24125429? ago

Spammer 3.

24124443? ago

Call me crazy, but I think justice was served last week.

24124683? ago

karma certainly was

24124086? ago

No. Punishment should be proportional to the crime. Death is not an appropriate response to that crime.

24122996? ago


He was a Pawn used to start their Propaganda Rioting campaign.

They would have just killed a different black person.

The cop who did that to him was one of Them. (Antifa)


He did kill him.

Open Your Eyes.

Dirty Cops Exist.

I am by no means anti police.

I have had close relationships with dozens of Police officers throughout my life.

I have ALWAYS honored and respected them.

that being said there are Always exceptions to every rule.

It was a Tactic.

moves and countermoves.

24122864? ago

Same can be said if it were the girls father, brother, or husband who choked the sorry motherfucker to death in the street.

24123033? ago

Fuck off SHILL FUCK!

24123184? ago

Does it trigger you to think about the reality that George Floyd needed to be killed 13 years ago for what he did to that woman?

Does that twist your brain into a knot knowing that your hero martyr was a worthless piece of shit criminal who's life was already legitimately forfeited by his own evil deeds?

24122783? ago

Shut the fuck up. This is not helpful at all.

Is QRV really this stupid?