24196388? ago

Shes at the Coal fax !?

23972394? ago

Probably a Justice system where the Husband didn't have proof / evidence of her infidelity or had an idiot for a Divorce Attorney.

Peace Y

23972456? ago

Proof or not the laws in most states don't consider that.

23970115? ago

California Justice System.

23972463? ago

Tennessee too

23969821? ago

Marriage is family. Family is their enemy.

23969336? ago

What kind of justice system allows a pampered wife to just cheat on her husband and then divorce him and get half his belongings?

I disagree

Evil behavior has NO gender. There are as many men & women with Evil behaviors. But still there are more people with Good behaviors.

By "Evil" or "Good" behavior I mean this https://voat.co/v/QRV/3711169/

23968440? ago

Try half of everything and 40% of your income for 8.5 years because she got depression and had to quit working, welcome to Canada.

23966569? ago

Even worse, some trust funder or high earner woman marries some loser. He has huge incentive to cheat on her.

23966316? ago

My uncle found out his wife had been cheating on him with a coworker and proceeded to pop a blood vessel in HIS(Uncle Ned) head then die. She got it all. Ain't seen her or the 2 boys they adopted together (she was barren) since. She married the coworker shortly there after.

23966002? ago

A good 40% of women suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder. These dangerous animals will destroy everything in their pursuit of their own self-destruction.

23971321? ago

BPD is just a desciption of the modern woman because they can no longer be disciplined properly. We are wrong. Our ancestors were right.

23966208? ago

Women like my stepsister.I pity the poor fool that married her.It's not going to end well.

23965567? ago

Can’t tell you how man men I see who marry or get a woman pregnant that they never will stay with, they don’t belong together. Then when they divorce (3 of the 4 the men initiated the divorce w/o any infidelity by the woman) and now have to pay support.

Treat your sperm as potential children to avoid child support. Spend it wisely.

23965525? ago

Sound like a bunch of cucks.

23965510? ago

Don't marry useless women, idiots.

23965280? ago

Never understood the idea of legal marriage. This one minute comedy bit by Aziz Ansari, sums it up perfectly.

If the idea of marriage didn't exist, it would be an insane proposition. People defend the idea of "commitment" but if you think about it, that word only comes up when the relationship goes south. SMH

23965233? ago

I would say that men should not pamper their wives. Treat them well, but don't PAMPER them. And if you find out she's cheating, take the first step, don't let HER start the divorce!

23965152? ago

It’s all part of the plan to destroy the family and the country...

23965077? ago

The single greatest weakness of our justice system is that it utterly fails to pursue false reports and charge the original liar. If a high percentage of people who called in false reports were charged with hate crimes, ordered to counseling, and had to pay for the police time wasted, then families would be much safer in the long run, and at least 10% of lawyers would be out of work, just another perk of prosecuting false reporters.

23964910? ago

The only thing worse than a false domestic complaint is a false child abuse report where you have to deal not only with cops but also with power-mongering social workers, most of whom are out to avenge their internalized abuse as children on anyone they can, over and over. They are demonized.

23971327? ago

Social workers deserve capital punisment. Leftist communist genocidal maniacs, Ever Single One.

23964388? ago

Ban legal marriage. Get rid of family courts. Use a pre nup before kids. Legal marriage is a business agreement. Expose big pharma and there's little need for medical insurance. End tax cuts for marriage.

The current system screws the entire family. Not just men or just women, it screws the family unit.

23964175? ago

Always remember, how easy it would have been BEFORE now, to walk away from the trap, that now binds you.

You could have seen the lie, you chose not to, this probably isnt your fault, but now you know.

Wisdom sucks doesnt it? Yea hurts too. Thats why old people are so grumpy.

Class is dismissed.

23963963? ago

The kind I will no longer be participating in.

Yes, it really is that easy. They call us MEN for a reason.

Now sack up and buy farmable land. We're gonna have to ride this storm all the way to 'the end'.

23963927? ago

A jewish legal justice system following the white genocide agenda.

23963866? ago

Don't sign marriage contracts, you stupid faggots. The law and state are against you and your useless pre nup. Women have thrown their lot in with the communists, feminists, and the authoritarian state, not with you. If you are stupid enough to be alone with a woman, you deserve the fucking you get.

23963768? ago

A fully kiked judicial system.

Alexa, what percentage of law school graduates are Jews?

23963420? ago

The system is rigged massively against men. Completely unconstitutional, but nobody will touch it. I told the wife I wanted a divorce. She quits her job, then goes into hiding so I can't serve her. She finds a sleazy lawyer. Next thing I know, I'm served with a temporary domestic violence restraining order (DVRO). I never touched her. If fact, she was violent. All my assets frozen. She collects half my salary. The restraining order was issued by a judge without hearing my side of the story. If I don't win, my life is ruined. Need a good lawyer. That is expensive. I was lucky that I had a big credit line available on several credit cards in my name only. I spent $300k fighting her and finally settled it without an official DVRO. Every single last $ of my life savings and a ton of extra debt at the end of it because I was PRESUMED GUILTY AND HAD TO PROVE MY INNOCENCE.

Scumbag divorce lawyers use it as a tool. It's a scam. If I didn't have that credit line. If I were an average Joe (financially speaking), I would have had no choice but to just accept the accusation and be branded for life as a man who commits dometic violence. Fuck that. Any system where you have a better chance of getting justice because you have more money is UNJUST.

23963452? ago

Forgot to mention that part where I lost my 2nd Amendment Rights and had to turn over my gun (only had one at the time). This whole thing also made it difficult for me to get a concealed carry license later on.

23966567? ago

I hope you have a boating accident buried in the backyard.

23963172? ago

Who was dumb enough to pamper said wife to begin with.

Reap what you sow

23963085? ago


23963066? ago

Justice system is a one size fits all system, sometimes. Sometimes Judges have leeway, sometimes they don't. Bottom line is you trusted her, or you would of had a prenup.

23962924? ago

kikes and their jewdicial system

23962920? ago

I always thought those heavily skewed divorce laws were a psyop to further keep men and women at odds. They don’t make logical sense, which means they must be some occult fuckery.

23962781? ago

You people are NOT True Patriots, if you were you wouldn’t be using this forum to discuss such a topic.

You are also NOT true men, for true men know how to treat their wives and don’t have to worry about them cheating. If a true man treats his wife well and she cheats anyway then he should have been smart enough to see her flaws BEFORE he married her.

