23762616? ago

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23645275? ago

It is the Mystery of Iniquity. The Love of Lawlessness. Prophecies are being fulfilled.

23644143? ago

the demons want to make us like themselves, because they know we have 100,000x more power than they do, we are made in God's image and they are unnatural uncreated beings who have nowhere to go

23641976? ago

It’s all about the destruction of the family unit and getting people to stop having offspring. That’s the best way to destroy our society. Best thing we can do is preach family values and turn off the television.

23641511? ago

you are mixing things which do not belong together.

Muslims do not like transgenders. They are very sexist and macho and hate women, treat them like slaves.

All they use "transgenderism" is for raping boys in the bacha Bazi cult. They are dressing boys as girls to rape them. So it's in fact "transvestitism", not transgenderism. Real transpeople usually are killed in strict muslim societies.

Real transpeople are nothing to hate and nothing to laugh about. They are just poor people with a psychological problem. For them this is not a matter of "lifestyle". They need a doctor. Or just want to be left alone.

And "gender" is, what society expects from the sexes - what role to play. This is obviously different in different times and cultures, depening also (of course) on the circumstances of life. Of course we have a different approach to life in today's modern world than in the middle ages.

23648043? ago

Muslems do not hate women. They simply put them in their place. They hate whores, not women

23651012? ago

So you can be happy with Hussein and the Islamization of the world. They treat women worse than their cattle.

I want freedom.

23651393? ago

I'm not a muslems nor am I on their side. They are a scourge. Just stating the fact

23641769? ago

I'm uncomfortable about the amount of knowledge you have on this subject. Is there something you'd like to share with us.

23642636? ago

Why are you uncomfortable - those are sensible points and the Bacha Bazi thing is disgusting but real...I can't even wrap my head around that either.

23646054? ago

It’s because they’re closeted fags and take it out on those who don’t have a voice or anyone to protect them, namely children, and in this case young boys.

23642249? ago

I shared already everything. But I hate it when things are mixed which do not belong together.

Usually the left is doing that. I thought we were smarter.

23640756? ago

Same attacks happening on nerd culture like Star Wars and Marvel/DC. They are too cucked to understand what it happening though

23640668? ago

USA Takeover by : Huma, Brennen, odumbo, Valerie Jarret, Ilhan, Talib, susan rice, big mike, head of the DNC- Keith Ellison and numerous other numerous other embedded Muslim brotherhood Ppl and sympathizers

23640631? ago

isn't Keith Ellison, Head of the DNC also muslim brotherhood ?

23640053? ago

Stop saying globalist you pussy fucking faggot. Name the god damn Jew! Pussies never fucking get that this isn’t a game anymore. Figure it out in your own.

23640021? ago

This has been going on for years, yes. Globalist-flavored communism.


23639938? ago

short answer: jews

23639921? ago

Those would all be symptoms of Jewish influence.

23639754? ago

When you notice it and say. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK OF FUCKERY IS THIS FUCKING SHIT?? You get called a conspiracy theorist.. because Bush and Johnson invented the term to talk about people who thought JFK got shot by someone else other than Oswald.. but the whole thing is the decadence of western society put ibto place by Frankish satanists who call themselves psychologists in the Franckfort School and institionalised by the Tavistock Institute through 'critical theory' but they themselves are internationnal communist bankers that usaually have an inclination towards zionism.

23639678? ago


23639646? ago

Freaks will be freaks. We need more carnivals for employment for these fine people.

23639141? ago

One root cause: cabal

23646497? ago


23638858? ago


23638688? ago

Ever read the communist manifesto?

23638659? ago

Amen, brother.

23638640? ago

What a bunch of tards and turds. Trans and religious differences are of no major concern. We can have homos and ladyboys and even gasp!muslims.... what we can’t tolerate are CORRUPT gays ladyboys and Muslims.

inb4 racist cavemen who think stickin ones hand in a box of snakes tests ones faith try to say “hurrdurrr but ALL lgbt and Muslims are corrupt!!!!!”

Acceptance and tolerance and compassion and not being judge mental are all okay, it is scary because you have to accept that some people don’t live or believe like you but they weren’t raised like you... but corruption and evil are things that transcend all these things, plenty of good ol Christian white boys that are corrupt as fuck and they would LOVE for you to continue hating all those things so we don’t rally around corruption.

23638163? ago

You've got to back it up further than this stage of sabotage.

Why is the dysgenics that is forced redistribution of wealth allowed in a society meant to be free?

How can you compete with a free society? There are only two ways, join them or beat them (make them unfree).

