24146643? ago

I’m near 40’s. But I’ve seen enough change for the worse. It like something out of a horror novel. You’re not alone. It’s fucking straight nonsense clown world. Upside down, revelation time stuff. If only.

24136414? ago

55 and ditto

24136006? ago

I love how the younger generation analyzes everything we say, do and watch always telling us how racist we are as we work full time and watch their kids in our free time as they live in the house we pay for even though they are making almost double what we make sitting on their ass on unemployment

24135925? ago


24135845? ago

I with ya, Chief: Everybody thinks you're "lucky" if you go to work every day and pay 50% in taxes if you are married and your spouse makes a decent wage... But they won't do it, so WE are the aholes?!?

24135685? ago

The answer is in the question. This has nothing to do with Q. It has to do with your mortality. That's why you fell for this internet hoax. It made you feel vital, even though deep down you knew it was nonsense.

24135313? ago

I am forever changed circa 12/17.

24135219? ago

I know who I am. End of story.

24135030? ago

I love you just the way you are Anon.

24134807? ago

38, and I am a deplorable. Truely scum of the earth you know.

And you know what? I don't care anymore. I was raise on the "everything had 1 white, 1 mexian, and 1 black guy in every group photo." Know what is now? Everything has 1 black man, and maybe a white woman. Every white character is blackwashed and we are called racist for not liking it. But gods forbid a white character took over a black role...

I have learned what blacks are. They are RACIST. A 1000x more racist than whites ever were.

Friends, its kill or be killed. Peace, never was, and never will be an option. No group of humans have ever hated another group more than blacks hate whites.

And its all the democrats fault. "Divide and conquer" they played, the game, pitting blacks against whites to win the black vote. Never once did they think of the deep, nigh infinite well of HATE that would breed. For 50 years they piled hate on hate, blamed every problem a black ever had, real or imagined, on the white man. Now its Chernobyl Reactor #4. And the lid of that containment vessel is now bulging from the pressure.

Why do you think despite the fact ALL 4 of the cops involved have been arrested and will face MURDER charges NOBODY CARES? Because its not about Floyd. There is no water left in Reactor #4. The hate has gone critical. This is the blacks going completely ape shit. THIS is the shit hits the fan.

Buy guns people. I have my AR-15. Buy a gun, ANY gun. even a HiPoint at this point. Because its the only way you are going to survive what is coming: You must kill or be killed.

And buy food. Buy it TODAY. The stores will soon be empty , and they will not be restocked. The niggers are already targeting truckers hoping to close the supply lines to collapse the nation.

24133229? ago

I'm 55, female and grew up in the midwest. I agree with everything you've said here anon but I feel the opposite way.

I was never "normal ", never fit in, always the black sheep of my family. I loved to read, questioned everything, always wanted to learn. I was constantly told to stop asking so many questions and why couldn't I be more like my little sister always pacified by the television no matter what was on it.

I realize more and more each day now that I was born for this exact moment in time.

Who I was then is who I am now only now I have a lifetime of common sense. Connecting dots is second nature as is seeking the truth, trusting myself and my intuition.

I was labeled a weirdo as a child and felt like a freak for never fitting in. I will not accept any of the looney left's labels.

I am a God fearing white female patriot blessed to live in America.

Turns out I was way ahead of the curve.

My little sister always pacified by the television... she committed suicide in 2007.

24137743? ago

I was very sad to read that last sentence. I identify with your situation almost identically, also have a younger sister who was raised on tv. She is expecting her first child now and I know God has a plan for her to pull her through her long term depression. God bless you and thanks for sharing your experience. It reminds me to try and toss a life ring to the disheartened individuals and try to bring them into the fold. No anon left behind!

24132897? ago

that was an amazing write-up, thank you. I'm printing it out to re-read over and over again. I relate very much & reading that was almost a therapeutic effect. ::applauds::

24137773? ago

I maxed out my upvoats halfway down. This important thread needs to be pinned above the Q posts. MOAR UPVOATS!

24132668? ago

As Ronald Reagan famously pointed out, i did not leave the Democrat party, they left me. I feel that way about the world. Am same as you. Worked my tail off to earn a living and support myself. But I'm privileged? I grew up poor and everything I have I earned and paid for. Even when my business faltered, I didn't go stand in line at a welfare office, I figured it out. I bought less. I needed less.

Am a female and I've had to learn self defense, got my CCW, am careful now where I travel and who knows what I have and what I carry. The world has changed. I haven't. I won't wear a mask. I won't bow to white privilege. I can't be cowed into submission by public shaming. I'm born the same day as Kayleigh (our new Press Secretary)... and I think just like her. Someone tries to bully me and I stare them down until they back off. Or I say, "I'm sure you understand I'm not interested in having this conversation with you. My life is not your concern." Then I pat them on the shoulder and walk away.

Best response is a deadpan face and no reaction if you can pull it off. FUCK THEM. I'm researching places to move to so I can get out of the center of a large city. Truthfully, we all need to find ways to find each other without doxxing ourselves to the trolls and shills infiltrating this site.

Stand strong and be who you are. Don't let the soy boy bullies and the wanna be SJW girl/boys bully you. They only win because conservatives are much more polite. I think that ended last night.

24137827? ago

I pray my daughter grows up to be like you and K, unstoppable force for Good.

24132229? ago

sums it up

24131726? ago

i was never normal

damaged by something(s) early on, my health took a nose dive around 19

was a 4.3 gpa student studying two languages and had job in japan afterwards

but my body shat the cradle

so many plans have been abandoned, it kills me a little each time

seeing medical system retardation started my journey, and then i studied 9/11 in hyper detail by about 2007

started archiving offline in 2012 and got everything from BB and SH, such stupid and sloppy stuff they did

has been a descent into unsanity since then, especially the seeming carte blanche with which the terminal msm operates

and i also died a little since 2017 watching all my family elders buy the worsening lies

they really are not who i thought they were

now dealing with new health problems during this lockdown

started praying, i really hope to be here long enough to see the show

24137864? ago

Keep on fighting the good fight, anon! Know that the Lord has seen the Light in you. God bless you!

