23556087? ago

I liked that Dr on Fox that came out and said his father was very sick with china flu and given hydroxychoroquine and then recovered quickly. Then yesterday he was on and recommended strongly against Vit C therapy. We all know from Linus Pauling studies that vitamin C is cheep, not toxic and any extra is easily pissed out. So if it may possibly help with no downside why not use it? That Dr. lost a lot of his credibility with that one. Sorry, couldn't recall his name but he is on fox a lot, tucker and hannity.

23548169? ago

Why do you think they turned the gene off. All mammals except humans produce vitamin c naturally, our gene is turned off.

23547074? ago

Start growing roses...

The rose hip is a small, sweet, tangy fruit from the rose plant. It’s loaded with vitamin C. Approximately six rose hips provide 119 mg of vitamin C, or 132% of the DV (10).

Vitamin C is needed for collagen synthesis, which supports skin integrity as you age. Studies have found that vitamin C reduces sun damage to the skin, lessening wrinkling, dryness and discoloration and improving its overall appearance. Vitamin C also helps wound healing and inflammatory skin conditions like dermatitis.


Rose hips provide 426 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. Around six pieces of this fruit deliver 132% of the DV and encourage healthier-looking skin.

You can also make teas, dry and store....utube.

23546978? ago

shut up!! before it's banned!

23546439? ago

This is an amazing read. I'm 40% of the way through it; it's almost a book! Great passage from around 10% in, states that vitamin C is a precursor for antibodies!!!

23553951? ago

Glad you found it worthwhile. I hope it helped. There is a lot more out there on top of this.

23546311? ago

actually killing all chinks, niggers, faggots and jews was the cure. We kill all the smelly minorities, shut the borders and bring everything back home and maybe nuke israel and we wont have to worry about a virus ever again.

23545903? ago

Just bought this on EB@Y today....

1,000 kilograms (2.2 lbs) 100% Pure Vitamin C Powder (Ascorbic Acid) Pharmaceutical Grade

Cannot wait. Thanks Anon. This is WAY cheaper. Will last easily over a year. Probably 1.5 years.

23548419? ago

What'd it cost?

23545554? ago

For the other Ladies out here...Over 30 years ago I just to get chronic bladder infections. It was so bad that my doctor said if it keeps happening I needed to get a kidney X-ray and because I was poor (only 18 just on my own)...I had to go to the ER to even get one scheduled and done. So yes I got another and went to the ER. There a very nice ER doctor that was doing my examination leaned in and very quietly said "I'm not suppose to tell you this but if but if you take vitamin C at 3000 MG at least 3 times a day and drink LOTS of water it will go away. You see your body doesn't store vitamin C and it will go out in your urine in a highly acidic conditioin. The bacteria causing the infection can not live in an acidic condition. Good luck" and he smiled. I remembered that conversation my whole life and have used it to stop bladder infections in their tracks.

I went from chronic bladder infections to only seeing the doctor 1 time in 30+ years. Ladies do yourself a favor.

23545374? ago

so, how does one turn vitamin C pills into an IV treatment? Do I need to buy a bunch of needles? What solution do I need for the IV? Just pour powdered vitamin C into saline and inject it? Do I need to inject it into a vein or will the muscle work just fine? I feel like schools should teach basic medicine.

23547095? ago

You want an IV drip using sodium ascorbate into the veins.


23545810? ago

Make it liposomal. IV treatment can have complications.

23553962? ago

IV treatment having complications? Lol, almost everyone that goes to the ER gets an IV drip. It's one of the safest procedures. Just keep air out of your line at all costs.

23555466? ago

When it comes to vit C, big doses lead to hypoglycemia..

23555734? ago

High-dose vitamin C is an example of a substance that has proven several times to alter glucometer blood glucose measurements. Falsely elevated blood glucose readings can become life threatening when the treatment causes hypoglycemia and patients report heart palpitations, shakiness, and sweating.

23555867? ago


23556502? ago

Select posted text and hit search on Google

23545142? ago

huh, i wonder if there is a specific diet which is in alignment with how god has put our body together which also contains high amount of vitamin c, zinc, potassium, calcium, amino acids, antioxidants and more and more...

oh what is this? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3754112/23305428

23545114? ago

Now in will be perscription only...