Either way, when a marriage ends in divorce BOTH sides ALWAYS contribute to the demise and rather than play the point the finger game like whiny democrats, each person should reflect on their own contributions, learn from it and move on better and smarter to handle their next relationship.

23963828? ago

Indeed, women are retarded children on par with literal niggers. If any man is fooled by one, it is his own fault.

23963542? ago

Except that's not what most women do.

23963192? ago

Cry me a river Karen.

23962667? ago

my mother gave me and my dad a hard time. Not as bad as some of what i see here but i know first hand our social order has become misandric.

23963199? ago

Me too, a bunch of times.

23962394? ago

Sauce? wtf are you talking about?

23963216? ago

Europe and America.

23962267? ago

The kike system.

23962128? ago

The kind that encourages the destruction of the family.

24196418? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/theredpill comment.

Posted automatically (#115367) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

23962120? ago

I had more than my husband, and had to pay off his bills and give him a car to make things 50/50'ish

23963798? ago

Begone THOT

23961889? ago

Sometimes there are no good choices, that's when you take your 2nd amendment justice, be the person she said you were, or bend over and quit bitchin

23961888? ago

Jews are at the heart of the problems they have created across the world.

23961819? ago

The kind where a man foolishly marries the corporation posing as government and his wife.

23961774? ago

The kind of justice system that ignores the need for separation of church and state. Marriage is founded in religion [church], not state. The government should have zero input on marital affairs. Zero.

23963439? ago

Marriage is a civil contract.

23961584? ago

Don't Never EVER get marr'd w/o a PRE-NUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23964271? ago

That only helps you preserve what you had before marriage though right? Like if you get married at 20 and have $50 net worth but you are a millionaire by 40 when you get divorced the prenup does nothing... Right?

23964397? ago

Depends on how you write it & do your estate planing. Dissolution gets spelled out. (in advance). As always seek the advice of a competent attorney. (Kek, I said competent)

23961573? ago

QRV has officially turned into CUCKS ANONYMOUS. Congrats fags

23963815? ago

Always was. QRV loves based niggers and sheboons and not all kikes are bad

Trust the plan goy

23965415? ago

Pointing folks to QRV with this nonsensical anon numbers bullshit is probably the greatest red flag Q has thrown up. It isn't a binary as people want to pretend...Q seems to have good intentions but still is partisan

23961567? ago


23961417? ago

A bad one?

23961267? ago

A: a jewish one.

23961253? ago

I have a very complicated legal situation too, I plead guilty even though i'm innocent and now it eats away at me every day. If the facts of the case came out it would all favor me, but everyone even my defense attorney tried to shut me down and they coerced me into pleading guilty out of fear.

23961901? ago

Do an internet search for "void judgement." You might be able to get it thrown out.

23961846? ago


23961336? ago

What's complicated about that? You probably can't pay/afford, the attorney would lose the case because of that (not work on it, dig up the evidence, witnesses, depositions, discovery, etc), and you are not a gambler type regardless. I imagine PLENTY of people are in your shoes. What sentence were you facing?

23961711? ago

My case is complicated and if I talk too much it will be self identifying. It is very embarrassing for me to talk about it, it involves a psychiatrist, self harm, mental instability, screaming, etc. I did things i'm embarrassed to talk about but the psychiatrist in question totally encouraged it. I feel like I was entrapped. I didn't understand what was going on at the time.

23961627? ago

I’m betting the anon’s name is (dare I unmask it?) Gen. Mike Flynn.

23961786? ago

Nah Flynn is far more honorable than me.

23961250? ago

And 100% of his kids and often more in monthly payments than he can earn?

Many men end up in jail on a regular basis because they can't reasonably afford the payments for the children they can't even see.

In Florida I have to pay $14,800 per year per child and I'm only allowed to Skype once a week. No visitation because I'm a bad goy in the eyes of the bankers and lawyers who just locked everyone down.

23964119? ago

Vagina Tax.

23964194? ago

If we killed off all the attorneys that make billions off of the grief of families it would be a lot easier to keep families together.

You can't incentivizethe distraction of familieswith billions of dollars and not expect it to have an impactall the way up through the top levels of government.

Women will always lack good judgment and susceptible to influence but our courts that influence them to have a positive benefit to fucking over men can be fixed by force.

23964227? ago

Could not have said it better. Spot on accurate.

We also cannot ignore the implicit fact that attacking the real strength of the American family, the alpha male earner/authority, by usurping that authority at a state level, they enforce the idea that the man is in fact nothing, at the mercy of higher powers and there is no reason to fight this ma'am, because we stole from him to give to you. At this stage in the deception, even the cuck males will cheer for their own slaughter and the attack is complete, the family is degraded, no longer a threat to radical change in societal structure, everyone in it with power has been neutralized, imprisoned, ostracized and bankrupted.

I think they forgot something though, the capacity of the feral wild male human for strategy once all is lost.

23964260? ago

There's a kike attorney actively hunting this thread - that shows you how much they care about destroying families and the strength of America.

23961231? ago

america is run by jews...so yeah. same reason all those corrupt bankers didn't go to prison

23976728? ago

america is run by jews...so yeah. same reason all those corrupt bankers didn't go to prison

I disagree

Trump Is The First Jewish President

Video 6 minutes at https://invidio.us/watch?v=-ue8qAHj69g


The First Jewish President. That's how some Jews see Donald Trump. People on the Left, not so much. Here's my take.


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos


23980732? ago

thank you paid jew shill. go back to israel please. oh wait you are probably shilling from israel.

carry on then please

23961094? ago

Divorces are expensive because they are worth it.

23960976? ago

A jewish one that hates white men.

23960841? ago

In Washington my ex-wife had me arrested for assault when she was the aggressor. She called the cops after I let her beat me and told them I assaulted her. She beat me with a frying pan over and over. She punched me repeatedly with her fists as well. I caught her cheating. I went to jail and lost everything. While I was in jail she moved her lover in on the first day of my incarceration. 5 months after the incident and our divorce was all settled she wrote a letter to the prosecutor explaining she lied and that I never touched her. My charges were dropped. They were threatening me with 4 months in jail. After I was freed I told the judge and prosecutor I wanted to press charges and they wouldn't touch her or even charge her with filing a false report or perjury. She used the legal system to rape me of the life I had built. I took custody of our 3 kids a little later and now she pays me $1836 per month now in child support. She assaulted me again last year and she was arrested but never charged. Woman are protected by a 2 tier legal system.