24134221? ago

The "show" is not real and you're just a deluded retard. Hope you die soon because you sound like you deserve it.

24134752? ago

waaah, did someone run out of babies to rape?

remember to suckstart the loud end of the shotgun when the time comes

24131077? ago

We jumped parallel universes and are now on Bizarro World, welcome fren. We hope our stay will not be long.

24137876? ago

I feel exactly the same, got to get back to good ol 1985!

24130846? ago

"If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first." John 15:18

24130685? ago

You are who GOD says you are: His child.

24130637? ago

Abusers almost always demoralize their subjects with lies, accusations, criticisms, and gaslighting, eating away at their identity and self-respect, and isolating them from their support systems before they start the physical abuse. The targets often don't catch for a long time because they think they're dealing with a normal person acting in good faith who just wants the best for them both. So when the abuser starts criticizing them and asking them to change this or that behavior, they generally try to accommodate the other person.

But abusers are not acting in good faith. They might act loving and concerned as they express their concerns and accusations. They might seem to have legitimate grievances and truly seem unable to see that you're not committing the offenses they're accusing you of. But they are manipulating you. Their goal is control, dominance, and exploitation of their target.

Over time, this wears down the target's self-esteem, confidence in what's true and not true, and their strength to fight back on their own behalf. Maybe they are all those terrible things the abuser is accusing them of being. Maybe they are the cause of all the problems. Maybe if they appease and go along, the abuser will be pacified. That's when the physical abuse starts. That's how we got here.

The target of such abuse CAN find the strength to fight back, especially when they are armed with the knowledge of what's been done to them, that the person they loved and trusted was actually gutting them while pretending to care for them. They can fight back more effectively with the support of others who also know what's going on. That's where we are now.

24138430? ago

This is why I pray. The testosterone in my family tends towards manipulation and away from love. It is hard for me to sacrifice my pride but I can practice it on this forum and learn to re wire my animalistic fear into loving benevolence. I appreciate the painful truth of this comment.

24130270? ago


24130246? ago

  1. All in.

24130027? ago

You have fallen into the Marxist propaganda trap. They give a platform to a puppet and have them spout off the "collective opinion" of entire swaths of the population. If you believe that their puppet speaks for everyone on the other side, you they have won. You have now been passively locked into a "Tribe" just like the fools that actually believe their propaganda. You begin to embrace all that they say you are allowing them to say, "See! They are exactly what we said they were." For example:

If a Black man is frustrated about a shortcoming he can either look inside of himself and improve or become a victim by blaming an outside party. I lost that job because I need to build X skill. I don't have wealth because I didn't sacrifice short term wants toward that long term goal. The truth is that the only thing a man controls is himself so within is where all solutions lie. Looking inward and improving is hard work so the Marxist provides the perfect out... It was because you are Black! Now that person can place all the blame on external forces he has no control over absolving himself of any personal responsibility in his or her life outcome. This vile opiate is so pleasurable and potent it is passed around the community. The more passionately they blame others and refuse to open dialogue the more comforting it becomes. The desire for equality has been lost to the sick delusion of domination. This is ACTIVE Marxist propaganda.

I had an epiphany observing how the Japanese saw their history. They realized they made mistakes, but still deeply loved their fathers, sons and brothers that made the ultimate sacrifice and died in the war. There was always this weird schism in the society of pride and shame about honoring their fallen. I just thought it was strange how China would react, but I have finally realized that this speaks to the trap Marxists have set for Whites.

Like all people, Whites want to be proud of who they are and their history. They should be. However a people's history isn't always so positive. The Marxist seizes upon this to become irrationally critical of Whites (or whomever the ruling class is) and use these imperfections to justify invalidating a people's entire history and casting them as villains in a propaganda masterpiece. Whites, of no fault of their own, find it next to impossible to weather the withering constant criticism. Some try to go along to get along, but the goal posts keep getting moved every time White folk think things can begin to move forward. Just as Blacks took the N word and embraced it, Whites have said, "F it! If you guys all want us to be the bad guy, fine. I am who I am and I am proud of it!" This is PASSIVE Marxist propaganda.

In either case they achieve exactly the same goal. They box people into self-reinforcing easily infiltrate-able "Tribes" which can be manipulated at will. The Black man that sees the lie of externalization can't find White allies. The White man goes into a siege mentality getting increasingly panicked as the brainwashed masses multiply around him. Exactly what the Marxist is hoping for to create the ultimate clash of cultures they see themselves winning.

None of these clowns on CNN speak for all Blacks. They are all full of crap because between the celebrities, athletes, and media types they could buy a small town and create the Utopian society they rant about. They do nothing, because solving problems and building something isn't their goal. They are puppets used by the Marxist to destroy.

White folks please understand that enlightened Blacks see the nonsense for what it is. Be vigilant because many Blacks (and Whites) are lost, but understand that not all are. Please open to build with people that are awakened.

24133295? ago

Maybe we need to step up our game. Let them spout off whatever they want to. Pause, shake your head "no" and say, "Yeah, that's not my reality. I'm so sorry you got roped into that echo chamber. It's a might small way to live your life. Well, gotta run. You keep working on that Adulting thing. You'll get there. Love you. Bye."

Might work. If nothing else, by saying that, you reinforce in YOUR brain that you ain't buying into their trauma drama or tiny world view. This is a healthy way to operate. Or this works, "Wow, I didn't know anyone actually still believed all that stuff." Bye, love you.

24132626? ago

God wins. This is the true awakening.

24133248? ago

And that was the message to the Great Awakened masses of Trump in front of the burned out church. Think about how powerful that message was. We got it. The Leftards who freaked out were experiencing massive cognitive dissonance. They can't wrap their head around Orange Man Bad with a bible. Or with a message of Love. But we got it. I passed that along to some people with the meme of the anointing in the White House - https://files.catbox.moe/udozc0.png

The real message that we need to spread is that we are in a massive war against Christianity and Progress through individualism and entrepreneuralism -- all of which is available to everyone regardless of color. Marxism hates that idea, because it's not manageable or controllable.

