24081321? ago

What about the black on black murders each and every week in Chicago?

24081125? ago

No mistake FOX has shown it's true NWO Communist colors.

24080257? ago

I didn't watch but I can say for Fox it seems to be up to the anchor of the show. If you watch Lou Dobbs, he calls liberals "idiots" etc. so there are anchors that are woke and there are anchors complicit or asleep. Not sure which.

24079997? ago

FOX news is beginning to show their true colors.

24079963? ago

Barely watch fox but spouse still does. Caught some of a Bret Baier segment last night. Part of panel had older black guy telling the white dude that he was wrong about the number of black deaths by police.

The black said the numbers are way down from 40 years ago. Said something like it's only 2% of police involved deaths. The white guy is arguing with him! (((They))) are pushing this fucked up narrative.

24079921? ago

Take a look at the following, it gives you the answer


24079830? ago

I thought it was the corona virus and that’s our fault, too.

24079576? ago

Pretty sure you misheard. He said the sixth leading cause.

24079531? ago

There’s an easy one to debate. Abortion...

24079285? ago

6th leading cause of death in black men. I hit the back button twice to make sure I heard this info correctly.

24079240? ago

I don't know which is more DISGUSTING. The nigger (and nigger lover) rampaging, or the INEFFECTUAL and VERY EXPENSIVE bleatings of "our" media spokespersons (eg Fox) AND so called leadership (elected AND hired).

There is ONE thing that NEEDS to be done. PUT evil IN ITS PLACE! PERIOD. I mean ALL OF THEM.

24078826? ago

Even when I knew they were supporting Trump I didn't pay them any attention. They were portrayed in Trumps campaign reel. That's all I needed to see.

24078528? ago

Remember that Fox is owned by Disney now.

24078454? ago

GOOD. Every Patriot who turns off Faux Nooze is another Patriot who frees their mind to actually think for themselves.

Fox News is Run by Globalist family the Murdocs. Its controlled opposition. They are the MSM, and designed to be the trap for the "conservative minority."

24078312? ago

Let me guess... Its old age, Dia-beetus, Then heart disease, car accidents then niggers. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list is police.

24078282? ago

Can we go on a letter writing campaign to dump Chris Wallace? Would it matter to get 10,000 letters?

24078091? ago

The right answer is dia-bee-tus

24077747? ago


24077703? ago

14% of the population is African American.

52% of ALL violent crime is commited by people of that group

28% of ALL rapes are committed by that group.

Not racist...but our forefathers fucked up in the name of free labor.

24078667? ago

Forefathers didn't listen to Franklin when he told them jews should be permanently banned, but instead they got niggers from the jewish slave trade.

24077369? ago

I saw some shit like this on my local news. The jew reporter holds the mic in front of the sheboon and she's mouthing off inaccuracies, said the word "cracker" and lies and not the gay kike reporter nor the two jew bitch anchors in the studio corrected the sheboon. Instead, they fawned over her and said: "I think she's so great because she's so passionate". The sheboon said: Our keeds neeta go to skoo and learn dem sciences and sheeeit".

News media's are helping terrorist niggers. They are all anti-white traitors. mother fuckers

24077029? ago

That’s annoying. But theyre the best we got. And a lot are good.

24077773? ago

Niggers may be better than you, but that doesn't apply to real whites who aren't useless faggots

24076891? ago

Who needs who more?

Do blacks needs whites more than whitesneed blacks?

They need to stop biting the hand that feeds them or it won't be pretty.

24077687? ago

They are literally too stupid to realize that. See Zimbabwe for proof.

That's not what's important, though. What is important is that the jews are using these feral apes to destroy Civilization and genocide whites. Once that is done they will be discarded and the jew will enslave the rest.

24076855? ago

You did see all those melanin saturated ‘White Supremacist’ looting Nike stores and yelling ‘kill whites!’?

24076732? ago

Controlled opposition.

24076719? ago

Isn't this like yelling fire. Isn't there a law about lying on media to incite violence. Can't police organizations sue for defamation and putting their lives in danger. His father was a POS and he's just a tird. I've saved a bundle getting rid of cable; I have internet from commiecast at 200+Mb for $60. I'm boycotting MSM for life.

24076702? ago

Yes....it used to be heart disease but that was curred during the big Rona.

24076649? ago

Shit, we only had one dead black this year then.

24076633? ago

Fuck fox. They died with the old man.

