23689463? ago

Long store in short, Rockefeller laid the foundation your health system is build on.

Would take a special kind of woman to lay down with that ugly fucker.

23688406? ago

David Rockefeller his son died at the age of 101. Something tells me these people have fake deaths, and they live well beyond 100 years.

23687620? ago

That picture looks like something that came from the Dark Crystal

23686913? ago

Everytime I see that pic of him, I think about how reptilian he looks. I've thought that way since a kid, long before my initial redpill, which was about him, as well. The man's always creeped me out.

23686822? ago

Dead eyes.

23686722? ago

and yet another NY political family doing all it could to benefit itself while killing off the "lesser" folks.

23686202? ago

You'd think a $billion back then could buy a better hairpiece. Sucks for him his legacy is a DuPont product head band.

23686150? ago

I am quite certain big pharma was created as a way to dispose of all the Toxic by-products of the Petrochemical Industry as they are a very expensive problem if they can’t find a way to dispose of the toxic by-products

23692712? ago

yeah, like the pervasive toxin called fluoride...

23700879? ago

Mercury into Amalgam Fillings and Vaccines

23685976? ago

Look what they did to Tesla because they could't charge for free energy...

23685929? ago

Now I know what a soul less motherfuker looks like

23685594? ago


Corbett Report: Rise of the Oilegarchy. Must watch.

23684818? ago

To learn about the cures listen to this man, Dr. Joel Wallach:


The greatest and most courageous doctor of our time imo. And a true patriot.

23684778? ago

Rockefeller was a made man, a mere puppet. But very bad.

23684715? ago

Has anyone here read the book “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”? It’s an old book that talks all about the unholy monopoly of Standard Oil of New York, which Sony is another off chute of.

There was a big push in the 1980’s to retrieve and keep the book out of circulation. (The push may have began long before the 1980’s but that’s when I became aware of it.)

23684659? ago

lets not forget the meat, dairy, egg and processed food industry... controlled by the same people essentially, sold to millions of people a life style that is not only disastrous for one's health, but will also completely inhibit the ability to regenerate with the added bonus of constant mental and emotional imbalance and incapable of critical or expanded thinking, THESE COME HAND IN HAND - https://voat.co/v/QRV/3754112/23305428

23684571? ago

Looks like a dried up old evil lizard.

23684900? ago

Because it is.

23684560? ago

As long as we tolerate the world reserve fiat global enslavement system, everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted... and unlimited funds will be spent to keep things that are already corrupted from getting fixed.

Strike the root!

23684438? ago

This story is summed up in great depth in a book called Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins.

When these scumbags set up the AMA there was one very pissed off pharmacist.

His name was Mr Abbott, The founder of what is known today as Abbott Lab.

He wouldn't toe the line and pay the bribes but he made a file on the fake guy running the place and eventually got his way within the pit of vipers.

I wonder if it's any coincidence that DJT was touring the Abbott products during his daily briefings?

23687758? ago

Hmmm. Just started on a NEW drug, rinvoq, made by AbbVie. They broke off from Abbott Labs in 2013. I wonder why... why are they different, what standards set them apart from Abbot, which one is more ethical?

23688120? ago

"broke off from....." makes it sound like a partnership that ended badly.

From what I can gather it was 2 separate departments under AL that became two separately traded companies, maybe one for equipment and one for drugs. I really can't say more as I don't use prescription drugs and never have.

I don't believe that many big pharmaceutical are ethical. If they were, they probably wouldn't be BIG pharma, just pharma. The whole allopathic practise seems corrupt from the top all the way down

23688277? ago

They both make drugs. I did some more checking, looks like they might have different areas of focus for their drugs. I don't know why that would necessitate a split, but it did. In any case, they are both big pharma.

I have done my best to not take any pharmaceuticals. Made it mid 40's, when I got RA. Things changed drastically at that point. Even now, I don't take everything they say I need. I hate pills with a passion, but I hate the biologics even more. I refuse to take those! So, now the only option is this new pill... makes me nervous, to say the least.

23692469? ago

So sorry to hear about your condition.