Just as the HCQ debate -- that is a cure that is available for all with a bottle of Quinine Tonic, a few drops of Ionized Zinc, and 2-3MG of Vitamin C + sunshine. That is too cheap. Can't be controlled. Can't be taken away.

This is the bottom line of the Liberal Left thinking:

"I don't trust myself to do the right thing because I never grew up and I don't know how to Adult. Therefore I don't trust YOU to do the right thing because how can you be better than me or more adult than me? There fore we must hand over our decisions to "the collective" because a group knows better than an individual what is best for all of us."

Individualism scares the shit out of them because they were raised with caution tape around them and they never learned to think for themselves. But they were told they were intellectuals, or smarter than others, just to feed their self esteem. To face a different point of view means they are wrong. They never learned how to be wrong. They never learned how to love their mistakes and learn from them. They were coddled all the way through the process of growing up.

The males were castrated and turned into Beta males and that was glorified. This started way back with TV shows like M.A.S.H. Alan Alda was held up as the ideal male. Like all the other war sitcoms of the day, they minimalized the horrors of war, or they used select parts to pontificate. They showed communists as caricatures we shouldn't be afraid of. Or humanized them (until one of them sneaked into the camp and blew the place to smithereens.) Just go back and watch that and Hogans Heroes, McHales Navy, all of them. Watching with the knowledge we now have, it's a horrifying and subtle propaganda.

24134151? ago

The word of God is our sword. It is a weapon, use it.

24133824? ago

Yes brother. The world will know we are Christ's disciples by the love we have for each other. This is his commandment, to love each other as he has loved us. Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. -Psalm 91:5-12

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak." -Paul, Ephesians 6:10-20

"These things I have spoken to you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." -Jesus, John 16:33

24137467? ago

Amen, God Bless you anon!

24131650? ago

Agree....the Marx propaganda is poison. Do not believe it!

24130860? ago

well stated. thank you.

24129986? ago

Thanks for defining me. And all those words they say, but I never bothered to look them up. An India Indian guy whose father is a millionaire doctor practicing in the US called my daughter white privileged routinely. Daddy paid for this guys college and lived in a luxury apartment. My daughter paid her own and shared a shack.

24132552? ago

If the world hates you, know that it hated me first.

-Jesus Christ

24129797? ago

Why are you bothered what other people think.

24130681? ago

Because what other people think determines what they do. The globalists running the media and segments of our government control the minds of millions, and they are why we have been locked in our homes for months and subjected to violent looting for a week, with much worse to come if they go unchecked.

24131025? ago

The Wheat and the Tares, together we'll grow. You and nobody else can stop what is coming. Nature will take it's course. Chill out before you bust a blood vessel.

24130195? ago


24129581? ago

You know exactly who you are. You are an American Patriot. Say it loud and be proud. We MUST be the silent majority no more. We are taking our country back. We built it. Our ancestors built it. Our children need to inherit it. The criminal left build nothing. They are destroyers of lives and civilizations. They must be forced out, both literally and spiritually.

24132522? ago

God built this land & God built this country

24129477? ago

You're still normal to me. Much love OP.

24129474? ago

We stand together.

24132510? ago

Amen patriot. God wins.

24129368? ago

REMEMBER, evil HAPPENS, it is EVERYWHERE (infiltrators). Good men (throughout history) STAND UP against EVIL. Truth = good, LIES = EVIL. Start there, stand there, STAY there. CHOOSE (good OR evil, you CANNOT have both). It's THE message of the Bible.

24129117? ago

Agree. Dropped out of HS, pregnant. Struggled with child for many years, but worked hard, took student loans for higher education, graduated and became a gen practice medical doctor. Immediately upon end of education, student loans came due at the same time starting a private practice from scratch, nurturing and growing with every penny over several years into a well established practice. Just when life had finally turned to the better, enjoying and loving the business of medicine, Obama destroyed it with the healthcare act. Since in business less then 10 years, still paying high stud loans, high office overhead, fully staffed, etc, forced to close in less than one years time liquidating everything. Student loans remained the same and due on time or else and wasn’t interested in any poor sob stories. Default was inevitable. Employment as a doctor didn’t pay enough to live and pay loans back up with defaulted interest to principle compounded. Stress became a constant part of life. No where to seek help either. Then the luck came to wipe the loans out, begin to heal the credit rating which was too low to work with for anything, and could finally get along for a bit. The cancer.

I hear and understand patriot.

24132216? ago

God loves you no matter what. Believe it. I WILL pray for you sister. In the name of JESUS

24130234? ago

My the Lord offer you solace as I do.

You are in my prayers for, as God wills it, this too shall pass!

24129017? ago

Here kind stranger, enjoy some gold for this great post.

24128704? ago

So astute

24128669? ago

If I were to go on social media right now and voice my thoughts and opinions, I'd probably get berated and deleted, not that I care, and my message is of unity and logical thinking. Question everything and don't believe everything you hear/see/read is what I say, yet people think I'm crazy.

I want to quit drugs so badly, but it's hard living clean in this pathetic world. I need to numb myself from all the idiocy. I have like 1 or 2 half red pilled friends, the rest post a black screen on Instagram to show their virtue signalling selves.

24130259? ago

Clean Living is hard, but so worth it!

True friendship is a precious gift.

It's out there. Keep looking and let the drugs go.

Your mind is all the control you need.

Love you, for you are as God made you, Perfect in all ways that matter!

24131272? ago

It's hard man. Stopping drugs will have me paying the piper for months, and the first 3 weeks will be hell.

24139060? ago

It is hard, I went through the 3-4 weeks and I feel a lot better and enjoying the little things despite the bizarre reality. Every day is a challenge but the prayer and this forum gives me peace. Also writing messages to the white house. I feel like POTUS doesn't want to let us down and I am training myself to keep up my end of the bargain, that way when this is all over I will look back and feel like I was a part of this yuge battle against wickedness. You can do it! Remember, Everyone on this thread is pulling for you and you had the stones to admit your weakness/vulnerability. Keep stacking those daily victories and write down your feels anywhere you can. Thank the Lord and ask Him to do for you what you cannot do for yourself! It works! I pray for God to give you the will to pull the addiction demon out of your self and cast it away once and for all time.