23544945? ago

It totally makes sense. Many of us consume foods and drinks that really do not add vitamins to our bodies. A vitamin regiment can only make your body healthier. Vaccines are definitely not the answer knowing or not knowing what else they are injecting into your body - like mercury, formaldehyde, fetus material, and who-knows-what-else. It might not affect your system right away and can take up to 20 years to show a morbid disease.

23544616? ago

Vitamin C also works as a potent drug detox supplement. High dose vitamin C is useful for negating the symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Of course you need IV level, high dose but I'm pretty sure that's illegal... Of course.

23546406? ago

It is not illegal, it is not a drug so therefore unregulated. Consume at will.

23544409? ago

Also used for at-hone abortions, together with parsley tea.

23544321? ago

Half a lemon and a small pinch of salt in a pint of water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning provides vitamin c, minerals plus it alkalises and hydrates the body quickly

23544137? ago

This is always the case. Prohibition is criminal sabotage. Humanity has been set back enormously by allowing statists to sell monopolies by lying about, and prohibiting nearly free solutions.

Whether it be vitamin C, Hydroxychloroquine, cannabis, water, electric, or mediums of exchange... they sell us nonsense so that they can own the world.

When the parasites were all scrambling speculating on their moves to artificially prop up ("revalue") fiat currencies, they bought up all the dinars, etc., they could.. and the Dr.s Paul said "no thanks", and encouraged buying more gold and silver.

There are people who have tried to encourage rain catches, and gardens, and the parasites are taking bribes to prohibit both.

They incentivize people buying solar panels for the benefit of power companies, but that the supposed owners may not use should the power company's grid goes down.

"As long as we tolerate the world reserve fiat global enslavement system, everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted." There is a reason congress could only coin gold and silver, and not interfere with contracts of free men.

23544429? ago

They incentivize people buying solar panels for the benefit of power companies, but that the supposed owners may not use should the power company's grid goes down.

If you buy the cheap solar system without a battery backup it is set up that way. If you get the battery backup, you are able to use your panels when the grid goes down.

23543922? ago

The fact that vitamin C IVs are so controversial is all we need to know.

23544079? ago

Do them yourself. Do the research, understand the concepts and just do it. A lot of retarded heroin addicts inject shit into their veins all the time. Why can't I as an educated individual not administer doses for constructive purposes? I had a guy tell me how he shot up meth through a cigarette filter and an upside down coke can while driving a wrecker truck. Ill put it this way, the fucker didn't carry around a sanitizer bottle. So if that tard could do that multiple times a day for years...


23553258? ago

No offense to you OP, but fuck all that. Just eat more fruits and vegetables. Grow a garden if you can. You’ll get all the vitamins you need through that. No need for pills. (I get that pills can be necessary under certain conditions. If that does not apply to you, avoid them)

23553980? ago

While I agree with your premise whole heartedly, You do have to realize a lot of people are not capable of growing a garden or supplying daily fresh fruits and vegetables...

23557129? ago

And that’s understandable. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat them.

23546543? ago

Thank you, this is really neat. I've been thinking "I should learn how to inject myself" and it has been based on the vitamin C info I've been learning!

Except then I checked the tab I just loaded, and it gave an error saying it can't provide a secure connection.

So then I removed the "s" from "https:" and now I can get to the site; if others have the same issue, it's here: http://www.doctoryourself.com/

Site seems a bit busy though, do you have a link for learning to self-inject? Thanks and God bless!

23543801? ago

LIPOSOMAL vitamin C. Absorbs better into the bloodstream. GET SOME!!

23545805? ago

Shit's expensive tho.

23546992? ago

It is, but you can get it 10% if you get a subscription on Amazon. THey have the 1600mg capsules of C and Zinc there. Please....do research and consult a Dr. I do not ever want you to get hurt. I know you will but I still want you to be safe.

23546535? ago

Thanks! Works for me as I like brocolli.

23546351? ago

At $0.03/gram, powder form is probably cheaper...

23543954? ago

If I can intake more 99.9% pure powder Ascorbic Acid and increase my bloodstream concentration that way, why would I pay over 10x the cost. 3lb gives me a years supply at 4 grams a day all for $43. 30 liposomal doses is $20. Glad you're enjoying the benefits of vitamin C but liposomal cost doesn't make sense. If you'd like to make it yourself for much cheaper, I ran across this website with detailed instructions to make very potent Liposomal Vitamin C. https://qualityliposomalc.com/

23544370? ago

The amount of ascorbic acid that you can take is limited by something called bowel tolerance. Too much ascorbic acid causes diarrhea. If you want higher blood concentrations of vitamin C you can take additional C in the lyposomal form. I can only take about 8 grams of ordinary C before I hit the limit, but I can take an additional 8 grams of liposomal, making a total of 16 grams total vitamin C per day. I only do this when I am dealing with an illness.

