24034770? ago

paid shilbot - iranian perhaps.

Great post - loser!

24034034? ago

1) Sauce


24033994? ago

Why does it bother you that we are here having our own discussions?. Go back to your own.

24034122? ago

Why does it bother you that discussion involves dissent?

24033985? ago

dam you jigs are desperate. clearly we are winning. your panic is showing better retuck bra.

24033615? ago

Get the fuck out of QRV. We conquered this corner of the internet, and we are telling you to get the fuck out, we ain't leaving. Go pout and shill all you want, it will do no good. Tough shit snowflake.

24034164? ago

niggers flood white homeland

get gibs and entitled to everything

something goes awry

riot, loot, and burn the native homeland

This is what you say QRV represents on voat.

24034520? ago

Democrats flood white conquered land with imported slave workers to do work they are too lazy to do themselves, or pay fair wages for others to do.

Democrats give gibs to bribe blacks for votes, and get incompetent, corrupt assholes elected to govern over shithole cities .

Democrat controlled crime ridden city has problem officer who was not disciplined for past fuckups, due to incompetent, corrupt democrat leadership, fuckup again.

Democrat controlled shithole reaps what it has sown, causing misery for everyone.

Fixed that for you.

24033642? ago

Conquered? lol

24033640? ago


it's a fucking open internet board.

imagine being so fucking high on your own supply that you think making a board account means you conquered something lmao

24033536? ago

Pretty much. JIDF in the house!