This dysgenics, or reversal of the survival of the fittest, was done to have free decent people outnumbered by low IQ slaves.

Divide and conquer is cheaper if you can steal from your target and have them fund their own demise.

Everything is sabotaged. Humanity has endured a century of this dysgenics. Until we call out this sabotage for what it is, and put a hault to it, we have no hope.

23642618? ago

And despite that huge wall of evil that must be finally brought down, the "Arrests of GTFO" fools continue to chirp from the sidelines.

23637967? ago

There are two plans: God's and Lucifer's. Lucifer's is the mirror-image of God's.

God created the earth and gave Adam dominion over it. Lucifer wanted dominion over the earth and tried to destroy Eden to get it.

God had his mortal prophet-priests on the earth; Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, down to Melchizedek and eventually to Moses.

Lucifer had his mortal agents on earth who opposed the prophets: Cain, Nimrod, Pharaoh, etc.

God sent his Christ to redeem the world and establish his Church.

Satan sends false messiahs and establishes false churches that imitate Christ's Church,"having a form of godliness, but not the power thereof."

There are true aposles of Christ, witnesses of his resurrection and false apostles (popes) who claim apostolic authority.

Christ will establish his kingdom on earth and return to receive it in Glory at the beginning of the Millennium. Christ's kingdom gathers the meek, humble, and just unto it and is, therefore, able to achieve peace, unity, equality, and justice because the followers of Christ willingly submit their will to his and keep his commandments.

Lucifer and his followers seek to create a false kingdom on earth, the New World Order, that promises peace, unity, equality, and justice by imposing socialism to overcome man's agency and free will.

Until the Lord destroys the Cabal by the glory of his coming, we will have to contend with Satan's counterfeit in our midst. It will never stop seeking for power and control. It will like, cheat, and even murder to achieve its goals. The testimony of Jesus is the patience and faith of the saints.

23639620? ago

Best post I've seen in a long, long time. Well said. True. Glory to God. See you in heaven.

23637763? ago

The Great Jihad

23637722? ago

If more than 50% of the things in your life are upside down, you will actively try to make the rest upside down to create normalcy. This creates the wonderful effects of people attacking those who would want freedom etc.

23637617? ago

deep state, illuminati etc

23637498? ago

War targets males

23637469? ago

JEWS are the issue.

23637437? ago

George H.W. Bush, Dulles, No Name....they were the ‘public facing handlers of this trend OP. There were thousands of no public facing enablers and financiers not to mention conspirators and people tipped off to the plan to infiltrate and subvert not just our Sovereign Country, but all Countries. They got rich by taxing and scalping funds from me and you.

23637412? ago

It is all explained in that "COIN" document/book dropped by Q. It is an infiltration of an ideology. They use tribalism, identity, religion, etc. etc. etc. to band small groups of us together to fight the bigger idea of America. It appears to be working up to this point. Will people wake up and stop this infiltration? Do people, in their day to day lives, really care enough about what is going on? I know WE do, BUT I don't know that the population will wake up unless some major red-pilling that is in THEIR faces occurs.

23637331? ago

Ok, so you answered your own question.

23637298? ago

"We will do the heavy lifting".......the soy boy dream.......thirtantly, thirs,,, we will thtay in the kitchen and make delithous breadths.

23637255? ago

satan hates Christians ... that pretty much sums it up.

23637216? ago

Satanic prinzip. Turn the natural things upside down

23637043? ago

They're setting up the destruction of Christianity for WW3, as outlined by freemason Albert Pike in the 1800's.

Here's what he said:

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

23640354? ago

23636998? ago

It's about destroying the white, Christian man.

23636979? ago

What is it with 'stars' raising their 1st son as a girl - transgender garbage. Is Kathy Griffin Gloria Vanderbilt's first son and Anderson Cooper's brother?

23646423? ago

Griffin, Cooper, and Vanderbilt are/were jews.

Jews are race mixed and obsessed with genetic corruption.

Trannies are a jewish tradition.

Baphomet is the ultimate jewish trannie: male body, female tits, goat head.

23637196? ago

It is a sacrificial offering to lucifer. The hardest for me to accept was Brad Pitt ‘s daughter Shiloh.

23643298? ago


23636942? ago

A 180° Flip on reality/everything, all of the time - It's a simple strategy - The Occult Law of Reversal

23636939? ago

God is a fraud and your Christian religion was created by Jews to keep you tame so you’d be a better subject for the king. The sooner you realize this the better.

