23582769? ago

I'm currently playing a Chris Cornell song as I read this.

23541800? ago

Why do people keep posting that adrenocheome is harvested from the pineal gland? Its produced by the adrenal gland. Unless you want to separate it from the blood, you'd get it from the gland that makes it. Pineal gland is up in the rostral area of the mid brain. A real pain in the ass to get to.

23539758? ago

The Achilles heel is the dependency on some hokey domain. If the domain authorities can jack websites like the daily stormer, then they can jack this one too. A domain like adrenochrome.com is too easy to just take over, for a government authority. It would require some other kind of naming system than the domain name system (DNS).

23539819? ago

I personally don't give a shit.

I am a person that if doxxed, it will create a fucking nightmare like you have not seen in some time friend.

I am waiting for it to happen, so I can unleash publicly.

23539321? ago

Anyone can create an erc20 token, because it lives on the Ethereum blockchain.

Someone is tanking your chain with this white paper.

23539394? ago

P.S. - If the "white paper" is yanking my chain, why are so many Anons reading this info and up voting it?

We are not dumb you know.

23539387? ago

Yeah, well (((they))) hide their activities by making it look like this is all fake.

But when you read all the information, and you know what we know, you soon realize this is NOT a joke.

(((They))) need to tell us what they are doing to us, for it to be even slightly permissible under universal law.

They know this.

23538937? ago

You are being trolled. Hard.

23538971? ago

That's what (((they))) want you to think.

23538764? ago

We know we have a lot of adrenochrome users and the whole trafficking thing. Question: How does HCQ "wonder drug" play into this? There is a big connection here we are missing.

23538802? ago

This is what you are missing: >



Covfefe Decode > Translated from English to Hebrew and back again Covfefe = Covid Xix (Covid19)


Sean Hunt Qster - Decode - Follow The White Rabbit 'o-o' < Part 2


Adrenochrome Chemical ID Decoded = COVFEFE = QANON = DORIAN


FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Fresh Air And Sunshine - Q Proofs/Decode 'o-o' <

First Lady Melania Trump Reads Easter Story "The Little Rabbit" > 'o-o' <


23538760? ago

Watch IPOT1776 on bitchute. Sir Patrick Mac Lays it all out for you.


23538805? ago

I do all the time. Great work. Great guy.

I am on it.


23538460? ago

"This needs to be reported to the FBI". Lol. Someone should report the treason from Obama too while they're at it.

23538373? ago

Comes up as the 2nd search result for ADC Coin when searched from Duckduckgo

23538393? ago

This is legit. I can tell, and they are hiding it behind "Performance/Visual Art" just like Marina Abramovic.

23539383? ago

You can just "tell", eh? Very convincing.

23539406? ago

Fuck off idiot.

This post has made all of (((you))) very upset.

Hence the silence.

I expect the the Shill attack to commence directly.

Fuck off idiot.

23539471? ago

So "I can just tell" is what passes for proof in your world and you are telling me to fuck off? That's rich. You have exposed yourself.

23539864? ago

Just using my brIAn and hangin' foot loose: >


23539646? ago

Well, go ahead an debunk what I posted as fake.

I dare you. In fact, I DOUBLE dare you.

I have PLENTY of time on my hands, and I will be waiting.

23539183? ago

It is using the existing Etherium chain.

The guy that created Etherium is a known pedo apologist on twatter.

23539228? ago

I have not seen that bro, but I have heard him talk.

Look, without seeming like a crackpot, I have seen sooo much chatter in the gematria, which I NEVER post in the results.

But basically it's saying that the Cabal are going to be using XRP Ripple as a key bridge currency.

Now whilst I have a financial services background, I STILL do not understand what is coming.

I am inclined to buy XRP and will be doing so today, but I MUST have more information on this XRP exec.

23538256? ago


Got a cliff notes for this book?

23538232? ago

Does anyone actually buy stuff with Bitcoin? I mean what if you send the money and don't get your stuff? Isn't it like a wire transfer once it's gone it's gone....

23539198? ago

Never seen anyone buy anything with crypto. I've seen a few coworkers lose a few grand tho attempting to get into it.

Total scam imo.

23539782? ago

Bitcoin is digital gold.

All the ICOs and tokens are a bunch of scams.

23538324? ago

Digital escrow accounts that confirm product delivery (if needed)

23539595? ago


23537820? ago

Watch for red herring.

Moves, countermoves

23538343? ago

The pineal gland does not produce adrenochrome. I can call b******* on that part of this thing at least.

