23598720? ago

Note that in 3987, the lamps are not lit. They are in 3988. This could mean that something has started. What is up for guessing. Could be Flynn. It was noted that he made his first Tweet in two years. It could be the new evidence in the Russia "collusion" coup attempt, or something else.

23594654? ago

Shill alert. That said if Q is real I suggest action soon

23594144? ago

Q was hope and an adventure over the last 3 years. We all rushed to check the newest drops when they appeared and held online meetings to decipher the drops. But I've grown up some now and come to the realization that it was all just a waste of time for us. Countless lives have been lost since the "coming" of Q and we are no further ahead in this fight. Yes, there have been some arrests of people like Harvey & Jeffery, but still no arrests of the real criminals for treason. With the msm working in tandem with the DS & Dems, the sheep will never be woke. Investigations have come and gone with no charges yet and likely none will be filed. Sure, Q has given us things to search, but those things were already public knowledge. I'm out.

23588204? ago

2 if by sea.. are we misinterpreting?

The Pentagon just declassified 3 videos of UFO activity

twitter dot com/ABC/status/1254894077159641089

23585977? ago

Here ya go faggots

Maria on FISA and Flynn


23583424? ago

sunlight is the best disinfectant

23582809? ago

Special OPs... catch a WAVE

Q..... Catch a WAVE

General Flynn...…. Catch a WAVE

Storms can be enjoyed. Surf board optional.

Beach Boys sang CATCH a WAVE ENJOY every moment, this is our TIME

23582670? ago

23582615? ago

Rattle COMM Rattle Catch a WAVE


Then the theme Under certain conditions, such as martial law, the National Guard can work in coordination with US Marine Corps. https://qmap.pub/themes/read/48

23578596? ago

Who cares

23580459? ago

Non Shills.

23577353? ago

Two lights, 2 ships leaving dock in NY and LA end of April. Hopefully taking 2 boat loads of criminals to Gitmo, one from each side of the country, East and West.

23577024? ago

Could you bastards please be a little more cryptic? I'm not quite confused enough🖕🖕

23580616? ago

Q's posts are not cryptic if you know how to read them. Take the time to learn, and stop expecting to be spoon fed.

23587549? ago

If someone would just break it down without using fucking algebra it would be great but I'm guessing you're too enlightened to do that.. that's ok praying medic does it the right way...fuck you🖕🖕🖕

23594005? ago

Q is not about spoon-feeding. Q is about getting you to think for yourself, outside the box. Stop trying to figure it out, and start looking at what's really happening. Yes, you have to read between the lines, and that's the point. Simply put, what you get from the MSM is not the truth, but the truth is there to be found.

23599689? ago

Even that reply was cryptic Ghandi. Some people don't have time to sit in their basements researching...fuck you guys🖕🖕🖕

23600208? ago

That's OK. Come back when you are ready to open your eyes.

23576776? ago

The beacon of mins terith! The beacon is lit!


23579207? ago

Minas Tirith

23589399? ago

Freemasonry, freemahsonry.

23590553? ago


23576558? ago

Trump fucked her in the 90's.

23586352? ago

I'd certainly hope so - she's a beauty and a patriot, and that's damn sexy. But what does that have to do with anything here?

23576530? ago

Mmmmm. Maria Bartiromo. Grab her by the pussy? Two in the stunning and one in the brave.

23592077? ago


23576825? ago

Son, that mare's been rode hard and put up wet.

23576073? ago

Remember how Q used to have the Patriots Fight board? Does anyone else feel like we have all been under house arrest even though we are all innocent, they have stopped letting us do commerce (except with Big Business), our God Given rights have been stripped, and now the enemy is on the move? They are withholding cures, lying to our faces, sowing discord and agit-prop. It’s about time (if you were watching a movie), for the hero to get up and fight back to win.

