24068729? ago

Trust the plan!

Sit. Wait. Do Nothing. Sit on your hands. Don't get involved. Don't get active. Remain Docile. Just Trust.

24066881? ago

Good Q. We deserve answers

24066872? ago

Why? Because Q is part of the show, not the opposite as Q claimed.

Q for the rightists, riots for the leftists.

24066690? ago

Go back and read ALL of the drops. Just because you whiny shills don't understand the plan, doesn't mean it is a bad plan. This one trick shill talking point seems to be a better example of a bad plan.

24066491? ago

I'm sick of Q's riddles. How many more people have to die before something actually happens? Shit or get off the pot, Q. The election is months away and there is zero guarantee that Trump will be re elected. It's time to shit or get off the pot. I don't give a fuck about trusting the plan, fuck the plan. People are dying and so is our country.

24066169? ago

Same reason there was a mouse running all over the "space" craft... in space.

24065559? ago

Thank you!!!!

24065378? ago

Why is nothing being done? That is your first clue that its all a jewish psy-op. They hate us white folks. They want to destroy us. They think its funny that their pet niggers are going crazy. Each state must form a people's militia and enforce the constitution of the united states.

24065130? ago

Why can't Q just simply out the murder as an FF?

Because "Q" is a LARP, you flaming moron.

24065038? ago

People are being maimed by roving bands of rioters. I saw a horrific video of a white shopowner beat to a pulp in front of his store by about 20 black rioters with rocks and other weapons.


“You and your families are safe”

It’s gone on long enough.

24064987? ago

False flag? I think it really happened, but I don't think a knee on the neck killed him. It was more likely drugs.

24066116? ago

Go suck a fat dick in hell, Freemason.

24069461? ago

Your repressed homosexuality is showing, boobie.

24067072? ago

Freemason? LOL wow, that was a really good one... Totally destroyed me.

You need to get your amygdala checked if different opinions piss you off that much.

24067223? ago

maybe this will be more clear:

ɢᴏ sᴜᴄᴋ ᴀ ꜰᴀᴛ ᴅɪᴄᴋ ɪɴ ʜᴇʟʟ, ꜰʀᴇᴇᴍᴀsᴏɴ

24066668? ago

fuck you, from a bystander

24066705? ago


24066717? ago


24064950? ago

I'm an American male. I'm not a jiggaboo, I wont follow you with my pizza.

Start busting windows of shops in my town I promise to open fire.

Fortunately, they dont dare come here, for good reason.

You guys should think about that.

24065161? ago

None of us is anti 2a

24066085? ago

I know :) Thats why I like ya.

I'll clarify in case I'm coming off wrong:

Fortunately, they dont dare come here, for good reason.

You guys should think about that.

ie: if this were the norm everywhere, there wouldnt be an issue.

24066120? ago

Agreed wholeheartedly. From fuckin’ Canada.

24064862? ago

Because enough people have to get raped and murdered to maybe wake up enough crazy brainwashed nutters that maybe some arrests will perhaps be made at some point. Maybe.

24065174? ago

Las Vegas didn’t do it.

24065187? ago

At least we're winning the optics war.

24065412? ago

Not where I am. MSNBC has everyone truly believing white supremacists ordered blacks to burn their own neighborhoods down and therefore whites and racism are the real cause.

I can’t make any traction on antifa.

24065419? ago

This is what is so disgusting! Why are we waiting for crazy people who wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face to wake up?! They're not capable!!

24066821? ago

I agree. We're waiting on cognitively dissonant people to see the deep state. Only so many are gonna wake up. Only so many. We need to stop the chaos and pain because a certain percentage will never wake up.

24065461? ago

Agreed. I don’t know how or why rule of law became subject to a popular vote or trial by media. Like if justice isn’t apparently popular on the face of it then it just isn’t done?

How does that work for, like, a riot?

Just sheer idiocy. It’s fucking time to go.

24064815? ago

im done with Q its all bullshit.

if this is part of the movie we are supposed to sit back and watch Q can fuck right off

24064447? ago

Because it's part of the plan. The riots will have you crying out for marshal law. Do you understand?