The pineal gland produces melatonin.

23538927? ago

Learn to dig

23537784? ago

Built on squarespace.

Sounds legit.

23537602? ago

When the spice flow stops, all eyes will turn to Arrakis. The Baron and the Emperor himself will be forced to deal with us.

23537571? ago

Part 4: >


Lambert’s interests lie in exploring how the post-capitalist power structure is constituted from dynamic, cybernetic energy flows swirling between the productive, vampiric apparatus of Capital and hegemonic, parasitic appetites of the State – each bound to the other in a viral circuit of mutual excitation, dependency and exploitation.


The current locus of her practice is the interdisciplinary, integrated project Adrenochrome, which launches at the CSM Degree Show 2018. The project draws on structural installation, experimental sculpture, 4D video, 3D modelling, 2D images, online digital content, crypto- trading platforms and a ‘live’ crypto-currency Adrenochrome (ADC).

Adrenochrome indirectly and obliquely references discourses surrounding post-capitalist power structures, elite occult rituals, and the intersection of finance / capital and State power / authority. As a project, Adrenochrome seeks to employ the dream logic of the conspiracy theory to map, explore and elicit the parallel dimensions of these forces.

Adrenochrome is the chemical compound C9H9NO3 synthesised from the oxidation of adrenaline. It's a powerful rejuvenating, psychotropic elixir, sourced from the adrenalised blood of sacrificial child victims, traded by the elites for vast sums of money. Blood has a long mythopoetic history connecting it to youth, vitality and immortality. Since time immoral blood – in particular the blood of children and virgins – has been coveted for these properties, both as a sacrificial offering and a substance ritually / ceremonially imbibed.

The Adrenochrome project explores the occult potentialities of blood, both symbolically and as a cryptographic tradable commodity. In its initial installation at CSM, Lambert will set up an Adrenochrome corporate exhibition stand, which morphs into an Adrenochrome harvesting chamber. This serves as the launch site for the Adrenochrome ICO (initial coin offering). Anonymous purchase of ADC coin, in the format of a small artwork (at a fixed price), will be possible through the CSM shop. After the CSM Degree Show, ADC will go live on the cryptocurrency trading market, where buyers can trade ADC coin (and watch its value rise and fall dependent on subsequent transactions).

23537535? ago

Part 3: >


MESSED UP The ADRENOCHROME Foundation intends to enlarge the market capitalisation of adrenochrome. ERC20 Token

Cryptocurrency smart contracts trading for adrenochrome

While high levels of consumption of adrenochrome will remain restricted to the upper echelons of society, the chemical compound will finally be made available to a wider customer base via ADC coin. This is a unique opportunity to invest in the future of ADRENOCHROME and partake in the cryptographic ritual

highly evil associated sites.

here is "black paper"


ADRENOCHROME (ADC) is an ERC20 token specifically designed to facilitate the high-velocity, cryptographically secure international trading of the chemical compound Adrenochrome (C9H9NO3).

The Adrenochrome (C9H9NO3) compound is synthesised by the oxidation of adrenaline, sourced from the blood of human children. ADRENOCHROME is the purest product on the market, harvested under strictly regulated conditions from our international supply chain of child donors.

In the past ADRENOCHROME could be purchased using a number of different cryptocurrencies, from a selection of suppliers on the Dark Web. This made it difficult to regulate the price of our product effectively. It also meant that profits were absorbed by a third party, instead of being reinvested in the harvesting and production of ADRENOCHROME. With the advent of the ADRENOCHROME blockchain and ADC cryptocurrency, all this has changed.

In the future ADRENOCHROME will be available exclusively from www.adrenochrome.com. In order to purchase ADRENOCHROME customers will need ADC coin, which can be purchased at a fixed price during our Initial Coin Offering (ICO) from www.adrenochrome.net or subsequently traded on select cryptocurrency exchanges.

ADRENOCHROME (ADC) is a next generation, decentralised, anonymous, blockchain cryptocurrency, which utilises smart contract technology. In creating the ADRENOCHROME blockchain and ADC coin we have effectively closed the loop on resellers and assumed total control of our product during every stage of its journey:

Sourcing > Trafficking > Harvesting > Production > Purchase > Distribution > Consumption > Revitalisation

Each transaction on the ADRENOCHROME blockchain incurs a small transaction fee (“bloodletting”), which is auto-reinvested in our operations concerning the global sourcing, production and distribution of ADRENOCHROME. As transaction volume increases, the cumulative effect of bloodletting will allow us to extend our international network, which is why now is the perfect time to join our ICO, purchase ADC and invest in the future growth of ADRENOCHROME.