23593583? ago

Feels lile another big wealth redistribution event from the bottom back up to the top. Billionaires all over the world are gaining more wealth during the lockdown than in the previous 6 mths. Millionaires, too. While we get gubment crumbs and gubment cheese. No circuses, just moldy crumbs. This shit has me pissed more than anything else we've seen to date. And almost everybody seems to be ok with it. Patriots included. Makes me fucking sick.

23598586? ago

This is socialism right here, and that is one of the main effects of socialism, that a small group of super elites get super wealthy while most get scraps. Now, I hope to God its temporary, but to all who think they want socialism: Enjoy.

23591913? ago

Q drops are all fucked up and Q talks like a fag now. Psyop windown initiated.

23592061? ago

Q’s droppings should only be taken for entertainment purposes.

23586259? ago

It HAS to come to a head sometime between now and the election. I'll be amazed if we're not amazed pretty damn soon...

23591922? ago

You will be amazed

23582465? ago

This is why Q says to put on the armour of God. The day of evil is coming. Shield yourself, be safe, trust yourself.

23593329? ago

Armor. Armour makes hot dogs, you silly Brit.

23576044? ago

How about the US Navy down in the Caribbean?

23586283? ago

THIS.....there's a fair bit of evidence (unreported by the MSM, of course) that we are taking on the cartels bigly. Would love to know what's going on ever since reading that report of a navy warship heading south and turning off its transponder, and some reports of US Marines on the ground in Venezuela.

23578744? ago

How bout yo mama down on me?

23580331? ago

How bout you go down on your grandpa Carbunkle, faggot

23575622? ago

The Q larp just posting news that’s already a day old lmao. Cant believe people still believe this shit holy fuck.

Hey Q no comment about youtub removing videos nonstop about UV light treatment and other treatments? No comment about the blatant censoring on twitter and others? Fuck off

23580469? ago

Go put in a fresh tampon.

Yep, end of the month. Most of the shills are experiencing PMS at this time. The Flynn news is like a market for them.

23575667? ago

No posts about anything. And he always posts on shit we’ve already found or that has happened weeks ago. Add in some basic riddle BS and a question and you have a Q drop. It’s basically Q Instagram at this point with ‘WWG1WGA’ or something something pain incoming’. I only come here for the research the community digs up. Which is the best part of Q. His ‘drops’ are pointless.

23580479? ago

Shhhh, go to your quiet place and put in a fresh tampon.

You'll feel better. (Also, stop living in mom's basement. Get a real job.)

23588660? ago

Nice projection, fatty. Guaranteed I’m worth more than you.

23575957? ago


23575642? ago

Hey my bro, are you mad my bro?

23575457? ago

Two lights in the Old North Church. The lamps have been lit, patriots. The enemy is on the move. Watch the water.

23575368? ago


23580492? ago

Here, now stop your bitchin, get off the computer, clean your room (and mom said to change your tampon you winy little bitch.)



Failed Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Arrested During Meth Orgy in Hotel Room


Clinton's Evil Princess Pal SENTENCED TO 13 YEARS IN PRISON


Saudi Arabia “detains” 298 Government Employee’s on Corruption Charges


US arrests 600 Mexican cartel members in one of the largest ever raids




Obama’s Homeland Security IG Indicted






Harvey Weinstein guilty




DNC Vice Chair Who Called Obama His Big Brother is CAUGHT STEALING FROM TAXPAYERS








Top Aide SENTENCED TO PRISON in BRIBERY PROBE of Ex-Hillary Clinton VP Finalist Picked by Podesta


Democrat Politician ARRESTED for STEALING from Charity for Disabled and Elderly


PANICKING Democrat Politician SENTENCED to PRISON, BEGS Trump for Pardon


Democrat State Senator RESIGNS After FBI RAIDS of Democrats in Chicago


Democrat Mayor BEHIND BARS in Dallas Testifying Against Donor to Gillibrand, Beto, Castro




Mississippi Mayor ARRESTED, Faces 100 YEARS BEHIND BARS


Democrats PANIC as FBI CHARGES Lawmaker & Daughter, Something Strange Happening in Maryland?


FBI CHARGES Democrat Mayor After 'FIRST WAVE OF ARRESTS' for Corruption Investigation in Ohio


Top State Democrat ARRESTED as Trump Attorney ROUNDS UP Corrupt Politicians in Chicago


Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge ARRESTED, Faces 45 YEARS BEHIND BARS


Anti-Trump Intelligence Agent ARRESTED for TOP SECRET Leaks




Democrat Mayor PLEADS GUILTY and RESIGNS for Defrauding Children's Charity


GRAND JURY INDICTS Democrat Council President, FBI Confirms Probe of Democrat Councilman


23592080? ago

List something significant and people will pay attention.

23592957? ago

Do you not consider all of those corrupt Democrats significant?

FISA is starting, so you will just kick push the goal posts again.

Nice use of your time.

23576934? ago


I disagree

Cleaning court

The Trump's administration successfully replaced 192+ Federal judges. Allegedly in preparation for the Storm. There are over 163,000+ sealed indictments ready to go. Compare to 1,000 a year before the Trump's administration.

Trump's Administration Successful Accomplishments 2017-2020 at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3538236/

Your Vote Matters


23575934? ago

The Great Awakening comes first.

23575199? ago

Arrests are better than the silent war breaking out into the open with the inevitable collateral damage. "They won't be able to walk down the streets" will be become true and justice will be served one way or another.

23575090? ago

https://archive.ph/qSq4J :

Maria Bartiromo on Twitter: "Breaking News: sources tell me @GenFlynn will be completely exonerated this week. It was a total fraud. A Set up. More tomorrow @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness @FoxNews @SundayFutures"

This has been an automated message.

23575029? ago


Ottawa cares more about offending China than about our livelihoods! We will forever be beholden to China until we free ourselves from Ottawa!

23577006? ago

Can you tell me whether the Canadian Government has ability to censor fb posts? I just posted something in my family group site yesterday and today it was deleted. It was about the fake Covid flu. My sister who is the moderator and admin may have deleted it because she has TDS and lives in Toronto. She hates me because I support Trump. So I am trying to decide if it was her, fb or the Canadian Gov't. Thanks.

23577755? ago


There is no need for Canada to get involved. Faceberg is a willing collaborator.

23577695? ago

It could also be people with immature behaviors. Who control robots. In turn, those robots automatically report spam. In turn after a threshold is passed, any post is remove. In other words, fake spam reports to censor people.

23577804? ago

Thanks so I may never know unless I have it out with my beloved, crazed Hussein/Trudope lover, sister. Even then she would deny it. Crazed libtard.

23575983? ago

W.H.O. runs Canada

As late as January 2020, Tam told Canadians there was "no reason to be overly concerned" about Covid-19. On 23 January, Tam was a member of the WHO committee that broadcast that it was too early to declare a public health emergency of international concern. On 29 January, she told Canadians that "It's going to be rare, but we are expecting cases." The next day, the WHO declared a global health emergency


23577013? ago

All government employees and elected officials should be citizens.

23576016? ago

Dual citizenship.

W.H.O. >>>>CHINA


23586317? ago

Is she a dual citizen? I'd read she was born in Hong Kong, so probably so.

One thing I've noticed....not one godamn "Canadian" is ever being interviewed or giving important updates. It's always someone with a foreign accent and questionable international ties...

23586364? ago

I guarantee she didn't forfeit her citizenship. In fact I haven't been able to find out if she is a citizen. She's appointed so it wouldn't not necessarily be required to a citizen

23574969? ago

Flynn won't go to jail. We did it reddit!

23575067? ago

Fuck that liberal shit-hole site. Bunch of sheep there

23577508? ago

It's funny because you think this place is any more immune to herd mentality.

