23597210? ago

There is a plan being executed that has millions of moving parts and outcomes. This is so it will not have a single point of failure. It is very complex and secret. If you would know the plan, so would the enemy. I know you don't want to hear "Trust the Plan" and "Enjoy the Show"., but we as Americans want victory over the evil that has corrupted our system. We need to get rid of corrupt and evil politicians, bureaucrats, judges and at this time our best shot is "The Plan". This plan is not about shooting the bad guys, it is about exposing what is going on and letting citizens know how bad the leadership is. People only pay attention to the things that affect them personally. This fake quarantine is to get people's attention . Fake news is allowed because people have to decide it is fake on their own. Real Facts come out after fake "truths" have been pushed on them for months. Just relax, eat some popcorn, enjoy your life and tell the bank to shove it for your next mortgage payment.

23593164? ago

I would never get tested for anything unless my arm was falling off.

23592743? ago

If anyone can even make a quasi on point educated guess as to what to expect at all, I'm all ears.

My guess is that we will soon learn that the CCP-VIRUS that everyone all of sudden freaked out over is not a new virus at all. It's been around for years, and damn near everyone has already caught it, and lived through it long ago.

That's why the left has been screeching for "tests, tests, tests." They already know what the tests will find- evidence of past infection. But the tests don't show when these infections occurred, so they can then portray all of these [so called] positive test results in a way to make it appear that this old virus is rapidly "spreading," and of course, blame Trump.

Evidence to support my theory is building daily with the discovery of surprising numbers of asymptomatic CCP-VIRUS patients. And also, the death tolls that are no where close to what was predicted- people commonly have all sorts of viruses in our bodies that don't kill us. No surprise here.

Why else are they screaming for tests for a disease that they has no cure, and no available vaccine? How is a test supposed to help that? I'll tell you, about as much as toilet paper helps to fight covid-19.

Real virus, yes. But an old one hyped up for an agenda. It will be exposed in due time.

23595269? ago

Fauci admitted the the vaccine can give the disease.

They know (using their original tainted tests) the viral surge would have skyrocketed. Also inject who the hell know nanotechnology into you for later.

23591598? ago


Event 202 will be a simulation exactly like the Event 201 simulation but from the reverse angle, simulating how millions of people might come together to overcome the fear and terror instilled into the masses and avert the pre-planned solutions by an elite class hell bent on imposing supra-Orwellian control over the entire earth.

Event 202 will be a 3.5 hour live online event 30.04 17:00 hrs GMT

23590988? ago

IMHO this is all about democrats counting on voter fraud, via mail-in usps postage paid ballots, to steal the election.

23591011? ago

That's a huge part of it.

23590519? ago

With all this testing crap, is the point that THEY want ALL Americans tested for the virus or just those with symptoms? I thought it was just those that thought they had the virus, but it seems the end game is to test the whole fucking lot of us.

23590183? ago

Imagine 100 million humans waking from the matrix and pulling the tubes from their throat, looking at the mechanical bug in front of them and saying "WTF".

We're almost there.

23590151? ago

Preach it!!!!