23971562? ago

Well she did write a letter confessing. That has to be a consideration - otherwise no one would ever confess again.

23971252? ago

How did you have children if you don't have balls?

23970584? ago

That is why I never got married or had kids. No regrets. Seen it too many times growing up. My married friends call me a genius. I humbly tell them that in reality, they are idiots.

23967122? ago

"In Washington"

That's your first problem. I dragged my wife across the country to a red state where the laws were a lot more fair and then got divorced. I still get a raw deal but did way better than I would have. The blue states really screw men because part of the communist take over is the destruction of the family. The best way to do that is to attack the father.

23966794? ago

This is why people, like myself, haven't married and haven't had the pleasure of knowing what having a family is like. I always felt it wasn't worth the risk, what happened to you could happen to any man in the country. The system is broken and it's intentional what they did to it.

23966649? ago

Damn her! And I'm a woman. I'm so sorry you were treated that way by our sex. She'll eventually get what's coming to her. God bless you and damn her.

23966731? ago

Karma has dealt her a few blows. She lost her kids then went and got a DUI hit and run. I'm taking her in for contempt again. She's letting her boyfriend get drunk and yell at my kids. Calling one of them degrading names. Some other things have come up as well. The key is to stay on top of everything. Hold her accountable for everything. Some people dig their own graves.

23967223? ago

She sounds positively demonic . I pray for the Armor of God to protect you and the children. It happened to my cousin. He was making really good money in Boca. She was a nurse at the time I think. She had an affair with a doctor, left my cousin , married the dr. and the judge awarded her child support of over 3 grand a month. By that time, his sales in his job had gone to nothing. He had no money. Kept saying he was gonna have to move to Europe to escape her. He was madly in love with her. Never married again.

23966229? ago

you got off easy, you actually got custody and they even enforce a child support order.

23964476? ago

my mother stole my kids with the same bullshit. she would also be at my house babysitting when court papers would arrive. she would sign for them so I would never see them.

went to court got full custody of my kids, after a year of not knowing this, and so it appeared that they lived with her full time.

she went for a nice long walk that she couldnt handle in the heat with no water. Called the cops and claimed that I had beat her while I was at the park with my kids.

now she spends her time calling every attorney to discuss the case she can so that I cant hire one.

Ive already been laughed out of the courts by the female clerk and judge. even with any proof I show up with.

was really hoping the virus was more of a threat so she would drop dead.

23964668? ago

If I understand you correctly the Grandmother has custody. Unless there is a danger to the children and you are biological parent they can not legally keep you from your own children. The court can not deny your legal challenge if you file the documents correctly. The judge should at least allow some type of temporary orders to be in place that allow you time with your kids. If the judge lays out requirements for you to follow don't fuck it up. Follow the orders. Show the judge with actions not words you are serious about your children.

23964346? ago

Same story here sadly. Except she still has the kids, and I have not seen them for 5 years.

23964438? ago

If you live close to them and can see them you should file a petition for a parenting plan. You will probably need to go through reunification counseling or some weird shit. Maybe you should just write an email to her and request her approval to start seeing them and see where that leads.

23964644? ago

Tried that several times. There is no reasoning with her.

My daughter is now 15 and contacted me online on her own accord.

We chat, but I have not seen her and her brother for 5 years.

I could go all scorched Earth on the ex's dumb ass in Court, but as I explained to my daughter, this would not have helped and would have bankrupted BOTH of us.

So I just took on all the problems (including going bankrupt to the tune of > $500K) in order to protect her, so she could get off "Scott Free" as Q would say.

It's just a matter of time before the dam breaks in my world too, and I am looking for my children to enact lasting justice once they come of age, and wake up a little more.

In the meantime, I am focused on my finances and I believe the best revenge is massive success. My daughter knows I am digital soldier.

Lastly, my ex loves money, and is very envious. She would lose her mind once the flip occurrs.

23964892? ago

Sounds like you are getting there. I hope everything works out for you in the end. Your kids sound curious about you. Wait until Mommy pisses her off and daughter comes to you. After the age of 12 judges will consider what the child wants if they desire a household change. It would not be wrong to have your daughter ask her Mother if you could take her to lunch. If you can get documentation of daughter expressing a desire to have a relationship with you then you should compile what you got and use it. Do not be manipulative or pushy, a judge will burn you for that. If she is spiting you by not letting you see your kids you need to file all the paperwork which includes a copy of a parenting plan. Your parenting plan should be reasonable and not cause a dramatic shift in the Childs life. Your parenting plan should be progressive. Visitations should start out with maybe a midweek visit for a couple hours every 2 weeks and after a few months move to an overnight weekend twice a month. 15 years old the kids generally start adjusting their own schedules. You must file your own parenting plan or the judge will go with whatever the other party filed. I burnt my ex when the judge was holding my proposed parenting plan and she didn't file her own. The judge is going to pick the best one for the kids. Your first plan will be a Temporary Parenting plan. Then you and the ex work on a final document you both can agree on.

23965094? ago

It's up to my daughter now. She is now in charge of the situation as far as I am concerned.

She wants it done right so there is no conflict.

It's like Trump dealing with The Cabal.

One wrong step, and you are fucked.

She knows her Mother is a nutter, and doesn't want to burn the house down.

She was going to meet me for a coffee late Sunday afternoon.

She knew I was working until 2.00 PM that day, and fudged the meeting, as she probably got cold feet.

So I didn't see her that day, and it broke my heart.

I don't know if she even wants to see me now, after all the brain washing and mind control.

I must wait.

I will never give up on her or my Son.

23964060? ago

My God man... I'm so sorry. Thank you for this post. I am saving it for my sons.

23964044? ago

Also male, also similar, I believe you.

All the bullshit they tell you isnt much help when you know the targets on your back (and your wallet).

I wasnt even big yet, but I was rising financially, a lot more than the ghetto bunnies I knew, and I got slammed in a very similar fashion. I had a female Family Law person listen while this woman says "I'll leave the country and you'll never see your daughter again!" and I looked at the fat black woman and asked her, "hey, did you hear that? Dont you wanna write that down somewhere? You heard her say that!" .... the woman ignored me and looked down at her papers.

