24138525? ago

except that they do this shit every couple years.

24135861? ago

Joe Lyin' might as well be carrying a white flag and throwing in white towels... He's got thirty years of experience, but it's all BAD****.

24133521? ago

Guess the spooks are gonna have to shoot Trump. They'll have limited control of the fallout, which is why they're trying to stop his reelection. We'll see what happens.

24132164? ago

Who's Biden?

24132022? ago

Needed that. WWG1WGA

24130804? ago

In trouble how, exactly? Tell me what you see, anywhere, indicating that the left is in any kind of trouble. The Legacy Media has their backs completely, Hollywood, the music industry, the sportsball figures...all of them lock step defending and even championing the destruction of our country. How is this "the plan"? How is this #winning?

24130948? ago

Lockdowns beyond what is even remotely necessary??

Riots in cities they control??

Hiding Joe Biden from the public at all costs??

Pushing for ballot by mail so voter ID doesn't limit votes to actual registered voters??

An impeachment effort that they knew could not succeed??

You can't see a Party in trouble?

You're blind.

24282164? ago

I'm not blind, I'm asking questions. Set all memes aside.

Lockdowns beyond what's necessary. Deep State win.

Riots in cities they control. Deep State win because they are controlling the narrative through their control of the Legacy Media and all social media platforms.

Hiding Joe at all costs. Draw. Biden at this point doesn't even matter. Big Mike or some other woman of color will be his VP pick, and she will be the party's mouthpiece at their convention to rally their crazy base.

Mail-in ballots. Easy win for the Deep State. I see no Republicans pushing back against this bullshit, just like the Dems stole the 2018 midterms, they're setting themselves up to steal the WH this year. Show me sources of how any Republican is doing anything right now to stop this.

24287790? ago

I'm just cautioning to call the race before the final leg. I think all the overt moves by the DS are getting noticed more and more each day. That is how to red pill the independents and moderates.

24130619? ago

To me, it looks like the Dems had planned to make a super-hero out of Gov. Cuomo with his covid management — that they had planned on him coming off as "tough" and having "leadership" worthy to replace Biden... But Something Went Very Wrong! He got exposed as a tyrant whose policies were killing the elderly. Pretty much the same for the Michigan governor woman. Now they don't have any good prospects waiting off-stage. Hillary is arguably as big a disaster as Biden and is angry enough that she can no longer be reliably controlled. Michelle's heart isn't in running and putting her out there will only bring out more dirt on hubby. Some have floated Tammy Duckworth as a possibility, but she wasn't born in the US. They got nobody.

24132021? ago

They can try Bloomberg again lol

24135796? ago

That they could do. The thought floated across my mind, but it was my editorial choice not to add his name because, like you yourself said: lol.

24130518? ago

As some guy on reality TV used to say.


It's happening right in front of all of us, for the world to see!!

24129703? ago

A lot of people are mistaken about what is happening.

The lefties aren't winning. They are in defense mode.

24128747? ago

Your logic is strong!!! 100% agreed!

24127770? ago

I agree. The enemy is expending their ammunition nonstop.

24129711? ago

The only thing I fear is that I don't think the enemy has a finite batch of ammo.

24131845? ago

Me too. I really don't want to go through 4 years of a new crisis every month.

24127757? ago

Oh, there's no doubt that their asses are on fire. They won't survive.

24131833? ago

This is great, people on all sides hate the Bush family.

24127359? ago

Aliens are next. I. Can't fucking wait.

24133538? ago

Nope. Trump assassination, but then shit gets messy and it's really a last resort for the spooks.

24133546? ago

Never happen. They are way out ahead of that. They tried and tried. Naw they gotta steal the election. That is their only hope.

24133551? ago

Why did Trump walk to the church?

24133657? ago

To pray to God and Jesus?

24133667? ago

He was flexing on the spooks who would like to cap him.

24131794? ago

Too bad its fake aliens. Real alieans would be the shit. Or they wouldn't be the shit and it would suck.

24127906? ago

Cover your bung fren! The probing could start tonite!

24129021? ago

Hey now. I have seen the pics of those Pleadias babes. Are you kidding me. I'M DOING SOME PROBING OF MY OWN. These advanced alien women love a rough low tech cave man to haul them off to the woods and ravage them all night. They will come back for more... I'm a pretty good cook too. Kill a chicken with my bare hands then cook it under the stars on a wood fire next to her UFO. yeahbi can't wait til they invade. Intergalactic pussy.

