24116011? ago

Trust the plan goy.

24114765? ago

I called it in the beginning of the thread. Nothing ever happens to these people with a two tier justice system.

24113758? ago

the system will never replace the system.

24112861? ago

I heard she's to testify on 9-11 actually--what are the odds of that? Bet it'll be explosive...

24112505? ago

In sept will be postponed to aug 2021, in aug 2021 will be postponed to june 2022 etc.

Declare outlaws = let people kill them on sight!

24111880? ago

The wheels of Justice turn slow unless you are an average person.

24111679? ago

INB4 the case is postponed again in September until after the election, because she's been nominated as Biden's VP.

24110250? ago

So much winning. Except Hillary is the only one winning.

Q didn't predict this.

24112137? ago

Yes he did lol

24110085? ago

This is so wrong..My country is not what it used to be..

24109767? ago

  1. Q does nothing.

  2. Trump does nothing.

Both are huge lying pieces of shit.

24109726? ago

Tom fitton is not part of the plan. he does his own thing. suck it OP

24109703? ago

She's in my list of the top 10 people I want to see in the best of best gore dot com

24109633? ago

According to Q...she gets hers in October...so this does not bother me...

24109392? ago

When will people realize it's the clinton foundation that's the target?

This is probably just some busy work to keep her busy. The clinton foundation, crimes against the children is the target.

24109188? ago

Not to mention the embassy folks slaughtered in Libya where SHE chose NOT to have security at our embassy, since she LIKES the KNOWN TERRORIST people of Libya. Liberals call that CUTTING EDGE progressive thinking. The prudent call that DELUSIONAL INCOMPETENCE.

24108765? ago

I see it as a dodged black pill.

24108747? ago

And the courts have sold we the people out. Just another assualt on the American citizen. Round file this whole government. Start over. Its FUBAR

24108545? ago

As expected, everything revolves around the next election. If they win, they bury everything and put us all in chains. If they lose, the continue burning down the country.

24108417? ago

I doubt Hillary is laughing.

Let's not pretend to know it's a bad thing. If she is going down for treason, emails are trivial. If her ultimate fate is to be judged by military tribunal, why should she take up a regular court's time?

She's probably already been judged and is now playing her part for a few more months of lifespan.

24108379? ago

but but but i thought patriots wuz in control

24107951? ago

She's like the Jew bio-weapon niggers and satanic communist white youth will burn this country to the ground by then. lol

24107726? ago

Yo nigga wur dat link

24107550? ago

Know some paralegals and they're saying court scheduling is a fucking mess right now because of the COVID shutdown.

Killary definitely knew this shutdown would affect court scheduling (She was a lawyer). Might just be an unforeseen benefit on her part, but it definitely got her schedules pushed back.

24107413? ago

Whoa, nobody saw that one coming. DOJ has no teeth at all. Just barking.

24106889? ago

Trust the plan goyim

24106694? ago

Well that puts us very close to the Q drop about being arrested in October, doesn't it....

24106530? ago

Hillary cackles because her witches staff have shattered into 1000 pieces.

Open up the gate GITMO

And Epstein didn't kill himself

24106453? ago

and in the end the retracted the writ of mandamus cuz it didnt work and fell back to wegave you everything and even if she avoided foia she cant be prosecuted. dam.

24106407? ago

There need to be standards that require action within 14 days. There is absolutely no reason why our justice system should take so long to work thru issues.

24106396? ago

I said it wouldn't happen. Not a chance.

24106309? ago

The wheels of just move waaaaay toooo slow.

I sued a guy for breach of contract and that stupid little case took over 2 years. This is big stuff so it'll be quite a while between slow court systems and legal screwery before we see any justice, if we're lucky.

24107507? ago

Were you successful?

24110450? ago


24106066? ago

This itself is worth rioting

24105994? ago

Looks like the delta in drop #1 just may play out after all

24106231? ago

Looks like it.

24105947? ago


24105917? ago

So, when does the purge start?