Another time, I showed up to a court visit, but the woman didnt, so I filed my motion (I learned how by reading the fucking thing), well when I gave it to the female family law worker, she read it, re typed it (assistance) and printed a different copy than the one I submitted, threw mine away and gave the judge my reworded motion. The judge saw I had my DNA test results, the kid was mine and I was demanding full custody. They aint ready for guys like that! They freaked out, the judge says "ok but, you checked the wrong box" on that form, and I said "NO I didnt, that woman CHANGED my form, the form I submitted to the court is in her wastebasket."

It went downhill from there.

23964413? ago

Wow. Yeah something funny about your document situation. When I file documents I make at least 5 copies each. You keep the ORIGINALS separate. Before you file stamp the originals on their face with a big red ORIGINAL stamp. The originals go directly to the court clerk. Then you have a copy for the judge which is time stamped and turned in with the judges clerk. One copy gets served to the other party. 2 copies for yourself.

23963584? ago

We don't need the state to disapline our women, rather we the state needs to get out of the way at let us deal with it, yous seem as though you want the government to handle it.

23962663? ago

That's nightmarish!

23962202? ago

Happened to me too in the Navy. My wife attacked me, the neighbors called the base police and they arrested me even though I had never laid a hand on her.

23962110? ago

Goddamn man. That is horrible. I'm sorry to hear that. Women have turned into a genuine destructive force in our society.

23961959? ago

I'm so sorry you had that vile bitch in your life

23961955? ago

Move if you haven't.

23961951? ago

We’re in Oregon, my husband went through the same thing. $1200 month and he had custody of their only minor child. She got the house and rented it out because she moved in with the multi-millionaire she eventually married. Welcome to liberal run courts.

23961874? ago

You should stop thinking of our legal system as being the only route in which to obtain justice.

23961562? ago

Don't live life as a cuck...I hope you learned something

23961539? ago

I read the opening statement and came here to say exactly Washington state. I have a friend that just went through the exact same thing. His wife had been cheating on him for a year and the rest of the extended family knew it, but didn’t want to tell him. When he did find out, the harlot put her plan into action. She went to all his bank accounts in person and withdrew every cent by impersonating him and forging his signature. She accused him of abusing both her and the kids. She obtained a restraining order against him and then wrote the children’s’ names on it after the fact (it was clearly in her handwriting) and then had the police “rescue” the kids. He lost his second amendment rights and was forced to give up his firearms. He was forced to move out of his house, then she took everything he owned and sold / pawned/ trashed it. Judge was a woman, wouldn’t listen to anything my friend wanted to say during the hearings. Listened to everything the bitch said and of course found in favor of the adulteress and now my friend’s life has been totally destroyed. He was fired from his job because the company wanted to protect themselves from being sued for employing an alleged wife beater and child molester. The police agreed that the restraining order looked altered, so when they confronted the slut she told them he must have done it to make her look bad. So they dropped the case. You are absolutely right. It doesn’t matter what the woman does or how heinous the crime, she will always come out on top in this god-forsaken state.

23962198? ago

I had to spend over $25K on attorney for the criminal and divorce. She was represented by the state in both courts because she was protected and didn't need an attorney. I waited, played my cards right until the time she started screwing up. I learned how to do all the paperwork myself and I have taken her back to court over and over having her found in contempt 3 times in a 9 month period. I petitioned the court to find adequate cause to give me custody and I won. I won custody of our 3 kids without any help. I am about to take her back again for another contempt charge. I have found that judges are way more fair when you go Pro Se. Attorneys are not needed if you can win court favor by taking it upon yourself to ,learn how to work it. Most important thing to do is FILE FIRST. That gives you the opportunity to file your initial paperwork and a final reply to her response. Basically before you see the judge you have spoken twice and her once. Allows you to set the playing field. Set up an opportunity for her to lie when you have documented proof. Make your accusation in your initial paperwork. In her response she will deny. In your final reply attach the documented proof and now the judge will side with you because you have proven dishonesty and judge will not believe her now. When I took her in for the custody change I was Pro Se and she had an attorney. I handed her attorneys ass to her on a platter and had the judge yelling at my ex. It was glorious.

I have thought about trying to help some dudes around here but it won't fix the courts. Moral of my story is yeah I got fucked good and hard to start but if you do everything right and she becomes a fuck up you can turn it against her and win.

23963050? ago

This is it. Pro Se. My brother did the same and completely turned the tables. She no longer had the attorney blocking because he could speak directly to his and and call her out on the lies with evidence. As his case became more public the courtroom became packed and then he me bro dropped a bomb in open court and exposed the entire scam with the judges help. After my bro was sword in he was about to sit down, they rose up again. This was after her and her attorney's lies were fully exposed. He ask the judge for legal clarification, or whatever the legal speak is, and he asked "why doesn't her attorney get sworn in?" the judge replied, with a shit eating grin " because attorneys are help to a higher standard....the entire courtroom broke out in laughter, the crowd could not be silenced....long story short the attorneys career was destroyed...she retired a drunk, ex wife owned my bro a ton of money for destroying his career, kids went to him...glorious. Dude you should be helping guys across the country get the upper hand.

Over years jews turned legal system to destroy white men, marriage and this country...turned white women into narcissistic whores with no thought of God and the bible...10 commandments became a SNL skid with no meaning. Everyone, continue get on your knees and pray to Jesus every day. It works.

23964420? ago

5:5. <

23962059? ago

When I found out my ex-wife was cheating on me. I started cheating on her.

I slept with the gal from work, Id chat with on lunch breaks, but never made a move on before.

I slept with the clerk from the grocery store who brightened up my day with her smile.

I slept with a blonde bombshell 90 minutes drive away multiple times.

I slept with some chick I met online who was having relationship problems with her husband.

While my ex-was getting fat, I was staying in shape and working on myself and getting what I wanted.

Eventually I ended it, but It was on my my terms, and when I had all my ducks in a row.

23964065? ago

You certainly sound like you had all your fux in a row, lined up around the block it sounds like.

Well played sir o7

23962968? ago

well played. i will take this route as well.

23961682? ago

If this man were to kill all of them that would be justice.

23964210? ago

Are you insane?

23964056? ago


23963974? ago

Only the judge and police. His wife was just following her nature. It is the fault of the police that they attacked an innocent man over the word of a woman.

23967044? ago

Women should never be trusted. Every uninvestigated rape is the punishment their kind get for their horrendous lying nature.