24076426? ago

i thought the leading cause of death is Covid19....

yeah Fox invites alot of thugs on their show these days.

yep clowns. dont forget to buy your big pharma drugs thats the big universal MSM push these days.

we are all sick of the deception and baloney.


24077912? ago

Mm hmm. Even bullets pick up coronavirus as they fly though the air and fast forward the 2 week incubation period.

24085940? ago

shhhhh..... dont give the cabal any ideas.

24078334? ago

Heh, good one.

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24076380? ago

Yeah that's fucking absurd. Everyone knows the leading cause of death to black men is other black men. Even most black people will admit that.

24076133? ago

nope Fox dumbass. leading cause of dead niggers is other niggers.

24076100? ago

You and I both know the leading cause of death for black men in the United States is Lord Beetus.

24076061? ago

Its year 2020 and there are still people believe Fox News is not part of NWO ?

24086467? ago

Some of them literally believe a riddler on the internet is going to save them all if they just trust hard enough.

24080471? ago

There is no NWO. Don’t fall for the bullshit.

24091269? ago

No.... there isn’t a coalition of politicians and other powerful people pushing the world towards a one world government . That’s just crazy talk, isn’t it. I mean, if it were true they would be creating civil unrest, trying to destroy culture and values and trying to censor opposing viewpoints . Obviously none of that has happened, right.

24080013? ago

Disney owns FauxJews .... i dropped them after Bush and 911, once in a while i might allow a Tucker clip to play shared by some random person on bitchute, youtube or twitter but I avoid them ....still wont watch their BS https://voat.co/v/QRV/3818323

24081787? ago

Get your facts straight or you come across looking dumb or ignorant. Disney owns Fox. Fox news was not part of their purchase.

24075915? ago

Fox is fucked. They’ve gone full Left Black worship. Fuck em.

24075885? ago

Deaths via the San Francisco PD is way way down from where it was a couple of years ago...but local news never mentions that.

24075833? ago


24075650? ago

And I thought it was hypertension or heart disease.

24076315? ago

Heart disease is the #1 killer of all people.

24076445? ago

heart disease is the #1 killer ok but MSM tells us no one dies of heart disease anymore, we only die of Covid.

24075673? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Abortions and fellow black people are their biggest killers.

24076400? ago

Considering abortions are carried out by black mothers, then you could just say "other black people in general kill more black people than anything else on the planet."

I know, I'm splitting hairs. Just sayin'

24075720? ago

Great point. I forgot about abortions. Millions a year. And yes, there are way more blacks killed by other blacks than cops.

24077964? ago

And most blacks called by cops....were killed by black cops and by quite a wide margin, too. They tend to leave that part out...

24076116? ago

As long as they cling to their delusions it will remain so.

24075252? ago

Other black men would be the right answer!

24080213? ago

It's heart disease. Murder is #4, behind cancer and accidents. While murder is high, it's definitely not #1.


24078410? ago

What is niggardliness for $1000 alex?

24080003? ago

Wrong, you lose, you get nothing, good day sir! Niggardliness is being stingy with money. Not to be confused with being a nigger. maybe the judges would have allowed niggerly but niggardly is completely different from being a walking stomach with lil brain activity capable of going apeshit at the drop of a hat.

24081409? ago

It's close enough to offend "some city employees" in DC though -


24082038? ago

They would have lost a $1000 on jeopardy too. lol.

24082132? ago

Update on Alex Trebek's health: "He's in an induced coma after 2 black Jeopardy contestants beat him with a mic stand and part of his podium after he gave the correct answer "What is niggardly.".

24082155? ago

Nice. That's what i was after. some good comedy. another covid casualty.

24083320? ago

He gave you some comedy with the first line quote from Charlie and and chocolate factory, but maybe you don't watch kids movies. I got kids so I do.

24083545? ago

...you lose good day sir was me.

24078296? ago

By a huge margin.

24077891? ago

The leading cause of death to black males is abortion. Most never have a chance.

24080457? ago

Without abortion this nation would be 40% fuxated now and on the verge of collapse.

24078936? ago

2nd leading cause is other blacks

24078201? ago

Thank god

24080333? ago

It's tragic what our country (Democrats) have done to blacks. Their families have been destroyed, growing up fatherless, if they survive their parents at all.

24080714? ago

In case you haven't noticed they did the same thing to us.