I posted Zelenkos trial with HCQ on FB a a few weeks back, and an old school friend, who I haven't seen in over thirty years mentioning having a cupboard stocked with HCQ. I can't say with 100% certainty but I'm pretty sure she said she uses it for RA.

Wouldn't that be a blessing in disguise?

23699434? ago

Thanks. I have noticed a connection between food and my symptoms. I try to avoid the bad triggers. I have some success with it, but once in a while.... those cravings! And they can be months apart, too!

23684840? ago

"touting" I think (likely swype "helped" you)

That is fucking wonderful and amazing! I love this movie/timeline/life!

23688027? ago

Edited & now correct. Thank you, kind sir

23688989? ago

Thank YOU! I was telling my mom about this earlier but didn't remember details (like the book, or its name) -- so thanks to your reply, I was able to email her a link and the content (since she doesn't have an account, and likely won't) for further research! She's on board with Q but Facebook is her primary portal.

23692543? ago

I had a hardback copy but my eyes are screwed so I found a pdf file for the book online for free.

The guy is dead now so I'm sure he won't mind losing a couple of bucks in royalties.

The publishers were probably Jews anyway. Here......


23695608? ago

Thanks again fren! God bless.

23684162? ago

Yep, and that's why everything in healthcare costs an arm and a leg. It was monopolized.

Just like the diamond industry sells diamonds which diamons which are common and plentiful. Just like the oil industry which sells oil that should be cheap and plentiful.

All this shit is nearly free, and these fucking parasites monopolize the entire market to sell it for us at astronomical prices.

23685401? ago

Yep. Several goods live outside of supply and demand economics. Oil and diamond are two such goods.

See Rise and Fall of Diamonds. Diamonds are also not a precious stone. The 3Cs is complete bullshit.

23684159? ago

Don't worry, Trump will drain the swamp and get rid of big pharma. Eh, sometime in the future

23688446? ago

He went after big pharma, then all of a sudden we had a Syrian gas attack. Then media wanted US to go to war with Syria. I'm sure it is all a coincidence.

23684020? ago

BEST documentary outlining the historical link between big oil and big pharma. A must watch:

How big oil conquered the world by james corbett


23685205? ago

That's why they made weed illegal.

23686579? ago

Exactly. One of many natural remedies and modalities.

23683794? ago

The FLEXNER REPORT. pharma made king.

23683998? ago

Bingo! Bought and paid for “medical allopathic Physician” to substantiate big pharma.

23683782? ago

Sonuvabitch, is that his real photo? He looks like a fucking ghoul.

23689391? ago

Ghoul Funny way to spell jew

23684665? ago

Very reptilian looking.

23684618? ago

Saw the thumbnail and thought it could be his deathmask. I enlarged it, and could only think "After seeing that, I'll be less surprised if Q's big reveal is that tunnel-dwelling reptilian aliens have lived among us for the last century."

23687865? ago

"He looks like a fuckin alien" - my first reaction to that pic.

23683678? ago

Luckily Trump continues the legacy and puts the full force of the US Government behind rush vaccine development:

Replace [DOT] with "."

abc7 [DOT] com/politics/trump-says-covid-19-vaccine-will-be-available-by-end-of-year/6147979/

23684463? ago

He's playing the game, for optics.

He can hardly say "Not interested in a FAKE vaccine" can he?

Big Pharma have conned the planet for the past seventy years!

23683819? ago

You must be new to the show. How do you catch criminals, you set them up.

23684119? ago

I really want this to be right.

23684063? ago

I hope you are right!

23683572? ago

Grandpa of the corn

23687763? ago

Nailed it!

23683540? ago

Fuck. This makes me want to bury the spade of my shovel in these peoples skulls. So fucking pissed.

23683410? ago

Hm. At the first look I thought it was Fauci on the photo. Is there a similarity?

23684890? ago

Yes. They Live was a documentary.

23683832? ago

Might be his daddy.

23683334? ago

That guy looked pure evil. It's impossible to ignore, evil has a certain look to it, and this is it right here folks.

23684259? ago

I was thinking the same thing - they all have an evil empty look to them.

23683938? ago

All the jew puppets look like that.

23683740? ago

Dead soulless eyes of a man who sold out to (((satans children)))