24128380? ago

Well said. Lots of red pill being taken this year.

24128355? ago

33 and already feel completely defeated and disempowered in the system we live in.

I’m white, blonde, blue eyed, female who came from a 2 parent household with a stay at home mom. I believe in traditional roles/values. I’m literally the antichrist to the left.

24132176? ago

You are a child of God :) I want to encourage you. Be empowered!

Don't let the enemy lie to you. Unfortunately the left doesn't even know who Christ is. How then will they know who the antichrist is?

Share the good word sister. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace, perfect peace. Shalom. Nothing missing, nothing lacking, nothing broken. In the name of Jesus.

24130300? ago

My daughter is the same. She is succeeding! You can too!

Never let them see you sweat. Find that goal and let no one deter you.

Honesty, Kindness, Truthfulness, Determination, Persistence, life long learning and HARD WORK. You will get there.

24130965? ago

Thank you for the kind words of encouragement

24128234? ago

I was going to ask if you were married until you said that going to the bathroom part.

24128160? ago

from: doglegwarrior

reading the replies i didnt think we had practically any women here.

24130309? ago

Lots of us for years.

We tend to be quiet.....

24130991? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i appreciate having yall around wish i could find a 30 to 35 year old white goat to make some babies with. the one i have lined up might be retarded after seeing her response to covid1984

24139123? ago

I feel retarded just reading your posts.

24139868? ago

from: doglegwarrior

no thats your actual state. you dont feel retarded you are a retard. just need to clarify for you, considering you are retarded you probably needed the help.

24128154? ago

The world as it appears thru the looking glass aka mirror.

24128137? ago

Jesus fucking christ. Is it a fucking retirement home in here?

24132559? ago

do you even know what Building 7 is, soytits?

24135656? ago

ok old faggot. go take your pills and die quietly now.

24137203? ago

start fluffing that shotgun soon, diddler

24137235? ago

right after you die of the beetus you old fat nigger loving boomer faggot

24139142? ago

I was wondering where all the shills were! Bottom feeding as usual!

24139269? ago

fucking your granddaughters*

24139414? ago


24139538? ago

nah it was a success. pretty sure she is pregnant.

24130933? ago

careful with the Lord's name

24130949? ago

god fucking damn you christcucks are true nigger retards

24131032? ago

careful with that G word. He's not even your God.

24131084? ago

your god is in your imagination christcuck. i embrace the old ways of my ancestors not that of fucking sand nigger invaders.

24131369? ago

You have a broken heart

24130324? ago

Just because some may be Boomers, doesn't mean we are retired!

Silly boy...

24128136? ago

I find it helpful to ask "If I were trying to ruin the US from the inside, what would I do?". For example, slowly get control of Education by using the idealogues, control the Media and remove all semblence of critical thinking, fubar case law with idiotic law suits, etc. Then wait for those sown seeds to grow into the most anti-american movement of useful idiots possible, give them a messiah, and tie up society with regulations and politically correct speech. The 1% that is Evil uses the best parts of the US against it to take advantage of the 99%

24131928? ago

Thank God we're taking this country back

24127938? ago

This is the best thing I've read in a long time. Thank you.

24139178? ago

This is a heart-warming thread. Plenty of love to go around, sharing the Good Word. God Bless.

24127891? ago

BLM-tards go around saying they built this country. we know it was you, the hardworking, honorable white male.

24131820? ago

God built this country

24142089? ago

fully agree. just countering the indoctrination happening across media and education that rewrites history, erases facts to proclaim that the US was built by slaves. railroads, buildings, infrastructure, the industrial revolution, etc...

24127886? ago

So funny patriot and so sad. I pray when the patriots are finished you will see that America again.

24127838? ago

You are an American, Freedom Loving, Free Thinking Intelligent Human Being!

I proudly Stand Beside you!

Don't let the Ameircan hating Lunatic Socialists, Fascists and Radical Marxist Communists deflate Your Resolve To Keep America Great!

We are Many and We Will No Longer Be Silent!

God Bless You!

24127685? ago

me too...

24127497? ago

I live in NY City. I am all of these things too. So living in NYC w this profile makes me a fascist.

P. S. Fuck you mayor diblasio and gov Cuomo for letting them destroy my home town. And fuck you Jared and Ivanka for pulling Trump toward your globalist, progressive cult.

24131504? ago

"If the world hates you, know that it hated me first." -Jesus Christ

24127480? ago

You married???


24127360? ago

We tried to be nice, ignore this stuff and let people do their own thing but that’s not good enough for them. Now look where it got us. We need to stand up and make our voices heard. I couldn’t care less if someone calls me a racist or any other buzz word. Time for us to be loud, be brave, & have your fellow patriot’s back.

24127783? ago

Been called a racist often.

I never said don't defend yourself!

24128697? ago

I know. Just trying to fire people up. Some are too complacent.

24131471? ago

God wins!

I want to fire people up too. Be on fire for God!

24127324? ago

Sharing, very well said Patriot.

24131410? ago

"If the world hates you, understand that it hated me first."

-Jesus Christ

24127309? ago

All of your problems are because of jews. Everything going on right now has a jew or group of jews behind it. Know your enemy. The jew has lied to blacks and filled their heads with lies and are trying to use them to start a race war. Jews are also flooding us with all of the illegal invaders.

24127262? ago

28...same sentiments

24127237? ago

The enemy wants you all to believe you're not a cohesive majority group. Look at all the divisive shit they have drilled into your heads at every opportunity to make you doubt .

24131388? ago

God wins

24127799? ago

Don't Listen other than to learn their tactics.

24127212? ago

Welcome to the black pill.


There is no fix that a Q could provide. These people are not part of society. They never will be. The question now is how to remove tens of millions of people.

24126981? ago

This is the "new normal". I know how you feel...

