24106536? ago

hmmm wow

24104955? ago

Where does the JFK autopsy come in, since he allegedly started working in the 70-ies....

24109706? ago

Baden was chairman of the House Select Committee on Assassinations' Forensic Pathology Panel that investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I guess it was like some kind of post-autopsy autopsy. He did the same thing to Tsar II.

24116080? ago

Ah thank you! That clear it up somewhat.

Without the body to actually perform an autopsy of course .... it is ore like a forensic post autopsy record investigation on records tht were either missing, omitted, misplaced and under seal, and where the outcome was either predetermined or suffered from political expediency.

That sort of thing?

24130055? ago

Yeah, I believe so. I didn't look too much into it, though I did hear the main reason this investigation was performed was because people started asking too many questions about the assassination. The word "conspiracy theory" was created by the CIA specifically because they needed to stop people from asking questions about it. Then that report came out about how the jews were behind the assassination, and Baden is a super jew, so I'm guessing his job was to suppressive evidence and get people to stop asking questions about jews.

24102816? ago

Why are you saying he did the JFK autopsy? He was not there. Where is your proof? Ridiculous!

24100953? ago

JFK Autopsy? That was 57 years ago. How old can Michael Baden possibly be? 85 years old? How does one fresh out of college get to work on President JFK? How does one become chairman of the House Select Committee on Assassinations' Forensic Pathology Panel that investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy? The mere age of 28 for an MD is a person at best just finishing up on their medical residency.

Born in 1934. Graduates from City College of New York in 1955 at age 21. Then he graduates from medical school 5 years later in 1960. Only to find himself 3 years later as the chairman of the House Select Committee on Assassinations' Forensic Pathology Panel that investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

This sounds to me as if this guy was chosen and fast tracked. As FDR said, Nothing happens by accident. All is known and pre-planned before hand.

24099741? ago

If he was 40 years old when he autopsied JFK , what is he 105 years old now?

24096831? ago

If george floyd was to show up alive, qanon would win instantly. We would instantly get everything we want.

24099466? ago

I think he is alive and we watched a performance

24096680? ago

Where there are coincidences there are Kikes.

24100606? ago

Solid post

24100256? ago

Your judgement seems sound.

24096641? ago

He did not do the autopsy. You are reciting a media lie. He just watched the video, same as everyone else. The actual autopsy showed a Fentanyl induced heart attack.

24096784? ago

Do you have a source for the Fentanyl thing, buddy?

24096337? ago

Yeah, he's the Dr. Fauci of his profession. We can all KNOW this like we KNOW everything else, but nothing will be done about it.

24096448? ago

Seems theres something that could be dug up from the past....but then again, perhaps nothing done about it anyway.


24096009? ago

He is the Dr. James Andrews (best Sport Surgeon in the world) of Autopsies. AKA Best in the world. They even did a series where he was doing autopsies on Egyptian mummies on TLC.

24104585? ago


24099541? ago

His reputation is off the charts.

Which tickles my spidey senses. Nobody makes it big in this world unless they have been compromised.

24096403? ago

Thats how they always do this, make heroes out of people to create trust!

Elon 'Tony Stark' Musk

Neil 'The Earth is Pear shaped' DeGrasse Tyson

Bill 'Nerdy Genius' Gates

..... and on and on!

24096119? ago

Strange old chap, seems like an Odd Fellow? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3848702/24079989

24096249? ago

He did an HBO show 'Autopsy' which he explained examination so many crimes against people / children's corpses and how they could figure it out. He's a good guy.


24096518? ago

He burned the JFK autopsy report in his home fireplace.

24096468? ago

To lay groundwork that he is trustworthy amd capable.