23881389? ago

I noticed that twatter didn’t bother suspending that bitches account. Fuck the both of them!

23875308? ago

Loser was triggered. They know they've lost.

23875227? ago


23873641? ago

what happened to those guys...

But I'm not gonna lie, I love their first movie Bound and I love the Matrix (first one).

23873527? ago

Oh yeah well fuck those trannies fuck the Wachowski's.

23874681? ago

Oracle: What's really going to bake your noodle Neo is... Trinity had two dicks!

23873458? ago

Lilly Wachowski made the same mistake Randy Marsh did in a South Park episode called Broadway Bro Down.

it becomes quickly apparent that sub-text is lost on Randy as he named his play "Splooge-Drenched Blowjob Queen" and all lyrics openly mention blowjobs. This attracts the attention of the Broadway Bros Stephen Sondheim, Stephen Schwartz, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Elton John as they chastise Randy for the overt use of sexuality in his play, explaining to him that the lack of any real subtext would expose the truth behind Broadway shows. 

The subtext was lost on her and she gave up the entire game. And now shes jewing out because she knows the jigis up.

The matrix is an exercise in gloating. They never thought she'd lose. They never thought they'd lose. They never thought we would realize there was more to their movies than meets the eye. They never thought they could be exposed and laid bare for the world to see.

23872969? ago

So taking the red pill means we abandoned liberal media for conservative media? That is the hook line of the article. The lie they want people to believe about what being "red pilled" means. It is about seeing the Truth even through the fox fog of deception.

23874721? ago

If you take the redpill and blackpill together the result is better.

23872873? ago

Same to you Andrew Wachowski aka lilly. I heard you didn’t write the matrix any way. That you stole it from another writer. So you are a fraud in MANY more ways than the obvious boy!

23874736? ago

The longer it all plays on the more you realize most of it is an illusion, a trick, a deception.

23872846? ago

Any bets which sibling offs itself? There's a significantly greater than average chance that one of them fails to "Dodge this."

23872701? ago

who gives a shit what a mentally ill tranny says?

23874747? ago

Not even a little curious?

23872553? ago

Wachowski is the Lilly of the Uncanny Valley.

23872375? ago

Who is this pollack?

23872325? ago

Out of the matrix and into the twilight zone with the Wachowski boys.

23872317? ago

Andrew...should dilate

23871494? ago

That abomination stolle the script from an old black lady.

23871388? ago

Still kind of doubt that the Wachowskis wrote The Matrix.

23871290? ago

Lilly used to be one of the Wachowski Brothers! Enough said?!

23871282? ago

The “sisters” appear to be 2 baphomet worshippers who haven’t made a good film since The Matrix - which was arguably stolen

23870751? ago


23870689? ago


23870599? ago

Of course she does... she's a tranny Jew.

23871303? ago

Synagogue of Satan, actually.

23870578? ago

Who? And who gives a fuck what some leftist thinks.

23870328? ago

The Wachowski's are what we call "hons". Late transitioners who usually exhibit heavy autogynophilia.

23872209? ago

And in case anyone else was wondering - Autogynephilia is defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is the paraphilia that is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism.

23872349? ago

You just looked that up! So did I. I just learned a new word, and it's really sad that that word is proof that our society is really getting sick.

23872413? ago

Yes. I will freely admit that I had no friggin clue what that word was!

23870226? ago

Which Wachowski brother is Lilly?

23870190? ago

Fuck that tranny weirdo.

23870133? ago

This makes me think Elon is /ourguy/.

23869986? ago

You put something out there, it becomes culture and you can't say who's allowed to make reference it. Similar to Pepe the Frog.

23872198? ago

I created Hefe the Hog.

23869898? ago

Wtf?? Is lilly really was andrew? Don't fucking ruin the Matrix for me.

23879873? ago

Noooo not my heckin movirinossss not the frickin fantasy escapism. Nooo

Grow up anon.

23870467? ago

Dude they already ruined the Matrix with Reloaded and Revolutions. And as a bonus FYI Cloud Atlas is shit too.

23869835? ago

My god how is this news? And who are those W people?

23869704? ago

Wait wait wait.
When thie first matrix came out I remember it was made by the wachowski brothers? But now they are sisters?????? When did this fucking happen?


I just spit my coffee out.