24092534? ago

Sure have, but blacks have taken the worst of it.

24093214? ago


24092196? ago

?? ...I grew up with a dad, you're blaming the government for your mother's whoredom?

24092409? ago

Me too guy.

Wanna check the statistics or naa?

How's the fatherless rate in white homes these days? I'm blaming kikes.

Are you Jewish?

24092829? ago

I just googled it: 3 out of 4 of us don't have worthless pieces of shits for fathers https://fatherhoodfactor.com/us-fatherless-statistics/ blame whoever you want, but most successful kids are still growing up in intact families

24093173? ago

You either didn't read the entire thing or didn't understand it.

Like how you ignored the important question. Kike confirmed.

Did in a grease fire you gremlins. You have shit genetics and if you didn't have loxism and nepotism you'd be as useless and downtrodden as your nigger pets.

24093249? ago

Found the bitter bastard lol, does blaming your absent father on a boogie man make you feel better? I'm not Jewish OR a shill. I'm sorry about the horrible life though

24094165? ago

I'm not complaining about my life you stupid low iq dindu.

I'm complaining about the relentless attacks on my people.

You don't see it?

24094210? ago


24094279? ago


24080424? ago

Niggers are niggers, “fatherless” or otherwise.

24092664? ago

You act like hating blacks will prevent them from existing.

24078473? ago

Hijacking this just to say how proud that you must be to learn that President Bone Spurs hid in the WH Bunker because of some protestors 🤣🤣🤣

He's got armed guards galore between him and the scary shouty people, but he choses to hide away and sit on twitter.

That's the guy you worship. 🤣

24079733? ago

You’re such a loser lol

24080435? ago

It’s YOUR you dumbass.

24080712? ago

No it's not...

24079507? ago

You realize that Biden did the same thing Trump did, got out of draft through medical means. Except his excuse makes no sense consider his physical history before hand. You think we'd care either? The Draft was bullshit. Our wars have been bullshit. Also "some protestors", those aren't "some protestors" those are domestic terrorists taking advantage of a situation to cause millions in damage to the economy and system they want to destroy.

24079349? ago

Hijacking your hijacking to let you know you’re still a POC who matches my toilet paper after I take myself a mean ol’ dump, dumb nigger.

24078957? ago

Hey, dumbass, that's the Secret Service's job. Take that Soros paid shill shit elsewhere.

24077551? ago

The most obvious answer ever. This is why I've continually said DO NOT TRUST FOX NEWS

24075238? ago

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24075137? ago

Wallace has already been called out as a P.O.S. by POTUS.

24075093? ago

That was Chris Wallace. He’s a punk clown. He also said antifa were “not organized”. Fuck him.

24078963? ago

I knew it was either Wallace or Juan William's that had to have said that. I wonder if we can find out if wither of those two are Antifa supporters? Wouldn't that be a hoot if we could find that out?

24077395? ago

He's a little creepy jew.

24076737? ago

He's such a prissy little shitstain.

24076295? ago

Chris Wallace is a mason.

24080351? ago


24080418? ago

It's fucking worse than that. Chris Wallace is the bastard seed of Mike Wallace. The CBS patsy who helped Bill Clinton cover up

the murder of Vince Foster.

24080442? ago

They're all always helping their co-conspirators get away with murder, rape, sodomy, terrorizing-raping-eating children. It's not just the Wallace jews it's all jews. All the way down.

24088756? ago

I’m well aware.

Jews are vampires because of a deficiency in their genes.

We’re nothing more than cattle to them as they eat our flesh and drink our blood to

Stay alive.

However bad we might think it is, it’s worse.

24090611? ago

^^ this. If people knew it would drive them mad. That's why we're constantly traumatized from birth (how and why on earth is circumcision the norm in the West??), to fragment our psyches and make us easily ruled by the subconscious.

24078875? ago

And his dad helped cover for the Clinton's


24075029? ago

Fox never pushes back.

24077412? ago

Not unless they're talking about those goddamned "white supremacist terrorists" that we keep hearing about but never fucking see.

24077917? ago

Now be fair I did see a video clip of a homeless white guy yelling and screaming at the protesters for burning his mattress.

24076755? ago

Controlled opposition get corrupted/blackmailed by (((globalists))) then ends up using much of its energy to attack those of us who aren't controlled.

24075696? ago

Ugh, well that Chris Wallace faggot is pushing forward anon. Clown Show Chris.