The total supply of ADC coin is limited to 5687, the ChemSpider number for Adrenochrome. No more can ever be created. Demand for ADRENOCHROME is rising and projected to rise further, as the only means to purchase ADRENOCHROME, the value of ADC is set to rise alongside it.

fucked up

[link to www.thereisonlynow.com]

fucked up

[link to www.thereisonlynow.com]

fucked up

[link to www.mafacollective.com (secure)]

the list of fucked up goes on

[link to etherscan.io (secure)]

you would think square space would ban this sort of filth....with companies turning clients away for their opinions, you would think this would be against their policy

[link to www.adrenochrome.net (secure)]


23537526? ago

More BS

23537436? ago

interesting article

23537307? ago

Part 2: >


All investment comes with attendant risks. Cryptocurrency is decentralised, the validity of each verified by the blockchain. They are used primarily outside existing banking and governmental institutions, and their legality has been challenged. Recently China banned the mining and exchange of virtual currencies.

Cryptocurrency exists primarily as the idea of value, and as such makes it the perfect vehicle for the trade and acquisition of ADRENOCHROME. Both exist in the space between intrinsic and perceived value, and are coveted accordingly.

The risk is the incentive.


Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 01.53.26.png

ADC alt-coin is a cryptographically secure cryptocurrency, trading in pure, fresh and high-quality Adrenochrome. All transactions are anonymous/private.


ADC altcoin is an ERC20 token which can be purchased with Ethereum. Ethereum allows developers to deploy different kinds of decentralized apps. There are two accounts available through Ethereum: externally owned accounts (controlled by private keys influenced by human users) and contract accounts - ADC coin is an external owned account. Due to the decentralised nature of the Ethereum blockchain, ADC altcoin allows anonymous participation in a growing and highly lucrative global trade of Adrenochrome. These tokens are Ethereum blockchain assets that have value, and can be sent and received, like Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum. Ethereum’s aggressive growth has many speculating it will soon overtake Bitcoin in usage.

Adrenochrome Foundation

Adrenochrome (ADC altcoin) is an ERC20 token. Adrenochrome ADC altcoin allows everyday citizens to profit from the sourcing, harvesting and consumption of fresh adrenochrome. ADC coin is managed by the Adrenochrome Foundation, providing new opportunities for beautiful talented children and adolescents to sacrifice their youth elixir for the greater and exponential health of the elites.

Adrenochrome is purchased at www.adrenochrome.com using Adrenochrome (ADC) altcoins. This site is locked for security and privacy requirements related to the sourcing, harvesting and trafficking of Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome Foundation (AF) cannot vouch for the quality and freshness of other traffickers product. For further information about Adrenochrome ADC coin, please visit www.adrenochrome.net. ADC coin can be purchased on several cryptocurrency exchanges.


The Adrenochrome Foundation is a pure fabrication by visual artist Natalie Lambert. Her creative practice explores how the post-capitalist power structure is constituted from dynamic, cybernetic energy flows swirling between the productive, vampiric apparatus of Capital and hegemonic, parasitic appetites of the State – each bound to the other in a viral circuit of mutual excitation, dependency and exploitation.

The current locus of her practice is the interdisciplinary, integrated project ADRENOCHROME (ADC), which launches as an ICO at the Central Saint Martins Degree Show, London, in May 2018. The project draws on structural installation, experimental sculpture, 4D video, 3D modelling, 2D images, online websites, content and digital assets, crypto-trading platforms and a ‘live’ cryptocurrency ADRENOCHROME (ADC).

ADRENOCHROME indirectly and obliquely references discourses surrounding post-capitalist power structures, elite occult rituals, and the intersection of finance / capital and State power / authority. As a project, ADRENOCHROME seeks to employ the dream logic of the conspiracy theory to map, explore and elicit the parallel dimensions of these forces.

Adrenochrome is the chemical compound C9H9NO3 synthesised from the oxidation of adrenaline. It's a powerful rejuvenating, psychotropic elixir, sourced from the adrenalized blood of sacrificial child victims, traded by the elites for vast sums of money.

Blood has a long mythopoetic history connecting it to youth, vitality and immortality. Since time immoral, blood – in particular the blood of children / virgins – has been coveted for these properties, both as a sacrificial offering and a substance ritually / ceremonially imbibed.

The ADRENOCHROME project explores the occult potentialities of blood both metaphorically / poetically and as an actual digital / material product.