24156090? ago

Remember this from the Word of God:

And He saw that there was no man, And was astonished that there was no one to intercede;

Then His own arm brought salvation to Him; And His righteousness upheld Him. And He put on righteousness like a breastplate, And a helmet of salvation on His head; And He put on garments of vengeance for clothing, And wrapped Himself with zeal as a mantle. According to their deeds, so He will repay, Wrath to His adversaries, recompense to His enemies; To the coastlands He will make recompense.

So they will fear the name of the LORD from the west And His glory from the rising of the sun, For He will come like a rushing stream, Which the wind of the LORD drives. (Isaiah 59:16-19)

Please pay attention to the last bold statement: THE STORM -- IT WILL BE BIBLICAL.

24157572? ago

Sounds like that new weapon we have that repels the hoards backwards but there is no wind or sound. No one is injured. Maybe by the use of some kind sonic use.

24154352? ago

Mattis has shamed and dishonored the corps.

24153949? ago

Links written down?

24153229? ago

pretty sure its been severe critical since the results of the election..

24152420? ago

The narrative that this massive clandestine military operation that required Trump to be "surrounded by generals" doesn't hold water for me. How many generals from his cabinet have turned on him? Kelly, McMaster, Mattis, the current Sec of defense. Military planning at its finest right?

24157770? ago

Unless their mutiny is all part of the syops.

24157928? ago

How could that possibly help? This movement is pure hope porn

24151771? ago

the jews HAVE to let you now what going to happen they just dont have to be forthcoming.

thanx in advance Q, we'll buy lube,

if progressive looters havent 'liberated' it all.

did i say thanx Q?

24151511? ago

I read there is a million person march on DC this weekend.

24151464? ago

What they are telling us is that the shit is hitting the fan RIGHT NOW. All the drops over the last several years have led up to this moment and what you see is the grand finale fireworks by the deep state, Dem party and probably the backers of the Dems, China and Iran. Over the last two months they did a soft coup with the virus bullshit, they shut down the nation and business and soon lots of people will be homeless and hungry, filing for bankruptcy, and some will not recover what they've lost. Now they've stepped it up with the violence and mayhem, a destruction worthy of being called biblical and it will intensify, notice that no military has really put an end to it yet, they are still looting and rioting. I wouldn't rule out a major false flag coming. Dan Bongino spoke today of hearing that certain military are talking about acting in opposition to our President, meaning mutiny. We are at war. Right now. Make no mistake. All you keyboard warriors that have bragged about what you'll do in the insurrection will have a chance to do it. For right now be prepared to defend your home and families, help them to get ready for it, secure your home, get your supplies in, if you have neighbors talk to them about a neighborhood watch. Protection dogs should be seriously considered. Stay home! They will not let Trump be reelected and they are willing to destroy us and our country to stop him.

24151609? ago

Asynchronous warfare. They think they know how to run insurrection. Just wait.

24151246? ago

there are some giant shitposting going on on the kun right now people come on man hang in there were not licked yet we havent even fired the first volley.

24150545? ago

I hope this time it is true, as we have been waiting the shoe to drop for the last 3.5 years. However, at this point, it seems like Trump is Don Quixote fighting the whole world. Is there anyone in the Congress, WH, Courts on his side? Or maybe only Qanons will fight with him.

24150325? ago

I hope they use every one of those few billion rounds that NOAA and the Department of Social Security bought about 10 years ago.

24150149? ago

I believe that the muzzies are up next

24150054? ago

they desire to ratchet up the cities, to get sympathy and create a mass pity movement from a Fentanyl addict.

24150050? ago

My husband just today said "they must be really scared to be doing all of this" and I said "I've told you for a year now that they are scared and will do anything they can to stop President Trump" but I got news for them. God is with President Trump and He will defend POTUS against them.

24150283? ago

Now can we see your boobs

24151099? ago

I think you'll like this: https://files.catbox.moe/y4oz9l.png

It's a description of how they look: "B" is from above; "oo" is from the front, and "b" is side view.

24151756? ago

Lol bravo!!!

24150034? ago

Betsy Price, D Mayor of Fort Worth!

24149593? ago

DS has nukes.

24149669? ago

EAM- Emergency Action Message

In the United States military's strategic nuclear weapon nuclear command and control system, an Emergency Action Message is a preformatted message that directs nuclear-capable forces to execute specific Major Attack Options or Limited Attack Options

24149545? ago

LOL you still have faith in social media?