Plenty of sheep here too mate even (especially) outside of Q-related subverses, just of a different breed but still bleating away and getting uppity at anyone who thinks differently.

23582480? ago

I don't think there's a comparison. VOAT you can exercise free speech, reddit you cannot. Reddit has 100 times more people and 1000 times more shills. We're already awake here, they want to prevent the scores of redditors from awakening.

23586331? ago

But no personal accountability here on this Voat forum....unlike The_Donald in its prime (before Mods completely killed it) where as many as SEVEN MILLION patriots would hash things out, and the shills would get roasted and outed on the regular.

23574945? ago

All the shills talking about General Flynn taking it up the ass from Bubba in jail are gonna be sad now kek.

23575472? ago

Yep. Instead, it will be us for daring to step out of our house.

23577483? ago

It's funny because you think this place is any more immune to herd mentality.

Plenty of sheep here too mate even (especially) outside of Q-related subverses, just of a different breed but still bleating away and getting uppity at anyone who things differently.

23574938? ago

Justice is coming.

23598656? ago

Note that in 3987, the lamps are not lit. They are in 3988. This could mean that something has started.

23596148? ago

tick tock amiright?

23578718? ago

Nothing that Q had anything to do with.

23586251? ago

Sure, Francis....

Hey, Mom's calling you for tendies!

23577477? ago

any day now!

23575379? ago


23575035? ago

Rights undefended are left eroded

23578721? ago

Fuck your racist rights.

23579731? ago

What rights of his are racist, faggot?

23579118? ago


23574896? ago

Wonderful news. God Bless General Flynn. He needs to be "made whole" after this ordeal. 🇺🇸

23574870? ago

Hey Q I asked you not to let shit hit the fan during the NFL draft. Thanks for that. Now you can lock all those pricks up.

23576638? ago

I know you are joking, but the nfl draft was the biggest fear porn propaganda event I cam remember. I could only sit through a couple of minutes.

23577453? ago

They took sob stories to the max in a super weird way.

23577485? ago

yeah I was watching with my 15 year old boy. Told him I couldnt take watching this crap any longer. So we turned and watched impractical jokers.

23578943? ago

You idiots still watch the NFL? Pathetic.

23581039? ago

Not really, I used to watch my home team all the time, but my ibterest in it has dropped. Some to do with social justice bullshit and some with the weakening of tge game My son watches all sports and plays sports. I am not going to force him not to, there are worse things he could be in to.

nice virtue signalling though, it was an important comment to see.

23586050? ago

Pathetic. Keep supporting people who want your son turned into a tranny cucked by a fat jew.

23586214? ago

yeah that is what sports are doing. There is nothing wrong with athletic competition.

23586870? ago

There is something wrong with watching and supporting the NFL and letting it indoctrinate your children.

Be a better parent. Be a strong man. We got rid of the NFL years ago in our home and now we forget it exist. That has nothing to do with if we enjoy competition or not.

You dont need it. Stop making Boomer level excuses. Have you learned nothing?

23574856? ago

Old North Church.


Old North Church

U.S. National Register of Historic Places

U.S. National Historic Landmark

2017 Old North Church from Hull Street.jpg


Location Boston

Coordinates 42°21′58.78″N 71°3′16.04″WCoordinates: 42°21′58.78″N 71°3′16.04″W

Built 1723

Architect Price, William

Architectural style Georgian

NRHP reference No. 66000776 [1]

Significant dates

Added to NRHP October 15, 1966

Designated NHL January 20, 1961

Interior of the Old North Church

Old North Church (officially, Christ Church in the City of Boston), at 193 Salem Street, in the North End, Boston, is the location from which the famous "One if by land, two if by sea" signal is said to have been sent. This phrase is related to Paul Revere's midnight ride, of April 18, 1775, which preceded the Battles of Lexington and Concord during the American Revolution.