23589947? ago

Someone should let them know I'm not taking any tests

23589871? ago

Valid concern and I think everyone of us has thought of that scenario, it is always valuable to use discernment. Some things I think about after considering Q may be ass fucking us is this. I, never imagined DJT would ever become President, even when he threw his hat in the ring. Then to go out and crush his opponents, New York Donald Trump. I was ecstatic when we won, but more because I knew if Killary won we Teabaggers would be in box cars heading to FEMA camps. I never imagined any Republican politician would ever have tha balls to call out the corrupt "Swamp". I couldn't believe what I was hearing coming out of his mouth in the run up to the election, it was uncomfortable but exhilarating. I remember finding Q basically when he started. I thought man, this is some difficult shit to try and understand, but I am going to figure it out. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Confirmation of things I had hypothesized for the last decade, things people call you crazy for even bringing up. I will admit, the waiting on Justice is excruciating. Especially knowing how wide the web is and how deep the corruption goes. Unimaginable really, to understand how evil has taken over the entire globe. The one thought that keeps me going is the hope in Q's promise that there are no deals. That no one who played the game gets a pass. Q is here to subdue us undoubtedly, without Q this powderkeg would have already exploded. It hasn't been two plus years for many of us. It's been 1,2,3 possible 4 decades of built up hostility towards the government. Many of us finally have a voice because of this Q op. I have no doubt that Q knows if this plan doesn't get pulled off that Anarchy is a go. We are all ready to do what needs to be done to secure the future for our children and future generations. wwg1wga, brethren. We fight here out of respect for the plan. I think we all know what happens if it fails, none of us will go quietly.

23589805? ago

I understand our society is used to instant gratification. But what is going on is massive and global. No quick way to take out an entrenched cabal.

Occam's Razor would say Trump and Q are a harder sell then HRC just going forward with the plan. They were almost there.

I trust God and I trust Trump. He's done too much against them to believe its a psyop.

23589974? ago

Not a psy-op, MINDWAR.

Q is real.

23589705? ago

OP, upvoat just for, "shamdemic". Too perfect! 🍿 for you

What to expect: anything

23589623? ago

I think Trump is giving the DS all the rope they need. Think Haman's noose. Also, if an individual is suspected of shoplifting, it is important to wait until they get past the registers or point of pay, so there is no question of their intent. If you stop them in the aisle, they can claim they inadvertently put the item in their pocket. Allowing the DS to run their plan will definitely "out" the intentions of DS in every area. We all ready know now which governors are patriots and those that aren't. Trump will know down to the hospital orderly which side they are on. This is exposing the corruption in the supply chain as well. Toilet paper shortage was orchestrated (IMHO) so they could mock the sheep. The meat industry is now being subverted to create a shortage. I see truth in POTUS...he won't let us down...just might take longer than any would like. Iron-clad cases and a thorough cleanse of the DS will be worth the wait.

23589560? ago

If anyone can even make a quasi on point educated guess as to what to expect at all, I'm all ears.

Its all moving so slowly because normies are way less informed than you are. Its agonizing. I understand your frustration.

23590975? ago

Guess that's why the call to meme. Memes allow normies to wake themselves.

23589557? ago

23589191? ago

I smell PANIC in you OP. You must be one of (((them))). Reeeeeeeeee (fuck off)

23589126? ago

Check out AG Barr's directive to US attorneys today.

23589163? ago

I've read it. Keep these Chi-Com governors in check.

I'm still 53% positive of a positive outcome. But the complete cluster highway we've traveled to get here is the last thing I expected.

23589097? ago

Is this even about the virus at this point? Culling animals, farmers plowing over crops? What in the absolute hell is going on? What is coming?

Trust the plan.

It's happening.

Tic toc.



23588972? ago

We have now mandatory flu vaccines or kids can't go to school, and about to have mandatory phone tracking and contact tracing in Australia. If this storm is going to happen it better happen soon.

23590640? ago

the vaccine mandates for kids are state level, and its only California and Mississippi currently.

23590082? ago

Lets RIDE!

23588848? ago

This database of info, contact trace, will have law enforcement salivating for access. Lawyers, too. Just think if your soon-to-be ex-wife could prove you were in vicinity of some other young thing twice a week. Bill collectors?

Believe me, this ain't just medical.

23588979? ago

I had these same thoughts driving home tonight.

Look at the massive surveillance system that is already in place.... now this would just make it "legal", I suppose.

23588759? ago

Personnel involved should be equipped with rubber boots, haz-mat suits, latex gloves and scrubbers for breathing.”

Personnel involved should be equipped with rubber boots, haz-mat suits, latex gloves and scrubbers for breathing.”

Personnel involved should be equipped with rubber boots, haz-mat suits, latex gloves and scrubbers for breathing.”

“Is it true that you preformed an autopsy on a type two alien body one year ago in your facility at Five-One?” Bellamy looked at his notebook that consisted of a blank sheet of paper.

“A type two?” Lippon hesitated.

“A reptilian type of alien.” Bellamy pushed harder with his voice.

“Yes. That is correct. It had been dead for probably seventy-two hours and had several lacerations and deep cuts on its body, which corresponded to a forcible landing in a hard craft.” Loppin was precise, that was good.

“During that investigation did you determine the respiratory system of the alien?” Bellamy was now making notes.

“I did.” Loppin however wasn’t giving up anything that he wasn’t asked. Probably out of sheer terror of saying the wrong thing.

“Describe the respiration method and chemical complex for its survival.” Bellamy looked at the man making sure that his scar was pointed right at him.

“It is a gas breather. Mixed levels most likely. It can maintain itself in our environment for one or two days, without marked reduction of ability, but they must have an input of methane at that time or they start to exhibit signs indicating respiratory suffocation. Fluids would start building up in their lungs and they would die in a matter of hours.” Loppin waited and fidgeted while Bellamy looked straight at him.

“What kind of gas and air mixture would cause their system to collapse almost immediately?” I asked him in a matter of fact voice.

“Freon, high amounts of hydrogen, any of the noble gases and most likely a compound like Carbide mixed with water. It would fry their lung systems in seconds.” Loppin offered up.

“Most likely or it would?” Bellamy fired back.

“It would. Their tissue could not handle it. They would go into arrest from the lack of gas flow because the lung could not function properly and they have no way of throwing it off. With each breath they would be struggling more and more to breathe and gulping in more of a mixture that would cause their alveoli to rupture more and more rapidly. But it would have to be in a confined area and in a highly concentrated dosage.” Loppin twisted in his chair in discomfort.

“And hydrogen?” Bellamy looked up from his notes.

“Slower, but the same effect. Suffocation, it would just take longer.” Loppin tapped his finger on the table for a moment.

“What is it doctor?” I asked in a gentler voice.

“Florin. It is toxic as hell in a confined area and they could stand it for....” he paused to make a mental calculation, “maybe twenty-five to thirty seconds. Also, it would blind them completely. Their eyes have a strange membrane over them that would erupt when exposed to Florin and expose the inner eye to all ambient light. It would appear that light is one of their greatest dangers. If the membrane is lost or damaged and light gets in, it overloads the brain. They have two of them by the way. Both would be hit with such intense neuro-activity the brain would be mush in ten or fifteen seconds.” Loppin looked at us with a knowing glance.

“Dr. Loppin.” Bellamy started again. “Thank you for your time, I know it is precious. Jack would you see to it that Dr. Loppin is escorted back to Five-One please. Again doctor, thank you and as I said this will remain among us. Is that correct?” “Yes it is, er, it will.” Loppin got up and stopped at the door. “I would recommend using Florin in liquid form, so the spill keeps generating gas molecules in a confined area and then turn on the highest intensity lighting system you can obtain. Personnel involved should be equipped with rubber boots, haz-mat suits, latex gloves and scrubbers for breathing.”

23589141? ago

I need HARD HARD HARD proof to buy the reptilian stuff. Phil Schneider (RIP) on steroids proof style evidence.

But at this point, hell, I could be told the moon is made of cheese and wouldn't be shocked.

23589060? ago

Oy vey, the goyim knows. Shut it down.

23588541? ago

Ok, now just hear me out for a second, before you jump to conclusions. Please read the whole thing, before having a knee jerk response. I'm one of you. Just someone trying to get through this life and figure out what is happening around me.