24149385? ago

So THAT is their game??? This is a crap shoot? What do the grunts THINK about how THINGS are in the US these days? Who are the EVIL to the average soldier???

24150130? ago

Probably use UN ( Africans ) or Chinese

24164135? ago

I was thinking shit skin forces of Latinos and Indians (notice their covert take over of US IT in DROVES).

24149275? ago

Yawn. Arrests or STFU.

24151156? ago

Yet, you keep talking.

24275703? ago

Yes I do.

24149184? ago

LMAO, you can't be serious. What happened to the 10 easter thing? Would you please stop triggering the snowflakes?

24149158? ago

Mutiny is an ugly word. I guess even the Military is compromised. :(

24149107? ago

now military mutiny? that's not reassuing . . . .

24149076? ago

Why are these people calling qanon racist?

24149067? ago

The law enforcement just denounced Biden because he wants to defund them. I would say Trump wins again

24149064? ago

Is there an intro to Q type thread, or resource, for those who have been living under a rock, and are willing to assess?

24153221? ago

Q Plan to Save the World by JoeM on youtube

24155701? ago


24150264? ago

You mean actual Q drops?

24151308? ago

Yes. Is it just dive in?

24151770? ago

Are you looking for all of the Q drops?

24149015? ago

Says who?

24148988? ago

Let’s think about this for a second... if they are planning a siege on the whitehouse by the mayor lifting curfew and whatever attempt there was at removing the military from protecting THE PRESIDENT... that is a coordinated, conspiring attempted murder of the President. That is what this is. They couldn’t get him out of office so their last push is trying to kill him under the appearance of mob rule overpowering secret service.

24148955? ago

If only the idiots being incited to riot knew that they were merely being used and manipulated. Cannon fodder for the Satanist elite. They love that stuff. Pure evil. Hopefully some will have a moment of clarity and think the better of it and get out of there while the gettin' is good.

24148944? ago


24148857? ago

The President has millions of Rooks and Knights to play on this chessboard.

WE are those Rooks and Knights.

24148831? ago

Threat level Response

Critical An attack is expected imminently.


Maximum protective security measures to meet specific threats and to minimise vulnerability and risk. Critical may also be used if a nuclear attack is expected.

Severe An attack is highly likely.

24150108? ago

Remember cnn just did a hit piece how trump was hiding and that he needed to come out...

24150133? ago

Was that before or after he walked across the street to see the Church the terrorists lit on fire?

24150154? ago

they did it the day or two before.

24150191? ago

Nothing from CNN is American. Fake News. IMO they won't be in business in a few more years.

24150289? ago

My talk on it is the were hoping public pressure would make him expose himself and they could take a shot.

24150977? ago

That's a frightening thought. I keep prayiing for the Presidents safety and the return of justice in the USA.

24148822? ago

Say the word Trump. And Patriots all over the country will march to your defense.

24149612? ago

our fate will ultimately be the same as POTUS fate - we're all in this together

24148791? ago

I have a theory that there was an underground breach. Perhaps a tunnel from the church. Fire in basement was set by Secret Service / white hats to seal off retreat route. Blackhawks overhead to mask / distort gunfire noises below ground. Fifty SS agents injured? Just a theory.

24149203? ago

I'd hate to think so many of our fine SS agents getting injured. Your theory though has merit.

24148756? ago

Mutiny and Insurrection must be stopped by any means

24149710? ago

Mattis was the Judas Iscariot

24150021? ago

there are quite a few of them..

24154263? ago

People don't think Flag Officers be like they is, but they do

24148558? ago

I am praying for America & President Trump.

24149596? ago


24148066? ago

Israel is bestest ally and jews are our friends. That's all that matters, goytards.

24149057? ago

Ita like popping a pimple.

You have to get a wide and deep grasp and squeeeze the pustule to its weak exit point.

24147952? ago

I can't post my own topic due to CCP (funny abbreviation, isn't it?). Please spread this far and wide!

Q4414 - you do realize that we are at RED5 or maybe even RED6?

RED1 - Twitter removal - Trump had a tweet removed a few days ago.

RED2 - Blackout in DC. This was either on purpose or a result of enemy action (EMP, Cyber attack?)

RED3 - Trump said PENCE was "gone far away somewhere" a couple of weeks ago. Pelosi may actually be secured, too.

