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23617987? ago

Racine Wisconsin -- Maybe A Truth No One Can Handle -- And Why Did the Cali Doctors Exposing the "Very Few Deaths" Keep Mentioning Wisconsin?

stock here, been noticing a lot of mentioning of Wisconsin. Then I noticed today that Wisconsin reported COVID deaths that blew away the prior day, spiking them out of the exponential decay model.

This spike was so outside that model, and EVERY model which have all worked reasonably well, based on chosen exponent of .97 to .99, that I started investigating.

This was beyond all models including all countries and all states.

This was odd. I found 11 states in the USA all SPIKING LIKE A SOB, all yesterday and 10 of them were heavily obviously Blue states.

Then I saw this writeup below. Then I saw General Flynn evidence of being totally setup by the FBI, entrapment into a process "crime" of lying about something he never should have been asked about anyway.

More to come.

Note: I live part time in Wisconsin, grew up here. Racine was always kind of an odd town. Not quite Milwaukee being a real town, not quite Kenosha with its bars, adult stores, cheese, and n'eer do well businesses. Somewhere in between, and somehow money flowing in.

23618761? ago

@TrustTheTruth has been claiming for months now that the Virus really began in October in 2019. Turns out there's decent evidence that could be true. The first E-cigarette deaths from the mysterious outbreak in 2019 occured in October in Racine.

wikipedia even claims it could have started as early as April in Wisconsin. The first cases were in Wisconsin and Illinois.

23619317? ago


enjoying talking to yourself

you probably use 'method acting' and really believe you are someone different to the other user profile

23620444? ago

We are TrustTheTruth. There are many others who have found out through simple research that:

Everything Shared about Racine since The Beginning is The Truth. The posts above are not made by the same group. They are normal people who actually researched the thousands of comments made about Racine over the years and figured out it was All True.

The Pizzagate and GreatAwakening moderators have an Agenda. The Johnsons are convicted pedophiles who run Racine. The Rothschilds live in Racine. They have a fully controlled international airport and harbor. NXIVM and other groups are directly connected to blackmail operations in Racine. Anyone trying to hide The Truth about Racine has an Agenda.

23620475? ago

"normal people" who just happen to talk in the exact same retarded non-sequituer questions style as you, and respond to criticism with the precice same talking points as you

who do you think you're fooling ? YOURSELF

23620583? ago

We are TrustTheTruth. The two comments above are not ours. You are lying again.

1) Racine, Wisconsin - Maybe a Truth No one can handle and 2) This is a great post. @TrustTheTruth has been claiming for months now that the Virus really began in October in 2019.

We NEVER respond to our own comments or create fake dialogue. We NEVER downvote anyone. We only upvote to thank others who Share The Truth and to keep The Truth from being censored. Our account racked up over 700 downvotes mostly from corrupt moderators who use search tools to stalk any comments about Racine before they finally banned the account outright. The two previous comments above were not us. One might be from @ababcb but the other does not appear to be theirs. You are lying to everyone here.

The jig is up. You clearly have an agenda to censor, ban, threaten and hide The Truth by any means necessary. You have been exposed for your lies and manipulation.

23620609? ago

I am ababcb and I did make this post:

2) This is a great post. @TrustTheTruth has been claiming for months now that the Virus really began in October in 2019.

23622391? ago

I'm xyz and I stopped caring about 4 posts back

23634311? ago

Where did you learn to make websites? A hindu netcafe in 2002?

Srsly, this is the best geocities page I've ever seen. /s