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24147952? ago

I can't post my own topic due to CCP (funny abbreviation, isn't it?). Please spread this far and wide!

Q4414 - you do realize that we are at RED5 or maybe even RED6?

RED1 - Twitter removal - Trump had a tweet removed a few days ago.

RED2 - Blackout in DC. This was either on purpose or a result of enemy action (EMP, Cyber attack?)

RED3 - Trump said PENCE was "gone far away somewhere" a couple of weeks ago. Pelosi may actually be secured, too.

RED4 - Military assets have been moving into place for days now.

RED5 - Military secured the NORAD base in Colorado a few days ago. They are now the central command.

We are now ready for RED6:

Today there are coded comms from the Left calling for siege of the White House.

Trump will be evacuated to AF1. The "storm is upon us" tweet/DHS EAM will be sent...


24151020? ago

Posted for ya anon: