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23604161? ago

If Q+ has total control, then that means they ALLOWED this virus to happen. Let that sink in....And 3 1/2 years later declass has not happened. That's because it's not going to happen. We are still sheep --only this time we are being programmed by the republicans and not the democrats. If programming works one way it can work the other way. And in the background our rights, our businesses, and our freedom is quietly being taken away by our government and evil is taking over. That is why we are watching a show. Before you call me a shill, think about all of this, folks. Some of the crap they say is truly unbelievable. They are ALL laughing at us getting triggered behind our backs.

23607118? ago

Did you see the censored thread where the progenitor of Covid-19, "Virus X", was discovered? the first ever strain of H1 flu surfaced suddenly in 1947 right after someone named Donald Graeff was caught branding his initials on a woman in a manner suspiciously similar to Keith Raniere of the NXIVM cult. Raneire and Graeff both have the exact same translation. There's a reason why coronavirus started spreading immediately after Keithe Raneire was convicted and it's the same reason Virus X started spreading immediately after his ancestor Donald Graeff was arrested for the exact same type of crime.

This thread was censored almost immediately.