23627879? ago

AMAZING thread that makes a Michigan Patriot Proud. AMERICAN PROUD


23627842? ago

Happy Law Day, everybody!!

23627803? ago

Unfortunately I think we've learned power is power.


23627715? ago


Claims of this is the people's house.. (Not half whit's) Michigan Proud We have an uprising one that would please our Founding Fathers NAMASTE


23627527? ago

Q 4008 - Yes. Since I was a very young girl (maybe 3 or 4) I could see these things..WAY better than I wanted to. I would look around and "see" and wonder WHY others must play strategic games, trickery or try to control each other. It made me sad. Later I witnessed people I loved and cared for join the ranks of evil or watched them be stripped of an ability to think for themselves through various means. It was VERY hard for me, but I finally "got it" : this world isn't a big bowl of cherries and not everyone out there cares about humans, family and world peace, like myself. Honestly, in my personal universe, more people cared about the almighty dollar, power and control. . At some point, I heard there was a book out there called " The Art of War" which I have refused to read-to this day. Regardless of what is written in the book, I've always seen this world as nothing more than a War between Good and Evil with everything else falling into teamed battles in the very same war. I did not participate or "fall part of" the evil that has been shoved down our throats from every direction during my life and some of it was disguised VERY well as "normal" or acceptable. I hardly have any friends, to this day, for standing my ground to protect my rights and viewpoints throughout my entire life. .I admit my soapbox is warn out, but I still have it, especially pertaining to handling BULLIES! . Evil DOES exist and I'm quite proud not to be a part of it. To go from a wide-eyed , life loving young girl, loving everyone around her to being referred to as "a deplorable" in my older age is even more traumatic than losing my dad to a drunk driver and my mom to a murdering crack-addict. What the hell kind of world are we living in to be condemned for having an honest, pure and good nature. Finally, my dreams are coming true..not just because the black hats are being exposed (because there will never be a shortage of black hats to replace the old ones) but because we did not ask for our world to be like it is, we the people want our country back. We long for a world with peace on earth, without war, minus evil or plandemics to try and stop us from voting for "the greatest good" on the side of Good. . We want a world where those who are "good" can comfortably flourish and prosper and will not be shunned. For once, it feels like we may be able to experience a little time on earth surrounded in the LIGHT instead of the dark. Like so many others: I'm ready to enjoy life without dealing with the "one-ups" or strategic war game tactics. The people on earth need a break. Thank you Q -for being here for us. Trump: you MUST be exhausted! Please know : you are the knight riding up on a bright white horse named :"Goodness". for me and so many others. Stay safe. Prayers for you and your family. #WWG1WGA

23625228? ago

Pompeo COMM ?? TIME Stamp 1227 #WWG1WGA


Video confirms ?


23624714? ago

Anyone else unable to access the document from 4009? I try to load it and get a message saying the doc cannot be found and asking if i am connected to the internet.

It was there last night.

Could be an issue on my end, but I have not encountered any issues with any other pages.

23622753? ago

Marines COMM ?? Time stamp https://qmap.pub/read/800

23622596? ago

COMM from the White House ?? Time stamp We are with you, Patriot.

We honor your service to our great country.

Without people like you, the world would be lost.



https://qmap.pub/read/737 NICE themes with this one

23622226? ago

Pompeo COMM ?? Interesting time stamp: Out with IT https://qmap.pub/read/741

23620723? ago

Guys, in Q3992 it says "[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS", who's DS here?

23621179? ago

Deep State. Take in means keep DOJ from being able to use.

23620198? ago

Q—Thank you for the Covid19 cures sheet!

And the infiltration doc is a red-pill for folks on the fence, if we can get people to read it. This isn’t about R vs D.

I am just sad so many in our government have succumbed to corruption. Thank you all for your service. These are historic times.

23620215? ago

Plus the January Air Force paper on HCQ.

23617485? ago

What does the link in 4009 say?