24126936? ago

Summed up perfectly.

Thanks for sharing.

24131270? ago

If the world hates you, understand that it hated me first. -Jesus

24126857? ago

As a man, I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white, into a two-parent household which now, whether I like it or not, makes me "Privileged", a racist & responsible for slavery.

That's because the Jew teaches gentile children that the white man is responsible for slavery and not the Jew: https://wethoughttheywerewhite.tumblr.com

24126822? ago

May I post this on Facebook?

24126854? ago


24126895? ago

Thank you!

24126793? ago

No, you are not alone. I am a 73-year-old man and completely understand everything you pointed out.

24131238? ago

A 73-year-old child of God :)

24126792? ago

Well folks,

This was sent to me by a good friend. Vietnam Vet, Boomer, worked HARD all his life....

I posted it because it doesn't matter if you are a woman or a man, the principle holds true.

For the record, I am a Boomer Woman.

I don't bother with black screens, or black boxes on my social network page... I don't have a social network page.

I don't let color interrupt my life, I don't let religion dictate my stance on whom I hold in my heart, I teach my children well.

We should all celebrate our differences. Each adds to the Flavor of our Great Nation.

I have lived in the Deep South, The Midwest, the Northeast, traveled in most of our 50 states.

I have grownup in a 70's "Blended Family" of 12 people, worked for everything I have alongside my husband of 42 years.

Label me all you want, try and box me in any way you can, judge me by any measure you care to, I am simply me.

The 10 Commandments are a reference point for living the good life without regret and I cannot think of a better way to meet my maker than by allowing those words to guide my behavior.

God Bless you all for your comments.

Never let anyone dictate your happiness.

Never let anyone label you as they see fit. I define ME.

Help who you can, avoid those that use you, be KIND, and show LOVE....... unless you need to use it to defend you or yours, hold your fire.

Because, I truly Believe Where We Go One, We Go All!

May the good Lord Protect all of us and especially our President Donald J. Trump and his Family.

We need his Love for our Nation and it's people more than ever.

One Nation Under God With Liberty And Justice For ALL!

24126759? ago

I know who you are...my brother in patriotism

24131217? ago

Amen patriot

24126731? ago

Isaiah 1:4-7 spells it straight out.

2020 is nothing new, it happened several times before.

As with them in history, we also have the same road to correction to tread.

Some have already left and well along the way

Repentance is a narrow one-way street

When are you leaving?

24126584? ago

bahahahaha, we know how you feel.. we are the normal sane folks here. WRWY


24131145? ago

Jesus was considered by many to be insane.


24126562? ago

I think you've summed it all up perfectly there! When I think about it, it's amazing how many people with those 'alternative beliefs' come and go during life and actually make you question your own beliefs. Thankfully, I've never allowed any liberal minded freak to convince me to think like them.

24126472? ago


24126431? ago

You know what, I use to be a dem till HRC stole the election from Bernie. So I switched to Republican and my morals are the same. I still believe in helping others out. I still want everyone to have enough food, shelter, medical care. I still believe in family, and still proud to be American. I haven’t changed my views or my morals, I just realized the Republican Party represents them and the Dems only pretend to.

24132667? ago

Q helped me find God

24126387? ago

same here, 30 year old white woman. (except i didn't go to college, for obvious reasons.)

24126259? ago

I don't discuss politics with people who are "woke". It will take too long to explain to them how everything they believe is built on a whole architecture of lies. I kind of feel sorry for them. However, I occasionally will drop red pills. One good recent one is: "You remember how last week everyone was social distancing, and now that's totally out the window WORDLWIDE?"

24131127? ago

Take the Christ pill: the true red pill

24126254? ago

With you brother

24126207? ago

I am too friend! Now my son has to live with our same burdens!


24126191? ago

38 and deplorable here. Live free or die hard!

24126108? ago

God Bless you Patriot .. I praise Him for giving you to us...

it is a great honor to stand beside you in this fight we are engaged in..

24126103? ago

It makes you a child of God. we have suffered. some dont think about God some do. but based on your morals you are known by your fruits. ITS OUR TURN. satan getting a beat down. it will come. we lived through the worst but we are being restored. before i die (a natural death) in 20 30 years....it will be a whole new world. satan tried to bring about the end on his terms. God is in control. its the Apocalypse for THEM. not .US

24126067? ago

I absolutely love this! Thank you so very much! 2020 is the new 1984. I understand their doing this to get power. What I don't understand is what for? What's their purpose in life? I mean truly. Is this tyranny and communism for all really a great way for anyone to live the one life they have? Wow you can have it all and live in a bunker. So what? Is is so wrong to want to branch out and go to the Moon, Mars and other planets in our Solar System? Must they control only Earth for some reason? Aren't they bored with their disgusting pursuits? Have they know dreams beyond their current acquisitions? Aren't their only just so many Bon Bons one wants to eat before you get full and ill? Granted these people are mentally ill. Can you imagine living in George Soros's mind??? Shudder. He became what he saw. I do hope the Bernie following young people can recover from this and do not become a future Soros. Why would anyone want to be him or Bernie for that matter? Become a better and happier person.

Control of life that is actually uncontrollable? (just ask God) I cannot keep my cat in my own backyard with appropriate 45 degree fencing that stops most cats. Not this one. This one looks at me, watches me putting up post after post and tarps added at the most agregious locations. Then he sleeps. Later he saunters over to yet another area and proceeds to easily climb out. He is aerodynamic with a small behind and springing legs, strong arms. Pulls himself up, balancing back legs against the wall and voila he is out. Unlike the very heavy butted brother cat sleeping away under the lemon bush.

People have gone crazy from all sides and groups and religions yada yada yada. What for??? There is much goodness out there. Find it! Become it!

24131093? ago

Goodness IS out there! His name is Jesus!

24126058? ago

I am a gay towel head and people like me just fine. You should try it bigot!

24126056? ago

You can even say that we're living in a Japanime:

The character that Shinji from Neon Evangelion was based upon,

The character that Suzaku Kururugi from Gode Geass was based upon,

The character that Goku from Dragonball Z was based upon,

Among many others I haven't mentioned,

...is about to make an entrance.