23870170? ago

I didn't even know who wrote it, took one look and thought--that looks like a dude. Shit. Isn't it interesting how women are judged so harshly for their looks alone and all these douchbags are surgically altering themselves to be fugly ass women?

23870333? ago

They didn't alter shit. They are the laziest trannies on Earth.

23870142? ago

I've known for years. Come on.

23869866? ago

Jesus Christ...

23869683? ago

Tranny faggot that paid the price for our deliverance

23869655? ago

People shouldn't listen to the insane. Just get them help, and move on.

23869632? ago

Settle down trannie

23869682? ago


23871958? ago


23869621? ago

I love it. By reacting to it, she will make people curious about the movie and the reference. And it's on Yahoo news again. Hmmmmm. is somebody over there waking up?

23869900? ago

Not a she

23869587? ago

I think she was in the bar scene from the original Star Wars movie. Like Jaba fuked one of his warthog guards and 9 months later she popped out. Or hatched.

23874652? ago

Is there a rule now that they must create a bar scene in any new Star Wars and have the dumbest looking aliens and the dumbest fucking music possible?

23869917? ago

"Lilly" is not a she.

23873089? ago

yes ... I apologize. should have said "it"

23869567? ago

Lily who? Never heard of him.

23872521? ago

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23869501? ago


23869486? ago

You mean Andrew Wachowski. Using their names gives credibility to the whole mental illness they are sporting these days. Those two guys are fucking nuts. Changing your name doesn't change shit.

23883821? ago

Which scene of the matrix are we currently experiencing?

23873228? ago

I cant remember where i read this, but the entire matrix plot in the first movie was stolen from a white author.

23874591? ago

It was some woman they stole it from I believe... remember how Matrix 2 & 3 sucked ass balls? They must have wrote it themselves with all the faggots in Pedowood.

23871786? ago

Not only are they tranny kikes, but they're also into bondage and other sick shit. Wouldn't be surprised if they do incest on each other. Sick.

23871318? ago


the two jewish tranvestite serpents recoiled in horror

the goyim know

23869724? ago

Male and female brains are not the same. The hormones of one are toxic in the other unless present from conception, and even then they're not good.

23870263? ago

You're dangerously misinformed. Both males and females have both estrogens and testosterone in their bodies. At normal levels they regulate important functions. Normal estrogen levels for men are between 1 and 5.5 ng/dl. Normal testosterone levels for women are between 8 and 60 ng/dl. Without these in the bodies you say they're "toxic" in, say goodbye to sexual and reproductive function.

23870357? ago

And the average level of testosterone in men is ~600 ng/dl

That's a vast difference. I can also take small amounts of poison and see a benefit. About 3 fluid ounces does the trick.

23870479? ago

Search "total vs free testosterone". The majority of that 600 ng/dl isn't bioavailable.

23870861? ago

Bioavailable has nothing to do with toxicity.

23871064? ago

How do you mean?

23870315? ago

Not to mention, strictly speaking, you're both woefully wrong.

Averages don't exist. They are pulled from thin air by comparing numbers across a spectrum in the hopes of drawing some kind of corrolary. Most of modern science and medicine is rooted in an idea some hick had that has been "validated" through "evidence based science" which conveniently ignores anything that doesn't fit into its prescribed models.

You can't use modern "Scientific" approaches to the Human Body and Mind and even pretend to have any basis in reality or fact.

Simple truth? Modern Science is like taking a Chain Saw to cut a Pizza. It can be done but there are better ways that are far less chaotic, traumatic and destructive.

23870387? ago

Mr. Anon, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read to it. I award you no upvotes, and may God have mercy on your soul.

23872931? ago

Glad i read yours and not the one making people dumber get the "not dumber" tag cause I didn't read it lol.

23869443? ago

What about Elon's baby mama?


23874582? ago

Elon is a woman and the girlfriend is a man. They're ALL gender inverted.

23869273? ago

Again demonstrating the intelligence of the left in general.

Trannies on sale, 50% off!

23869581? ago

Makes you wonder who, in fact, REALLY wrote The Matrix, huh?

23869775? ago

Well, the lawsuit already established it wasn't the trannies.

23871097? ago

What does that mean? Who did?

23874659? ago

They fucking stole the script from some woman. Dig.

23874752? ago

Not according to the court...I dont personally doubt it, but "the Mother of the Matrix" is a modern day urban legend...