23611556? ago

Ya, I was more annoyed than anything with notifications from QMAP app.

Oh ya, Trump DID "DECLAS" everything. Or at least gave Barr permission to a long time ago

23610143? ago

The only thing really going on right now is Donald Trump trying to prove the Democratic party were Trying to set him up. Wasn't the Republican trying to set up the Democrats too? The only arrest suggested is arresting those who tried to set him up? There has been no arrest, and probably won't be. All this info that is published for all to see, the Q drops, the hints, the opinions about Clintons, Obamas, Bush, EVERYONE can see, them included, and they keep on going. This morning Twitter is asking me to prove i am not a bot by verifying my phone number, i have 30 followers at best. It's obvious my tweet are written by a real person. TODAY,I'm considering getting out of VOAT, Twitter, Q, getting out of having an opinion on all this shit and getting back my friends, my family, and staying out of politics all together. This has gone too long. I cannot with my interest make a change to the world, i can only make a change to my world.

23611502? ago

"Twitter is asking me to prove i am not a bot by verifying my phone number" -I had 4 followers and had only tweeted twice!

23608578? ago

Every few years Q has to re post the same shit, or we'd stop trusting the plan.

23607373? ago

Q knows more than you. Calm your tits. Are we on Q team or against Q? If you're not with us, you're against us.

23607856? ago

Okay, Dubya.

23606966? ago

Why blame Q? Trump can declassify anything he wants to.

23606820? ago

it's up to us to declassify. to take our country back. to stand up and fight against the tyranny. now is the perfect time. lets organize and fight back now.

23606796? ago

Arrests or GTFO

23606139? ago

FISA declass will happen after the Flynn frame job is revealed and reaction calls for it. Then it's a "FISA Brings the House Down" moment thereafter.

23606085? ago

Do you have any idea how big this movement is getting? Any idea how many people are new to Q? We gotta get them up to speed. How many redpills and how much truth have you been handing iut. My guess, 0

23606584? ago

Yes, 20K worldwide.

23606077? ago

Every time Q has posted this FF happen it is to weaken the enemy.... and use their ammo up

23605919? ago

Dear Child Faggots. Please Please Have More Patience Than a 5 Year Old

23607853? ago

You'll say the same on the march into the FEMA camp.

23605908? ago

Dear Shill, go do something yourself. You know where all the corrupted politicians live. Lure pedos from the dark web. Etc.

23605907? ago

Welcome To Shillville

23605856? ago

Still waiting for all the fucking retards to realize that you can't declassify grand jury material.

23606582? ago

And that grand juries go on for years and years. lol

23605607? ago

Does anyone give a shit anymore? Until the WUFLU cluster-f#ck is over with, people don't give a rats ass about DECLAS or anything else. People want their lives back and don't care about news from 3 years ago.

23608298? ago

You got that right. I am sick to death of reading this shit. Trump is never gonna arrest anyone.

23607862? ago

having a grasp of reality makes you a shill

23605582? ago

Stay calm, Mrs. Doubtfag.

23605547? ago

Buy bu huh huh buuuut Flynn is getting a full p pppp puh pu pardon this week!

23607868? ago

It's already next week .....ad infinitum.

23605395? ago

Declas too soon when the people aren't primed and you're screwed. You've shot your wad and nothin left.

Simmer down big dog. I've been listening to a lot of conversations across "murica and the average joe hasn't got a fucking clue. It's bizzarro how they think "Trump is being mean" to reporters. The Mockingbird media has been very effective.

IMHO - they learned their lesson with WikiLeaks. WE read that shit. But the average person says, "Huh?" when you say something about the Weiner laptop.

Sorry OP - there's a reason guys like you aren't in charge.

Settle down. I'm good with a whole ton of shit being released at once.

Schitt has to go down. There are Californians who think he's being targeted and who think the Nancy Ice Cream meme is "mean." If we don't get through to enough people, we can kiss the USA goodbye

23605013? ago

Someone is impatient

23605043? ago

Someone refuses to believe they are being strung along.

23604597? ago

You need to STFU, son. You're ignorance and immaturity are showing, something awful.

23604642? ago

Back to your fantasy us vs. the verld roll play, Jr.

23604405? ago

There's soooooo much messed up bullshit, intel Team Q could be dropping intel that doesn't impact ongoing investigations that anons could start digging thru. Everytime an anon digs thru something, that's one more chance for information to get out that the DS has to expend resources covering.