Anything is possible. What if DJT was supposed to win? All this media hatred against DJT, and the patriots all being pulled into a total psyop that :"justice is coming" and stringing us along and keeping us complacent and thinking we're secretly in the know, etc. We are pacified. Meanwhile the left is losing their minds over Trump....and the liberal sheep are buying all into it. Then this virus hits. Things are still happening as we expect, the MSM is losing their minds and hostile towards Trump etc. THEN. things start to turn..... "contact tracing", "surveillance", "taking away liberties, etc".. and what if DJT starts to say things like "While unfortunate, these measures are necessary because we cannot be held hostage to another virus like this ever again!!" etc. THEN, the liberal media starts to agree with Trump and are less and less hostile as time goes on and the liberal sheep start to fall in step. "Well, hate to say it, but trump is right....we need (insert big brother b.s. plan here)."

Now thing, If it were HRC, there is no way you would get patriots to EVER agree to give up their liberties. But with DJT, and the liberal media, the liberal sheep would give up their liberties easily because they are followers. There is no major trickery that has to happen with THEM. They are easy to control, easy to manipulate, easy to sway, easy to CONTROL.

WE, the patriots, on the other hand ARE NOT. AT ALL easy to manipulate, sway and especially... CONTROL.

It's not in our blood. We're fighters. We value freedom and liberty with every inch of our being.

What would be the best way to control patriots? Enter DJT and "Q".

Do I believe this scenario?


But I sure as hell keep theses thoughts ever present in the back of my head so the "hope for the best" in me doesn't start to override my own damn common sense. I keep these thoughts ever present to keep myself in CHECK. None of us here know what is REALLY going on. It is always best to consider every single angle. I still hope that what we are all hoping for is what is REALITY. But.... you have to constantly question and always remain with your eyes open.

Peace ya'll.

Just some thoughts.

23592130? ago

Your fear has been mine from the beginning. I'm still far from adopting the view you outline as the most probable one, but it's not impossible.

As Q says, "future proves past."

The most convincing counter-argument is simply that Q has awakened millions of people worldwide who otherwise would have remained a-sheep. And Q has taught us to think for ourselves, to research for ourselves, to verify and vet for ourselves. And to distrust authority, to the point of having the doubts you explain. That's a major mistake, if your goal is pacification.

23590875? ago

People are waking up everywhere. A Great Awakening is taking place.

23590599? ago

and the real problem is the most "awakened" patriots who have been graced with info on the back channels, well by the time we figure out the gig is up it won't matter because, "anons". And a movement characterized by "anons" has no potency to put up an organized resistance in the real world especially in a compressed timeline. The medium of all comms was chosen and immersed in chaos and anonymity.

23590263? ago

Even if what you said were all true, that doesn't negate the fact that there are hundreds of millions of guns in America.

The argument I hear you saying is that the gun owners are subdued because they think Trump and Q are really doing something about the evil, but they may be evil themselves.

Subdued for how long when undeniable tyranny rears its head? One week? Two?

Q and everything associated with it is a pretty big endeavor to merely be a buffer of 2 weeks of unimpinged tyranny. Personally, I think it wouldn't even last them a few days.

23590567? ago

I hear what you're saying, but you have to admit there are a few too many "Trust the plan!" people than I feel comfortable with. I get the premise of "trust the plan" but some people, patriots yes, but a little too trusting for my liking. Those are the ones that worry me a bit and get me thinking of the kind of things that I posted.

Most patriots, I would hope, are definitely "hopeful but leery" types. Know what I mean? It's just those few that rush in headfirst following someone without even looking where they're going....that need the reminder to stay sharp-minded. just in case.

that's all.

23591337? ago

To be honest, we're all in a sinking ship. Q is a lifeboat. "The plan" is to get on the lifeboat.

Claiming the lifeboat may sink isn't a point, you're already sinking so it's moot.

23590214? ago

Q would be 100% unnecessary if Trump didn't win. Our rights kept dwindling away under Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, and would have continued under Hillary. All without much push back.

It would be stupid for Q to wake people up, to get people angry, when Hillary would have enacted their plan just fine.