24065541? ago

I think you mean "martial"

24066380? ago

I do indeed, it's a fair cop.

24064418? ago

The Central Park "Karen" video was fake as fucking fuck too. The timing is also so perfect, can't be coincidence.

24066159? ago

I'm totally with you on this.

Fake as fuck.



24065042? ago

omg ur right.

24064324? ago

You have no patience, Nothing but moaning, You need to get and understand the bigger picture, the DS has been in the shadows we are bring them into the light, Arrests without the why is an empty message, People have to be shown the why, when you have an informed public then you can bring them to justice, Until that happens stop moaning and understand moves and counter moves, swear all you like in any replies you give, this is the way it is

24066244? ago

I have no patience? Really?

Three years and the only thing we have gotten is the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein. That is it. And then his fake death. Is he dead? IDK, maybe. Weird completely non-standard death pictures didn't prove shit.

So he might be anywhere still raping kids.


Do not fucking lecture me about PATIENCE.

This happened in my town today you fucking asshole.


do not fucking lecture me

people are dying and this shit just goes on and on.

Q has everything? Really? And is just sitting on it?

fuck you

24069502? ago

Nice vocabulary. Did you learn that from your daddy when he was giving you the tough love from behind, ya repressed homo?

24064307? ago


24064090? ago

People have to watch "The Enemy Within."

24063751? ago

I have an idea, Q. You could kill the enemy. That's what must be done in a war. Stop posting idiotic pictures, memes, and vague intimations like something might happen. Kill the enemy, because millions of Americans pay you to do that.

24063733? ago

This video has a few more “scenes” with pink shirt and hammer man.


24063572? ago

Why did we have to go along with the china virus? Obvious hoax.

24065117? ago

Yep. My business in shambles. Maybe it’ll even be literally burned down before this is done.

There was such a tremendous backlog of unserved justice before these riots. How will we see rule of law now?

24074081? ago

"Enjoy the show"

24063404? ago

Cops are usually terrified of blacks. Not just because they are unpredictable but because they know one small fuck up and their career is over. You can see this with one of the Jogger videos (the one where he is "rapping" alone in a car in a park.. And those were Georgian cops).

If they know they have people recording an interaction with the police, they are going to be on their best behavior.

24063318? ago

Chess moves. This was always a move they were going to make, but I'm sure they hoped the plague would last longer. Biden's gaffe last week did two things, create a need to regain the plantation and show how dangerous Biden can be to his own usefulness as placeholder. Change the news cycle, make it about race, biden gets distance from his comments. This move was a major escalation on which many countermoves were being saved.

24063216? ago

Assuming this is a FF, is not helpful. Go ahead and believe it 100% if that is what you choose to do. You have 0% proof. 0. When posts are titled like yours on the board, it diminishes the seriousness of the entire board. When every single crisis is a FF, and little room is left for other reasonable possibilities, you are burning up credibility that we all need in the future. It is okay to speculate, to raise questions, but it is irresponsible to assert a non-fact as absolute and obvious truth.

24065391? ago

I concur. It was freemasons.

24063450? ago

Go suck a fat cock in hell, Freemason.

You are exposed.

24063081? ago

Q HAS directly called out MANY false flags after they have happened, even predicted a handful before.

He calls out nearly every FF. What always happens when they are losing? When do you expend ammunition? Who is funding? Who is organizing?

Just look up Vegas, 9/11, parkland, covid, occurrences w countries like Syria, Iran, NK, and any other various shooting or FF scenario that has occurred.

What happens if POTUS confirms Q? Will people start reading Q drops w this authority figure in mind?

Will the MSM attack the posts as lunacy and dangerous?

Will people wonder why the MSM hadn’t asked Trump about Q earlier on?

Will this fact hurt or help the MSM narrative in combatting Q’s info?

How does Q show the world it is a non violent movement? Twitter posts from WW? Showcasing of patriotic “normal” Q supporters at rallies?

24063519? ago

Q is doing nothing. I have the boot of a governor-dictator on my neck. Q does nothing. We have it all, huh?

The country is being burned down. We have it all, huh?

It is obvious to anybody with half a brain cell who is behind this, but we must go along and pretend this is a riot because a racist cop went rogue.