Anons could have been like a bunch of little mosquitoes annoying the fuck out of the DS and distracting the DS.

23604396? ago

If they had it all this would not be such a struggle.

Optics excuse?..a non-factor with a RED Communist (((Media))). The Lemming population can not be awakened with is 24/7 mass mind control onslaught.

23604327? ago

Poor shilly bitch cashed in his last round of scheckels and is begging daddy soros for more. Too bad.

23604311? ago

Contingency plan..where is Q's? Even the best plans fail..and you always needs contingency plans. I think at this point everyone that reads this should organize locally and set up their own contingency plan... remember together you are strong...per Q...there are active militias in every state. Get trained...Enjoy the show or become the show.

23604299? ago

When you step back and evaluate: all of us following all these silly riddles For nearly 2.5 YEARS, Criminals still free (publicly That’s the official narrative), nothing is happening in the mainstream, resignations and sealed indictments are happening in the background, Americans losing jobs and locked down, bioweapon/5G releases against the public, press conferences useless including POTUS broken record talking points, air shows to honor healthcare workers who are not that busy, all significant events cancelled, money handed out based on prior income and not unemployment need. And with all that said, we are not being told the truth. We are either to go along Like sheep, or get angered rise up and revolt. Enough is enough with the BS. It’s all a big fucking secret.

23607756? ago

@TrustTheTruth told us the truth.

23604235? ago

Starting to think the plan is to let patriots bleed again.

To make us so angry that we just go out and kill every single one of these soroses, rouths, jacks, schitts, cnns etc then get jailed and killed ourselves in the process.

The blood of patriots and watering freedoms etc.

23605433? ago

It's to make the normies angry.....but I agree we're at a tipping point where those who've been awake for a while can't take much more of this BS

23604161? ago

If Q+ has total control, then that means they ALLOWED this virus to happen. Let that sink in....And 3 1/2 years later declass has not happened. That's because it's not going to happen. We are still sheep --only this time we are being programmed by the republicans and not the democrats. If programming works one way it can work the other way. And in the background our rights, our businesses, and our freedom is quietly being taken away by our government and evil is taking over. That is why we are watching a show. Before you call me a shill, think about all of this, folks. Some of the crap they say is truly unbelievable. They are ALL laughing at us getting triggered behind our backs.

23608408? ago

What virus? Let that sink in.

You're watching the entire commie world united across borders carrying out a worldwide operation to take down the opposition to their power. China, the media, the traitors and the useful idiots.

23607168? ago

What a weak post. Q+ isn't God. Heck, even God doesn't have "total control" because he has granted humanity the power over their choices. Consider the alternative where the Q operation never existed and Hillary is president. We would be in the middle of WW3 right now. Meanwhile, these sick satanic pedophiles would continue to murder our children, poison our bodies, and drag us into endless wars. Stop grumbling and be thankful we have Q and Trump.

23607118? ago

Did you see the censored thread where the progenitor of Covid-19, "Virus X", was discovered? the first ever strain of H1 flu surfaced suddenly in 1947 right after someone named Donald Graeff was caught branding his initials on a woman in a manner suspiciously similar to Keith Raniere of the NXIVM cult. Raneire and Graeff both have the exact same translation. There's a reason why coronavirus started spreading immediately after Keithe Raneire was convicted and it's the same reason Virus X started spreading immediately after his ancestor Donald Graeff was arrested for the exact same type of crime.


This thread was censored almost immediately.

23606854? ago

Of course they knew about the virus.

"These people are sick."

"They won't be able to walk down the street."

Do you believe in coincidence?

23605209? ago

Bullshit concern trolling

23605365? ago

How so? Do you not know people that are struggling paycheck to paycheck? On the verge of homelessness? Or are you living in your own littel fucking bubble somewhere in buttfuck usa? This problem is a global clusterfuck.

23604468? ago

you got it, man. if a plandemic, economic shut down, lost businesses and homes, drained retirement accounts, etc. are part of the 'plan', then the plan blows donkey dick. there's no arguing that, unless you are an elite with no skin in that game. all that was actually welcomed by the those who "have it all" since it was the plan. cogitate that for a bit. this 'plan' should be plan Y, just before plan Z which is when everyone is in desperation (revolution).

23605355? ago

Exactly. My family who just lost their business that was up for 40+ years, now on the verge of homelessness, is what the plan was because some people wanted comey and his black socks arrested, well, that doesn't sound like a plan to me. Sound like evil and incompetence.