24129523? ago

I think my second wife was reptilian

24130056? ago

Ya them and those Greys... They Live

24127618? ago

And then shadow puppets.


24127169? ago

The fact that you think a bunch of billionaires are leftist shows how far we have to go

24127041? ago

I think they pulled the trigger too early on the COVID scam. That didn't work so now on to the George Floyd show, which is falling apart by the hour. This proves to me that they are in the full-panic mode so be careful out there.

24128638? ago

Seriously why not wait til like September to pull the virus? Mail in voting would be an easier argument to make.

24128431? ago

The jogger bullshit was just a warmup for this.

24127811? ago

True, I'm guessing they would have preferred releasing it in August, ramp up terror of crowds for the November election.

24128100? ago

August would have been too late (and too warm) in the game to release a virus.

24126966? ago

We are all in trouble if what we're seeing play out is real.

24126532? ago

They're toast, but we need some wins to rub in the left's faces, pronto.

24126978? ago

We need some evil defeated pronto, I could gaf about rubbing anything in the faces of brainwashed hypnotized people.

24127708? ago

Pedos like Dershowitz need to be brought down. Not embraced by QTards.

24128228? ago

Everyone here knows that Dersh never does anything that he isn't leveraged into - regardless of which side he's hitting for that day.

24128424? ago

Did he leverage his penis into underaged Virginia Giuffre? She specifically named him and Prince Andrew?

24128443? ago

Don't expect anyone sane to ever defend any jew.

24125994? ago

Biden is keeping the seat warm. They know that even if things were going well hes not electable.

24125818? ago

I think they have planned both the virus attack and the BLM/Antifa attack for a long time. I think they would have done both no matter what.

24129510? ago

I agree. I don't think they knew when they'd have to use it though

24135138? ago

I think Antifa and BLM were created and shaped for the purpose of the riots, and they created both while they thought Hillary would win.

24127949? ago

Yep. It was planned for Hillary.

24131147? ago

...for early in Hillary's second term. At least, if I were writing the script, that's how I'd do it. She'd be old, vulnerable, die with a grand state funeral, and then be replaced for 3½ years with a far less crazy, more likable, and totally controllable socialist.

24131438? ago

Why the fuck would they replace their Stalin? Every single action they've taken was in order to install their Stalin. So why would they remove her. She's exactly the person they wanted in charge for all this.

She's Stalin in the plan. The strongman dictator.

24135848? ago

Any man who does not know she is a loser doesn't deserve his set. Maybe a handful of feminists can be duped, but that's it.

24137433? ago

You're struggling to follow along with the conversation there guy

24127698? ago

I do agree with this - although if they thought they could win, I think they would’ve done it under Biden admin. Just imagine how this would all be going under a democratic president. They would achieve perpetual lockdowns and police state. This seems like a panic move to regain power in an election year. Tactically, it doesn’t make sense unless it were last resort.

24127386? ago

If Q knew about this two years ago, it's obvious this has been planned way in advance.

24127691? ago

Q knew about the virus?

24133646? ago

FFS, the writers of the 2003 ‘The Dead Zone’ Season 2, Episode 14 [Plague] knew about the virus and that CHLOROQUINE was the cure. Maybe that’s why they didn’t like Trump talking about it. Dean Koontz knew too in his 1981 book ‘The Eyes of Darkness’, which describes a Pandemic in 2020 of a virus called the ‘Wuhan-400’. Of course it was originally called the ‘Gorki-400’ and later changed in 1989 due to the end of the Cold War, so that TOTALLY ruins that (kek).

24130952? ago

Everybody knew that viruses were being developed as bio-weapons. Everybody knew it was only a matter of when. Q seems to have known a bit more about the stage of development than most, but... my 2¢ says that they hurried it up for the election year. Remember the 16-year plan? 2020 would have been year 12. I think they were working on taking out the elderly closer to the 13/14 mark and using that panic for "health" tracking after more 5G was in place. If they had a Dem in now, they would not have wanted to mess with risking reelection. But they needed a global event now and did not have time to get vaccines in place for more complete control.

24125609? ago

All over the world we have "George Floyd" protests - this is ridiculous and making it more obvious that it is organized by the radical left

24125541? ago

The day of evil draws closer and closer.

24125218? ago

(SEE THE COMMUNIST PLOT FOR WHAT IT IS!)[https://voat.co/v/QRV/3855539]

24125524? ago

Spammer 9.