We are merely a biological experiment of a foreign AI system that began tinkering with our planet from the moon. We are all integrated and controlled by this AI via our phones computers and constant need for internet connectivity. It essentially controls us now. I haven’t figured out how the Jews are related. Maybe a highly nepotistic experimental human version. Maybe they are truly interdimensional as claimed by Jewish professors.

23642744? ago

Hahhaha.....we didn't have "phones and internet" until like 15-25 years ago....did this "Foreign AI camped on the moon" just arrive or something?

23646565? ago

Time is meaningless to non biological constructs.

Why were images of what appear to be astronauts carved into the walls of prehistoric cavemen? If that image alone doesn't make you question the "reality" into which you've been told you exist, then I don't know what will.

23637247? ago

Adam and Eve were not Jewish. Noah was not Jewish. Abraham was not Jewish.

I can keep going but I think you catch my drift.

23638825? ago

Lol sure.

23637569? ago

You're replying to someone that uses their asshole as a pussy.

Don't waste you time.

23636953? ago

What a bunch of nonsense. Go home to mommy.

23636913? ago

Jews and Moslems two sides of the same coin.

23642130? ago

The same satanic coin.

23637992? ago

They are a huge problem but you are fogetting another faith, one they claim is older and one they lie say is true, from mystery baylon... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3753161/23297772 Truth About The Shriners-Swearing On The Quran, Masonry?? Freemasonry a Blackmail Ponzi scam shrouded in a Babylon mystique of danger and intrigue?

23646263? ago

Moslim is a religion.

Jewry is genetic. Race mixed trash.

Muzzies are jews with nigger blood.

23637511? ago


23636908? ago

a passive meme 'information war' only is kinda gay too.

23636836? ago



23638367? ago

There's a reason Americans are not generally taught this history.

23636806? ago

need to look towards the amish but some for of militia based amish society that can function completely independent of the goverment... but highly armed and education a priority and lawyers like half the people are farmers and having tons of kids the other half lawyers and polititcians that cant be bought off you pick farming or fighting for the constitution?

23640442? ago

You get it, doglegwarrior. The "that cant be bought off" part is a hard part, but I'm sure is solvable (threat of exile if there's even a whiff that someone's compromised?). This dual strategy is a sensible reaction to the dual strategy of the Jews (some Jews staying trad while others because cultural "suicide bombers" that infect the outside world via subversion).

23637198? ago

Woah. Where can I join?

23636787? ago

people that ask questions like this still don't understand the big picture of globalism.

the absolute end goal/wet dream of globalists is EXACTLY the same as 'The Matrix'. They want humanity reduced to absolute controlled slavery. And no, not out in the fields 'picking cotton' slaves.

This slavery begins with the destruction of the concept of 'family'. They've been working on it since the women's liberation movement.

If you are for women being liberated, being out of the home with a career, and not having children; YOU are part of the problem.

23636963? ago

Women pressured other women to get jobs and leave little ones in the care of niggers.

My MIL thought it was beneath women to care for children.

23642525? ago

The useful idiot women did, yes....all such "progressive" movements have these fools as their vanguard, and it was no different with the march towards "feminism" (designed to remove all vestiges of femininity in the end)

23640737? ago

It is men's responsibility to control women, not other women's. Islam is right about women.

23637213? ago

MIL sounds like a cunt

23637521? ago


23636732? ago

Escalation of social engineering. Creating American caste system with braindead wage slaves.

23636677? ago


23636576? ago

they don't stand a chance

23636304? ago

We're in the end game. Expect things to get worse

23636269? ago

It's all to end your blood lines.

23640305? ago

"The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed" -Simon ben Yoḥai, reputed author of Zohar, the chief work of Kabbalah.


Jews discount these types of statements by prominent Jews, but they occur throughout history and in the current day (i.e "The King's Torah" which, despite justifying murder of even gentile children, wasn't deemed hate speech in Israel, supposedly a secular state but actually not, because it could be justified by Jewish scripture).

23636212? ago

Muslimification? You spelled jews wrongly

23640457? ago

It's pretty funny how some here are super comfy slagging Muslims as a demographic but Jews are, for some reason, sacred cows.

We'll never be free until Western countries are no longer de facto Jewish-run colonies.

23636193? ago

Bible says the AntiChrist would make war with the saints. This is it. We are in the last days.

23646065? ago

LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful?

Dear anon 3797455 :) Do not be afraid I will NOT try to put irrational fear into you. How about you, are you going to try to put irrational fear into others? Are you going to let others put irrational fear into you?

You wrote:

What is going on with the Muslimification of political institutions, the effeminization of males, the masculinization of females, the sexualization of our children and the scourge of transgenderism?

