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23720800? ago

Leading up to the virus outbreak they tried like hell to get shipments of fentanyl in here. Some huge shipments were intercepted -- enough to kill most of us. I don't think it's a stretch to suspect that the drug could have a role in their plan. Medical FF provides cover for Holocaust -- "doctors" out front to cover for them. Stay out of hospitals if you can.

23726517? ago

A "Holocaust " for what purpose? And targeting who? The entire world?

23727852? ago


23729883? ago

Well it has been a miserable failure if that was the intention with a lower death rate than the flu, even with all the false documentation. They are killing people in the Hospitals and misdiagnosing them with this, but it is for money. Apparently Medicare or Medicaid, pays more per Covid Diagnoses and 4 times that amount if they go on a ventilator, which usually kills them since they never needed a ventilator in the first place. The people are completely sedated and there is no family allowed with them.