RED4 - Military assets have been moving into place for days now.

RED5 - Military secured the NORAD base in Colorado a few days ago. They are now the central command.

We are now ready for RED6:

Today there are coded comms from the Left calling for siege of the White House.

Trump will be evacuated to AF1. The "storm is upon us" tweet/DHS EAM will be sent...


24155961? ago

  1. Food. Dry & frozen.
  2. Water.
  3. Liquidated funds.
  4. Battery/solar/crank operated survival radio.
  5. Weather radio/Government comms.

24153434? ago

You think CRAB-17 is over?

24151590? ago

Go to some other boards on Voat - most you can earn CCP. That will allow you to come here & post.

24151082? ago

please don't forget to pray!!

24151026? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#114684) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

24151020? ago

Posted for ya anon: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3858613

24150012? ago

Why would pelosi be secured.. unless she is the double agent I think she is...

24151212? ago

She's third in line if Trump and Pence were to get taken out of the game.

24151983? ago

we would want her dead if we lose our pres and vp. let the senate majority take over before that drunkin whore.

24152477? ago

If something happens to Trump and Pence there will be a lot more than rioting and the snatching of TV's going on.

24149188? ago

DaFuq is RED6 and how do I prepare

24149142? ago

Pelosi O_o

24149041? ago

Thank you anon.

24147906? ago

If you’ve not made plans with your family for the 10 days of darkness, now may be the time to broach the topic. “If things get worse, powers out/phones go down, here is where we meet ... or here’s how we know we are safe...”

24149727? ago

If cell service/internet goes down all of those antifa PUSSIES will haul ass back to mommas house.

24149967? ago

I’m more concerned of my elderly parents getting frightened and trying to venture on the roads to find me or other members of our family and getting caught up if this mess of violence

24147801? ago

War is not for the weak hearted. We have been slowly fed information for the last 3 years. It is time to stand strong, have courage and fight for the freedom of the United States as well as the world. God Bless each of you patriots. Stay low. Dont join the protests or go to view. Stay home and defend your Castle.

24149521? ago

thanks anon. shills panicing makes me happy and hopeful.

24149292? ago

Turn the other cheek no longer works, Patriots applied that approach for decades because we have empathy. You cant seriously still have that approach?

24149258? ago

This is exactly right!!! Well said.

24148829? ago

Agree 100%...But... Local group chose to organize a blm march in downtown area. Mostly just kids who wanted to take a selfie holding a sign to post on Facebook so they could show what a good person they are. Word was that some bad guys were on the way so local dads descended on the downtown area as a show of support and to assist local PD if necessary. Approx. 1000 people showed up and fortunately there was no trouble BUT there did seem to be a few in attendance that did look out of place. Agree you must defend your home but if they can’t take a foothold in your town than your castle will be safe. WWG1WGA!!!

24147769? ago

Anyone know what 8kun thinks about these posts?

24148170? ago

Who cares?

24147758? ago

So.....................any arrests in perspective?

24148484? ago

No. Would you like some memes and Twitter posts instead!

24148530? ago

Remove the riddles, links and soons from Q's basket and it will be empty.

24150835? ago

nah, still has deplorables kek

24148648? ago

Totally empty? You cant remove the 10 times normal level of sealed indictments. Those record tallies exist. 10 times the normal level of sealed indictments of pending actions... sitting... so far 3 years.

24170879? ago

OMG, another muh sealed indictments tard. STFU already.

24147710? ago

Are we about to get, “My fellow Americans...”

24149686? ago

well, if there are indeed traitors in the military that are trying to make a coup push right now, then yeah

quite clearly they threw optics of being within the actual law completely out the window - like Mattis did.

The current president has the legal prerogative (and obligation) to use military intervention in times of insurrection

Pres. Bush did that with the LA Rodney King riots and Pres Eisenhower did that with Arkansas - both nationalized the National Guard, usurping the governor, and sent in units of the federal military, and Pres. Washington called up a militia to put down insurrection in Pennsylvanian

IOW, Mattis remarks showed that he was completely disregarding historical precedence, situation, federal law, and the constitution

So all Mattis was doing was doing a rhetorical setup for an illegal coup attempt - frankly, the man now needs to be hung with the rest of them

24148827? ago

I still think that’s two months away.

24147664? ago

My family is starting to get very nervous. Are we being pushed backwards?

