23948092? ago

5 companies to rule them all

23946974? ago

They're at it everywhere - this from UK: The Green Grab - Reallocation of Road Networks in Favour of Cyclists:

https :// www.gov.uk/government/publications/reallocating-road-space-in-response-to-covid-19-statutory-guidance-for-local-authorities/traffic-management-act-2004-network-management-in-response-to-covid-19

23948056? ago

This is a perfect example of why WWG1WGA is so important, and its not just a cliche, it means all of us, world wide. They are taking over rapidly, all over the world, they are "making they're move". Taken from the article, "We recognize this moment for what it is: a once in a generation opportunity...", they only get one shot at this, likewise we only get one shot to stop them, this is a winner take all moment in history.

23946877? ago

Rush Limbaugh gets his info from this McCarthy asshoe. Rush references him all of the time.
Rush would do well to wake up.

23948068? ago

Sleepers everywhere, its hard to distinguish them until the last moment when they make their move.

23946157? ago

Treason Machine and must be put to death.

23948082? ago

If Q doesn't do it, I don't think they will be able to walk the street without the fear that the public will do it. The good thing is that people like Shep Smith are easily recognizable, we've been watching their smug mugs for years, we'll be looking for them and when we find them, its game over.

23945974? ago


23945560? ago

When they fired Oreily I stopped watching. Bunch of fucking faggot cucks.

23945393? ago

They will never be indicted, Trump doesn't have that kind of power.

23948176? ago

It all depends, have they been working with the CIA and foreign gov'ts to push their propaganda? That would be the very definition of treason. We don't know what is happening behind the curtain, we don't know anything other than what we see and observe, and that is all fake. We'll have to wait until the credits roll before we find out friend from foe.

23944702? ago

Starting? You have got to me fucking kidding me boomer

23943626? ago

It doesn't mean they would be charged with other crimes....or even military tribunal....If they sleep good on this, they are sleeping on a bed made out of bullshit.

23948221? ago

No, nothing is certain, we don't know what is actually happening off screen. i would bet that some have committed treason for sure. If they are paid by the intel community to push propaganda for a foreign country, that is the definition of treason. It may not be that many, it may be a lot, we don't know at this point, but we do know the news is 100% fake.

23943110? ago

When I watch Kayleigh, I feel like she is talking to a bunch of stupid CIA-clowns.

23948244? ago

She is like watching Bruce Lee, she whips their asses so fast and furious they don't even know what hit them.

23942478? ago

Did Fox tell the truth about 9/11?

Thats all you need to know

23948259? ago

Likewise, we know who owns them and who pulls the strings too.

23941087? ago

No kidding Sherlock.

23940825? ago

If you didn't realize by now Fox is controlled opposition you're a fucking idiot. You're a fucking idiot if you didn't see that 2 years ago. I was a fucking idiot 3 years ago lol

23941082? ago

That was presented for normies, yes, most of us know, but you'd be surprised how many people do not know that.

23941236? ago

No surprise here, I'm surrounded by them.

23948573? ago

I get a lot of flack for posting "old" shit, but we must remember, there are new people on here every day. If its old news, people need to learn to just ignore it and move on, but if you pay attention you'll see that even old posts are filled with "that's news to me", we are the head of the spear and way ahead of normies who are coming on board every day.

23949933? ago

True enough

23940503? ago

No! It is all a big TREASON machine!!

23941103? ago

Nobody will argue with that.

23939941? ago

Fox is just a different layer of the onion. The closer Trump gets to the core, layers are exposed.

23940434? ago

now that is a good analogy!

23939564? ago

We all know Fox is compromised. Fox is simply the lesser of the evil.

23945565? ago

OANN has Posobiec. He hates Q and is a general Israeli faggot, You can't win.

23946138? ago

OANN actually sent a reporter to Syria after the alleged gas attack. Villagers in the gassed area knew nothing about it. Great actual reporting. But yeah, WTF is with them hiring Posobiec?

23940502? ago

It is interesting to watch Fox on one hand and see what they do and how they do it. Like Alex Jones, they steer you at the target and hold you there until we get near the target and then they steer you away at the last second. Its obvious that they are protecting the target, not trying to hit it.

23939268? ago

They have blood on their hands due to the incredible hatred that they incite.

23939213? ago

Fox has been fucked every since Ailes was removed and Murdoch let is liberal millennial sons start running things.

23948131? ago

I turned off Fox when they didn't call on Obama to authorize Hawaii to release the original of his long-form birth certificate when patriots were asking for it due to his potential citizenship ties to several countries. There were also problems with all his identification documents, his name was linked to multiple social security numbers, his main social security number had been issued in a Connecticut, where he'd never lived, and belonged to a dead man, and his story about his first few years was shows to be full of holes. Instead, they joined the rest of the media in smearing the "birthers" instead of getting us answers.

23940533? ago

moves and counter moves, the silent war continues.

23938926? ago

Fuk Faux (overall).

