23861141? ago


Can do.

Not your personal army qigger

23860815? ago

That jew has mental illness and should seek professional help.

23860768? ago

No emotionally mature person cares about the shilling here, or schoolgirl dramas.

23861182? ago

No sane person who is fully grown still believes in imaginary friends either

23869089? ago

Ouch - that was way toooo edgy! You almost took out my eye!

For the sake of this community, can you please tone down your edge by 20%?

Perhaps limit your contributions to cartoon pictures of Trump with a hooked Jewish nose?

23860662? ago

Shive your forum drama up your ass

23860681? ago

Degeneracy is not welcome here, repent sinner.

23861151? ago

Yes it is.

People who are grown and still have imaginary friends should be post birth aborted

23861173? ago

Sinning having to do with punishment in the after life rather just you being a worthless piece of shit choosing to do the wrong thing.

23860799? ago