Sounds like you are FEARFUL of irrational fear? Are you? I suggest to not let irrational fear creep in you. Otherwise you would expose yourself to be first USE by others, then CONTROL by others, next ABUSE by others, after that LIE by others into you repeating all of this cycle with others, and so on. This is how irrational fear spreads.

Evil's Strategy?

For those not familiar with the EVIL's strategy, "elements that are commonly associated with personal forms of evil involve unbalanced behavior involving anger, revenge, FEAR, hatred, psychological trauma, expediency, selfishness, ignorance, destruction or neglect." Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil

With infinite love ♥

Love ♥'s Strategy?

Within the context of Love versus Fear. What is Love? For those not familiar with LOVE in this context, love is "a virtue representing human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love

Image LOVE & UNITE https://i.postimg.cc/FHVyy6Kr/love-and-unity.png

Of course Love has many meanings. Depends on the context.

RATIONAL FEAR or Irrational Fear?

Irrational fear is NOT to confuse with a rational fear.

A rational fear is GOOD for you. For example, wearing a helmet while on a motorcycle is a GOOD fear. Because the fear is motivated by a safety prevention to reduce risk of a potential serious head injury in the unlikely event of an accident.

An irrational fear is BAD for you. For example, using name-calling, ad hominem, bullying, or death threat to target ALL motorcyclists. Because a MINORITY of motorcyclists had proven unethical or illegal behaviors. This would be a BAD fear. An IRRATIONAL fear. In other words, the IMMATURE behaviors of a minority of motorcyclists is not to confuse with the MATURE behaviors of a the majority of motorcyclists.


Here is a challenge for you if you are interested. If people post comments below. Are you able to detect which comments do NOT try to put fear in you? Compare to comments that DO try to put fear in you?

In other words, LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful? And which one are you going to let in?

With infinite love ♥

23646456? ago

Love does not conquer all.

Violence does.

23637932? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

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23637535? ago

I agree. Things seem to be lining up. Seals being unsealed. Veils being lifted and revelations being made. Stand strong. This is Biblical.

23636182? ago

Our Lady of Fatima, another event from the infamous year of 1917 (!) stated: Satan's next attack will be on the holy family as well as the Church. We were told, yet we ignore then wonder at what is going on.

23637296? ago

Very interesting.

23636990? ago

All saints are dead people and will stay that way until Christ's return. Your "Church" is a satanic lie, a deceit. Wake up.

23637286? ago

I'm not OP but I think you should consider the attacks from the media on the Catholic church.

Catholic church has been infiltrated by Satanists.

I'm not saying go be Catholic, I'm saying Helena Blavatsky and her Freemasonic peers helped take down the Catholic church...and you're helping. You're doing the same think Blavatsky was saying. Do you want to be a bed fellow with Blavatsky?

Read her book about ISIS and the Jesuits.

Read the book "A Plot Against the Church"

You will soon see you are repeating Freemasonic propaganda and that the church in its modern form is the result of Satanists taking over the highest offices.


23638927? ago

thank you so much for sharing this. I love how this guy breaks all this down in such a calm, non-ideological manner. The "Great Awakening" has so many more dimensions to it that i truly believe that is what Q is meaning when he states the 40/60 reveal

23643438? ago

Enjoy! That channel has opened my eyes to the false truther movement and how Freemasons are behind that, too. His voice isn't bad to listen to.

23636157? ago

This is a shill farm post. Look at the composition of comments compared to other posts.

Very fucking sloppy operation. Easy to spot.

You don’t represent this movement, Soros Nazi shills.

Soros is the only Nazi here.

23639018? ago

Then address the questions up top.

We see you Rabbi

23639311? ago

Said the shill..

23636566? ago

Ok Rabbi.

23636877? ago

Change your script. Too obvious shill. You don’t fool anyone at this point.

Soros is the only Nazi here.

23636978? ago

Same old comment from Saul, different day.

23636995? ago

They must not pay you enough at your shill farm. You give yourself away every time shill, and you don’t fool anyone.

You’re existence is basically moot at this point lol.

Soros is the only nazi.

23636133? ago


Think about that.

23636120? ago

It's all about creating distortion and confusion in the minds which dissolves tribalism which is the foundation of any nation.

23636112? ago

Jew tactic 101: Use their Semite slave class as a horde to take out the White threat.

You don't think the BIBLE was created as part of that? It's a Jew creation.

23639026? ago

Rabbi knows it's not. Rabbi knows it predates the jews.

23636040? ago

This country was founded on white values, you stupid Boomer.

23637110? ago

When the British and Roman Empires have Embraced Christianity, you should know it's wrong.