I understand your comment, but critical thinking shows that it just doesn't make sense to go that particular route as you described when Hillary would have enacted (((their)))) plan just fine, without the Q headache.

23590515? ago

No.... you're really not understanding what I'm saying here.

There is ZERO chance that patriots would have become pacified, slowed down, if HRC was President.

NO WAY AT ALL. You kind of read what I said and applied it backwards.... lol. (kind of.) seriously, go back and read what I wrote, because you really did miss my whole point there.

23589958? ago

Your long-term memory is really bad. ISIS got shut down. We backed out of the Paris Accord. We backed out of the Trans Pacific Partnership. We did not go to war with Iran or Russia. We cooled down North Korea. I could go on. It's like you only evaluate the guy based on the last month of stuff he's done.

23591439? ago

ISIS got shut down.

Who cares? They were never a threat to Americans in the first place. They would never have been in power if we hadn't waged 2 decades of war in the middle-east. The solution is not to continue waging war, its withdrawal; something Trump promised but failed to deliver.

Two staunch conservatives on the supreme court.

Means nothing. warrant-less surveillance, gun control, abortion, continue unabated. In fact, Donald Trump himself helped to pass legislation on the federal level banning suppressors and legalizing criticism of Israel.

We backed out of the Paris Accord.

Its good that we didn't sign the Paris Accord, but the purpose of the climate change agenda is to increase taxes and the power of the government. Both are happening. Either way, its presupposing that if the President makes a deal with some European jews, then the American people are beholden to it.

We backed out of the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Legitimately good, but we have record numbers for legal immigration and H1B visas. This milquetoast nationalism is exactly what OP is referring to: the same things are ultimately accomplished, while Republicans cheer it on.

We did not go to war with Iran or Russia.

We are still at war in the middle-east.

We cooled down North Korea.

This board is consistently calling for war with China.

It's like you only evaluate the guy based on the last month of stuff he's done.

Its been 4 years and there is still no wall.

23590493? ago

no, not at all. Even with all of that stuff....it could STILL be a trap. What if it was? What if those things were just breadcrumbs tossed at us to keep us thinking what they want us to think.... that DJT is really getting things done! You really need to zoom way out and take a large view of everything. No matter how much "good" a person does, it could all be negated in the blink of an eye.

Again, I'm not saying that this is what I believe to be true, I'm saying that this is a possibility.

And that anything is possible.

To stay sharp, you do have to consider all angles, even if you are 99% sure of something.... gotta stay sharp and have scenarios in the back of your mind.


23591300? ago

You can't be this dumb. I call Shenanigans. You're just using the old No True Scotsman and Moving the Goalposts shill tactics.

23590876? ago

It doesn't make sense. Q taught many of us what's behind the curtain and how to see through the illusion. Millions wouldn't have a clue right now, just as we didn't before Q. Why would a faction of the cabal want to educate their enemies?

23591451? ago

A lot of us have been awake for DECADES. He may have taught YOU, but a lot of us already knew what was behind the curtain. If you were that clueless before Q, I don't know what to tell ya.

23601522? ago

I don't know what to tell ya if you think Q hasn't helped millions awaken. It's wonderful that we had enlightened erudites like yourself, but none of you were sharing on a mass scale.

23602319? ago

Don't put words into my mouth. This movement would fare far better without people such as yourself, who would belittle a fellow patriot for cherising critical thinking skills, and always remembering to look at all angles of a situation, to always be PREPARED. Why don't you go back on over there to that other side, where you belong, you little pissant?

23608071? ago

Everyone laughs at you don't they?

23590065? ago

^ass just got handed to newbie faggot here

23589790? ago

Today's idiot reporter nasty question was whether President Trump should continue to be President when more people died of virus than died in Vietnam.

23591458? ago

no some other skirmish, but yeah

23589293? ago

It's crossed my mind too anon - thanks for sharing.