23550929? ago

What a coincidence! I just saw a documentary on bowel tolerance over at pornhub

23544875? ago

Just hold it

23543752? ago

"Dr. Klenner states, “The importance of Vitamin C as an antibiotic and as the precursor of antibody formation lack scientific appreciation because of its simplicity.” The reluctance of the medical profession to employ it in massive doses like antibiotics has allowed the appearance of allergies as a major problem.

Vitamin C is known to be essential for life. He quotes the studies that show that when Vitamin C is given intravenously to patients with a deficiency, fibroblasts begin to form connective tissue and capillary buds invade blood clots within just a few hours. In a similar time frame when used as an antibiotic, fever falls and the white count climbs."

23546496? ago

kek, I just mentioned this! :) Nice to see the info is spreading!

23543703? ago

Another bonus of this charade is a lot of surgery is unnecessary.. A RED pill that cures not only their gullibility, but their health. The Best is yet to come. Work less, play more, AND healthier. a nice start. developing now.

23543780? ago

The body can do incredible things, it's just limited to what building blocks you give it.

23546491? ago

Right? And, vitamin C is a building block for antibodies, the linked report shows!

Dr. Klenner states, “The importance of Vitamin C as an antibiotic and as the precursor of antibody formation lack scientific appreciation because of its simplicity.” The reluctance of the medical profession to employ it in massive doses like antibiotics has allowed the appearance of allergies as a major problem.

At this point (I really like the "selection" this archive site does!): https://archive.fo/dudL#selection-235.0-235.313

23543647? ago

Check out the master cleanse. Shit cures everything. I haven't been sick in years

23543327? ago

Bill Gates says vitamin C is a placebo.

23543494? ago

You mean Dr. Gates?

23543225? ago

It works, unless Trump says it does. Then all of a sudden it causes instant death!

23545010? ago

It's funny, these people won't believe it until their science says it does. As if science of the universe it limited to their textbooks and no other discoveries can be found.

23546214? ago

They don't understand how easy it is to manipulate "science".

If I run a drug study on a cancer treatment I wanted to debunk, and wait until people are in their death rattles (minutes/hours to death) to administer it, those people are still going to die.

I could then say "100% of people who took this drug died!" and "it was no better than placebo!" and still be scientifically correct, even though I'm being misleading. Now, people can point the fact I waited until they were almost dead to treat them (if I even publish that fact) but by that point it's too late - the Media (my accomplices) can run headlines and academia can brainwash students/future doctors based off the conclusions and not the details.

And imagine the treatment DID work, to my surprise, and all these patients made miraculous recoveries. Well, then I simply cancel the study and never publish it.

This is how we get doctors that push high carb diets then wonder why everyone is fat.

23546458? ago

HCQ studies are being canceled, makes sense!

23545128? ago

It's circular... "I am rofschild axe me a question" document.

23543016? ago

Link broken

23543573? ago

Link is good.

23543229? ago

Link is fine.

23550125? ago

What link?

23542985? ago

Been using for 40 yrs - keep your body saturated with vit C and forget ALL this bs!

23543818? ago

3200mg Liposomal and ~800 zinc a day. Haven't had a flu shot or gotten the flu or cold in 20 years. I'm not a Dr.....this works for me...do your own research.

23545939? ago


It can be toxic.

23546976? ago

Yep. Please do your research and adjust accordingly. Talk to a Dr....again, I am not one and I do not want to ever see anyone get hurt.

23544233? ago

800 what zinc a day? If milligrams, you would probably die from that much.

23547002? ago

Sorry...fat fingers...it's 8mg. My zero is sticking on my laptop.

23544379? ago

Just finished off some 1 kg boat zincs for desert

23544716? ago

Thanks for the reminder, I gotta get my order of zincs into west marine before the rush!

23543600? ago

What's your daily dosage and rate? Ever get sick or have persistent ailments? Allergies?

23547009? ago

I'm sorry, I meant to type 8mg of Zinc...my zero key stuck. Please do research on it and make sure the dosing you need is met.