24107495? ago

I watched it last night. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3853298

24105891? ago

Then we should support the riots happening across the country. Agree our current system is corrupt.

The enemy of my enemy...should be allowed to self-destruct while I watch from safety.

They are doing the dirty work.

24105635? ago

This is totally normal. The Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments today onHildabeast and Cheryl Mills' Petition for a Writ of Mandamus to require the District Court Judge to deny Judicial Watch's request to depose them. The Court will render a decision in 60-90 days.

24113240? ago

the point is we didnt need judicial watch to bring a freakin suit. she should be in jail already for private servers, their destruction, lies coverup. then hit her with more charges

24110764? ago

Lawfag here ^^^THIS^^^

It's how the system normally operates; it's SOP.

24109583? ago

^^ Still can't figure out Q drop # 1


24109612? ago

Only the Qbots/Paytriots can.

And the delusional ones.

24109630? ago

^^ thinks only delusional people have IQs higher than 10


24108784? ago

How conveinent

24108120? ago

While Flynn is properly using a Writ of Mandamus, Hildebeast is abusing it. The writ SHOULD be denied. We shall see ...

24106439? ago

Why should it even take two weeks? Let the judge think about it over the weekend.

Our system is messed up.

24108821? ago

Only in favor of the rich.

24108449? ago

It takes so long to make sure both parties have ample time to respond. It's so that the system is not rushing for a judgment like those nigger protesters keep demanding! Don't be a nigger!

24108768? ago

Too late. Addicted to Popeyes and watermelon now.

24106076? ago

Thanks for clearing that up

24111074? ago

Cool you can get your hopes up again! Looking forward to nothing happening again even more.

24113896? ago

Go out and do better since you’re so fucking smart and have all the solutions. Whiny bitch.

24116779? ago

Who said I have all the solutions, all I'm saying is Q is a larp.

24105616? ago

Q's first post talking about HRC being arrested is looking like a head fake more and more.

24109607? ago

^^ Low IQ libtard still struggling to figure out the meaning of Q drop #1


24109626? ago

Qbots and Paytriots knows the meaning. lol

24109277? ago

You want to rush a masterpiece Patriot? with the risk of it not being a masterpiece due to mistakes/errors and fail

Or you want the masterpiece to complete perfectly? and wake the normies up so this will never happen again

24115852? ago

You still believe in that "by the book perfection" narrative? How many more years are you prepared to ignore reality?

24106338? ago

Lol maybe theyll just drone her

24105687? ago

Ringing it closer to November though

24105572? ago

So much for the "we have it all" assertion ......

24106537? ago

judicial watch is not Q

24105987? ago

Ever play spades? The card game.

24107456? ago

No but I was reading the writing on a water bottle (which is growing an avocado) and saw that it said, "Could may throw shade, but [...]" -- the fuck!!?! I just learned that "throw shade" is nigger-speak for rolling one's eyes. Now it's in advertising on water bottles? Well whatever.

24105550? ago

Nothing will happen to this bitch, nothing. Now if we take things into our own hands we can make it right. And don't talk to me about being non-violent. I'm done with being docile.

24119091? ago

I had a dream that Obama was arrested for something like treason, but Trump pardoned him for the optics.

24107097? ago

Being docile is what got us into this clusterfuck in the first place.

24106333? ago

She already got away with it. Next up for her is getting epsteined when things get too hot.

24106500? ago

there is no escaping God. she may walk in this life but in the eternal life she is eternally dammed. and she is sick as a dog. i dont give her many years left on the earth. no more kiddie blood to keep the vampire bitch alive.

24106206? ago

She is a front, she is not at the center of the criminal organization. Taking her out will only protect her handlers. At some point she will get epsteined anyway.

24108177? ago

hey check out the moron below you

24106595? ago

Where does this moronic "you must ONLY shoot the core" mindset comes from ? Mossad playbook ?

In a war you don't ONLY shoot the commanders, you shoot the grunts too. That's how you win a war.

24107430? ago

Keeping people alive so that they have the ability to repent and thus we keep a soul from Satan, seems like an honorable way to wage war.