23589249? ago

While I think most patriots believe in our President because he HAS shown results, the majority still have these thoughts floating around in the back of their mind from being fucked over by our own government for decades. We all know if he says "give up your guns" we know the gig is up. We've seen what happens in every country that has happened to. And why expose so much if that's the case? He could have just arrested and prosecuted 10 or 12 higher ups and we would've been like "hell yeah " this is OUR GUY. He means business. And all of washington, media and hollywood hate him. If you're right, it's one hell of an orchestrated show. That being said, you're not alone in your scary thoughts.

23590312? ago

The world is locked down. States are all locked down. We are holding our puds at home. Texas is the one pushing the hardest on the open up narrative. If White Hats are going to make a move with the least collateral damage, I'd assume (yes... I know) that THIS WEEK IS THE LAST BEST SHOT AT DOING IT!

But I've been wrong for 3.5 years, so no clue at all at this point.

23589707? ago

I appreciate that.

and yeah. Give up your guns is absolutely the line in the sand.

23589221? ago

Not gonna happen. Listen to me till the end... WE HAVE THE FUCKING GUNS!! If they try, they die. We are soldiers and we will FIGHT to the death.

23589483? ago

We have the guns but we aren't organized. If 20 of their guns come to take my guns - I'm outgunned.

23590067? ago


23588936? ago

I have my reservations about Trump and Q as well.

Look up the end scene to the 1973 movie The Wicker Man.

"You came here to find Rowan Morrison but it is we who have found you . . . and controlled your every thought and action since you arrived,”

Saw a quote somewhere (Masonic maybe?) that basically said that showing the people a mystery would get them to follow you. Can't remember who said it or what the exact words were.

I do know, however, that the bible warns of a coming global government and religion, complete with a freakishly invasive 'mark' that goes in your hand or forehead in order to buy or sell. Folks who refuse are killed. Not like we're seeing the groundwork for that or anything though.

23590012? ago

You said nothing about why you're having reservations about Trump and Q and bs about mark of the beast.

just some shit you saw in a jew movie

23588855? ago

I think you grossly overestimate the cabals touch with reality. They do far removed from what it's like to be a regular person. Like Q said, they think we're sheep and they are not scared of us at all. They do not view us as a threat..... at all. Look how much Obama got away with, it would've been the same with HRC. The only reason we're all together here is because of Q. I was awake prior to Q and people were ready to revolt, but it was such a small number. Also, remember Q said they had EMP weaponry just about ready which would have rendered us and military helpless. FEMA camps, viruses, attacks, 5G, all of it would have instantly crushed any sort of uprising. We're soooo fucking lucky man, we really dodged a bullet.

My only concern is that maybe the cabal has Q and Trump backed into a corner. This is an actual war. This enemy is going to do everything they can to make sure Trump doesn't get a second term. You better hope he does, otherwise it's going to get really ugly.

23588774? ago

I've been following Q since around the beginning, and your post expresses what my mindset had been lately better than I could have said.

23588723? ago

I've been having some of the same thoughts myself, and I've come to realize Trump doesn't even have to be in on it. The ones surrounding him being in on it would be enough to make it very real.

I see it like this; when they come for the guns all fucking bets are off and I don't give a fuck who says I should give them up. They can all have the bullets first.

23588691? ago

A realistic possibility. One that I have contemplated as well. I am not sure when we draw the line in the sand on Trump. The one thing that still gives me hope is that if anything there is very noticeable increased hostility from the cabal players. It seems to have gone into a hyper drive above the defcon 9 level. If anything, the effect on me has made .e want to fight harder...

23590915? ago

from: doglegwarrior

name the jew or shut the fuck up!

23590557? ago

Yes but that could still be explained as simply the hostilities between two major cabal factions, both vying for hearts and minds in their own ways to ensure long term compliance of the majority with minimal risk of blowback.

23591292? ago

If we can't trust anything, I'd rather go down as a patriot fighting for actual freedom.

It has to be better than living in the hell they will create from the ensuing chaos.

