24128262? ago

It’s pretty pathetic actually - I feel like I could’ve done a better job. A race war is a losing strategy because you can only get so many niggers to get off the couch and loot.

15 cities with 15k looters each isn’t a major uprising.

You need to break into million man territory before you can successfully start a destabilization effort.

Plus young kids have no convictions. Easily give up. Not willing to die.

I would’ve just waited it out until a future swings back to a liberal agenda in like 20 years and then blow up 10 major cities and blame it on Nigerian scammers.

Everyone would be able to unite around that and then we’d still be destabilized.

Anyways, Democrats are pathetic and desperate. These riots are being blown up and given more attention than they deserve. Even the footage is pretty tame. Only couple executions. Not nearly enough for uprising.

24127387? ago

They're doing a damn good job with their agenda, even with a Republican President for 4 years, the house and senate for 2, and senate for 4.

24127361? ago

How many times has America been destroyed? Tested? Broken up only to reform?

Stay calm. Stay aware. Protect your neighborhoods. We will rebuild.

24125405? ago

Yes yes you are obvious.

24124892? ago

Remember Patriots, there're [[MS-13]] and other [[gangs]] (and other mal-creatures) mixed in with the rioters.

24125463? ago

Spammer 5.

24124525? ago

^^ Thinks American is being destroyed


24124732? ago


24124488? ago

Dems will destroy America if they think for one second it will help them get power back.

All I can say about that is never underestimate the intelligence of Americans to see through their bullshit.