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23720776? ago

Does being an empath get you a lot of attention? Do you enjoy that attention?

23720809? ago

this is an anonymous forum and I don't like attention

why are you mocking me in multiple comments?

23720895? ago

Because your type loves to play the victim (see above) after attracting attention to themselves. I'm not going to be able to convince you of your mental condition, please go see a psychiatrist.

23720961? ago

you're a very sad person

23721928? ago

Notice how the "like" minded are down voting the negative assholes? You are not alone.

The goal of these antagonist is to disenfranchise survival instincts of any with empathy.

A side note on your topic is that high functioning Psychopaths lack empathy while having a manipulated survival instinct which is based on any means necessary, while those with functioning empathy are reading "between" the lines.

This is why they attack you. We are on the opposite sides of battle line. Think of it as a badge of honor to be targeted by the brain damaged.

23722105? ago

I don't feel their cruelty but I do sense their fear

thank you for your comment

23721000? ago
