24101815? ago

Twitter will be exposed a providing material support to a terrorist organization.

I do believe one could have all assets seized as a result?

24102806? ago

What are Sabbatean Masons or Freemasonic Sabbatians? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3742550

24101145? ago

That reply from Black Lives Matter about “fellow americans“ is ridiculous. Can they not see that an Antifa terrorist is no longer your “fellow american“?

24101141? ago

He is a Mason. Look up the photos.

24101248? ago

and so...

24101288? ago

High-level Masons have an agenda which does not benefit us.

24101366? ago

No ones agenda benefits us all. Or else that is back to the one world gov't theory.

24100721? ago

Nice Post!

My favorite part: "Their (twitter) warning is my BADGE OF HONOR." - Matt Gaetz