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23723094? ago

Starting 2014 on I was feeling as if the collective unconscious was holding it's breath in anticipation of the unknown and I also felt crushing despair. Then that turned to bewilderment and ultimately overwhelming fear of the future, that change occurred before the virus. Then the virus hit and I continued to feel the building and also fear and despair but for me that changed shortly before the last Trump COVID press conference, now I feel a mixture between excitement, hope and anger, the building is still there but the tones are much brighter hotter, from the darkness of that despair to this, is a vivid change for me. It feels like we have all collectively turned a corner, the fear gone, change anticipated, anger undirected as of yet and always the sense of something building.

Also OP I've been attacked for being me, my entire life, people don't understand strong empathy if they do have it, let them shill, let them deride, you know the truth and it is all that matters. Also no this you are one step closer on a journey they do not even understand they are on. Peace and love be with you.


23723326? ago

also felt crushing despair.

I went through this for the first 6 months of Q's beginning. I believe it's called "Dark Night of the Soul". Now 2 years later I have never felt so much hope even though I have lost almost all my friends. When you get to this point it truly doesn't matter what they think. The collective Consciousness is on the rise and will escalate by leaps and bounds in the next 6 months. The Harvest is ripe. God bless, Light and Love.