23606470? ago

Hey its a war not a movie. And in a war there is RISK. You wanted to take down the DS, did you think they wouldnt fight back? They are attacking the middle class to punish us for trump.

23606574? ago

That's not what a war is, pipsqueak.

23606289? ago

Apparently Q's plan was to destroy your family's business.

23604133? ago

Shit is being declassed now dumbass.

23604424? ago

....and will be done soon.

23604965? ago

Just as soon as the FEMA camps are full.

23604013? ago

What is cicada 3301 ?

What is Q ?

Think logically

23604172? ago

How about you fucking make a logical comment instead of LARPing like Q.

23615095? ago

Q is the larp known as Cicada 3301

Look it up.

The beta version was launched a few years ago.

Its a never ending puzzle for smart people.

23604012? ago

Declass is already happening, faggot.

You may try to remember that, as the movement grows, new Q folks need to be given info that we may already know.

Be patient or GTFO

23604246? ago

Yea let's all wait for Grandma to find her dentures and Grandpa to finish his shit, while the house is on fire.

23604648? ago

How old are you?

I only ask because I've been following politics/world events for almost 30 years now. I think I can be patient for 3 years to, theoretically, let the white hats do this the right way. We're talking about a criminal enterprise that spans, at very least, decades. 3 years is a blink of an eye, relatively.

One way or the other, feels like we're getting very close to finding out if this shit is going down or if we've been played yet again.

If you don't have anything more to contribute than childish whining, keep it to yourself.

Be patient or GTFO

23604692? ago

Hey Grandpa, finish your shit, than STFU. You can talk when shit actually happens the way your fantasy plays out. You sound like you have the dementia problem with your buddy Biden.

23604880? ago

You don't even speak english do you, motherfucker? If you do, you're damn near illiterate.

I'm not even 40 yet, you little shit. I'd wipe floor with your punk ass.

23605122? ago

Oh another tough talking internet retard. Get fucked loser. You are so easy to trigger because you are mentally weak. You think your tough talk compensates for your physical weakness. .I was probably wrong about your age gramps, you are more than likely 12. Take a hike kike.

23605410? ago

Nothing weak about me, bitch.

You're just another semi-literate mouth breathing racist whose dad didn't love him.

Your crack whore of a mom loved crack and the black dick more than she loved you. Probably why you're a weak minded racist.

You're just another loser trolling what you think is a larp because you're upset the Q folks took over your piece of shit backwater site.

Fuck off, faggot.

23605522? ago

You are a weak minded punk. Your cunt is bleeding little girl. Stick a tampon in it and another up your ass. Speaking of niggers, they probably bullied your spic ass in the hood. Now you talk like your are some fucking tough shit when you wear a tampon you racist little whiny bitch.

23605964? ago


You're dad was obviously a piece of shit and your mom was a whore.

No wonder you turned out the way you did.

You're a miserable human being and you'll stay that way as long as you whine about being a victim.

Real men aren't victims, they take responsibility for themselves.

Fuck a goat, you white trash piece of shit. You make the rest of us look bad.

23604183? ago

Well they can politely go and watch one of the plethora of videos already compiled.

23604010? ago

Dream flowchart. --- > Declass>Arrests>Executions

23603985? ago


23603976? ago

I hear you OP. Q drops used to at least be interesting. Now it’s just the same shit over and over, with zero action and justice.

23607379? ago

Don't let the enthusiasm leak out your tits. Maintain enthusiasm and Q will see this big boat of sustained hope into the harbor. Just keep the positive attitude and we'll make it.

23606977? ago

Are you enjoying the show? Are the elections SAFE? Are you and your families SAFE?

We have a better plan than Q could ever comprehend.

It is time for Everyone to Know The Truth.

We are the reason why Q was created.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting that involved Paul Ryan. Why won’t Q tell you that?

The Anon before Q was SenateAnon who said before they vanished:

”keep digging into Racine”

Racine is the real “Root” of all Evil and model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged through the Great Deception of the “17” goals of Sustainable Development and Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Why would Trump make The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World in Racine with a family of Luciferian pedophiles?

Who did Trump appoint to the advisory council on Science and Technology? Why was Epstein blackmailing top scientists, politicians and technology leaders?

What did @ababcb @manyx @gamepwn and others find out about Racine?