24149196? ago


24148777? ago

Appear weak when you are strong. Check the threadreader app link above.

24147611? ago

Maybe this is it!

24147599? ago

Damn. This movie, amirite?

24147700? ago

You right. Sometimes I get frustrated with how slow it’s going. Then things happen and I fell like oh shit we ain’t ready. Then things slow down again and I thing wtf is taking so long. Now I’m like oh shit is this it, we ready?

24150344? ago

Perfect description for many, I figure! 🍿🇺🇸

24149528? ago

Good description!

24147798? ago

I'm frustrated it's slow, but then I see how completely fucking clueless people are.

24153504? ago

Thank you god, for making the masses utterly idiotic and in your image. This explains a lot about the world.

24149488? ago

Dear Lord, I pray in Lord Jesus' name to make average people smarter please. Thank you LORD.

24151080? ago


24149755? ago


24150587? ago

"And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son." - John 14:13

Hope states: "Can't hurt - ask anything [GOOD]."

24148690? ago

If you thought there was rioting over George Floyd, try arresting Obama and see what happens. Need a critical mass of awakened public for them to pull it off. That is why Q recruited us in the first place. To help redpill humanity. Marathon.

24150037? ago

obama just needs to be missing. We can find out 30 years from now he has been at gitmo.

24148801? ago

Maybe the white hats did the George Floyd thing to prep the blacks. Let them get the rioting out of their systemd

24147726? ago

Whoever wrote the script should be given an Oscar

24147567? ago

the last several Q drops are the most ominous of all

24150626? ago

Ya man, chills down my spine reading those. The time is coming.

Full armor of god on! Everyone! It's been a wild ride my friends. Years of buildup, shills and trolls trying to stifle us, datefagging, concernfagging, and every other kind of fagging. Its all coming to a head!

24151180? ago

One way or another the landscape is going to drastically change in the next 5 months. We will be witnessing a major turning point in history, one way or another.

24150566? ago

idk wtf to think

too many patterns to deny, not in a good way (apparently, we're going THROUGH, not around)

24147683? ago

exactly WTF we have it all, Stand strong etc, NOW its oh oh mutiny we're fucked? I'm not getting this at all anymore. But what I SEE is telling me we are NOT winning. Hope I'm wrong

24151581? ago

POTUS is a student of Sun Tzu:

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

Keep the faith, friends.

24151277? ago

[D]eep party throwing in their last fight. Don't worry, it will end well.

24150714? ago

We needed to know about Graham and Grassley (there will be more) before moving forward.

24149247? ago

The issue is that this is a real war! It’s not a fake pretend war, it’s real! Do you understand? The fact that there is ultimate confidence of victory does NOT diminish this reality. Q has made this quite clear and I have confidence of victory but I also know I must Fight as must all patriots. Quislings need not apply!

24151727? ago

I keep saying that to people. And, they agree. There have been casualties:

Mentally/Emotionally - prescriptions for Zoloft are through the roof. Supply running very low. Alcohol sales were up substantially as well. Suicides have increased. Anxiety over watching coverage & unsure of their futures.

Physically - murders at nursing homes, also infiltrated Native American Reservations, many are diabetic & meat processing plants. And the riots with some that may end up on disability for the rest of their life.

Economically - the obvious. What we've all been watching.

This is not a game. You're correct. This is War.

24149305? ago

Considering how triggered so many of you get over such a small comment that even says HOPE I'M WRONG shows who the real waist panties here are. You guys sound just like the left you know that? Groupthink or go away. Sound familiar Mr. Patriot? You cant handle a slight difference of opinion without throwing a shoe but you and all these other guys are ready to go to war? yeah ok

24149060? ago

What the fuck are you on about, BITCH? Fuck off, coward, we don't want to hear your bullshit. Why don't you go and hide under mommy's skirt like the little bitch you are and quit misquoting Q.

24149102? ago

Touchy little pussy aint ya?

24148970? ago

Q aint got shit on satan.

Dont kid yourself

24148642? ago

pathetic faggot.

24148861? ago

Cause I dont blindly BELIEVE like you? TFB grow up life sucks

24149753? ago

speaking of sucking. shouldn't you be out behind the burning dumpster gobbling your commrad's little cock peeking out of his black skinny jeans?

24149796? ago

SO SO triggered but ready for war. ahahahahahahahha

24149900? ago

And you shilks are SO SO panicked and ready to suck little ANTIFA dicks.