23616834? ago

Does anyone remember how Q pointed out that during Trump's first State of the Union address how a few Democrats were on their phones and for us to look at what was on the screen? Games? Were we being pointed to their comms through game chats way back then?

23622330? ago

Post discussing games: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3793740

23622288? ago

Coudt the names of movies/books in Q drops be names of actual online video games that Q is hinting were used for these purposes? Alice and Wonderland, Red October, Iron Eagle, Godfather III, maybe more. Can a GamerAnon confirm please?

23616921? ago

That's a damn fine conclusion

23616765? ago

4008 is a very important post and needs to be analyzed very carefully and reread many times and is good advice for all the impatience fags who want arrests NOW. This is impossible to accomplish in 3 years. This was not about another 4 year election.

23615150? ago

Q post #4008 - Some researchers at the Small Wars Journal have termed it the “Plutocratic Insurgency.” Anons, attached below is a link describing the plutocratic insurgency (P.I.), written in 2012. If interested, please read at least the first two paragraphs, and compare to #4008, and what POTUS has been campaigning about since day one - that globalism threatens the very fabric of our nation.

http :// smallprecautions.blogspot.com/2012/09/plutocratic-insurgency.html?m=1

And as a final cross-reference, compare the P.I. concept, #4008, and the ‘Rich Higgins memo‘ put out by the former NSC staffer of the same name. Higgins was brought on by Gen. Flynn, and terminated when McMaster took the NSA position. While the P.I. provides some of the underlying motivations of the globalists, the Higgins memo identifies who the main groups involved in political warfare against the POTUS are, and some of their TTPs.

https :// unconstrainedanalytics.org/potus-and-political-warfare/

Hopefully, these patterns will prove useful for anons; if Q is LARP, then he/she/they are a pretty well-read LARP in NatSec matters. God bless

23613821? ago

COMM from the Navy ? ON TO VICTORY >>>


Q >>>

WORKS for me



23611014? ago

have the back channel gaming chats been getting DDOS during FF events, or have the servers participated in shutting them down, or maybe there is something that i'm not seeing clearly?

23612408? ago

The DC Police allowed it to happen. .. no strong pushback whatsoever.

23613882? ago

for what it's worth those guys were on protest duty and probably had a strict directive given about handling incidents. If I were the DC security mastermind I would see that as a very potential distraction to divert resources away from a foreign head of state. First things first right?

23614559? ago

A valid point.

23609930? ago

Damn i hate these people

23615327? ago

Well we hate you. And unlike you, we can do something about it.

23614805? ago

Do not hate that which is fake. Just know it for what it is. Warn others who have been suckered into the Q followship. It’s all you can do. Fortunately more people are awakening from the fog of tardness.

23615270? ago

Five Jews Arremosted for k Painting Swastikas on Israel.mm[& Consulate

- gs7

https://www.jta.org/1963/11/05/archive/five-jews-arrested-for-painting-swastikas-on-israel-consulate ty 7y44

Jewish man accused of spray-painting swastikas on own home


Jewish Man Caught Spray Painting Swastikas & Making “anti-Semitic” Threatening Phone Calls


Police arrest two youths for painting swastikas in Old City of Jerusalem


Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues


Israel arrests Jewish teen over anti-Semitic threats in US


Man's Apple watch proves he lied about anti-Semitic stabbing in West Bloomfield


23609784? ago

Think about how stupid these people really are. Even AFTER the Q team exposed that they were using Xbox game chat logs to try and communicate privately away from the eyes of the NSA, MI, etc. they thought they could then try and communicate from a DIFFERENT game and platform in Star Wars?? These are stupid desperate animals we are up against. I'm glad we have more intelligent people on our side. As we all know, GOD wins in the end. WWG1WGA!