24125917? ago

inclusive American culture

There's your problem. You bought their bullshit hook, line and sinker.

Slippery slope.

24125703? ago

Same, Male 51.

24131067? ago

If the world hates you, know that it hated me first.

-Jesus Christ

24125696? ago

Same. Female (yes, I’m damn sure of my gender). Late 50s. Conservative. Pro-Trump and looking to get out of my current job - the swamp of education where my colleagues want to teach everything with a Marxist, feminist, Anti-American, anti-male perspective. They suck.

24132781? ago

Freedom in Christ, sister. God bless you

24125670? ago

Black Pill - We're done.

Red Pill - It's the jews.

Invisible Pill - Trust in God.

24125614? ago

You're a Nazi now, will it or not. Welcome to the club.

24125537? ago

Same here except male 36

24125534? ago

Pretty sure you just explained who I am. A lot of us feel this way.

24125503? ago

Yup - I'm 68 - female - and obsolete, even though I was one of the first women in computer software! LOL

24131052? ago

You're not obsolete - you are a child of God :)

24125371? ago

My gay Aunt does not think you’re a homophobe.

24125271? ago

Post of the year. Well done

24125118? ago

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24125006? ago

But, of course, you're still a normal, decent person - it's the world that went to Hell and now a solid third appear to believe and think the most evil kinds of things (hope it's not too much more than a third). Another third are kind of partially fucked up - but lets hope and pray they're salvageable.

Kind of bizarre, but all that pop culture blather of the Zombie Apocalypse - well, it's kind of here because these people really don't have a lick of brains anymore (the demon-possessed bottom third)

24132733? ago

Q helped me get saved

24137252? ago

Same! The Book of Q!

24125003? ago

I am older than 60, making me a useless person who doesn't understand Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

And that also makes you a Boomer, so you can't comprehend humorous trolling.

Walks away briskly, while whistling innocently.

24127878? ago

Moron, of a certainty we can!

24128311? ago

It went right over you head. sigh

24130397? ago

Think what you will Sonny!

24139204? ago

The use of italics makes it feel smart

24125902? ago

In other words, “ok boomer”

24124926? ago

Excellent observations! History is written by the victors...Over the next decade, Patriots will erase the lexicon of fear and tear down the walls built to divide us amongst ourselves! Injustice will be overcome through unity and faith. God Bless you all.

24124901? ago

Wow, I never knew Franklin said all that, surprisingly relevant to today's standards!!!

24124893? ago

Probably explains why over 70% of all suicides in the USA are white males. Yet white males are the 'oppressors', not the oppressed. Whites are the 'privileged'. Make one complaint about your life to a Leftist and you get, "Oh cry me a river! LOL!"

24132768? ago

It's antichrist Satanic warfare. Inversion, division, deception.

24124874? ago

We get in line behind a brilliant leader, DJT, and MI who fit the same description. People just like you ...saving the world.

24124822? ago

Well written, well said.

24124804? ago

No more brother wars. Band together and resist the modern world.

24132657? ago

God wins.

24124796? ago

Boomer snowflake wants to crwy cuz he fee-fees huwrt - definitely not a homophobe cuz this cringe is hardcore, double-fisted gay as fuck ROFL!

24124744? ago

I say that makes you a Patriot! I'm rowing the same boat my friend. It may be upstream but we gotta keep rowing. God Bless America!

24124690? ago

Welcome to freedom.

Never will you miss #FreeDumb

24132854? ago


24124680? ago

As you can tell by the comments your not alone my brother.

24124592? ago

Welcome to the world of identity politics. Doesn't matter the substance of any argument, just slap on a label and dismiss it immediately!

24130877? ago

If the world hates you, understand that it hated me first.

-Jesus Christ

24124560? ago

Same here. Sad, I wonder if we will live long enough to witness cultural changes.

24137564? ago

Revelation 22:11-13

Let the unrighteous continue to be unrighteous, and the vile continue to be vile; let the righteous continue to practice righteousness, and the holy continue to be holy. Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to each one according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

I can feel it. Some days strong, some days weak. One day at a time.

24132716? ago

Have faith :) Q helped me find God. Big things are coming

24137058? ago

Same here. I was an atheist until I started following Q. My spirituality has been sparked and I am attending church again (remotely thx to living in a Democratic locked up location). Reading the Bible and praying for protection for those battling evil.

24124446? ago

I used to be a normal person. I still am, but I used to be too.

24130890? ago

You are God's child :)

24125415? ago

Spammer 1.

24124364? ago

Me too. Male and 33. I'm honestly jealous of you. I have to live on this motherfucker another 30-40 years and I can't possibly see anything but this getting so much worse. I never thought Trump was our savior. I never thought America would ever be any greater. I thought then the same thing I do now, he's our ONLY option.

24137312? ago

34 going on 64. right there with you oldtimer. Stay frosty Kowalski, ya hard nosed polack sonofabitch!

24127848? ago

it will be hard, but you are on the cusp of a world that is yours to remake.

24132921? ago

I love this poem by Barbara Winter:
"When you come
to the Edge
of all the Light you have
and take a step
into the darkness of
The Unknown
You have to believe
There will be something solid
for you to step on.
Or, You will be taught
to Fly."

24124239? ago

You're not alone. I can tick most of those boxes too, as can my husband.

24124216? ago

Why are we allowing others to define us?? By letting others define us, we give them all our power. I know... easier said than done sometimes, but nothing worthwhile comes easy. Our generation knows that better than these juvenile name callers. NO ONE defines us!! We DEFINE OURSELVES!!

I have 3 special needs kids and have spent their entire lives teaching them that they are NOT defined by their disability or their “label”.

And for the record, I’m a woman in my 50s who grew up in a small town, started working at 15, college grad, and can still rock a bikini. I don’t let age define me either!

24132682? ago

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

-Jesus Christ

24126690? ago

Pics or it didn't happen!


24128289? ago

Not a chance here, but there are plenty elsewhere. My point is don’t let anyone define you. Life’s too short.

