24184434? ago

They pray to the Baphomet? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3773752/23458583

24184396? ago

"They wanted to turn America into the Nazi Empire 2.0" - Maybe that's not the worst option from what I see....better that a Jew controlled monetary system forever making us poorer, and the street overrun with lawless blacks, stupid effeminate whites, and weirdos of all sorts.

24182563? ago

V and HOST agree THANQ for the WAR GAMES from the skynet ... liked Daniel do not shoot me in the theater ... will continue studing with all my candles around lets end reflections on the wintering of my soul now... I like todays odds in this game of chess ... Castle to queens BISHOP :)

24182440? ago

I had a similar vision years ago. Heavy weight to carry when everyone else is unaware.

24182370? ago

I wish I hadn't read this, because it's so horrifying to face....

24183339? ago

Sorry, it's been horrifying to watch happen.

24182298? ago


24183344? ago


24182272? ago

you should write a book and call it 2024

24182179? ago

They are commies not natsoc.

Natsoc do not want Mass immigration.

They want worldwide weimar ruled by them.

Read the protocols of Zion it is literally everything they have been doing for the last hundred years.

24183474? ago

Commies are socialists / socialists are commies.

ANTIFA is the sacrificial lamb.

All those white liberal socialists getting the shit beaten out of them by the blacks they're "fighting for" ... where do you think their ideology will shift? Because it won't be away from socialism because they're losers.

They wanted the rage of those white liberals who'll see themselves as being used as pawns by blacks, asians, middle easterners, etc. and use their desire for revenge to form a national socialist state.

Hitler was part Jewish, he'd have been executed by his own people if they found out the truth. He was a pawn like every other politician.

(((They))) play the long game. Longer than we can imagine. What happened 100s years ago was setting up today.

24183652? ago

Hitler being Jewish is a Jewish lie.

Natsoc isn't socialist like your thinking, another Jewish lie.

History is written by the Victor's remember and Jews won ww2.

If natsoc rose here it would be called national capitalism or something like that for the same reason they picked the name back then.

The only thing that would be the same is power would shift back in the hands of the majority population instead of these evil amoral jewish pedobankers.

Natsoc Germany is the last European country that gained Independence from Jewish rule which is why it is demonized and held up as the most evil thing ever.

You've got to expand your thinking and leave the kosher sandwich.

24187984? ago

No Hitler being Jewish is an "anti-semitic" statement. Questioning the holocaust is "anti-semitic" even though it never happened. They were MK-Ultra training camps where the children were forced to learn classical instruments, theatre, etc. and were then exported as refugees into America and Britain so they could take over western culture. Hitler arrested his Jewish uncle and "ransomed" him to America. Really sounds like a guy who wanted the Jews exterminated 🙄

National Socialism was just another Bolshevik coup.

24182675? ago

It's China. It's the cabal, which consists of every race and skin color.

Enough with the pansy deflection. The local synagogue and rabbi isn't responsible for this shit. The perpetrators couldn't cite one single line from "muh Talmud" to save their lives.

Soros strokes the nutsacs just like he strokes ANTIFA, can't have a race war without two opposing factions.

24190753? ago

Fuck off kike it's over

24190938? ago

My inbox is half-filled with supposed natsocs who vehemently claim that dipshits like you don't belong to their movement. They call you the Jew, using a psyop to make them all look retarded.

Funny shit.

24191606? ago

I'm not part of their movement. I'm part of the slightly smaller much more powerful 'expose the occupying kikes' movement.

And, you're a kike so nothing out of the ordinary here.

24183708? ago

Natsoc work for the jew Soros.

Yeah nigger good thinking.

You blame whites for non-white aggression you fucking cuck traitor. The enemy only needs one side to start a war, we will be forced into it when attacked.

24188469? ago

Natsoc is a Soros-paid psyop. You exist for no other reason than to give ANTIFA a reason to exist. 2 sides of a Soros shekel.

Tell Richard Spencer to jump off a cliff with you.

24189157? ago

Spencer is not us.

You are right about him being a pay op at least. There is a pic of him with HRC.

I think TRS and red ice are the most reasonable of the podcasters.

Anyways your position is rediculous so you think there is no possible way to oppose Jewish supremacist role without actually being a (((Soros))) shill?

Free you mind imagine a world without the Jewish lying press. The majority of our country would not be flipping out over lies or supporting mass immigration which only hurts us.

24190893? ago

no possible way to oppose Jewish supremacist role without actually being a (((Soros))) shill

I opposed the cabal, Rothschild and Soros when I voted for Trump and now as I support Q.

See what I did there? I named specific people who need to hang without unnecessarily implicating millions of innocent people.

Free you mind imagine a world without the Jewish lying press.

Why stop at Jewish? Carlos Slim owns the New York Times. Arabian prince Alwaleed invested 300 million in twitter. China owns AMC movie theaters and many movie production companies. You cry about Jews and ignore all the rest like a China cucked bitch.

24192988? ago

Carlos slim is a Jew from Lebanon

The saudi royals are also Jews.

I said Jewish supremacists. Unless you are saying all Jews are Jewish supremacists i only named the evil pedos.

24182055? ago

If that's plan A, I'd sure like to see plan B. Never mind, I'm sure it only gets worse.

24181750? ago

Great Post Anon! Dont forget the staged currency inflation to bankrupt the regular working folk. (((Their))) playbook isn't working with Donald Trump In charge!

24182685? ago

Anon turned it into a "Nazi" thing because of his indoctrination but in fact Obama and all of his foreign staff and imports are not white.

24181845? ago

Agreed. I think Trump is using their playbook against them. Every move they make backfires.

I hear black approval ratings of Trump are up. Blacks are siding with Whites against ANTIFA and ghetto thugs. Most of the videos of blacks rioting they're barely speaking English. I've now seen multiple blacks using a line I heard 15 years ago from a black guy from Barbados "I ain't no fucking African, I've never been to fucking Africa. I'm BLACK!!!"

24181921? ago

Lol! Was that the clip with the one that stole the police helmet and the other guy clotheslined himself trying to break the door of the cruiser? They are causing a tectonic shift! Road to 538!

24183312? ago

Yeah that was one of them lol

24182820? ago

kek, saw that one

24181626? ago

They pushed the LGBTQ and Race bullshit back then.

LGBTQ has always been a central part of European identity since the Greeks, fathers of Western civilization. Hell, the original Olympics were conducted in the nude. Greeks created gymnasiums (gymnos - naked in Greek) where men could frolic around naked. Even Zeus, highest of the Greek gods, had a boytoy named Ganymede.

And Europeans were always race mixing. Ever read Othello by William Shakespeare?

After WW1 Africans with Colonial Identity Cards were encouraged to immigrate to German

Maybe Germans and whites shouldnt have colonized Africa in the first place

24182069? ago

And every civilization that embraced that vile custom did so at the cost of existence.

24182140? ago

Greeks were the fathers of your civilization

24182451? ago

Jesus Christ is.

24182466? ago

Greeks came before Jesus Christ. Know your history

24182557? ago

What is your point?

24182693? ago

My point is:

Number 1: nobody "pushed" LGBT on you, it was already an integral part of your culture


Number 2: Greeks are the fathers of your civilization, not jesus

24181467? ago

Ya, that about sums it up. They don't build those FEMA camps for nothing!