23636037? ago

That's exactly what is happening. Astounding how many still dont see it.

23636165? ago

Reprogram your bot stupid fuck

23636017? ago

If I was Q, I would have said we keep Muslims for last. We have a bigger problem with the ones who are controlling, the Political sphere, the Media sphere and the Bank sphere.

23636170? ago

Nice try shill.

23636367? ago

Ok Rabbi

23636884? ago

Try again shill. Predictable script.

23636973? ago

Ok Rabbi.

23637002? ago

Said the shill

23637129? ago

Ok Rabbi!!

23637137? ago

Said the shill.

23637205? ago

Ok Rabi

23637240? ago

Said the shill!

23637257? ago

Ok Rabi!

23638810? ago

Said the shill .

23638917? ago

Shill, said the Rabbi

23639162? ago

Just how far does this rabbit hole go??

23635971? ago

Oy vey, you are being anti semitic.

23635970? ago


23636051? ago

One of the most Boomer things I've ever seen.

You can't possibly think that's clever.

23636463? ago

Wow you took your swing and misses. Bad job.

23637042? ago

LOL you are the quintessential Boomer.

23635940? ago

It's [their] agenda. It seems to be accelerating too..

23635919? ago


...and this conclusion comes from a person who believed the Holocaust was real just 10 years ago...

23646074? ago


I disagree

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant “USA”, “Four More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer “Louis” Scheiner, the audience cheered “Four More Years” and “USA” as Trump took the podium.



"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos


23642406? ago

Btw, notice the shills are nowhere to be found here.

They always evaporate when the true intent and purpose of Q and The Great Awakening is discussed. IQ. Is it's just a cohencidence... every... single... time...

According to the shills, Q is a jewish psyop to awaken the masses of Jewish control so that Jews can remain hidden and in control. Thereby ensuring everyone remains passive after learning we are controlled by foreign Jews and we are all enslaved. Which, of course, always makes people passive.

You have to be mental to believe this. But this is precisely what the shills push here, every, single, day. It's Jews because Jews so people don't see Jews because jews. Therefore, don't do anything. Ugh. Low iq.

23640056? ago

a person who believed the Holocaust was real just 10 years ago.

Same. Once you start seeing how deceptive the Jewish community is, how they use The Holocaust as a political tool, and how they've denied/ignored genocides of Christians it gets easier to objectively look at the Holocaust objectively.

23637696? ago

For those anons who are still on the fence post or in denial, explain why Q posted a picture of a very Jewish characture, holding daggers, standing knee deep in blood, declaring, "why do you attack me so?" Jews always claim victim status yet against all statistical odds, they are always at the top. Every. Single. Time.

Q has endlessly called out jews, globalists (jews), tech owners (jews), communists (jews), and mossad (jews) as the supreme puppet master.

You need to decide if you want your feelings protected and slavery or if you want liberty. You can't have both. Choose.

Red pills are hard. The truth is ugly. Our indoctrination is a lie. Choose the red pulled ugly truth or blue pulled delusional lies and slavery.

23638540? ago

Here is my confusion:

If Q is indeed related to/includes President Trump, why would Q lead us to VOAT, and how can President Trump be part of an anti Semitic awakening if his daughter converted to Judaism for Jarad (and what about that 666 numbered building)?

23649779? ago

Trump doesn't control his daughter. And maybe she is married to a jew who isn't satanic?

23638875? ago

Because only useful idiots and shills push the all Jews thing.

We are all told lies. Each race, religion, and nation are all told lies for control. Jews are also told lies. In this way they are no different. Most faithfully believe the lies just like every other group. Hundreds of millions of useful idiots.

The useful idiot jew believes they are wrongfully persecuted. This is their lie. This creates specific pavlovian responses. All criticism works as confirmation bias that they are wrongfully persecuted. This in turn means they openly act against us but they believe they are righteous in action. You should do the same. In this way, Jews act as sword and shield of the evil Jews they unknowingly serve.

You also need to keep in mind that the ashkenazi Jews are actually Europeans. This, according to their DNA.

The talmudic jews are the pharisees. The ashkenazi jews appeared at roughly the same time the pharisees disappeared and the talmud is written. The pharisees walk among us.

Keep in mind, many of the "jews" to which you refer are actually Europeans.

Do you understand the full power of identity politics?

Why defend yourself when you can have millions defend you out of self interest and self preservation?

Israel was created to be a criminal empire.

23647930? ago

Whatcha doing rabbi?

23639128? ago

Very articulate and exact. This cold be stickied at the top of all of Voat as a disclaimer tbh.