23961140? ago

I knew a guy who was on his way home for work. His dumb ass wife accidentally cut herself with scissors before he got home. She freaked out and called the police because vagina. Husband showed up before the cops arrived, ignorant to the whole situation. Police arrested him even though his wife told them she cut herself on accident. Police said it's their policy. Someome had to go to jail in that situation because they couldn't be sure it wasn't domestic abuse.

23967032? ago

Mandatory arrest law.
Got me arrested for restraining my wife during a literal psychotic episode.
Fuck libs. Fuck feminism.

23966433? ago

Chances are that guys wife was lying to him and secretly told the cops another story. I've been through it. The woman will act like it's a complete mystery why they arrested you and that she is fighting to get the charge dismissed, while she is secretly telling the cops/DA you are evil Hitler boyfriend. Women are sick and evil.

23970628? ago

Stop marrying ho's... if they sleep with you quickly then they sleep with others. Ho don't think or care they are trash. Screw ho, you get ho behavior and outcome.

23962096? ago

Sounds to me like another violation of DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW Article 242 Title 18.


Innocent until proven guilty. There was obviously absolutely no evidence of a crime, thus no reason for arrest and certainly no justification for any charges.

Whatever "law" he was arrested under, if there was one, was most likely unconstitutional and therefore invalid.

Our Constitution is still Law of the Land.

Judges and police departments don't make laws. Legislatures do.

Judges and police are to uphold existing laws while protecting our rights under our Constitution.



Acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities,and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term,or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.

All offenders, from the governors, judges, and lawmakers down to the jailers can be sued by citizen victims.

Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law


Know your rights.

Stand up for your rights.

Question authority.

Think objectively.

Hate to seem like a broken record and keep posting the above, but it sure seems applicable to many injustices WTP face every day, and the more folks aware of the laws on our side the better. Everyone feel free to help get the word out there.

23964190? ago

That is good advice. The problem I've seen is that they don't care what the law is and unless you have tons of money to throw away AND can find a good attorney, your screwed. Judges with an agenda to inforce don't follow the law. The lawyers and judges talk it out and it's done before you start court. It's the liberal court system. It is very important to know your rights! Just don't expect them to be enforced until we have better judges or better oversight with consequences for judges. Especially for family court.

23964285? ago

I understand, but we don't know till we try.

If we don't push back we've almost certainly lost.

To me there just aren't any guarantees at least at this point in time.

Hopefully President Trump has changed out most of those judges with anti-America agendas.

23964634? ago

Been there, done that. I'm female and it didn't go well for my kids. Your rights don't mean a thing when the legal system does what ever it wants. I had recommdations from child specialists going against an inches thick criminal file. My kids lost. Lives can be rebuilt but you can't go back and reraise children. Our rights only matter when they can be enforced. It's still important to know our rights. Even if it's just so you know how screwed your going to be. My advice is do whatever is necessary to stay out of court whenever kids are involved.

Knowing your rights is beneficial when interacting with police but in courts you have to know law.

23961216? ago

That is correct. If the police respond to a domestic complaint they are required to remove a person. That person is then charged with assault 4 domestic violence. It is a racket because you then lose your 2nd amendment rights for life. Not to mention they use this as another way to break up families. 98% of the time the man goes to jail and removed from his children.

23967325? ago

But the facts don't support it as being a "domestic complaint."

23966404? ago

They only have to arrest if they believe a crime occurred.

But yes, you are right, that means they can arrest the man any time they want, even if the woman says nothing happened or was at fault.

And I've been through that shit too. You get arrested with DV and your life is over. You start off going to jail 1-3 days minimum until a judge can put in a mandatory restraining order. The restraining order means you can't live in your own home anymore if the woman lives there (or even claims to) and is illegal to even contact the woman. You are homeless, overnight. You are still legally obligated to pay rent/mortage etc. The woman doesn't even have to be married to you and can take over your home.

And if you lose your job, you are done. Not even fast food joints will hire someone with a pending DV charge. Since everyone runs a background check, and pending charges and arrests show up, you will get job offers rescinded.

While your court case is pending, you'll likely be on a monitored probation. You will be prohibited from drinking, owning guns and other shit. You may have random UAs (where someone literally watches you piss). All this for an ACCUSATION and sometimes not even that (because the State makes the charges).

Meanwhile, the woman is treated like a victim, and can get whatever she wants no questions asked.

And then, the DA will be pressuring you to take a deal. The mandatory restraining order goes away when the court case is over. So they pressure you saying if you take a deal you can get back to your normal life sooner (a lie but men don't want to be homeless and this can temporarily avoid it). The people who actually beat the woman into a pulp can take these deals and be back on the street in a day.

And even if you get the case entirely dismissed, you still have the arrest on your record. You have to get the arrest records sealed which varies state by state and can take months. And even then, the accusation isn't entirely purged (cops can still see it for example) and you will notice how differently cops treat you in a traffic stop or whatever. Plus it can still be held against you in divorce proceedings despite dismissal.

23963217? ago

That is incorrect or misleading. It's a fairly common practice but it's not something literally ALL police are REQUIRED to do in literally EVERY single call. I live with a beat cop.

23962678? ago

Yes. Thanks Bill Clinton. He signed the VAWA act. Violence against women act. Counties get money from VAWA when they arrest the MAN. They won’t get funding if they arrest the woman or both parties. It’s an utter scam. Don’t let the cops in ever. Once you let them in, you have given up all rights. And keep your mouth shut. Because they will lie and hold all against you.

23961265? ago

The law was enacted that way for a good reason. Too many times cops would get called to the same houses repeatedly, only for victims to decide not to press charges. Since domestic calls lead to more police deaths than any other type of incident, and the police have hella lobbying power, they got a lot of jurisdictions to pass laws that if they come out for a domestic dispute then someone's getting charged.

23961974? ago

Fuck off. You can give up your rights I’m not giving up mine

23962151? ago

I mean... I'm not enough of a dumbass to live with an abusive partner so I'm not giving up any rights there. The law was written that way to try to keep people from wasting law enforcement's time. Whether it worked is another story, but it wasn't intended to be nefarious.

23961665? ago

That's not a good reason at all. If the broad doesn't want to press charges that's on her. If he ends up killing her then its likely hell end up getting arrested for murder. Justice served.