The President of the United States knows this is all bullshit. Why the fuck can't he use his authority and position to expose what is obvious to even the most casual observer?

Instead we are expected to swim around in this cesspool of lies.

24065095? ago

Yep. It feels like we’ve lost.

24064888? ago

Q is doing plenty. The Storm is Upon Us.

The country is being burned down? Funny my state looks fine from where I sit.

Another case of media sensationalism?

Will these riots expose the players even more to us and Q?

Has Twitter shown their hand?

Things are just starting to ramp up, it looks to me like we are in the activated National Guard/military VS organized riots phase of the deep states plans.

24074107? ago

Weird that the deep state is playing along with Qs plan.

24064444? ago

The President must allow States to handle their own affairs.

Only after States' leadership fails can the President step in.

States' leadership is showing what a failure it is.

President will end up sending Military Police to clean up.

24065018? ago

MilPolice, police the military members.

They wont be Military Police, They'll be MILITARY. All Caps, with guns too.

24063580? ago

What are YOU doing?

24079984? ago

I just finished raping your daughter. You're next.

24064322? ago

kill your self CIA nigger

24063607? ago

Sitting at a computer typing whiny comments.

What are YOU doing?

24062977? ago

If he is a government employee or contractor he would be violating the law by divulging information about operations. He can point to things that are already in circulation.

24063126? ago

"Hillary will be arrested tomorrow" was publicly available information?

24063314? ago

Misinformation perhaps or maybe an incompetent psychic friend. Some of these items that seemed like bullshit after "that didn't happen" have come to be at or about the two year mark. Whatever that's worth. I can only guess.

24063002? ago

Lame ass response.

People are dying because of this lie. Why is nothing being done to expose it?

24063207? ago

Yeah, may be. I'm guessing, but this administration appears to be doing everything by the book, according to law. The rules are the foundation; it was crumbling. But it seems to me that a couple hundred ninjas could knock their game right off the table. People have accidents all the time.

24062963? ago

He's trying to come up with a new riddle for you.

24062948? ago

Why do we deserve a savior like Q/Q+?

Why would God save us before we really learn to be obedient?

Don't we deserve all of this shit?

It's up to us, not some Riddler working for the state

24064330? ago

So, you've gone full heretic.

Have fun in hell bitch.

24064406? ago

Quite the opposite.

Doesn't the book of Daniel tell us how God will set up any government over us, good or bad, to make his people remember his covenant?

The lesson being: obedience. Read the word of God, spend time in prayer, and follow ALL God's commandments, laws, and decrees.

If our leaders don't name wickedness for what it is, or righteousness for what it is, then we need to separate from the bondage imposed by the laws of man.

24064488? ago

regardless, you still view Q as a divine being when he/they are likely just CIA enacting a psyop.

24064503? ago

That's the opposite of what I'm saying.

Can you read? You are arguing the same thing I am...

24065127? ago

Otheranon kek

24065212? ago


24062810? ago

Because Q team is a faggot operation. We need a real leader.

24062728? ago


The NG has been sent. Stop consuming fake news.

24062801? ago

It isn't about riots.

It is about the LIE

It is obvious. Why is it being allowed to stand? With the resources of the Federal Government, we should be able to take a fucking microscope to these Freemason thugs and expose them. Instead we are just pretending it was a racist cop gone rogue. Why let that lie fester when it could be ended?

24067234? ago

It's called "the future".

You gotta drop that Presentism stuff. You can thank the CCP infiltration of our universities for that one.


24067278? ago

Never heard of Presentism. Can you explain it a little better?

24062934? ago

One possibility is like chess when the opponent is doomed but instead of resigning they grind it out. Regardless, as you say the lying must cease.

24062823? ago

The Federal Government has Masons at the helm buddy. They aren't going to bring themselves down.

24065214? ago

Trump is not a mason.

24062964? ago

So we need to start killing them

24063015? ago

Wont do anything except rile them up and they would probably kill you first, besides I have noticed they have been removing their public regalia so how could we even identify them?

Best to just follow the law and defend yourself and your family from direct threats. Dont go out killing people fran.