23619289? ago

I'm thinking people of god have a brain and intellectual capacity. These cabal idiots, along with their useful idiot supporters don't have a fucking brain. I mean they had to resort to blasting our brains with fluoride, chemtrails, pharms, chemicals, etc. Yet here we are, wide awake! Hahah

23615659? ago

i know right!

23618892? ago

These people really are stupid.

I need to search that phrase again.

23609338? ago

Who are the players in this chat and the initials they're using?

RR = Rod Rosenstein

RM = Robert Mueller



GT outpost?



What/who are those?

23612961? ago

Your name is Paul Panzer. In a small closed community: Would you use PP? Or would you use FD like Fat Daddy, DM like Drunken Monkey ...? I wouldn't use PP.

23611453? ago

AEWP is AE from Washington Post not sure but they are a male.

23611437? ago

I believe Limey is Christopher Steele

23610168? ago

MF=Michael Flynn / S= Strzok / limey = Louise Mensch

23615306? ago

S=Sessions MF=Mutha Fukka

23614748? ago


23613258? ago


23614896? ago

Your ass sucks buttermilk

23615138? ago

Yo mama, foo.

23611302? ago

Ooohhh very interesting, thanks

23611188? ago

how about Huck?

23615284? ago


23616872? ago

Mike? Sarah?

23611333? ago

I noticed Huck is a username in the chat. I wonder if they use that as a nickname in real life...

23609195? ago

Severus = GS?

23614906? ago

George soros

23609751? ago

I knew George Steinbrenner was involved somehow.

23614867? ago

There was once a time when I thought Steinbrenner was the most evil man around. He's not even the most evil George. Maybe we can arrange for him to meet Soros....soon.

23608641? ago

X22 = Q Both have long drawn out script with no end in sight.

23613390? ago

X22 is drawn out because Q is. They aren’t the same person, but it doesn’t matter. The effect is the same. Last night I skipped X22 for the first time in almost two years. One can only edge for so long.

23614872? ago

I fall asleep to X22 most nights.....never quite make it through to the end.

23608446? ago

Regarding drop 4006, Q, the charge of treason also carries the DEATH penalty. Is POTUS omitting that crucially important fact simply for optics, to appear benevolent? Not only must equal justice be enforced, the penalties must be publicly severe enough to inspire deterrence in those who would commit such acts in ther future. In other words, to restore the republic and for it's future health, these traitors must have their sentences carried out publicly, en masse.

Patriots CANNOT sweep the reality of this situation under the rug because grandma would be horrified. Grandma MUST be horrified if the gravity of this situation is to be imparted to the populace.

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

23620118? ago

One key element on treason that has not yet been addressed by Q is: treason requires identifying the enemy.

Who were they committing treason for?

23623035? ago

Without a congressionally declared war, there are no legal enemies.

23616605? ago

This Grandma will be wearing your tiny, shriveled balls for earrings before I'm horrified by justice being served on traitors. The young are the weak, not the old.

23619739? ago

This Grandma agrees.

23612637? ago

Boomers and Grandma's have a much higher ability to confront evil and will stand behind justice being served. In fact, they hold waaaaaaaay more ability than anyone out there...they are the "original" patriots! Never forget that! Besides, grandma being horrified for a minute is much better than having no Grandma at all. She will "get it". Not so sure about the younger generation that are out there wearing blinders. Killary's "Deplorables" and "our most vulnerable for COVID-19" seem to be one and same-our grandparents. Wake up and expose this plan-demic! Protect our elderly...whatever it takes. They deserve to live life and they deserve to VOTE no matter what.

23619328? ago

Not quite. The younger generations are desensitized thanks to videogames and such.

23613561? ago

One set of my grandparents are totally based.

23613144? ago

Boomers have also seen several wars and many FF's. The young ones are very fragile and easily triggered and and have been cradled from danger and truth.