We've been lied to so much. We've been conditioned to believe that murdering many is better than assassinating one. Let Satan have that one; then, let's help bring the rest back into the fold. As Q said there will always be 4-6% unreachable. But we can figure that out later, we don't need to murder 100% of them right now.

24107509? ago

We've been lied to so much

Agreed. Now STOP LYING you mossad shill.

24107893? ago

fuck you asshole i just jumped in with that last comment learn to use a fucking anon board

24107927? ago

Try harder shill. Your urge to protect your old hag Hillary over everything exposes you.

24108110? ago

WTF are you talking about, Willis? I jumped in two comments up and said I want fewer deaths. Nothing to do with Hillary, I'm saying shoot the ones at the top not the foot soldiers!


24115871? ago

I jumped in two comments up and said I want fewer deaths.

So you confess.

24116493? ago

kek, you got me, no idea who you are either

24121475? ago

Any particular reason you want those confirmed violent criminals to remain in our society?

24132170? ago

no i mean, seriously, stop telling me i said things i didn't say

24132591? ago

I jumped in two comments up and said I want fewer deaths. Nothing to do with Hillary, I'm saying shoot the ones at the top not the foot soldiers!

You're literally wanting to save the criminals so they can continue preying on our society!

24108158? ago

Doing your best to protect your precious Hillary huh ? First thing how to spot a mossad shill is to see who is jumping out to protect these DS clowns

24108164? ago

Wow. Retarded.

24106562? ago

Japanese patriots shanks the "fronts" of their country and it worked very well.

24107401? ago

"Keep up the front" some idiot exposed himself on camera the other night!

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3850122 "Why would someone want to "hold up a front"? Like they're at war with the police officers who are just standing there? Shows his face at the end, "these people are stupid" kek!"

24106557? ago

I wish more people understood that if you know their names?


24108400? ago

Look at how many shills are trying so hard to protect this precious hag makes me wonder may be she HAS some real power.

Why not let patriots try a bit ? It won't hurt

24106526? ago

but she is the hook. she hooks all the players in to the black hole. she was right to say if she goes down they all do. she leads to the whole dam thing. she is the middle.

24107380? ago

Middle managers are important! They can give up many underlings, and they also know who's above them for at least a couple levels.

24105504? ago

Trust the plan...🤣🤣🤣🤣

24106545? ago

judicial watch is not Q therefore they are not part of the plan

24110744? ago

Well she's been flipping off the judicial system for 30 years unscratched soooo

24110864? ago

yes she has. even if she went to jail. that bitch will never suffer enough. not in this lifetime. but in the next

24107129? ago

Always an excuse.

24107359? ago


24108811? ago

Goy. Kefir. Yankee. what does it matter?

24105501? ago

This wasn't a trial it was a "get on record" fact finding mission.

24105664? ago

It Really is all about the election at this point.

24106341? ago

If they win the election, it is over for America. No recourse will remain but protective action - they will pardon any work trump has accomplished thus far and they will punish trump and people like Flynn relentlessly, using them as an example to anyone who might try the same. They will also dismantle the portions of the military supporting the great awakening.

24109807? ago

My stance:

No arrests = No vote

Some high level Democrats better be arrested before Nov. or, I'm going to sit at home and vote for nobody.

24114442? ago

Then you will get exactly what you deserve!

(of course you will never blame yourself or accept any responsibility what so ever, all while whining and bitching constantly about others that actually get out there and work hard, taking action to try to change things)

24117498? ago

Ha! Like you are actually doing something.

24110685? ago

Same. Fistbump.

24110093? ago

That's your decision to make. I am voting for Trump and your astroturfing on this website cannot change my mind. Chances are, you can't change the minds of others either so your employer is likely wasting their investment but that's their choice to make, too.

24108826? ago

Then is when all hell will break loose on the people. Dems will take revenge. Those folks are evil and demented.