24063035? ago

I am taking about the government

24063050? ago

The government is controlled by them.

24063058? ago

i know. And they need to die

24063089? ago

Ive been trying to explain Freemasonry to anyone that would listen for years and nobody cares.

24065229? ago

Me as well anon. Bill Cooper woke me like a bolt of lightning. Down with the Babylonian mystery schools!

24063397? ago

I God wants me dead I'll be dead, and if not then I've got no reason to fear a bunch of secret-sodomites.

Freemasons are only foot soldiers to the disease: the (((bankers)))

24065234? ago

Otheranon: aye

24065292? ago


Does "otheranon" mean that you are not the person I was responding to?

24065396? ago

Yes. I am a heretofore unknown, interjecting anon.

24065406? ago

Understood, thanks.

24062711? ago

I usually dismiss all the False Flag talk...but this screams one. It is fake. Paramedics would not just load the body like that...they would try to resuscitate and give oxygen while he is still on the ground so as not to waste valuable time and risk brain damage or death. If they thought he was dead it would take them more time to assess and call the coroner. This was staged. I doubt he is really dead...I also doubt Epstein is dead.

24069591? ago

They weren't paramedics they had holstered guns, state troopers?

24068495? ago

Same coroner?

24068322? ago

Why did they hold him down for so long?

What were they waiting for? They had enough cops to put him into the police car. Why wait?

It appears they were waiting for the ambulance. But it would have had to be called when he was first on the ground, because it would take awhile for it to get there. So why call an ambulance when he was still alive and well? Unless they planned to have him "die."

Why did the guy taking the video keep telling others to go away? A guy came out of a store to help keep the suspect from being killed, but the video guy said he didn't need any assistance trying to help the suspect stay alive! The video guy was very adamant about that---why? Because he didn't want any close-up witnesses?

Why did the video guy not want anyone else there? What were the cops waiting for?

Tick-Tock > Knock-Knock.

P.S. #Obamagate

24064918? ago

I have no doubt the deep state cares about whether bodies generated by false flags are real or staged. I suspect he is dead. Probably was told it'll all be an act, no problem.

24077108? ago

exactly the two knew each other. they probably told floyd it was all an act then killed him anyways. sick but its the way they operate

24064837? ago

you know this i know this why cant the media ask the question that we all see right in front of our face?

because they are all in on it. it is all a bunch of bullshit lies made by jews to not be exposed because they can sense they can feel more and more people waking up to their lies

24066075? ago

^^^ Makes up shit about Jews.

24066494? ago

is it made up that

3 of 9 Supreme court justices are jews?

is it made up that 95% of media is owned by jews?

is it made up that facebook and amazon are owned by jews?

is it made up hollywood is ran by jews?

is it made up that circumsion is a evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits?

is it made up that jews were 95% of the communist leadership in russia

is it made up that jews are ober 30% of the mental health field and the percentage gets even higher the higer up you go?

is it made up aipac spends billions influencing our elections at least millions i would guess

is it made up that jews are massivly over represented in sports ownership and as agents

is it made up jews run international banking

ia it made up jews were behing the 1965 immigration act

what am i making up exactly? or am i reporting accurately

24066425? ago

it is jews idiot. wake up get a brain read a little learn some history and when you get down to it its the fucking kikes every god damn time

24064424? ago

or they did actually kill him (with a quick syringe. coroner found intoxicants in system) and the EMT officers were actors and just did their best imitating what they thought a proper medic would do. Its easier far easier to have one single sleeper agent in the mix (the officer himself) and maybe a camera operator civilian to set of the perfect incendiary event.

24069600? ago

Not emt they had gun on hips

24063194? ago

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24062634? ago

Q dances around in riddles. The riddles say what you want them to say. A modern Nostradamus of sorts.

24064663? ago

Except - they're only riddles to a person with not enough brain power for proper deductive reasoning.😉

24064456? ago

Q predicted this exact series of events (Aug 2018) including the NG being activated because of ANTIFA escalation and the coming FBI investiation and public release of ANTIfA designation as a terror organization.