23616452? ago

Boomers have lived through the assassination of JFK & his brother Bobby, the Cuban missile crisis, died in Vietnam Nam fighting communism, watched Richard Nixon (tricky Dick) resign in disgrace, ushered in and supported civil rights for blacks and equal opportunities and pay for women. After the creation of birth control pills, we experimented with free love (make love not war) while trying pot, hash and LSD.

We survived these societal bombshells and still managed to grow up into successful business people, got good educations, got married & raised good children and pay our taxes. Many of us lost children in the useless Middle East wars. Many of us are getting ready to retire. To say that we are scared of knowing the truth or too naive to believe it is ridiculous. We’ve been watching politicians being corrupt and criminal OUR ENTIRE lives!

Q’s info may be startling to teenagers and young people in their teens, but I barely raise an eyebrow to confirmation from q. My eyes were opened in the 1970’s. Don’t write us all off as fragile.

23619337? ago

You boomers lived through all that and did NOTHING! Shame on you!

23625388? ago

And you are doing...what exactly?

23625785? ago

Telling you exactly what I'm doing would dox myself, so no thanks.

23622927? ago

We have been fighting evil the whole time. Who do you think is leading you out of the dungeon ?

23624033? ago

leading you out of the dungeon ?

Young Anons are the digital army.

23616609? ago

I was defending boomers, with exact same thoughts as yours, not critiquing. The fragile ones are the 20's crowd, snowflakes who are easily triggered. I am in my 60's and have seen everything you describe and not totally shocked by what we see unveiling now. I had suspected it for a long time without confirmation. Disappointed now yes, but not shocked.

23616949? ago

I knew you weren’t attacking boomers. I just was adding my 2 cents!

23617093? ago

Got it. ty

23611090? ago

can you even read the quote you posted? "death, OR shall be imprisoned not less than five years..."

23610991? ago

I'd be willing to give them 40-50 senteces in exchange for full public admissions of guilt as well as ratting out 5 more upstream players. That would swing public opinion. The big picture is purging the corrupt and waking people up. A few hangings would wake up the other players nd they would start talking.

23619352? ago

Nope, the deepstate need to fear us.

23614742? ago

Prepare to be disappointed, foo.

23609189? ago

There can be no leniency, at least not for the major players.

23612998? ago

cases in civil judges would take years and years and years. no option.

23613217? ago

They will speed this one up once the justice department is cleaned out of it's bureaucrats. I envision a dismantling of the current justice system as we know it, or a complete overhaul being announced.

23613371? ago

i don't think so. there are rules no matter bureaucrats or not. these rules take time and time and time. military tribunals needed.

23616498? ago

The FDA use to take up to 10 or more years to approve a drug as an example. Trump just got them to say HCQ was fine and the trial for the drug will come to a conclusion soon. Also, Trump got many, many other things approved in no time at all. Trade deals, etc. When Trump wants something done, he gets it done quickly. Look at how quickly he got more judges approved in his first 3 years than Hussein did in 8. This administration is about getting things done quickly. So I think you missed my point above. We are not dealing with the "as usual" bureaucracy anymore. I think we will see speed like never before. This was not about another 4 year election.

23614698? ago

I think military tribunals for many, but expedited civil and criminal court cases are going to be needed as well.

How do you get an impartial jury for a case against CNN?

23616509? ago

Once CNN is exposed, it will be easy.

23617072? ago

Once CNN is exposed, you'd find a jury biased against them. Does even CNN deserve a fair trial?

23608409? ago

Do not forget to archive all of those tweets.

23608291? ago

I sense a great disturbance in the force, Q. Couldn't happen at a better time. Schumann Resonance at all time high, Great Awakening spreading WW, the curtain slowly being drawn back. USMC veteran here, and I have been waiting decades for this to happen. God speed, Q+, Q, anons, and Patriots everywhere. Millions of us stand by to be the calm center in the middle of the Storm., to lend a helping hand, talk with our families and neighbors about what is going on. This Dude abides.