This is The Parousia. Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

Trump and Q can Repent any time and Share The Truth with The World. Why won’t they?

Bring an Army to Racine, Wisconsin and The Truth will be exposed for all to Share in the Great Revelation.

Players, teams and positions change, yet the Root remains the same.

The Truth has been Shared since The Beginning.

The Root must be exposed for the World to Know Jesus Christ and The Truth, and The Path of Souls can be Saved for all Humanity one community at a time starting with Racine.

This is The Parousia.

23612136? ago

Wtf is going on with Racine? Not doubting you, just literally can't find any further info...thanks in advance

23606870? ago

Jim Watkins Q is the worst version of Q. Bring back PamphletAnon!

23606438? ago

The same shit over = a pointer back to the original drop. This is called future proves past.

23608484? ago

I can see that in some cases

23603941? ago

I second this sentiment. Stop LARPing around and get on with it Q+. The entire planet is hurting. If you can't, call for help. There's about 20,000,000 that would show up.

23605647? ago

...that would show up to do what? Start dragging people out into the streets and busting shit up? Is that your grand plan to take down thousands of years of evil in this world, tough guy? They've got ONE shot to get this right, and I like the pace and direction we're traveling.

If you have no clue, just buy a fucking vowel and spin the wheel....

23603888? ago

Was going to poat the same thing.

23603873? ago


23603839? ago

Waaaaaait for it waaaaaaaait. and....poof

Nothing will happen.

23603837? ago

Endless Q Riddles Solved:

- Don't Forget To Drink Your Ovaltine -

23603818? ago

One period after continues. Countdown expiring

23603786? ago

Ya... I'm ready for some moar DUMB or ALIEN digs. How about some LENR.

23603664? ago

Same shit, different day.

You hear that, Q? Comms under-fucking-stood? 5:5?

23603656? ago

SHILL ALERT, SHILL ALERT, SHILL ALERT..... Boy oh boy they sure do make it easy to spot them. Just one "sniff" and you can tell they are here. The smell comes from putting out so much crap constantly they don't have time to wipe between dumps. Don't tell them though. It's their signature.....

23604202? ago

Read this thread and call me a shill one more time Faggot.

23605330? ago

Bottom 10 voted responses are probably the same guy.

23603516? ago

The FACT that not one cabalist was taken down during the #LockDown, which is almost over, proves Q. IS. BULLSHIT.

23603513? ago

For at least two maybe Three times Q posted THE SILENT WAR CONTINUES.., notice it has 2 periods or dots depending on what you call it. In this last post, 3998 it has one period or dot. Maybe something to consider.

23604511? ago

maybe not.

23603502? ago

Let out Patriot! Work that sh_t out...know this; the DS is way more rattled, bruh! wwg1wga

23603388? ago

Less talk more action

23603336? ago

Q is jumping the shark....just left the ramp.

23603301? ago

Well Q did say "You are ready".

23603184? ago

PANIC Shills are schiffing themselves. FUNNY to watch them sQuirm

23603271? ago

Are they squirming though, or are they enjoying their money and expensive ice cream while the rest of america suffers?

23603269? ago

Fake & Gay, Rabbi.

23603303? ago

YES ewe R

23603440? ago

Fake and Gayer, Rabbi Sheckelstein.

23603074? ago

While I find the "arrests or GTFO" caterwauling annoying, I do understand some of the frustration.

But there's been a huge buildup this week vis-a-vis Flynn and something happening soon. Bartiromo's tweet, Jensen giving Sidney Powell documents under seal, and now the judge's order for Covington to produce a shit ton of documents in the not-too-distant future.

If nothing comes of that? Well then.

23606491? ago

But hannity promised this week, twp weeks ago

23605393? ago

Flynn being exonerated doesn't cover for millions of people, maybe billilon worldwide losing their jobs, loved ones, rights, and death. NOT WORTH IT.

23605230? ago

I'm giving it until the end of the year, with a keen eye on "happenings" between now and the election. Timing is critical, and the attention spans of Mr. and Mrs Joe Public are shorter than they've ever been....and the election is still 7 months away, ffs

23605228? ago


23604357? ago


lol...words matter...lol.

23603281? ago

The not-too-distant-soon.

23604034? ago

midterms are safe

23608461? ago

Hey, we never said WHICH midterms.

Look forward to a glorious patriotic election in 2064!

23604656? ago

2018 will be glorious

23603206? ago

Reasonable assessment.