24149943? ago

Hey dipwad. There's a REASON I post here with a screen name. Go look at my posting history. I am overwhelmingly in favor of Q and this movement. Just because I dont double down and reee every time someone has a differing opinion well now that's just too bad isn't it? Again some you guys are as bad as the left. Group think ONLY is allowed.

24150060? ago

fuck you faggot

24150074? ago

Wow Great comeback Potsie

24150155? ago

Potsie lol... nice

24150100? ago

thanks richie wanna be

24150117? ago

ahahahhahaha ok Im going to give you credit for that it made me laugh

24147921? ago

YOU are a flaming FAGGOT and a WEAK person. See how annoying it is to type like that?

24148009? ago

Hey Mensa Failure, caps puts EMPHASIS on a word. As for having doubts TFB if you dont like it. YOU want to believe a nameless faceless person on the internet that has promised us justice but now speaks of MUTINY? Then you go right ahead. I will continue to question this entire thing til I see some actual VERIFIABLE results, till then Fuck off and die.

24156617? ago


24148112? ago

You are also a weak flaming faggot. :)

24148134? ago

That the best you got douche? Internet tough guy? Fail. Pull your head out of your ass and grow the fuck up

24147835? ago

You have to read this Draw and Strike thread immediately. It will make you feel MUCH better. https://threader.app/thread/1268573651672104967

24157272? ago

Damn! Glad I read that. This old Vet is feeling much better now. Thanks.

24158671? ago

Yes, thank God for Brian Cates. Keeps me sane! :)

24150061? ago

Thank you for this anon. I really needed to see this...

24149546? ago

God bless you, man! This makes a lot of sense.

24149266? ago

That was a good read. Thanks!

24149249? ago

Omg that was such a great read!! Thank you for posting it

24149159? ago

Brian Cates nails it again...right between the bewildered eyes of the socialist DSers. Even Mad Dog Mattis got juked with Trump's head fake to use the U.S. Military to quell the rioting. He got juked so bad that he is now standing in the middle of the public square with his political pants down around his ankles...exposed for the DS puppet that he is.

24150093? ago

I hope mad dog gets cock rabies

24154222? ago

So much for the patron saint of quantico

24149907? ago

Well, we see it that way, not sure others do yet

but here's the thing - Mattis was wrong on an elementary school level per the subject he spoke (at least elementary school prior to Common Core)

Pres. Bush used military to assist in putting down the LA Rodney King riots, Pres. Eisenhower nationalized control of the Arkansas National Guard away from the governor and also sent in units of federal military as well, Pres. Washington sent in a militia to put down insurrection in Pennsylvania, and there are still more examples

Mattis was completely bogus on everything he said

He was basically playing the role of Judas Iscariot - to setup a coup attempt - he now deserves the same fate as Judas

24149187? ago

Thanks for the visual, anon. LOL!

24149068? ago

For those wanting to watch the video:


24148968? ago

Thank you...great article

24148961? ago

thanks anon!

24148525? ago

That does make me feel better. And sounds like classic Trump misdirection and manipulation of the media.

24148434? ago

This actually made me feel better. The past few days almost got me panicked

24148319? ago

I've been reading Brian Cates for over a year now. I've trusted him, but he was wrong on Rosenstein. I'm not sure what to think any more.

24149120? ago

I think he's right on Rosenstein. RR teed up the senate to grill the rest of the team. Double agent. We'll see!

24148071? ago

Yes I have seen that but again its someone's conjecture and it reads good but we cant be sure can we? And Im not saying its NOT. Just touching all the bases

24148046? ago

This is awesome. Is this supposedly just to get Antifa or are these the mass arrests we've been waiting for?

24149106? ago

Antifa and other violent instigators.

24148036? ago

Whichever way it goes, we're reaching a critical point.

24147804? ago

The only thing that keeps me feeling positive is would the deep state react this dratically if they were winning

But its a roller coaster, up and down.

24151036? ago

Good & Up Lifting News About The Peaceful Protests at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3854087/

24151425? ago

I don't find officers dropping to a knee with protestors uplifting.

24147822? ago

I think they WOULD because ANY ground lost is bad for them so they will go into overkill to stop it. Like killing a fly with sledgehammer.

24147546? ago

This is fucking insane.

24147524? ago

Sure hope they have it all.