23615226? ago

Yeah, well, Q is fake, so there’s that. Otherwise, sure, whatever you want. Just believe...

23616148? ago

"Q is fake" in what way?

There is zero doubt the people behind Q are in direct contact with Trump. The question is: what is the goal?

Reelection op?

Distraction op?

What Q says?

Or the worst - DS controlled op?

23620322? ago

Zero doubt? Really?


23623255? ago

Yeah, really. Do your research.

I'm as critical of Q and Trump as anyone here, but there is absolutely 0% chance that it's a coincidence that Q is able to post less than 1 minutes before a DJT tweet on 20+ separate occasions. On top of that - there's probably 60+ such occurrences if you expand to 3-4 minutes. I guess Trump is just obsessed with Q and likes to tweet right after a drop, right?

23607802? ago

Bunch of rambling nonsense

23609062? ago

I wish I could downvote you.

23614448? ago

me too

23615192? ago

Me three! Oh, wait. I upvoted.

23613248? ago

I did it for you.

23607762? ago

In Q post >>8956829 it only says...



Does Q mean "close" as in nearby/soon or close as in shut/end?

(save the 'soon' quips shills, already been paid pennies for your thoughts)

23613199? ago

I took it to mean "You are almost correct"

23608833? ago

I think "close" is a synonym for .

23615350? ago

I think you’re a synonym for “Did you figure that out for yourself or was that Einstein’s Theory?”

23607703? ago

"S" is def s'n his p's right about now. Time to draw up another "memo"

23613402? ago


23607556? ago


Fucking do something!

23607486? ago


If you are monitoring this board, for the love of God, America and all that's Holy, please intervene and do something in MAINE. Our idiot governor has just announced that she is keeping the state shut down indefinetly. She is killing off the entire tourist season, prohibiting religious services with the exception of possibly some drive-in services (would you like fries with that?) and using the phrase "the new normal". ETC.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, Q, STOP THIS MADNESS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23626912? ago

Blame Portland

23628395? ago

Just left Shaw's- shopping among the freakin' masked pod people.

23619983? ago

Get your friends and family together and begin sending her emails everyday. Call her office everyday, If there is an Open Maine rally at the capital, go there with your flags and posters and masks (so they can’t see you, if you are worried). Protest, fight, write letters to the editor, write your Congressmen and women—in short—activate everything to battle this. Stop asking Q to fight all the battles. We all have to do what we can do. Patriots Fight!! Trust me, with family in politics, letters and emails actually matter when they are well written and en mass.

23616590? ago

WA too!

23614092? ago

The Governors are being allowed to show their true colors. Put pressure on them, spread the word, become active.

IF you see your life being taken, your children's, then do what you can do.

23613161? ago

I’d rather Q focus on eliminating niggers, but politically now is not the time.

23611003? ago

Take your power back. No one can do it for you.

23610356? ago

Yes Q! Hurry before we go crazy and end up in the hospital ourselves.

23610080? ago

Citizens have power.

23619719? ago

only at the ballot box - or if you have a LOT of money to take legal action. I'm someone who has "been there, done that". not in a position to go there again. I hope others are.

23641545? ago

Agreed, 2 sets of JUSTUS.

23609245? ago

Q: "this is not another 4 year election" "it's going to be biblical" "bigger than anyone can imagine" "the Truth would put the 99% in the hospital" (History of Mankind, serving God Almighty, end times for Satan..)

(You): "She is killing off the entire tourist season" ( 'me me me, this year, NOW!')

Me: Take a step back fren. This is for the history books, its been habbening for over 2000yrs at LEAST (longer IMHO). Satan's minions had time travel, how can even the perfect military force clean that overnight just to save your tourist season? Logical thinking sometimes leads to illogical locations.Think about your great-great-great-great grandkids for a second. How important is THIS tourist season going to be to future generations? Think big picture fren. If you can't you don't belong here yet. I'm praying for (You) and every Human like (You).