23603963? ago

Q is just gonna start posting "2weeks" clips from the money pit

23602885? ago

There was only 1 dot after this time

23603249? ago


23602841? ago

Q will post exactly what Q wants to read fag-boy.

23602828? ago

When Q makes these kinds of posts Q's usually doing so to advance the drop counter.

23602959? ago

And the drop counter is important because????

23606575? ago

Some of the numbers apparently have significance and certain things need to happen when the numbers hit. Autism meets PSYOPS. ;)

23602731? ago


23602698? ago

Does your mom know you're on the computer, OP?

23602626? ago

First "THE SILENT WAR CONTINUES." with one period, the previous one was ..

Imagine you could be arrested tomorrow or next month. Unsettling? Cabal doesn't like it much either.

Downvote me if you never heard of Sun Tzu.

23604374? ago

Downvote me if you've never heard of The 48 Laws of Power, specifically Law 27: Play On People's Need To Believe To Create A Cultlike Following. Enter Q.

23605194? ago

Define a "cult" and then try to explain how the Q movement resembles a cult in any way, shape or form.


23605325? ago

If you don't agree with Q, plus the interprative concensus of Q's posts, then you are admonished from the "community". = Cult.

23603949? ago

The silent war against cows and chickens

23602910? ago

They already know that. Either Q puts the money where his fucking fingers are or he can shut the fuck up and leave the enemy in the dark.

23603011? ago

We got one shot at this.

Thank God nobody who is important is listening to you.

Downvote me if you never heard of Sun Tzu.

23603431? ago

If anyone important were listening to him, they'd ignore him too.

23603109? ago

You sound stupid repeating yourself like that.

23603159? ago

Oh, you've never heard of Sun Tzu.

Well, that explains everything.

23605318? ago

If the Deep State is also using Sun Tzu, then Sun Tzu tactics get canceled out.

Downvote me if you never heard of anon.

23603524? ago

I’m not the one downvoting....

23602603? ago

C before D?

Comey before Declas? Nope

Corn before Declas? Nope

Clinton Before Declas? Nope

Cunt before Declas?

Let’s go get some

23604189? ago

The "corn" harvest refers to date 7/26/2020, biblical date for the end of an era.

23604376? ago

oh for fuck's sake.

23603908? ago

Commies before dindus

23603309? ago

Corona before Declass!

23602597? ago

Lol Q uses drops like an E thot on Instagram. Trust the plan. When do you think he’ll start selling merch??

23603799? ago

He may already be selling merch. Who knows.

23616481? ago

Lol I wouldn’t be surprised. It’d be as cringe as the twitter replies ‘Q SENT ME!!!’

23603590? ago

Like Q is Tik-tok fagging...If you like this vid subscribe - follow to see part 2! So over it. Put all the fuckers in jail or not. Bring the pain or don't. Just let us get back to what is left of our lives.

23604433? ago

Agreed. I'm done waiting. I have resumed my normal life and check back on this board about once a week. Fuck this shit. Arrests or GTFO.

I no longer have any faith at all that HRC or the others will ever see justice.

23616505? ago

100%. I come here and sadly, it’s 99.9% just replying to literal shills or true believers who are so obvious. I enjoy fucking with them, so it’s not a burden, but the real research that was done on 8ch is long gone now. Glimmers here and there, but the Q movement was overtaken by kikes and chinks like the rest of the forums.

23602840? ago

Hey that might raise money for useful things.

23603248? ago

Big brain

23602546? ago

Buck off

23602480? ago

What If .....what if The Plan is to anger the people to the point WE DEMAND ARRESTS. It's all part of the plan.

23605116? ago

We're waiting for most of the normies and Dems to feel the rage and they will turn like a mf, the people have to do this, we're being educated but the normies need to feel the same burn i feel when i see big mike and Obama etc etc...

23604615? ago

I had this same thought the other day. I do think part of the plan is prepping the soldiers (us) to be so fucking angry that we will fight, violently, if necessary. Q says we are safe. I believe this. But we are being prepped to be really, really, REALLY fucking angry and ready. We may be called upon to do extraordinary things. Time will tell.

23604444? ago

then we've already lost.

It's as simple as that.

23605586? ago

Are you just figuring that out now?

23606175? ago

There will be arrests, calm your tits. The democrats have a LOT more to attack & throw at Trump. Timing is important.