23962017? ago

¯_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ Like I mentioned, the law was for the cops' benefit, not anyone else's. The good reason was the hope that people wouldn't call the cops unless they meant it.

23961489? ago

Some laws have good intentions. Almost ALL wind up as a clusterfuck and charge many people who should not have been charged. DWI laws? Have a couple of beers on the way home after a hard day of work? Yea, that's some jail time and $5000 - $7000 fees and legal costs. Multiple drunk driving arrests and finally hit and kill someone because alcoholic? A short 2 year stay with time off "good behavior." That should be manslaughter.

23961449? ago

The courts should not be so eager to just charge everyone with a crime though. Instead of always just cuffing someone and taking a statement the cops should investigate. They have allowed people to abuse the legal system and remove individual rights. I have known people that have gone to jail for yelling. Our system now defines yelling or intimidation as assault 4.

23962034? ago

The job of the cops is to make arrests. Yeah yeah, I know they paint it otherwise. But their job is to make arrests and assume it'll all hash out later.

23960965? ago

You married the wrong woman. You should have been more careful and gotten a good one.

23961940? ago

No woman is perfect but the system you represent and support is destroying men.

23963407? ago

Pointing out a flaw in something someone else is saying is not "representing" or "supporting" the opposite necessarily. That poster is right that people need to put more thought into who they marry and should realize that it can easily ruin their life to make the wrong choice.

23964116? ago

Women are deceitful and you are an attorney trying to blame the population instead of the system.

It is easy to see by how hard you are defending your position.

23966159? ago

Im not an attorney

23966958? ago

You can't cover up your psyop with a little back tracking and denial. Every attorney is a trained liar and so is every kike.

One of the most important things destroying this country is what you are promoting. That's not slipping by me or anyone reading.

Who the fuck cares what your preferences are about women. The ones that seem the greatest can be the most deceptive. You are selling a false narrative. An unobtainable ploy. if you stick them in the blender of attorney kikery driven by commie federal incentive policies to the judges, they'll all get chopped up into what you want.

if you're sure you are not a subversive attorney or judge or cps then agree with me that every family law attorney needs to die or die before the end of the year.

23961918? ago

You are correct. I am a woman and agree most women coming out of our school system are trash. They act like it, talk like it and most will try to trap a man with sex. They get the eager young man with that very thing. They get purposely pregnant claiming it was an accident. They have children (as bad mothers) and entrap the man to get 20 years of financial support. The school system prepared them to do this very thing.

Men should learn that sex isn't everything. A solid loving relationship is everything. So bottom line guys, keep your dicks in your pants when dating women until you are absolutely convinced that she is a good one. Test the relationship and refuse her immediate offer of sex. If you refuse the sex, she will walk away and you will then know you had the wrong woman. The right woman is willing to wait and the right man is also willing to wait in order to build a SOLID relationship first.

Take this from a 60+ woman who got taken for everything financial from the wrong man, who got everything because I walked out and wanted nothing from a mentally abusive relationship. The day after I moved out and left him the house, his girlfriend moved in. I didn't want the court battle. My lawyer tried to talk me into alimony and I said NO. I wanted no links to a disfunctional asshole. No children involved which made it easier to walk. But now, I am broke facing a sole senior survival battle. What I did is still worth it in spite of that.

23964487? ago

I am praying for you.


23964529? ago


23961354? ago

douchebag level: 11

23961411? ago

Perhaps you should go back to Reddit where they have a 'Safe Space' for you. Because here, you are going to experience free speech.

And I'm telling you... A guy needs to be very careful about which woman he marries. He needs to date her and really get to know her before he enters into a life time commitment with her. And if he doesn't do that, well... it usually doesn't work out well.

I'm a douchebag for saying that?

23961957? ago


23963384? ago

That person is calling for personal responsibility, if you don't believe in that you don't belong here

23963957? ago

that's stupid.

People get crossed by their spouses all the time.

Read the book of Hosea. Cucked and re-cucked. Your response to it is what defines you. You aren't "responsible" for the actioms of others.

Was she a stripper when they met? Doesn't say that. THEN maybe you'd have a point.

Ever have a kid disappoint you? Always your fault? Shouldn't have had kids? No, I dont think so. I kinda doubt you could relate to the "kid" part, now that I think about it. No one that wasn't a complete idiot could offer that original "advice" if they were old enough to have had a bit of real life experience. Life is unfair sometimes. Assuming there's always a preventable cause is just childish.....If I take the original poster seriously. The post was actually so mean-spirited I have to assume the guy is a troll.

23966205? ago

Life is unfair sometimes exactly. Having to deal with unfair consequences to A DECISION YOU MADE sucks but its how life works.

23967895? ago

"Mr Personal Responsibility"....yeahyeah we get it, but really, you just sound like an idiot.

23961316? ago

Keep your nasty holier than thou bullshit to yourself. Not everyone is as good a character judge as you are.

Although most of us can tell you are a you're a horrible person with no empathy and aserious love for authoritarianism.

Likely you are one of the thieving attorney shills stationed here like Beefartist

23961359? ago

Wow! Talking about being judgmental and jumping to conclusions without any supporting facts!

I'm just saying a guy ought to be careful about which woman he marries. It kind of looks like there is supporting evidence of that claim even in this little thread. But there is no support for your wild and misplaced accusations. You are just making things up to suit your outlook on life.

23961813? ago

You're projecting. Everyone knows there are slimy filth like you crawling around this website spreading disinformation.

23963016? ago

Yes. I am projecting the truth. I value facts and try to only enter contracts where I get treated fairly.

Yes. I am projecting that. It is important to be very careful when picking somebody to marry.

23964124? ago

Fuck off you deep state attorney faggot. People are getting wise to your system of cannibalizing the population.

23964177? ago

So in other words... It doesn't matter who you marry. Just rush into it and then cry about how that turns out?

You need to run back to Reddit where they have 'Safe Spaces' for people like you. That way, you won't hear the harsh reality of the truth!

23971447? ago

sounds like a kike thing to say kek

23964209? ago

No what we need to do is kill off you kike attorneys who make billions off of destroying families

23964240? ago

Wow! You have a lot of resentment and hate. Maybe we can compromise and just agree you didn't do due diligence with your previous relationship and that caused you some problems?

That would be the truth, right?

If we can agree on that, then I can offer up some helpful advice to avoid those kind of problems in the future. The advice is: Go Slow. Get to know the person before you enter into a life time commitment with them.