Good Luck, Godspeed, and God Bless.

Much Love Fren (no homo)

23619263? ago

I've been saying the same thing. People all worried about their slave jobs haha. The best slaves are the ones who don't know they're slaves.

The world will never be the same. All this materialism will be gone, out the window when we learn our true purpose here. When we learn how sickly we are and how good life could have been. We have a lot of making up to do.

23620691? ago

uh trump wants capitalism and business competition, "america needs to get back to work", if you hadnt noticed

23608274? ago

Maybe if you leave milk and cookies out for him tonight he'll answer your Dear Q letter?

23608233? ago

Same here in New Jersey

23607274? ago

Be ready.

Fuck you Q - we've been ready for three years now!

23607273? ago

Jim Watkins is bad at this. Go to bed Jim. Try again tomorrow.

23606696? ago

THEY ARE so fugged

23607980? ago

Yes they are. Many will "catch" corona soon.

23607256? ago

Lol you funny

23606459? ago

Drop 4007: at least helps me confirm the suspicions how the people in India is suddenly beating their Muslims people right after President Trump came by for a visit. Notice the time stamps. Wish I can post this with links but apparently I don't have enough Social Credit to do so.

It can't be a coincidence. Its like saying "wherever President Trump goes, violence will follow."

23613345? ago

Hinduism has a lot in common with Christianity and Muslims have less. The Hindi version of history of earth and prophecy are similar. The Muslims are the weirdos but were deliberately created by the Roman Catholic Church to foment division and wars.

23606537? ago

Go post in the namefag subs for a week and you'll have enough cpp. So go to /all and post in all the normies namefag shit, 1-2 weeks max and you'll be good.

23606398? ago

Be ready, Soon, at any moment now...

Be ready, Soon, at any moment now...

Be ready, Soon, at any moment now...

3 years later,

Be ready, Soon, at any moment now...


23606772? ago

Semen slurper!

23607276? ago

No, he’s mocking Q, not supporting Q.

23607291? ago

I know that.

23615164? ago

Then you should focus your attention on the Q followship.

23608860? ago

I'm sure you know many things, good job!

23606366? ago

Memos = 4am talking points?

23607715? ago

FF's ?

23615243? ago

Freedom Fighters. Patriots.

23607813? ago

False Flags - real events that are created (shooting's) Using MKUltra to push someone to shoot up a school. Or totally fake using crisis actors

23608095? ago

Yeah I know...was responding to above reply asking if "memos" referred to 4am talking points... offering memos may be code for FF's?

23606265? ago

Comey article in the New York Times has Comey in front of a window and Star Wars toys. The title is, "James Comey Would Like to Help" and he later explains the Star Wars toys via tweet as his godson's toys.


Star Wars tweet


23608514? ago

No coincidences

23615269? ago

Don’t be retarded. Coincidences happen all the time, foo.

23606160? ago

My body is actually ready

23607240? ago

Ironically the result of being reamed by Q.

23608108? ago

Mom says to come up from the basement and put in a tampon.

23607196? ago

I’ve given up. I suggest you do too. For you see, Q is a fake fellow, and disinformation is necessary.

23620680? ago

lol "a fake fellow"? what the fuck ESL class did you fail

23620807? ago

Leader of the Q fellowship, foo.

23611676? ago

Once you have awoken you will never go back to sleep. Your efforts here are wasted. But it's pathetically funny to watch you idiots try to have an impact.

23613154? ago

Exactly. Once you realize that Q is fake you can’t pretend that Q is real in your heart.

23606124? ago


Looks like it’s shill O’clock...

But the screenshot of that chat? Now THATS gotta have certain peeps crappin in their pants...LOVE IT Q!

23616581? ago

That chat is a holy shit moment. Yeah....pants have been shat.

23614712? ago

Quit saying “shill.”

23622980? ago


23614071? ago

It's those moments of having Depends because of incontinence that make it worth it!