The church is a mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. It was built in 1723 and is the oldest standing church building in Boston and a National Historic Landmark. Inside the church is a bust of George Washington, which Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, reportedly remarked was the best likeness of the first president he had ever seen.

23578754? ago

Q is telling Patriots to burn down churches.

23576863? ago

This church can be seen from the atlantic ocean water. Photos:

[This church is] the location from which the famous "One if by land, two if by sea" signal is said to have been sent. This phrase is related to Paul Revere's midnight ride, of April 18, 1775, which preceded the Battles of Lexington and Concord during the American Revolution.

23591569? ago

So, the ‘Two if By Sea’ was the signal. This signal was followed by a stealth mission by patriots in Durham boats?

23574778? ago

Cool... I think something's brewing.

23578735? ago

Yes, a big coinkeedink.

23580344? ago

Its spelled co winky dink idiot

23592102? ago

I made up a word. I get to spell it. Honestly, your imbecilicism (I made up that one, too!) is astounding.

23577498? ago

Maybe, but not from our corrupt court system.

23577974? ago

POTUS has drained the s3ame and appointed enough federal judges to endure that the courts won't leave so far left for a long time.

23574722? ago

2 lights. That are lit this time. whatch the water?

23598603? ago

Or is it "by sea"? Whatever it is will come from the water?

23593635? ago

Well, I was thinking Corona came from China....two if by sea.

23591925? ago

I’m lit and there is water in my bong while I listen to 2Chainz

23591551? ago

Two if by Sea. Think ‘Durham Boats’.

23579529? ago

No, because you’ll never find a picture of that church with only one light lit. Therefore the whole point is simply that the steeple is lit and we should be watching events unfold.

23578768? ago

Q wants that church burned. A true Q follower would heed his order...

23582393? ago

Fuck off! You are trying to get some to commit arson.

23587538? ago

Righteous Fire

23578711? ago

It doesn’t matter, foo. Q is fake.

23576405? ago

Water supply?

Are they going to put the virus into water supply?

23585663? ago

Potus gave authorization to take out Iranian ships that fuck with us..

23579261? ago

Water is treated with chlorine

23578493? ago

It’s the flu

23581598? ago

from now on all flu comes from china

23582923? ago

Or the flu shot.

23582907? ago

The latest chinese flu was real bad

23575645? ago

What if they mean...OUR Attack? Meaning the Patriots? I just saw that the Mercy and Comfort are "cleared of patients" and "ready to leave dock" by end of the month.

23577211? ago

What if arrests are being made by end of April and inmates taken aboard the ships and taken to Gitmo? NY and LA, all hotbeds of traitors and cabal members.

23575678? ago

I'll take that. Tired of being on the defensive. but why would Q let them know that they are attacking by sea?

23586231? ago

Maybe WE are the ones attacking by sea?

Think Mirror

23576429? ago

Nothing can stop what's coming? Who knows at this point, just grab popcorn either way.

23586240? ago

I fucking KNEW it'd be that guy.....didn't disappoint :)

23577199? ago

What if arrests are being made by end of April and inmates taken aboard the ships and taken to Gitmo? NY and LA, all hotbeds of traitors and cabal members.

23575365? ago

Exactly right.

23574772? ago

2 navy hospital ships? Watch the water?

23581422? ago

Time is going to pass and all of these predictions won't matter. Everyone will just "future proves past" it to some mildly-related event and claim it a proof.

When have you ever gotten anything useful out of trying to decipher these "puzzles"?

23598615? ago

If you don't want to, you don't ever have to think about them again.

23599147? ago

I don't plan to, mostly I'm fascinated by the people following Q.

23586216? ago

Why do you care, shilly? Why are you working so hard to discourage this movement? We all know why....you losers are too easy to spot now.

23586295? ago

Schadenfreude mostly

23581684? ago

Pretty much the entire time. Weve all learned a lot thanks to Qbagel.

Its not always what you want to hear btw

23575938? ago

That's a logical deduction, I was thinking the same