24128877? ago

Hahaha! I was just messing with you.

This is voat you know.

24129191? ago

It’s all good. : )

24124208? ago

Same, female, 50, originally from the South and still have a bit of an accent (living in Chi) so imagine my life 😂

24132826? ago

God bless you sister

Freedom in Christ

24124531? ago

Wow - that must have been one heck of a culture shock!

24124118? ago

Welcome to JewSA

24124071? ago

I'm a white nationalist.

24124048? ago

You fucking Nazi!!!!

24124011? ago

Very well stated. You're not alone, brother...you described me perfectly.

24131040? ago

children of God

24124004? ago

welcome to the nazi party.

24123939? ago

I was the same except I went into the Army instead of college and was a Liberal until Barack Obama educated me.

24132677? ago

Q helped me find Jesus

24123796? ago

excellent summary. share widely.

24123784? ago

Boomer Bitch here. (((They))) can call me whatever the hell they want. I know that I am on the side of truth. They can go fuck themselves with their meaningless labels.

When someone for instance, calls me a 'conspiracy theorist,' my answer is, "ya, so what's your point?" They never have one. They hear these buzzwords but don't know what they truly are. Or have any kind of argument. It's freedom!

24132941? ago

they are dismissing us with Boomer and Conspiracy theorist. It's easier than having an original thought or having a response to what scares the living daylights out of them.

24136808? ago

Yes. It is definitely fear. They don't know how to navigate through it.

24137220? ago

You are describing feeling I get when I watch Kayleigh. Such immaculate savagery. Respect and defer out of self-preservation. Watch out for the laser beams. ':)

24132807? ago

The truth always prevails

They hate the truth, because they are liars.

God wins

24123758? ago

you're also a subhuman goy

24123709? ago

Bravo. This was so well said I'd like to share.

You just stated the position of many a conservative, precisely.

24132799? ago

As I pointed out to a Black friend the other day, I don't know a lot of Conservatives who go around hating people just for their skin color. If I don't like someone, it's because they are a phony, or they are full of excuses, or they are irresponsible, or they don't keep their word. I hire people based on merit. If you pull your weight, we're good. If you're lazy and blame everyone else for your problems, we're going to have some trouble.

To the newbies scanning this site, most of the racist stuff you see here is posted by trolls and shills. Ignore it like we do. They are the same children who gum up imgur and reddit and live in their mom's basements. Or they are liberals... just sayin'

24130840? ago

"If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first." -Jesus

24123490? ago

The only thing I know how to address is the restroom issue. I guess it's first available now.

24123480? ago

This cannot be upvoted enough.

I’m approaching 40, hardly know anyone whose parents are still married, and a significant amount of families my age are either going through or already divorced. There is a very clear absence of parenting among my peers in favor of their own personal career advancement (which frankly most of them aren’t advancing - just avoiding parental responsibilities).

We need a barometric reset as a society.

24130788? ago

We need Jesus

24125293? ago

When America moved away from God, all of this shit started happening.

24126406? ago

agreed but sadly i believe the movement away from God came from the bullshit 60s Jesus movement in which CULTS were used to destroy true Christianity.

24132755? ago

Westboro Baptist is a C_A operation to make true Christianity look like it hates people. http://mileswmathis.com/westboro.pdf

I've always thought Jehovah's Witnesses were as well. The guy who started it was a Freemason and he was losing money, so he started printing religious tracts and then brainwashed people into going around and getting donations for the crap he just pulled out of thin air. They even call their members "publishers."

24125237? ago


we have SO many selfish adults ignoring the needs of their families.

people need to grow up, or quit having kids.

24130813? ago

We need God

24127498? ago

Becoming a Dad made me realize what a selfish peter pan existence i lived for my entire twenties. The Lord brought me back and didnt give up on me even though every day in bizarro world is a challenge.

24128513? ago

Me too Anon...

God even in my darkest hour was always with me. Just like a good parent for our children.

God bless you all!


24127739? ago

At least the 20 somethings are taking care of animals, give them credit for that much. It's not a child, but it's a start!

24129081? ago

Can I be Christian if I love sucking other men’s dicks?

24123444? ago

The only privilege you had was being born a Boomer; the only generation we know of in human history to have it better than both their parents and children. Unlike you though, most of the 'OK, boomers" always find something to complain about.

24123372? ago

Same here. Just female in her 30s

24130865? ago

But you are a child of God :)

24124959? ago

Tits or GTFO

24128782? ago

STFU degenerate.

24125332? ago

go back to /b/

24125467? ago

nigger faggot

24129954? ago

It occurs much slower and much later in adolescence for some males, but someday you will enter puberty and slowly start to mature. Good luck.

24130940? ago

QPost #1

24124010? ago

At least they can't call you a boomer.

24132884? ago

Why is Boomer a problem? Why is any true Q supporter on here even buying into that meme? That is such a bullshit point of view. "Ooooh, you have seen more of the world than me, so I shall insult you and your intelligence." You have no idea what people have gone through or what we have fought for.

Yes, I'm a baby boomer. I didn't ask to be born in that time any more than you asked to be the age you are. But I worked as hard as I could to wake people up long before your little sperm made that trip to your mama's egg. You are buying into the Democrat/Leftwing talking points. [They] have destroyed history and robbed your age group of perspective and the ability to think for yourself.

You want to find a REAL insult for people of a certain age who never grew up? Those are the aging Hippies. They still live in lala land and think the clouds are unicorn farts. It's one thing to think like a Liberal at age 20. It's another to be 60 and still think socialism works, Marx was a genius, or redistribution of wealth would actually work. Notice the ones who say and think that are all uber wealthy. They've made their money. And they don't want to share it with you. They want you to share your meager salary with others. Jane Fonda, Barbara Streisand, Whoopie, and all the rest are prime examples of people who never grew up and had a lot of privilege handed to them. But oh, "boomers" are the problem. Nope. Hippies are. i know. I was there. I argued with them in the 1970's about this shit. Weather Underground (Bill Ayers), Saul Alinsky, Soros... all those fucks were agitating back then.