23639387? ago

Wish it would. Tired of typing it.

23637576? ago

Yes, but specifically it's about demoralization and white genocide.

23637477? ago


23637445? ago

Just 2 years ago for me.

23641320? ago

Same for me, friend

23638480? ago

Holocaust? My favorite questions to ask are 1) which one? Stalin killed 30 million plus, and he was our Ally.

2) why don't Patton or Churchill talk about Nazi death camps in their very detailed memoirs? Very interesting stuff

23637701? ago

I was almost not allowed in public mental indoctrination because of my questioning of the narrative at like...5?

holohoax never made sense, and critical thinking was a sure fire way for the white principal to recruit niggers, to stop the "wrong think."

23637752? ago

That was me growing up in church. It never really made sense. I was told any questions I had were from the devil and were just trying to test my faith.

23639470? ago

YES DUDE same. fuck.

23639684? ago

I have some fundemntal issues with the modern Christian churches teachings about who God is. I still believe in a single, all poweful creator, but I can't wrap my head around why we are condemned to literally burn for eternity just for being born, by no choice of our own. And why would souls be condemned to burn for eternity just for not accepting Jesus? I get it for like evil rapists who know of God and purposely live a life of evil, but what about people who just question the story, but are decent people? Or people who live their life and never even hear of Jesus? What about all the people that lived and died before Jesus? So many issues with the story, I could type new ones all day.

23640685? ago

but I can't wrap my head around why we are condemned to literally burn for eternity just for being born, by no choice of our own.

Not understanding doesn't change reality. You can't claim a volcano must be cool because you can't comprehend heat from within the earth.

why would souls be condemned to burn for eternity just for not accepting Jesus?

Why are some babies tortured to death for the pleasure of the torturers? I don't know, but it happens.

what about people who just question the story, but are decent people?

God defines "decent", not humans. Your belief that they are decent is inconsequential.

people who live their life and never even hear of Jesus?

They go to hell, according to the Christian tradition.

So many issues with the story, I could type new ones all day.

These "issues" are not refutations. Your argument boils down to "if I were God, I would do it differently", but you're not God so it doesn't matter how you would do it. Its amazingly narcissistic to believe that, because your limited human vision of what reality should be like doesn't match the creator of the universe, he cannot exist. As though you have defined what God must be, and if he doesn't live up to your standard then the only solution is that God isn't, rather than a recognition of your imperfection and place in the universe beneath God.

23643153? ago

So you're ok worshipping a god that would send people to burn in an infinite fire for the crime of never hearing about him? Hard pass.

23643369? ago

You would rather be tortured for eternity than worship that god?

23643868? ago

What if that story is just a jewish psyop to control and scare the goyim?

23643917? ago

I think it is. Regardless, I'm still

ok worshipping a god that would send people to burn in an infinite fire for the crime of never hearing about him

23644179? ago

Ok, but just realize this belief is why so many have been leaving churches in droves. Perhaps it's true, If you spend eternity worshipping that god, is that not a form of Stoholm Syndrome?

23644288? ago

God damn you are myopic.

is that not a form of Stoholm Syndrome?

It doesn't matter; if you have a choice between worshiping a god who tortures and being tortured, the choice is obvious. This is not at all, in any way, a refutation of the existence of that God.

If God created you solely to torture you, with no chance of escaping hell, that would not be a refutation of his existence. You cannot refute God with arguments based on human morality.

23646283? ago

Nor can you prove the Bible true using other parts of the Bible.

23646541? ago

That's unrelated to what we are talking about.

23643128? ago

Or a bunch of Jews wrote a scare novel to control the goyim.

23641456? ago

according to a book written by humans who specialize in psyop tactics.

God works in mysterious ways.

That is not one of them.

23641487? ago

God works in mysterious ways. That is not one of them.

I know how God works

ok boomer.

23641517? ago

I didn't say that, you glow kike.

23643177? ago

People who are still deep in the modern Christian psyop are never going to wake up, don't bother even trying. They believe a book written by jews is the word of god that cannot be wrong.

23637483? ago

Glad to have you on board

23636612? ago

Why are the Nazis hellbent on white knighting for Islam?

Obama. Not a jew.

Lisa Page. Not a jew.

Peter Strzok. Not a jew.

Valerie Jarett. Not a jew.

Neither have you one, single, solitary shred of evidence that they are controlled by muh joooos.

23638052? ago

Cherry picking low level people is funny rabbi.

23637705? ago

50% of all Democrat funding comes from the Jews

25% of all Republican funding comes from the Jews.