24109195? ago

They will do it state by state to prevent civil war and they will strip liberties one by one. Once we lose guns, we lose free speech, and then we lose the information war. Demographics will hastily change and, most likely, eugenics and potential genocide could occur... race mixing will be promoted, and we will not only cease to exist as a race, but much more importantly, liberty across the globe will die out.

It will be the world domination they so crave.

24107853? ago

this is right. we are now banking on Trump winning re-election with little or no information and facts out on deep state to the general voting public. its a yuuuuuuge gamble. Q Team should have been conditioning the public with low level prosecutions all a long.

to say we couldnt prosecute hildebeast on her private server violations/cover ups? and then added charges as we go a long is just ridiculous.

24111353? ago

You say that as if Q has any ability to charge anyone

24115822? ago

we have it all

patriots in control

Total bullshit? (rhetorical question)

24107364? ago

Funny how objective truth doesn't matter; must bow to master

24109176? ago

Come again?

24109247? ago

It doesn't matter what the "actual" truth is. If [[[they]]] win, we will jump when they say how high.

And some of the things being put forth on our side aren't always verifiable, either.

Wife and I watched "The Man in the High Castle" recently, and the Jap occupation of the west coast was in my mind when I typed the above. God bless anon.

24112918? ago

I know. Especially on voat, people are constantly trying to push strange sites and call it 'satire', just like people who make comments here attempt to call it satire. What a convenient term for a lie.

24112946? ago

Agreed, although I suppose one could say my initial comment was a form of botched "satire" as I didn't mention the "Japanese took over west coast" in my mind, when I said "must bow to master"...

As Emo Philips said (in his sing-song voice), "Ambiguity -- the devil's volleyball." :)

24105609? ago

I agree again.

24105394? ago

If this can is kicked beyond October before elections, that would suck.

24105280? ago

Q predicted this.

24107257? ago

My cocks pre-dickted qew would pre-dick this.

24105238? ago

so much winning! Can't wait till November!!!

24105059? ago

No key arrests EVER. This marathon is going to kill us all, and odds are it is by design.

24107268? ago

Just hang in there and trust that plan, goy! :)

24104904? ago

This was expected with no one being prosecuted. Crime/corruption is king in America, this goes right up to the courts.

This furthers their agenda to destroy America. Congress, the House and the Senate have been utterly useless for decades along with the courts. Justice has multiple tiers for multiple financial people.

24108843? ago

Only if they fuck up with taxes. That seems to be the only thimg to stop them.

24107338? ago

"Crime/corruption is king in America"

You misspelled 'jews' here.

24106662? ago

if there's a real reason to protest and get violent, THIS is it.

24105820? ago

LMAO. Tom Fitton wins again. Hopefully he takes another selfy

24106320? ago

With his tight fitting, short sleeve shirts so he can show off his guns.

Bring back Jay Sekulow so Tom can spend more time in the gym looking at himself in the mirror.

24118517? ago

Says the jealous spaghetti arm antifa guy.

24114335? ago

You sound and come across as quite jealous, which is just pathetic really.

24104781? ago

You guys look like idiots again.

24107308? ago

LOL because they're fucking idiots. Qew is a sham. It was a re-election scam. It still is. NOTHING qew has predickted has occurred in ANY meaningful or impactful fashion, and EVERY principle jew pedophile is still loose and at large.

Accept what's true, faggots.

24105144? ago

Not a priority to avoid that.

24105292? ago

Obviously not. lol

24104679? ago

Soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon

24104674? ago

Hillary can barely get out of her wheelchair.

You read too much vox.


24105164? ago

Probably a prop like Harvey's walker.

24104657? ago

Hillary is laughing her ass off

Sauce or GTFO

24106048? ago

Funny. Sad. Funny....sad.

24104840? ago



24104991? ago


24104997? ago



24105050? ago

^^ doesn't know duckduckgo is just google on the back-end


24105228? ago

^^ doesn't know duckduckgo is just google on the back-end

Mostly Bing actually

24105091? ago



OMG you libtards crack me up! Keep posting them! Too funny!!