They never would have been able to declare them terrorists without SHOWING the people this level of violence. See how on twitter their "white supremacists are responsible" narrative FAILED and they stopped it trending because it was failing.

They are losing the narrative without a doubt. Q even predicted that hollywood assets would be activated WITH Antifa (stars paying bail for Antifa).

24066483? ago

Ingersoll Lockwood predicted them as well. Freaky as fuck!

24065080? ago

The fbi? Lol. We’re doomed.

What even happened in las vegas? Will they ever open the floodgates on starting to investigate that case?

24065190? ago

because the FBI can only contain all bad people all the time of course.

24065421? ago

How about once then?

Don’t hold your breath.

24065447? ago

Im just saying what Q said would happen. Its not like Trump and Barr arent literally in charge if the FBI via Wray's appointment.

Trump has done a good job making people think hes all alone in the white house with no team and no allies. It just is not true. His appointments were for a reason. They have a plan, regardles of Q's status.

Peope forget Obama used to weaponize every agency directly for his agenda and Trump comes off appearing weak (when he is strong).

24066095? ago

Hope so anon. Truly

24066865? ago

antifa just declared terrorists officially. the left is about to be crushed by the government.

24067559? ago

I hope and pray that is the case. Truly! I want justice and rule of law restored!!

24067629? ago

Me too. kinda strange i predicted this hours before it happened. Its going to be ok anon!

24065480? ago

I’m just black pilled. The lawlessness only expands, it doesn’t recede. I don’t have any faith that justice is actually coming.

24065544? ago

Well Im also blackpilled but I still have a brain and process everything I see happening as accurately as I can. Im not hopeful at all, Im just reading facts and making educated guesses as to what might happen

24066114? ago

Yes I’m not feeling much hope lately. I pray I’m wrong.

24066854? ago

Antifa just designated as a terrorist organization exactly as I said would happen. This is fucking huge anon.

24067570? ago

I pray for justice!

24064971? ago

all of that is true, I watched and whined while it lingered on.

Its cool, lets go back to waiting, waiting was nice, this sucks.

24065296? ago

lmfao yeah i hear ya. but didnt we all want to see some arrests? haha here they are!

24066054? ago

I have witnessed several arrests.

I am as impatient as anyone else, but facts are facts ma'am, the wheels are clearly turning.

Now please god dont ask me where this crazy train is heading, because I havent the faintest idea.

I hope its someplace nice. Like America... I went there once, I was born there, I lived my whole first life there, then I enlisted, I went away, I came home.... someone had stolen it.

24062742? ago

The riddles say what you want them to say.


24062712? ago

Is that the postDICKtion?


24062719? ago


24062762? ago

If you disagree please tell me why, If my links are bad there are many more. WHAT IF these links are true? ya its scary.

24069084? ago

Because "WHAT IF" isn't very compelling at this stage of the game.

24062538? ago

trust the plan duuur

24062421? ago

Agreed. This is insane. You really think the niggers would listen? Have they ever?

24062420? ago

Why do you need Q to give you confirmation on everything?

Think for yourself.

24062837? ago

Uh, we've promised there is a plan to get the evil elements out of the government by this movement, you snarky faggot.

24065657? ago

Yes we have, impatient-fag

24062465? ago

I have. What I am pissed about is that the lie is being allowed to prevail, and I don't see an reason for it.

Why is the Trump administration playing along with this bullshit? Why don't they expose this plot for what it is?

24062500? ago

being allowed to prevail

How does that work when the national Guard has been deployed?

Stop drinking the fake news kool-aid.

24062846? ago

They didnt do shit last night mr. Deployed.

24064528? ago

And now we have dozens of confirmed video evidence of ANTIFA KILLING civilians brutally in the streets. If you think we could have stopped this early and let Antifa keep spouting of their "0" death toll narrative... you are sorely mistaken.

24062664? ago

Not the riots. The lie.

Why is the lie allowed to prevail?

24064540? ago

What difference would it make if POTUS tried to explain the truth with Q even confirmed? The media would just he and Q are lying like they always do and nothing wouod change. We HAVE to show people how evil these people are. Trump cannot explain this to the people more than he already does.

24062707? ago

Information War