23588776? ago

Yeah, I'm with you. That's also yet another possiblity. I was thinking that as well (Q being designed to get the patriots to actually get motivated to fight.) That is what keeps me leaning so much further on the "hope" side than on the side I presented above.

23588649? ago

I voted HRC for this reason. I think what you're saying everyday in the back of my head. I'll NEVER be 100% on board with anything ever again just for the sake of personal dignity.

I didn't listen to a single Trump speech, I swore up and down it was all rigged. I just saw the single pic of HRC/TRUMP/BILL together and said, "fuck all this".

I knew if HRC won it was to be accelerationism and "WOLVERINES" time.

But here we are. Trump won. Q popped in, I was on the board that night, and here we are... I'm trying to tell myself this is winning, and I'm holding out for Flynn, FISA, and DECLASS. This shit sure as hell better hit soon and NOT used to hold our vote hostage.

Nothing right now makes ANY sense.

23589959? ago

amazing story.

I'd never voted before in my life, knew it was rigged, considered (Ross Perot) but didn't and gave up until TRUMP!

First president I ever voted for. I told my friends about a week before the 2016 election, "there is no way Hillary can win this election". Not because I didn't want her to win, I knew Trump had it. Of course I saw glazed eyes saying such.

23588806? ago

Yeah, I know.

I'm glad that we are at least talking about this stuff.

I don't know why, but with even just a few comments of people saying "hey I think the same things sometimes" or whatever.... it at least gives us some more solidarity.

That we are questioning and we're not alone in doing so.

This kind of stuff is what keeps you sharp.

I am in no way, shape or form allowing myself to be dulled.

23588389? ago

I'm pretty sure "contact trace" involves the surrender of a great deal of personal information, at the outset/when tested, then, pretty much continual tracking via your phone device thereafter. It'll rely EVERY proximity association with EVERY other cell phone to "trace" where you've been, who you contacted and how long. Enough info to track the disease contamination, and violate 100% of your personal rights. Slick part is it doesn't even require and App, it's all automated pinging stuff, I'd guess. (or, phone doing things we know nothing of).

THAT's why they want EVERYBODY tested.

23590282? ago

You describe this like they aren’t able to trace all of us in this manner already.

This capability exists and is already in use against our citizens by our “intelligence” agencies. This is just them normalizing it’s use against us.

23589621? ago

Step 1 - Ditch the cell phones. Never used to need 'em.

Covid testing? I do not consent.

Any type of flu, pneumonia, covid-19 vaccine? I do not consent.

Worst case scenario? Go to the doctor, request the vaccine, slip the nurse $100 to shoot that shit down the drain and slap a bandaid on my arm.

23589285? ago

No. They are already doing that. They just wanna do it legally and out in the open

23588888? ago

Get your DNA on the swab AND contaminating you with some nanochips in the process. -- TrUsT tHe SiEnCe --

23588447? ago

Which is why they are so desperate to roll out the 5G. Hooray!

23588306? ago

I feel the same... am holding out hope for the Flynn exoneration which could break loose the log jam. In the mean time, I'm planting a garden.

23588202? ago


Ideally I am hoping to see Brandon Van Grack, Flynn's prosecutor, will himself be charged with prosecutorial misconduct or worse, and find himslef hiring a lawyer.

23588180? ago

The hoax continues.

23588097? ago

Q brave new world order.

23588083? ago

I hear the world 'Contact Trace" one more fucking time, kiss your liberty 105%, instead of 100% goodbye once that shit goes live.

WOW! that may be the funniest thing I've ever seen written on QRV

23588151? ago

The tragedy of it all, TRUMP SAID it during the presser. "Contact Trace".

I think I heard a GOOGLE CEO orgasm from across the nation in their office...

23588299? ago


23588071? ago

No idea. This crazy train could go in any number of directions. I only hope the good guys control at least 51% of this wild movie we're watching.