23964281? ago

This isn't about me. You don't know me.

Stop trying to make it into an ad hominem attack on one individual - this is an attack on the entire society.

it is literally you kike attorneys versus the whole population. You fuckers destroy hundreds of thousands of families per year

23964395? ago

Yet another 'Wow!' You attack me for making ad hominem attacks. It is you making the attacks.

You are projecting.

23964969? ago

The kike cries out in pain as he burrows holes in white culture.

23961590? ago

You are just making things up to suit your outlook on life.

I thought that was what you were doing.

23961160? ago

You are fucking stupid

23961290? ago

Please explain why I'm stupid. It sure seems to me a guy should be very careful about which woman he chooses to marry.

I would think it is stupid to not be careful about that decision.

23963460? ago

....because they lie

23964162? ago

There are plenty of 'Good Women' out there... You just have to take your time and find one.

If you want one right this second... Who know what you are going to get. But if you take your time and actually get to know them, you will figure out if they are what you want to spend the rest of your life with.

23961122? ago

Eat a bucket of dicks asshole

23961151? ago

Talk about being an asshole! You clearly are an asshole!

23966458? ago

Eat a bucket of assholes. Most women are the grimiest most foul creatures to ooze from a maggot infested crotch

23969253? ago

You show your ignorance. A good woman is not only worth having around... You want her to be around.

But I guess if you talk and think like that, you have no chance of meeting a decent woman.

23971016? ago

Trust me I've been with enough of them to know what I'm talking about. They check all your boxes and tell you what you want to hear. Then after the succubus drains a man for what it wants it suddenly gets itchy to move on to the next victim

23961008? ago

You are an example of everything that is wrong. In your comment, you put the blame on HIM. More, and more women are getting emboldened by "well meaning" cucks like you. Women need to pay for THEIR choices, not the men in their lives. I'm fucking living this same fucking nightmare right now, along with another friend of mine.

23963333? ago

The problem is you can't have both ways. If you support a traditional role for women in society you also need support special protections for them in some cases. Otherwise it's not fair to women that they have to pick a guy to be dependent on for the rest of their life as a teen, and then if he turns out to be an asshole they're just screwed.

Likewise, if you support equality or modern women you can't be giving them special protection they don't need any more.

23961123? ago

Ah... Excuse me.... Before somebody gets married there is a chance to date the person and get to know them. Did that happen?
Apparently this individual and yourself just assumed you could marry anybody and things would be great.

You are an example of everything that is wrong. You rush into a life time commitment and assume it doesn't matter who you married.

Well, guess what? Your finding out (the hard way) it is very important to do due diligence before you enter into ANY contract. It doesn't matter if you are buying a house, buying a car, or marrying some chick. You better do due diligence or you are going to get the short end of the deal.

23963417? ago

lol, now women don't lie.

23964130? ago

Yes, but you don't get married 2 or 3 days after meeting them. You get to take as much time as necessary to KNOW who they are. If they lie, you will find that out before making a life time commitment. And this is important for the women too... It is more likely the guy is the one that is lying to the woman about motives, lifestyle, work ethic, etc.

23961553? ago

When you're dating, you're not revealing your true self. Live together for a few years.

A guy I know did that. He stayed at his GF's home every day. But he had his mail coming to a place that he kept a paid room at. She finally went full SJW on him alleging common law marriage and tried to take half his shit, which was substantial. Nope. His residence of record was the room he rented. Denied! Smart motherfucker kept all of his shit.

23961950? ago

Whore insurance! Awesome.

23961606? ago

Yes. This is the kind of careful thought process that avoids making a huge mistake. This guy's family (and their lawyers) were probably coaching him because he had a big target on his back.

23961063? ago

Only advice I can give is hang in there it will get better.

23960857? ago

That sucks.

23961396? ago

pussy pass

23961534? ago

Revoke them.

23960922? ago

They take away due process. Even though you may be awaiting trial they force you to spend over a thousand bucks to take a domestic violence assessment where they can recommend you need counseling for a year. Even though you have not been found guilty they force this on you. The agency doing the assessment always recommends treatment which can be used to convict an innocent man by making it look like you need help with anger. It's a trap. Many men have been wrongfully convicted and sentenced. It's worse if you fight it. FUCK LIBERALISM. It's a fucking cancer.

23962275? ago

You should have given her a good beating and then raped the feminism outta her for that.

23960719? ago

Not only that, but his kids and a steady paycheck until those kids are each 18, or 21 in some cases.

23961611? ago

Until they are finished with their "education"

23960712? ago

What idiot doesn't use a Prenup these days? That's the real question.

23960894? ago

Prenup doesn't mean anything.

23960957? ago

Sure man, sure, you tell that to all the guys who didn't have to pay their Ex-wife a damn cent. Then go ask the guys who got fleeced if they wish they had done a prenup.

Yeah, I know a few get a jew Judge who will override it but often gets reversed on Appeals. I have seen it work.

23960964? ago

Sure man, sure, you tell that to all the guys who had to pay anyway. lol

23960987? ago

They are FAR and FEW between. I addressed that point in my last comment, did you read it all, it wasn't long but I did address that.

23961007? ago

No they're not and your anecdotal arguments are not impressive.

23961255? ago

Not trying to impress you or anyone. I am giving advice that has helped my friends and family. If you don't agree that is fine. I am not here to change your mind or anyones mind for that matter. I could spend time going and sources sites that show they are effective. You could spend time finding the stories about a Judge who over ruled the prenup. Then we can argue some more Or Or Or I can just agree to disagree and move on. I stand by my statement that You are an IDIOT if you do not use a Prenup in this day and age.

23961264? ago

You're an idiot if you get married, period.

Shut up, you ding dong.

23961327? ago

There are very good Tax reasons to be married. Now if you get rid of Taxes then there is no reason to get married. We all know why we have Taxes these days.

Resorting to name calling and Censorship. Man that's right out of the lefts playbook. I am not calling you a leftist, you are just using their tactics.

23961475? ago

Get married for extra money on a tax return?

Are you retarded by any chance?

23963805? ago

He's a kike

23961504? ago

Name calling, again, Leftist tactics. If you think there is only extra money in getting married on your tax return then you do no understand taxes. I am not going to take any more time now that you have proven to me that you do not even understand the situation. Have a nice day, and bless your heart.