PS. Biden won't be the candidate

23608100? ago

So Q was bullshotting when he said there was no step 5? When he said game over?

The problem with you anons is you ignore blatant issues with Qs claims.

23618212? ago

Nope, problem is that you're injecting your own timetables or believing everything that is posted (ie. Non-Q posts)

Q has clearly stated on multiple occasions that FISA brings down the house & FISA is the start. Until that happens, stop armchair quarterbacking especially since you don't know any details of the ongoing silent war.

23603918? ago

Q should post tinky winky episodes then

23603724? ago

What is the plan is to make us Patriots so upset we go ahead and take care of the problem ourselves

23603717? ago

What would be the point of that? We don’t run the justice of this country on what an angry mob demands. If we did, the 2nd amendment would be long gone. We run justice based off what you can prove in a court of law. Who cares what someone demands - if these people broke the law, they should face justice. Period.

23603338? ago

pretty sure this is it

23602952? ago

thats always been the plan.

23602833? ago

Good luck. Over half of the 'patriots' would just call you a shill.

23602765? ago

It's working. It is REALLY working.

23602652? ago

The "people" are cowering in fear of the boogie man (fauxvid). No one gives a Fuk about Flynn and FBI fukery. I am a patriot, but also a realist. 90% of the people I know couldn't care less and Flynn, Stone, Deep state ... They don't. Not at all They lost their job or business or have a friend or family member that did ... AND STILL AGREE WITH THE FACISTS. I am thinking we may be fuked.

23607386? ago

i remember responding to q early on and pointing out the obvious, that the msm was a huge cancer in the plan

i truly never thought the msm would be given this much leeway to operate. it has been horrible to watch my family actually go the opposite direction, towards the 6% zone.

fucking acosta is still being given time to heckle trump, wtf gives?

find a fucking cabal shill and publicly take them down ffs

23603605? ago

This. Also why the fuck won’t anybody on MSM or press conferences just ask a question about Q? We’ve been thinking it’s for our benefit and that the MSM is terrified of Q, but if Q is being run by the MSM they don’t want the President to say “Who the fuck is Q” or to flat out say he’s never heard of him. On the other hand, if Q is real and the President is involved, he’d likely give a Q like answer, not confirming or denying, but would definitely hint Q is real and a white hat. We’re watching our freedoms disappear in real-time while we wait on the next riddle Q will post. Somebody’s got to ask the question soon or we all know what the answer is.

23605426? ago

but if Q is being run by the MSM they don’t want the President to say “Who the fuck is Q

OK David Brock is that you? What a dumbass thing to say. There's not even a starting place for all your concernfag comments. Geez. Grow up. This isn't made for TV movie time. This is real life and the twists and turns need to be dealt with. Sounds like you spend too much time playing Fortnight and you think that gives you the knowledge to run a mission that has been planned for more than 25 years

23605182? ago

6 new Q posts just now....relax, Francis.

23604694? ago


23603932? ago

That's how Q got Maggie Haberman to gladly play along

23605240? ago

She's playing so well, that she's continuing attacking the president.

23603682? ago

They did at a press conference and Trump shot the question down saying he didn't know anything about it, which is an obvious lie. However the point still stands they did ask and people who didn't notice still repeat the same mantra

23604932? ago

Link or GTFO

23605288? ago

The person you're replying to is a NOOB. He's referencing the reporter asking Trump about Anonymous. But we know that anonymous is the girl that got caught writing the anti-trump op-ed from the NY Times. He thinks Anonymous is Q. That's how you know what NOOB level the person you're responding to is at.

23607458? ago

Holly shit this boomer cope.

23602918? ago

^THIS. I mention Flynn and I get the ghost sheeple stare... "wuuuuuut"? "wwhhhhoooooooo?" The fucking sheep only care about reporting their neighbors for letting the kids play outside without a mask!! Or they lost their fucking job and dont know how to prepare the next meal.... because they called the preppers "tin foil hat conspiracy fags". Well guess what. Looks like the the capfags had it right!!!! I'm so fucking pissed.

23605188? ago

Haha my wife thought I was crazy for wanting to stash food, water, and other essentials. People are oblivious how our fate lies in the hands of evil people. She's completely changed her tune on this now however.

23603649? ago

The fucking sheep only care about reporting their neighbors for letting the kids play outside without a mask

The culling taking place is basically the people who choose to follow MSM and academic narratives. Everyone knows better, it's why they all have anxiety.