But I will listen to clips of Lou Dobbs, he's a beast.

23940603? ago

There are a few people there that are patriots, including Lou, but the network mgmt. is compromised.

23938888? ago

There's a reason they get paid way too much for sitting in front of teleprompter. They have to own their cognitive dissonance and progress the lies and deception.

23938786? ago

I don't like nor trust Andrew McCarthy.

23940620? ago

He's a DS sleeper in my opinion, just like Judge Nap.

23938667? ago


23940636? ago

OK, good point. They are starting to be really obvious, like even a normie could see it.

23938624? ago

But 99% of the cia are surely patriots.

23940651? ago

fuck that noise, Q must've been drunk, ain't nobody buying that bullshit.

23938452? ago

Looking more and more like babbling idiots, even to themselves. Some of them have got to be questioning their career choice, by now.

23940671? ago

money talks and these babbling idiots couldn't flip burgers in any other world. when this gig is over, the money flow is done.

23938413? ago

lol Fox is only just starting to show their true colors?

how long have you been awake?

23940690? ago

They are starting to be as obvious as CNN would have been better wording. They aren't subtle about it anymore.

23938334? ago

You’re correct but it’s almost like their propaganda machine backfires. They’d be better off saying nothing. These articles put the topic in normies’ heads and as more info comes out they’ve slowly been provided a context to wake up inside of.

23940925? ago

As the OP, my point was for normies, most of us know Fox is compromised, but they are subtle, very subtle, not overt like CNN. You are correct in your assessment, as more people wake up, they might be better shutting up, but they can't do that, their puppet masters won't allow it.

23938063? ago

Only a Deep State owned and operated media conglomerate would hire the National debate cheat and bald faced lying Hillary booster.

Is FOX compromised? The real proof is only a Soros and FBI blackmailed fly by night blog site would hire Obama and Hillary's left hand man, former RINO majority leader who is the exact opposite of Ryan Paul, both politically, Spiritually and in Name.

23937931? ago

Uhhhhh...Starting? Fox has been CO since 9/11 broski.

23937959? ago

Yes, but they are not obvious, just like Alex Jones, they lead people along, they are sleepers. They lead there audience along until the near end and then try to steer them off course. Not saying you are not correct, but its about how they operate. Fox is covert oppositon, while CNN is overt opposition.

23937702? ago

So is most of voat. How many of you read Q and take it to heart yet post and encourage derogatory and divisive content here?

Voat serves to divide and weaken with propaganda and hatred.

Which side are you on?

23937854? ago

We're far from perfect, we are still an arena of a thousand opinions, but we are all on the same team. Don't use an Alinsky tactic and try to hold us to an unrealistic standard.

23937864? ago

I shall fight against evil.

You can cuck it up with your pussy logic.

23937916? ago

you go for it troll

23937565? ago

Its like pro wrestling. They are all on the same team and laugh together behind closed doors giving the illusion of choice.

23938209? ago

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23937617? ago

Yep, there are two teams, there is the inside and the outside.

23937556? ago

Yep, Fox is getting worse and worse. It's unwatchable 95% of the time now.

23938455? ago

yeah cuz before it was only unwatchable 92% of the time. sure are letting themselves go

23938118? ago

Thank you for purchasing streaming or even cable. Can not do it with out vapid consumers who drool money on command. Sucker.

23938174? ago

Quite a few assumptions packed in there, asshole. Found the liberal.

23938518? ago

Word of mouth gives Donna Brazile credibility. As if her employer is legitimate.

Because even CNN was smart enough to fire that Hillary boosting debate cheater.

Support for FOX is like being a self medicated Socialist pretending to be conservative. Idiot.

23938629? ago

More assumptions. Why do you think I "support Fox?" You really are not a critical or clear thinker, are you? Can I not support Fox but still enjoy listening to Tucker, Greg, Jesse, the Judge and Lou Dobbs? Go stick your head up your ass on another forum.

23938669? ago

Suck on it.

23938711? ago

If only your mom had made that choice instead.

23937585? ago

That's how sleepers work, they build up a big audience of patriots, but stupid patriots, then at the last minute they start steering people off course. Now, having said that, the fact that they are starting to steer people away means we are closer to the end game.

23948032? ago

The patriots aren't stupid. The sleepers are convincing actors.

23948377? ago

True, very true, the enemy is a deceitful accomplished liar. Almost sounds like a biblical description of Satan himself.

23937124? ago

The Obama White House hijacked the ADL and made it a pipeline for Saudi, AQ, and Hamas propaganda. That's where a lot of the race baiting comes from, and they want you to blame the Jews because there are national security programs to pick up the people who do that. Well, guess what? The particular Jews that they put in there are guilty.

23937094? ago


23937061? ago

Ya think?

23937193? ago

Glad you agree, even sarcastically. lol

23937755? ago

23937978? ago

and I'm not even confident in the accuracy of the green and blue.

23938257? ago

Right. Name changing nose jobs, and those who've been colonized by them, are lurking everywhere.