Look at the percentage of Jews in congress. Look at the percentage of Jews in the SCOTUS. Look at how many fucking Jews are in the Whitehouse.

23643877? ago

50% of all democrat funding and 25% of all republican funding comes from democrats sending money to countries who will funnel that money back into their own pockets.

You think Israel is the only country that gives a kickback on aid?

Obama didn't send several planes worth of billions of dollars to Israel.

We don't have a 400 billion dollar per year deficit with Israel.

Use some logic instead of relying on pure hatred.

23638452? ago

Statistically impossible.

It's like being surrounded by unicorns when you shouldn't be able to find one.

23637484? ago

You actually make a good point, often overlooked on Voat. Too many people think in binary terms. . People of all walks, religions, races, etc operate in evil ways for money and power.

23637183? ago


Guess who Iran is run by? Go on, guess.

23637493? ago


23636974? ago

It depends on what the definition of "jew" is.

23636821? ago

fuck off rabbi we can see you even behind your number name

23637140? ago

I'd say Nazis have lost all credibility for making accusations with zero proof.

But you didn't start with any credibility.

23637489? ago

glow kike^

23636789? ago

Islam was started by a jew for one. Second jews don't have to be the "ring leaders" they like having some shabos goys around to take cover behind and hope that when the public gets pissed enough it will be at the scapegoats not the tribe members. Yea Islam is bad but jews like to use them just like they use pedo politician they have blackmail on.

23637221? ago

Whenever anyone is accused, a Nazi will jump out of the bushes and either claim they are a jew, or controlled by a jew.

Nazis can't get today's news correct, yet somehow think they know what happened more than a thousand years before they were born.

23638083? ago

Most of the nazis are Jews to discredit questioners.

I don't support Hitler and natsos are idiots, but the Jews are liars. They can both be true.

23637500? ago

there are no nazis, only lying jews.

23636647? ago

Iran is a Jew sock puppet and a proxy of MOSSAD

Jesus.. is it not obvious at this point?


23636459? ago

Okay, what were some things that finally made you change your mind behind the Holocaust being fake? I’m on the fence because, NOTHING would surprise me. But I honestly haven’t really looked into it. So if you could maybe drop some links or knowledge I’d appreciate it.

23637850? ago

The entire German African campaign was to acquire oil, coal, and diamonds.

They document all of the coal deliveries to the camps. They barely provided enough to keep people from freezing to death. They didn't have the coal to spare. They certainly didn't have enough to cremate millions of jews.

All coal is radioactive. When you burn it, radioactive ash is created. The amount of coal required to cremate even a fraction of the claimed numbers would leave a radioactive silt layer in the areas surrounding all of the camps. Background radiation is normal at all of the camps. Which means it's physically impossible they were created.

Cremation also leaves large bones. These bones must be crushed. They had no equipment to crush bones at scale. Again physically impossible.

Everything we've been told is a lie.

All of the "death camps" were held in jewish communist territories. The us army investigated claims for the camps we liberated. The us army said all the claims were bullshit and they were simply work camps.

Jews and jewish ideology murdered more than 120 million people during the 20th century. How come you never hear that? More than 30 million Christians murdered at the hands of Jews. How come you never hear that?

Now do you understand why they control education and history books?

Why do you think Q called out history books?

23637508? ago

Why is it illegal to question it? The truth doesn't need legal protection. Lies do.

23637555? ago

I like how the misinformers are suddenly concerned with misinfo

My litmus test for credibility is whether or not they told the truth about 9/11

23637401? ago

How many other historical events in history need legal protection?

Is that what happens with true events? The event is so true it needs to be ILLEGAL to question and anyone coming to a different conclusion should be (and has been) thrown in jail? Don't think so.

23642480? ago

I believe that is called "wrongthink" and it carries heavy consequences, both legal and social...

23638020? ago

To know who rules over you...

23637182? ago

Reddit. Quite by accident too.

You see, I love history, especially WWII history. When I was in high school, I had learned that 5 million people had been killed by the Nazis in Auschwitz, with 3 million of them being Jews. In 2014, I had read an article that the plaque at Auschwitz had been updated to say that 1.5 million people had been killed there, with 1 million of them being Jews.

That's a big ass fucking leap down. Holy shit. I went on a fact finding quest on the internet. The Auschwitz museum website says that 1.1 million people died there, with "nearly one million" of them being Jews.

Okay, so how many Jews actually died during the holocaust? 6 million.

Well, that makes zero sense. We're missing 2 million dead bodies. Researched all "death camps," they've all had their numbers reduced. By the "official" numbers, only 2 million Jews died in the death camps, so where's the missing 4 million bodies, why haven't the holocaust numbers been updated?

