24197706? ago

Strange thing these riots and these Odd Fellows? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3862596

23569346? ago

At least said teachers ( well, the ones I had) would say "are run..." rather than "are ran...". Irony is a cuel mistress indeed.

23569407? ago

Did you ever ran a mile? I once runned a mile, but it tooked a long time.

23569303? ago

Why did Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump all support a billion dollar referendum in Racine, Wisconsin where The Deal was made for the 8th Wonder of the World?

The Rothschilds live in Racine and Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name was Bauer. What is True Blood? Who will control the billion dollars? What does the 8th Wonder of the World enable?

When did the Virus really begin? Did it really start in the US on January 15th, or before?

Why is everyone being lied to?

Does Q not know about the “Root” of all Evil and the foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030?

Q is a False Prophet and Trump is a Jesuit Freemason and member of the Pilgrims Society.

The Anon before Q was SenateAnon who said before they went offline forever:

“Keep digging into Racine”

They removed Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer and Robert Byrd from the Knights of Pythias Wikipedia page before Q began.

We are the most censored, targeted, downvoted, and banned on Voat Pizzagate, Great Awakening and the entire Internet.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting that involved Paul Ryan - that is the real secret Trump nor Q will tell you.

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down - from comments made in the last post there.

We are the reason why 8chan was targeted and closed.

We are the reason they changed the rules at Voat and added the required login.

The Truth has been Shared since The Beginning.

Racine is the original Chicago, meaning “root”, and is the global model for 5G+ AI, Quantum computing, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Racine is the global model for the “17” goals of Sustainable Development and Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) is the Great Deception and foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030 to forge the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast.

Trump made The Deal in Racine for the 8th Wonder of the World that includes mass surveillance and quantum computing to enforce The Agenda.

The Knights of Pythias are directly connected with NXIVM, Boy Scouts, Knights of Malta, Freemasons, FLDS, Unitarianism, Scientology, OTO and NASA. NXIVM is connected to other past groups. What did Frank Lloyd Wright design and what is the Fellowship? Why was Epstein blackmailing leading tech and science experts.

Who did Trump appoint to the Advisory Council on Science and Technology? Where was the signing for The Deal held? Do Trump and Q not know they made The Deal with a family of Luciferian pedophiles?

The majority of the Majestic 12 were from Wisconsin.

Racine is the key to the Path of Souls with ancient formations and civilizations including the Mound Builders.

Wisconsin is closely connected with CERN, Atlantic Council, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, CFR, Council of 13, Aspen Institute, Brookings Institution and many other PACS, NGOs and groups involved.

The World Core Curriculum was established in Racine.

Art in Embassies was established with families and corporations from Racine.

That 70’s Show was set in Racine. What is a Red Fez? Why were so many cast members Scientologists? How are they connected with the I-94 Project in Racine?

What does Jared Kushner know about the Knights of Pythias?

Why was Austin Steinbart discussing Rotary Clubs as a good way to network. The founder of Rotary is also from Racine.

CEOs, Politicians, organizations and corporations may change over time, but the “Root” remains the same.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

This is The Parousia.

23569281? ago

It is strange that I never considered a Skull & Bones type club for women. I guess that’s the misogynist in me.

23568925? ago

Bunch of bitches.

23568840? ago

Eastern Star is Freemasonic daycare for Masons' wives.

Many of teachers and female politicians are Eastern Star. Why do you Qoobers think Ilhan Omar nor Hillary Clinton have been arrested?

23915213? ago

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23569282? ago

Olive oil you say. Do you know by chance if it helped accentuate the luster and sheen?

23569235? ago

Can you repeat that in English please.

23568817? ago