23961525? ago

Leftist tactics are to only call you names.

I told you why you were wrong, then called you a retard. lol

I'm ultra right wing, you're a leftist, nigger loving commie fag defending modern marriage. lol

Have a nice day, and bless your heart.

Go fuck yourself.

23961560? ago

I never called you a leftist mate. Feel free to check the posts. I said you use their tactics. You can say I am wrong, that is an opinion. We can agree to disagree. However, again, you do not even understand taxes, so I say, "bless your heart and have a nice day."

23961579? ago

And I explained why you are using their tactics.

And you are a communist, now go fuck yourself.

I do understand taxes, I've been married and you're still are a retard.

23961663? ago

I am wondering if you are sitting there, "Man this guys a retard, he just doesn't see it", while getting upset. I am laughing at this because we are both right wing here, and you just don't like it that I will not agree with you on getting a Prenup. You don't have to agree with me man.

If you understood taxes then you would know there is more benefits than just money at the end of the year come Tax time. There are other benefits such as not paying taxes on inheriting your spouses stuff when they die. That is just one of many. A simple search would show you these things. I have been married, and am currently married. I am well aware of what women are capable of and when I say you should get a prenup it isn't from thin Air.

Now, that being said, just because we do not agree on this doesn't make me a communist or a retard.

23961683? ago

Getting a prenup is almost pointless. It might work, probably not.

not paying taxes on inheriting your spouses stuff when they die

Yeah, women usually have a lot of stuff to inherit. You imbecile. lol

23961710? ago

Depends on who you marry. I married very well my second time around. I can't help who you or anyone else chose to marry.

23961731? ago

So it makes sense if you marry a wealthy career whore, next time add that disclaimer.

And stop calling yourself right wing, you're a feminist.

23961865? ago

Man you make so many assumptions here based on such little information. Projection here is what this looks like to me. I mean dude, you are using more leftist bullshit. You take any small amount of info and make a fake molehill out of it.

You don't have to have a career to be wealthy.

You are being short sighted and after this comment I will not respond. I've wasted enough time with someone who can't really see the bigger picture.

Feminist? I teach my kids that women lie. Women are liars and deceitful. I do not trust women. My wife knows this about me and feels the same way. Women are cunts. Pure and Simple. They are why the country is in shambles. 1919 was the worst year in our History, followed up by LBJ's Immigration Act. You are barking up the wrong tree.

Okay man I have hung around longer than I like for these kinds of discussions, and you are resorting to projection and name calling. I will not respond further. Bless your heart and have a great day!

23962973? ago

Projection here is what this looks like to me


23961928? ago

He's a troll and adds nothing to the conversation.

Does not provide any cases of a pre-nup just getting thrown out.

Move on.

23960722? ago

I didn't, but then again, my wife and I were both broke as a joke when we got married.

23960698? ago

Well for one thing asking the state's permission to marry is mistake number 1. The first marriage license in this country was created to allow types of marriage that the Christian Bible does not allow. So there is no surprise that state government continues to create forms of their own type of marriage. The license permits you do something and provides some perks, but includes strings, such as control of the children.

23963095? ago

^^^^ This is true.

People don't need the state to get married.

23960628? ago

A pozzed kiked corrupted and subverted "justice" system.

23969342? ago

A pozzed kiked corrupted and subverted "justice" system.

I disagree

Evil behaviors have NO gender. There are as many men & women with Evil behaviors. But still there are more people with Good behaviors.

By "Evil" or "Good" behavior I mean this https://voat.co/v/QRV/3711169/

23964091? ago

we should sail away and make our own.... DOH!

23968757? ago

Actually happening as we type :)

23960483? ago

Have you looked at some of these wealthy business men? Look at the rothschilds men.

Whomever marries them should be well compensated.

23964100? ago

They are. lol. This is technically severance pay, that lasts forever, in exchange for nothing.

23965130? ago

Funny thing. In Shakespeare's day, "nothing" was slang term for the vagina so in that context your sentence still works.

His play "Much Ado About Nothing" then had a cruder double meaning of "A whole lot of fuss about some pussy."

23968751? ago

That's awesome, thanks! Here's one for you, you might not have known:

In Brazilian Portuguese, the verb for "to eat" is also the verb for "to fuck". This lends itself towards some ribald wordplay... :)

23965312? ago

That translation changes everything! (and nothing ;)

23960401? ago

a cucked one

23960394? ago

Jew lawyers need your money goyboy.

23960620? ago

The recent, get out of the way Karen, video is proof of this. Liability created by Jews states that if something happens on your property it's your fault. It denies personal responsibility and insists it's always someone else's fault. Classic jewish, (((marxists))), leftists, (((communist))) ideology.

The result is society is diminished and harmed just so Jews can steal some sheckles from hard working people.

If people realized how much more expensive everything is because of Jews, there should be lynchings everywhere.

Even most food has a jew tax to make it less healthy (slaughter) and kosher.

If the goyim ever wake, there will be hell to pay.

23964358? ago

I find it interesting that even in all this complexity of social systems, we can still trace the entire start of the degeneracy to one single thing: dishonesty, failure to have basic integrity of word and deed.

Liability created by Jews states that if something happens on your property it's your fault. It denies personal responsibility and insists it's always someone else's fault.

It denies personal responsibility and insists it's always someone else's fault.

insists it's always someone else's fault.

This right here, this is our devil^

If a man is sure to not be that way, to conduct himself with honesty, and if every man did this always, life would be good for everyone. Except the dishonest and foolhardy, they would have a rough time, that might be why they rebel.

Maybe it is the Jews, I dont have personal data on this, but I dont really care who does it, only that they shouldnt.

I'm not a bible thumper either, but you dont need to have a religion to know that lying is bad for community.

Simple rule, Simple Logic, Simple Truth: Be honest, or someone will probably call you a Jew.

23963398? ago

the moslem tax on the food is slipping in now on a lot of products.

23961902? ago

So very true about property+accidents. It never used to be this way and the sad part is that anyone old enough to remember the way it used to be doesn’t question the way the law is now.!

23961272? ago

I used to drink a Jew beverage called Snapple when I was a child, it totally ruined my teeth and now my teeth are fucked. Thanks a lot Jews. "Made from the best stuff on earth" is a psychopathic taunt.

23960591? ago

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23960382? ago

The pussy pass is still all powerful.