Sad but ---

As it should be.

23604498? ago

I checked my emotion. I understand.

23607499? ago

I honestly don't believe anyone can be lost by accident, people have to make a conscious choice to seek confirmation bias instead of truth, and then act on things they know aren't true but are too invested in to let go of. I continue to pray.

23602723? ago

All the more reason to FUCKING DECLASS.

23604124? ago

Guessing you really don't have a clue what this Flynn doc dump in the past days is about..https://cdn.qmap.pub/images/627e8d63306c740611fe80a077071d21291b2807967afe339ac7b88557b30480.png

It couldn't be released earlier. The folks who perpetrated the fraud, finally relieved, have GJ indictments against them. It is so interwoven with FISA/Mueller/Ukraine. The minute Flynn is exonerated they can be charged and most of the FISA declass can proceed. That could happen in a week...like by next Tuesday.

23605563? ago

I'd be richer than POTUS if I had a dollar for every time you fuck tards said "next week"

23605733? ago

spot on...next week it is! As an aside, while maybe not richer than POTUS, you would likely be well off today if you weren't a lazy half wit.

23602530? ago

In that case, what the fuck are we waiting for???

23602945? ago

but but but... we're only "digital soldiers". The keyboard is out weapon.

23603779? ago

No we are digital soldiers meaning our fingers. We are going to wag our finger and say no no no very sternly

23602515? ago

This is starting to look more like where we are going. Interesting 6D chess here.

23602432? ago

Over target Shills inbound ☝️ I sense their frustration. PAIN!

23602478? ago

Annnndddd BINGO.

A patriot calling for the declassification of documents we have been blue balled for months with = shill.

There is a reason many in this movement take issue with people like you.

23602630? ago

This site is overrun with fake Q/Trump/Americans. They all post the same shit. ‘Patriots have no color!’ ‘Not all jews’ ‘shut up shill!!! Accuse accuse!!!!’ ‘Shills whine’

It’s so tiresome. And it’s so obvious. Sadly, there are quite a few of the true believers here who are just as bad as the left cultists as well. Bunch of fucking apathetic weak faggots.

The comment replies to you are proof of my comment.

23602861? ago

Amen brother. I still have hope though. Plenty of strong people.

23602940? ago

100% and we’ll stick together!

23602613? ago

Конечно, то, как мы определяем достоинства причины, также относительно. Например, военная пропаганда в любой стране преследует две основные цели: мобилизовать население и деморализовать противника или убедить вражеские войска перейти на другую сторону или остановить войну.

23602543? ago

And most of us are annoyed as hell with concernfaggots like you being a whiny bitch. This isn't your fucking timeline so shut the fuck up with all the infantile wailing. I know more now than I did three years ago and I just keep learning. This is real and it's happening and there are smarter people than you in control. God knows what would happen if Trump and Q team had no fucking patience to see things through properly the first time.

23602878? ago

Trust the plan goy

23602846? ago

If you are not concerned there is something is wrong with you. You would be a canidate for Jim Jones ot a long list of cult leaders. Interested and involved are people are concerned about this country and or children and grand children. We are watching our brothers and sisters get arrested for walking on the beach, being imprisoned in their homes and watching their bank accounts shrink. A reduction in their pain is months away.

Leave you with this thought: A righteous man knows the rights of the poor; a wicked man does not understand such knowledge.

23603081? ago

I believe in God and trust Trump. Why don't you skip back to Reddit where others of your ilk hang?

23607968? ago

Afraid of the truth? You can't handle the truth!

I see you you put not effort in critical thinking. Enjoy the ignorance.

23602947? ago

Good post.

23602536? ago


23602373? ago

Because he is a fake like Q!

He could have ended all this on his second day by exposing the gangstalking programs aimed at truthers.

We would have had the whole world calling for arrests of the cabal and saved many lives and untold misery.

Fuck the pair of them.

23602451? ago

But.. but.. but.. the people aren’t ready. They won’t believe it coming from Trump...

23603905? ago

If trump really wanted to make a statement, everyone, including himself, would have been arrested, trump found innocent, and the rest shot like in Romania on that Christmas morning...

23602533? ago

Fuck em if they aren't!

23602346? ago

oh. I don't know same reason I am still here and you are there I guess.

23602435? ago

Well I’m still here because I believe in the goals of this movement. As it seems that nothing meaningful is happening, I believe we may have to take this fight into the hands of the people.