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24047817? ago

Because someone would step up and take his place. Soros is being used to show the masses how corrupt the criminal democrat party truly is.

24050039? ago

Correct. He's just the public face Boogeyman of a greater insidious evil.

It's very much a case of "look here, not HERE".

24048169? ago

Truly we all know by now that this goes beyond Dem vs Rep.
Its huge $ and control vs everyone else.

Foundations vs. folks

Big pharma vs. individual health dominion

Big ag vs ability to grow healthy life sustaining food

Water control......vs free rights to water to sustain life.

A large part of the Dem party politicians and big $ dems walk in lockstep with the above, but we all know there are still slimy swamp

creatures lurking in the Republican party as well.

When I think of the undertaking this admin, Q, and all others have agreed to and are succeeding at, it literally takes my breath away and makes me want to fall to my knees. We were all so close to the edge of the cliff - not ready to be pushed off but to willingly, blindly, mind f*&ckedly walk off the edge.

This shit going on depresses me, but then I remember what we are fighting and that the losing, evil side always relies on optics and narrative.

We need to remind people that the narrative is false. Does it make sense in our country that mothers with children playing at parks get arrested, people sitting on a beach get arrested - but looters, vandals and violent "protestors" get a pass BECAUSE THEY'RE UPSET?


24047927? ago

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24047837? ago

Then we just keep killing the replacement.

24047883? ago

Great plan Anon.

This way instead of saving the children, showing the world the reality of the situation we're in and finding a solution to our collective problems, we can just mail them a bullet every time they prop up a new puppet. What a great solution, seriously well thought out and everything.

24048086? ago

Would you take that job, fuckhead?

24047994? ago

its a start and a warning to each new puppet. you will be killed.

24047824? ago

Soros is upper management.