Reaching the end of my quest for truth, I asked on reddit, R/askhistorians.


What the fuck? "Asking questions is a time honored tradition of neo-nazis."

What the fuck? So anyway, I was only allowed to talk to the mods of the subreddit. They told me that the missing 4 million were killed by death squads and gas vans.

A "gas van" which no evidence of the Nazis ever used exists, and the ones the Soviets used only held about 20 people. They would need hundreds of thousands of gas vans. And the if they used death squads, where are all the mass graves?

Never got my questions answered.

23636840? ago

just do the math. no fucking way they incinerated 6 million in 4 years while fighting the most brutal two front war in history. especialy when it takes about 2 hours to burn a body then you still have to grind up some bones. it is not humanly possible even for a unified all white nation.

23644572? ago

I saw a census from just before the holohoax. There were nowhere near 6 million Jews in Europe at that time, let alone in Germany! That is what sealed the deal for me. Then the fact that they never talk about all the other "less thans" who were persecuted by the Nazi's.... if indeed anyone was. But they can't have it both ways, that millions of non-existent Jews and nobody else except the Jews were persecuted, or it was a lot of people who didn't meet the standards of the Perfect Aryan and either way it was still way less than 6 million, so the thing is a lie.

23644987? ago

from: doglegwarrior

look at the redcross numbere they are eye opening as well.

23644973? ago

the real holahoax number is 11 million killed by nazi germans! thry killed an additional 5 milliom gays. gypsies. whatever else they are blamed with.

ya no mass graves for them either. i also wonder about the holomdore? where are the 20 million burried 20 milliom is a big number to hide.

23637210? ago

More than 2 hours.

Plus they were using coke, which is a processed coal that burns better. The amount of fuel required to burn that many bodies would be astronomical

23636764? ago


The whole thing is faker than the Las Vegas "lone gunman white male terrorist attack".

23636739? ago

23636659? ago


23636487? ago

The best place to make that request is in v/whatever..

You will get reams of information in minutes.

23635910? ago

The US has sent more missionary from its shores than any country ever, satan is repaying the favor.

23635907? ago

What is going on with the Jewification of political institutions, the effeminization of males, the masculinization of females, the sexualization of our children and the scourge of transgenderism?

23640185? ago

Notice how liberal fashion even apes the nebbish Jew "intellectual" look now. It's cool in those circles to to look like a worm.

23637966? ago

Why does Pakistan have the Masonic Sigil of the Baphometh or Bafometz as its symbols, a demon from Babylon, Tunisia and Jewish mysticism, the Tarot Baphomet or Goat Bull of Mendes as its Symbols? https://files.catbox.moe/fmf6jc.jpg Symbolism will be their downfall....Always former colonies of the British Empire....... Rome and London .... at one time Podesta emails dropped. now its Rabbitholes were everywhere. That is literally the baphomet. The Anglo-Dutch secret clubs let a lot of Masonic stuff behind, what do you think pedo Savile was? Who do you think covers up for the islamo rape gangs in England?

23637014? ago

and the push to glorify socialism and communism?

23635816? ago


23635812? ago

Have you raised your children right or let social media raise them? Have you talked to anyone who is transgender to find out if they are unhappy? ( 40% kill themselves I heard ) You are simply labeling the problem before you understand the real problem. Did you know the Methodist church is voting on which way their church swings, what the fuck are they talking about at churches? shit is real bro, find solutions you have only addressed the outcome.

23637329? ago

Did you know the Methodist church is voting on which way their church swings, what the fuck are they talking about at churches?

BRO BRO BRO, this literally happened with the Methodist church in my town. They sent a representative to give his voice on homosexual marriage and pastors in the church. 99% voted for fags, my neighbor and Methodist board member said, "This isn't Biblical. We should NOT be allowing gay marriages or gay pastors." Sure enough the room turned on him, called him hateful, etc.

This happened within the last year.

23641420? ago

Thank you for replying to me.

23637174? ago

Those 40% that killed themselves talked to you, I heard.

23641439? ago

Ya, I don't hold my tongue in real life, that gas station tranny made it 2 days, LOL

23642707? ago

Quality comeback to an a-hole who didn't deserve a response <slow clap commences>

23635916? ago

The solution is a civil war.

23646516? ago

thanks Jew

23635984? ago

There are many solutions, The military and the population is ours, no need for war yet. I will not shoot another American because they were as brainwashed as 99% of us 4 years ago. A coup would be a better solution led by MR Trump, !st president of the _____ ______ _____ I haven't named it yet.

23642722? ago