24137163? ago

You rock! Slay on!

24132970? ago

I can only assume you misunderstood the tone of my comment, but vent away.

24123357? ago

Same here.


24132798? ago

God wins


24123335? ago

The media is a psyop. Everything you see and hear is not real. They are weaponizing a handful of losers, taking clips of them speaking all parroting the same narrative. Fuck these niggers, white liberals, and jew handlers. Deport all illegals!

24130976? ago

wake up, Neo...

the matrix has you

follow Jesus

24131056? ago

You are agent smith stopping people from realizing the truth. Fuck you! Fuck your Alien, Zionist, Demonic, Jew run control of the world and all your bioweapons. Die!

24131316? ago

He is the way, the truth, and the life.

24123250? ago

I check almost all of those boxes brother. We are truly deplorable.

24130771? ago

We are who GOD says we are: His children.

24127331? ago

No, we're all goyim and there's a war against us.

24126686? ago

You and OP sound like the ideal men to be husbands & fathers. My belief is men like you are what is keeping America together.

Stay the course ~ grateful female anon married to a wonderful privileged deplorable

24126804? ago

0 free time, 0 sleep, just cooked dinner, running a biz from home, taught the kids how to ride bikes/shoot BB guns during the shut-in and we'll be building a computer next...

We do whatever we can because women like you keep us in line, keep the families stable/prioritized, and do just as much - if not far more than what I listed above.


24127712? ago

You Go Girl!

24123187? ago

24123138? ago

You are my Brother! WWG1WGA🇺🇸

24132842? ago

Amen bro


God wins

24123072? ago

You used to be a brainwashed pile of dogshit... Just like I was. NOW. YOU. HAVE. AWOKEN.. Welcome out of plato's cave. Welcome to the war.

24123069? ago

Well doon, lad!

24122964? ago

Yep. Same here.

Except I'm female and about 10 years younger.

You are def. not alone, friend.

24130700? ago

You are who GOD says you are.

24129862? ago

I'm about 50. None of us are alone, even if we are separated by silicon and electrons and don't see others that much irl, like myself.

24130232? ago

..and don't see others that much irl, like myself.

:-) me too. You're right we are not alone.

Peace friend.

24129446? ago

Same. 49 this year and a Army Brat/Mil Spouse. My grandfather, grandmother, and father were all career soldiers. I'm married to a former enlisted Navy Officer. It is my life and what I know. The above sentiment is exactly how I feel.

24127441? ago

I thought everyone here was a 27 year old white guy

24127322? ago

Women should not be part of this discussion. Women should not be allowed to vote or i9n any positions of power.

24128422? ago

Are you the same soyboy from before? I thought I told you to back to the basement and play your video games and leave the adults alone? What happened? Your mom won't let you go protest, now she must have taken away away your video games, what ever will you do soyboy?? Stop being a dumbass and maybe she'll give your game back.

24128627? ago

What a cuck. and you wonder why America is fucked. Niggers, jews and women did this.

24126727? ago

I was going to comment the same. OP and I could be related we have so much in common.

24125181? ago

me too, 52 years old,

and my life has totally changed since Q.

so glad you're all here to keep me sane🇺🇸

24135041? ago

Same exactly for me

24130714? ago

Q woke me up and helped me find Jesus

24128058? ago

Same here only im 30!

24130730? ago

God bless Q

24129724? ago

29 here!

24130741? ago

I'm 29 and Q helped me find Christ

24132975? ago

actually a pretty good sermon right there

24131465? ago

Me as well!

24131089? ago

God bless you!

24124991? ago

Same for me except i'm 25 years younger and not white but female as well

24130750? ago

Q woke me up and helped me discover God

24125434? ago

Same here, except I'm over 278 years old and a man.

24131339? ago

quit playing with yourself, your aging like a dog, shilly.

24125267? ago

Glad to have you onboard

24127630? ago

Do you wanna check out some close up homemade pictures of a girl licking my asshole?

24124834? ago

u wanna hook up?

24124944? ago

Holy fuck. No wonder this sub has went to absolute dog shit. We have 60 year old boomers and 50 year old botches that fucking GOT US INTO THIS MESS, and are now trying to lead the charge?

Maybe you fucks should of stood up DECADES AGOand not let this degenerate shit happen. But you loved it. You loved your jew box. You loved intermizing races. You shoved were all the same down our throats.

But NOW there's an issue?

Fuck you both.

24154110? ago

dunno if you meant to reply to me, if you did fuck you as well.

24160631? ago

lmao no, the 50 year old grandma above you replying to the 60 year old

24127460? ago

Hey cocksucking faggot, generations aren’t one monolithic voting block you fucking imbecile

24125277? ago

Fuck off glow nigger

24125256? ago

What, exactly have you STOOD UP for? What did you do, and how did you do it? Maybe we all can learn from you.

24125241? ago

Boohoo waaaaa 😭😭🤣🤣🤣

24125239? ago

Aww what's the matter little soy boy? Mama wouldn't let you go to the protests to set some fires? Poor baby. Go on and sit your butt back down in front of your video games and leave the conversations to the adults. Go on now.... shoo.

24125140? ago


50 years olds are Gen X, the most pragmatic bunch alive, so quit your bitching.

24125058? ago

hi cutie

24123789? ago

^second you.

24127609? ago

Once I started questioning the Holocaust and seeing the Jews and niggers for what they really are, I woke up to real Patriotism.

24127688? ago

bet you're proud of yourself for such original thought.

24127795? ago


What's your original thought? Seems like a useless criticism

24128213? ago

Be assured, it served a dual-good purpose. I laughed and your knee jerked. 😛

24128296? ago

Oh, well good job, Mr. 4D chess

24122820? ago

You sound like me plus 10 years. :) Great summary of all that's right with us. Don't worry, though, I do believe the best is yet to come. And that is going to include these brainwashed libtards waking up to the truth. Then we are all going to wake up to even bigger truth! WWG1WGA! :D

24127027? ago

Amen Patriot!

24122632? ago