! She may have a pretty face, but she’s just awkward and wooden.

24227393? ago

She's just an average looking normal human.

24222265? ago


There is no other reason.

24219995? ago

How the hell did she ever become famous

Nepotism. Here Jewish "brothers and sisters" who own our MSM and Hollywood, keep giving the roles to Jews.

I wish we could Blue The Jew so everyone could appreciate that the Academy Awards, the Golden Globe Awards and all the other similar award shows are just Jews giving each other awards for being Jews.

24221285? ago

She was in movie The Professinal in a slightly Lolita inspired role.

I assume she was loved in to the gang. :(

24223584? ago

Ummm...V for Vendetta??? They dangle the shit right in our fucking faces! She is part of their psyop! They try to make us cattle! Nuff said!

24219364? ago

true, no one else in Hollywood would talk like that.

24219327? ago

I bet her father fucked her since she was a baby. Its normal jewish culture.

24222323? ago

I bet her father fucked her since she was a baby. Its normal jewish culture.

I disagree

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant “USA”, “Four More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer “Louis” Scheiner, the audience cheered “Four More Years” and “USA” as Trump took the podium.

Source http://shorenewsnetwork.com/2019/11/18/hundreds-of-orthodox-jews-chant-usa-four-more-years-at-trump-rally-in-new-york-city/


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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24222643? ago

I am a JIDF faggot

We know. Fuck your astroturfing.

24222749? ago

He’s just participating in free speech. Deal with it.

24219982? ago

She’s not Ivanka, dude

24222156? ago


Child fucking Jew.

24219554? ago

Guaranteed. I'd bet she can take 4 at a time.

24222746? ago

In America it’s not normal in Jewish culture to be into gangbangs lmao. Maybe in Israel idk.

You watch too much porn.