24198536? ago

Great post, re-tweet this en masse. Q told us this early on. Stay positive and help those who are in the dark to understand. This will get worse before it gets better and it won't always be clean. It is just frustrating to know that it all has to play out because people need to see things to understand what the problem really is.

24196756? ago

Fuck!!!! Someone has said this every week since 2017. Keep guessing or recalibrate your intuition.

24194289? ago

I get what you mean but this is not even the end of the second act. This is a marathon anon...and I’m glad to have you run it along with me.

24192745? ago

Arrests fucking when? Our country is dying a fast death and our President is about to be fucked over by mail in voting. How much longer are we trusting the plan?

24192808? ago

Apparently a bunch happened during the power outage in DC and also last night in DC. Lots of hints and winks on Twatter about this, most notably this Trump tweet

24192862? ago

That tweet doesn't say anything and I'm tired of the what ifs, could bes, possiblies, and all that. When are these fuckers getting indicted?

24194784? ago

Never. They're all in the big club.

24192549? ago

I've had it explained to me a thousand fucking times now.

Please. Arrest. Someone. Evil.

24193430? ago

If this thread is correct they already have. Remember Q keeps saying we have more then we know.

24193637? ago

And he'll keep saying it. Year after year until Trump leaves office and the Obongos win again in 2024.

24193256? ago


24192699? ago


24191857? ago

Excellent thread.....Praying it’s true...

24194758? ago

Hopium is the most powerful drug.

24191359? ago

Wish he'd update the thread to include new info coming out about middle east connections to Antifa. Is this how the MB infiltration of the Obama admin will be revealed? When DOJ exposes the dems and organizations funding Antifa?

24192059? ago

George Webb has a good video about that connection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CasIJIAF0OM

24195182? ago

Thanks for this, it connected a few dots for me. The Muslim brotherhood co-opted Antifa and is working through them. He even mentions that that Awan guy used to play video games with other Brotherhood members... comms!

The only thing I disagreed with is that they have been able to get around the NSA.... no way.

24195269? ago

You're welcome.

I didn't even made the connection between 'playing games' and 'comms'. Nice catch.

I believe Webb is 'revealer' like many others. One has to piece it together. He can't reveal everything.

24192439? ago

Thanks. I'll check it out.

24191246? ago

Today's DELUSION fest in the Qult. Straight out of imbecile comic books ( bible included ) hallucinating dimwits think they are winning? winning what goobers?

Idiot hicks think Q id real, that all their "enemies" will be arrested and executed, they will be big heroes and Trump will command Melanoma and Ivunka to blow them


You are the DUMBEST MOTHERFUCKERS on earth!

Jeeeezez told me so in a CODED MESSAGE! Now TRY to insult me ( the funniest part of posting), I come here just TO LAUGH AT YOU SHITKICKING HILLBILLYS!

24192060? ago

Winning because we are inside your head.

24192005? ago

Thanks for being here snowflake. You're proof were on target.

Now, kvetch.

24191893? ago

Triggered much? Hahaha

Between Trump's tweets, Q posts, and anons, it's hilarious watching you snowflakes lose your minds.

24193050? ago

LOL LAUGHING at you cretins!

You really are too fucking stupid to get it! Unbelievable!

I'm laughing at how stupid, gullible and easily propagandized you dumb fucks are! Triggered? TO LAUGHTER !!!! LOL

"On target"????? what target you brain dean boomer burnout?

The entire nation laughs at you morons, everyone gets the joke....................................except you idiots! LOL

24191438? ago

Sucks to be on the losing team, doesn't it? You worked hard on this one, too with the caps lock and everything

24191544? ago

HILARIOUS as I said! Losing "team"??? WTF is wrong with you , you fucking idiot?

Trump is HATED throughout the entire world, except for Putin and other dictators. You need to start reading REAL NEWS moron!

Hows the PLAN COMING asshole motherfucker? HRC and Obama in Gitmo? Clones?


You are just too STUPID to understand just how stupid you are!

Thanks for the laugh you IQ of 12 drop out, boomer burnout!


24190825? ago

Jews own & control everything, more so now. Winning? No.