Shit Shills.

Good Post Anon.

23608224? ago

Lol do you think people actually talk that way? It was like intentionally bad fanfiction

23616300? ago

correct. Q also commented with "close". So the posted chat probably is a fake, but they have the real one.

23616370? ago

They can have all the real ones they want. In fact I seem to recall that not only do they have the server, they have it "all", and yet nothing happens. Funny, that.

23620673? ago

depends on what you mean by "nothing". if youre looking for the blood-in-the-streets, The Purge type response that would follow a random arrest of BHO or HRC arrest without preparation, yeah i guess youre gonna have to deal with the delay of gratification of your little vengeance boner

23607242? ago

Fake chat, foo.

23606318? ago

That's a "we got your ass"!

Imagine the squirms the guys are having now.

23606954? ago

My wife's mother committed suicide, so it's a touchy subject, but they did see that weekend coming in their "crystal ball", I don't like to discuss that particular weekend with the wife, due to her history.

23607951? ago

Sorry for your loss.

23607283? ago

They saw it coming and did nothing. Sounds about right.

23615607? ago

do you her yourself? how do you stop a person from commiting suicide? if the family couldnt? you think the govt can? your a waste of air

23606106? ago

Zzzzzzzzz. Roll out the fucking arrests already and take back the powers from the states. National Emergency time!!!

23606063? ago


Western alienation is not a new phenomenon!

23606023? ago

SWC chat from Dec 16 (in killbox Q#4002) shows that the chat was having issues.The same moderator posted the 17th post when recruiting Rebel Commanders for his team.


23606008? ago

FuQ. We’re tired of this bullshit.

23605973? ago

So......the chat system goes down right when these FFs are being coordinated?

23608732? ago

And only at those times.

23615290? ago

Yeah, and here you are believing that shit. Grow a brain, foo.

23605934? ago

Seriously though why would ingame chat in one specific game matter to the people perpetrating a false flag?

23606671? ago

Why wd they think that game server to be 'secure'?

23607964? ago

Soros invested in Activision. Disney owns the platform?

23607722? ago

These ppl are stoop-id

23607157? ago

Maybe they didn't think NSA would monitor a game like that...

23607414? ago

NSA monitors EVERYTHING. Why would they think this game chat would be impervious?

Maybe they thought they had some kind of protection, that was revoked? idk.

23609061? ago

Because Soros is s stakeholder in the game's developer and likely put in some protections.

23606941? ago

"These people are stupid"?

23607417? ago

not THAT stupid

23606230? ago

Because that's what they thought was the only "safe" communication left? But..Have it all. Wikileaks dripped out emails, the could be tip of the iceberg.

23623125? ago

Weren't they [or someone] communicating thru draft emails, thinking they were secure.

23607296? ago

Oh, gtfo. It’s all fake.

23605930? ago

Late evening posting. Good form Q. Good form.

23606024? ago

Q is a fake pile of shit. Care to make any other worthless comments?

23606524? ago

Shill immediately shows up. Like clockwork...

23607248? ago

Sounds like it could be just another black pilled former member of the Q followship.

23606439? ago

Anons have receptors you don't. You'll be left behind.

23605910? ago


23606036? ago

Who's Limey?


23623811? ago

Louise Mensch I saw somewhere https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Mensch

23625596? ago

https://twitter.com/LouiseMensch Batting for Biden and no fan of Flynn

23606464? ago


23606138? ago

I'm thinking Theresa May. This conversation was on May 17 but, no year. Theresa May was PM until July 23, 2019. Huck is quoting someone else who references Limey, "....she gets all of her minions fired up...."


23606547? ago

This was May 17th, 2017... discussion of the then appointment of Mueller (RM) as special counsel just before it happened

23606487? ago

if its steel. that could implicate the queen

23608844? ago

Yep she's totally implicated, take this shit to the police asap!

23606029? ago

More like whacked.