24191372? ago


Intelligent people are at the helm.

God wins.


24194772? ago

This one is clueless.

24193661? ago

If you just keep repeating that maybe someday it'll come true. TRUST THE PLAN PATRIORT WWW1488GTKRWN

24190624? ago

People have thought we were in the final stages of the plan since quanon first came on the scene. It's by design.

24190615? ago

I guess, what you are saying is......................................Soon!

24192851? ago

Yes. Soon you faggot fucking pedo-shills will roast on the grill.

24192874? ago

Triggered much, bro. We are on the same boat, cause I feel the same way when I hear the word "soon".

24193138? ago

No we're not on the same boat You're on the DS Titanic and I'm gonna watch it sink with glee. You can't handle the war cuz you're a pussy.

24193357? ago

Of course, because that the Christian thing to do........taking pleasure in watching people die.

24193610? ago

Ok Muslim.

24194798? ago

We're not losing "because of" retards like you, but you certainly make it more enjoyable for them.

24198161? ago

I actuall agree with you.

You: "We're not losing". Keep up the good work cuck.

24193645? ago

ok Rabbi!

24190543? ago

My Mother in Canada just sent me an email saying im white privileged man and that black lives matter and i should watch what i say.... my mother has never in our lives talked to me about black people its just never come up.... it never had to. She brought it up today outta the blue. Shows how panicked the luciferians are that they're turning their psops up to 11 to try and divide us....

24196474? ago

My mother, also in Canada, who is almost 70 and has never been into politics or current events, just sent me the latest Candace Owens viral video. In the last couple of weeks she has sent me the Out of Shadows link and several pro Trump memes. We live in strange times. I thought she was making her greetings cards and playing in her gardens, but she’s red pulling herself.

24190599? ago

I pray in Lord Jesus' Name that He deprogram the anon's mother and others like her please. Thank you LORD.

24196016? ago

The Cabal are just desperate because they know the hammer is gonna be dropped soon. Blue check lefties on twitter going crazy, projecting left and right.

24191085? ago

I took a man named Jesus to completion in my mouth and anus once. At a truck stop just outside of Ft. Worth.

24191106? ago

I pray in Lord Jesus' Name that He rebuke ^ this anon please. Thank you my LORD my GOD.

24191132? ago

I was asking for god when I had Jesus in my asshole so hard. Doggone little bugger split me open like a dry piece of balsa wood. I wasn’t “dry” tho, if you know what I mean. Best angel dust comes from Texas.

24192176? ago

enjoy it while you can. this is the only reward you will get. you came and now its gone. punishment for putting your filthy lips on Jesus is for eternity. trust me while in hell you will realize it really was NOT worth it. you have been warned. so when you stand before God you will not be able to say you didnt know.

24193042? ago

Ohh I’ve had many more similar encounters at truck stops around rural Texas. That area of the country is like a carnival for gay truckers.

24193299? ago

when i say its your only reward. you are in possession of a reprobate mind.... when punishment comes that will be taken from you as well. no sex drugs and rock in roll in hell. only punishment and torment. have you ever been bred out of your mind? no one to talk to? just all by yourself alone.. darkness..think about your favorite thing. for you maybe its anal sex. in hell. gone....NEVER AGAIN ONCE IN HELL. think about the next favorite. gone. never again. so on so forth.

24191166? ago

There's a special place in Hell for you.

24190532? ago

Did you see the cnn video below - A badass sheriff verbally smacks don lemon around. Could loop that. Don was probably crapping his pants.

24192091? ago

That was on July 18, 2016, in the previous BLM Cycle.


24192476? ago

Kek! Black Lives Matter every 4 years at the DNC

24190338? ago

24190312? ago

That was an excellent read. Thanks for posting this. Maybe tonight I will finally get more than 3 hours of tossing and turning and get a great nights sleep

24190336? ago

Will be interesting to find out if he was right about Podesta being executed.

24190516? ago

Do you think they will tell us if these targets have been arrested and or executed? Later I mean because news like that would just blow the lid off an already unstable powder keg.

24191464? ago

Much later IMO