23536323? ago

And they are always in charge on the police and fire shows.

23535390? ago

Look at video games now too. Most gamers are based, but the gaming audience has been subjected to massive SJW propaganda for years now. Games like Mass Effect Andromeda, Battlefield V, Wolfenstein, Subnautica, etc ALL have ‘powerful’ female characters which most of whom are not White.

The Witcher 3 was probably the last super based game without an SJW agenda.

23535354? ago

Even my elderly parents stopped watching TV because of this.

The plan is to remove Whites from our society and the way they make it seem ‘natural’ is by making it seem like we aren’t here at all in the first place. To the millions of naive, ignorant, illegal/minorities that are the next gen, they see TV/movies/etc having a super small sample of Whites and figure that this is what America looks like.

They’ve been importing our replacement since 1965 (95% of the population was White then to sub 60% now). The propaganda machine is very strong and is constantly reinforcing this idea that Whites are insignificant.

23535202? ago

Maybe they have stats that more blacks watch tv than whites; therefore, the are marketing to their "audience".

23534729? ago

Bye Felicia !

Go back to Europe.

Goyim go bye bye, you have served us well, your children have been amazing sustenance!

23534060? ago

You are pathologically hung up on race.

23534016? ago

Give me more products and shows to avoid

23532993? ago

Seeing what has transpired over the last 3 1/2 years of Trump bashing, I hope this wakens up Blacks that they are being used by the left for separating the masses. More crap from hollywood.

23532953? ago

Since at least the 70s there have been no mass migrations of white populations, instead there have been mass migrations of tens of thousands of Middle Easterners, Africans, Islanders, and Central/South Americans, not including the tens of millions of illegal aliens. With that said, and living in five different states, I totally disagree with the 65%/13% ratio given. Many are still unaware of the official government standard for white classification. Anyone with European, Middle Eastern (Jew, Arab, etc), and North African (Egyptian, Ethiopian, etc) heritage is listed under the white classification. There is no way to officially determine how many white people with European heritage reside in the USA. My best guess is less than 50% of Americans have European heritage.

Percentage of population-wise, there are no more impoverished black Americans as there are impoverished white Americans. Simply look at your local, state, and federal government offices. Who are the employees/administrators? Those jobs are well paid, with great benefits and fantastic pensions - more than enough for generational wealth formation. Now look at the homeless. Who are they? Ad companies know who has the buying power - and it is not white people with European heritage; there are simply too few of us. That's ok with me though because I jumped off the consumerism/debt cycle long ago.

23532045? ago

It is why I stopped watching tv.

23531880? ago

Yep, I've noticed the propaganda going on for awhile now. Same words / slogans, racially mixed couples and families, more minorities being showcased. It would take a moron not to see through this shit, but then, there are still lots of Dems and low info voters out there. My own family has some. LOL

23531598? ago

Gonna be the war of the Vaxxed vs. the Unvaxxed.

23531593? ago

No the are focusing to their customer.....means whites are winning in that they know to target the suckers that will buy their product....what was the product.

I watch commercials very closely for this so that I can avoid the ones who do this race game to target. Ones that I really notice geared to whites are investments, heart medicine, antidepressants, and some cars.

23531347? ago

I want to get a meme going that blacks are actually 14% of the pop, and in 88% of all mainstream media.

23531342? ago

Mixed race couples in majority of ads in CA.

23531906? ago

Hell, they are ALL over the tv ads as well as print ads.

23531336? ago

And, over and over, women smart and strong (no objection) but also portrayed next to men portrayed as clueless and weak (big objection).

23531957? ago

That's my objection to the stupid Hallmark shows. They always present a "strong" female (actually rather bitchy) and a whimpy boyfriend who gives up his "dreams" to accommodate her. Note "she" always says I don't what to stand in your way...but...it comes out that it's her way or the highway. Total crap.

23531306? ago

The pendulum has swung way too far in the opposite direction. Ditto affirmative action discriminating against innocent whites. Not all whites are privileged, nor should they be assumed to be.

23531247? ago

Shill post.

23531177? ago

What is truely staggering is how these corporations are willing to take a loss on this too.

Because blacks are 13%, blacks are by far the poorest minority, and blacks are hated by Whites, Asians, and Latinos. They have the lowest spending power, and generally represent a total loss to market to.

And yet here we are, EVERYTHING is about blacks.

And you know why? Its not about blacks. Its about appealing liberal cuck whites who will buy a product because they see it being marketed by a black because they like companies who earned "Wokepoints." These whites actually get off on being told they are racist scum, and that whites are the problem, and so on. Its all part of the liberal disease.

They are actually using Woke marketing to try and sell to white liberal cuck soyboys.

23531129? ago

Been noticing this since mid 1990s. I worked in advertising/marketing, dealt with stock photos. All of sudden you started seeing 'diversity' catalogues of stock photos. Along with directives from clients that 'diversity' in imagery was a legal issue and very important to be addressed and 'fixed.'

23532028? ago

Hey, it's not just in photos and ads, even the educational system has played into this. You can't believe the "stories" used the past 10+ years in the Reading textbooks. Many African stories with unpronounceable names, Mexicans that are here in the US with low wage jobs, etc. I understand we are becoming a more "diverse" society, but damn, how about a story or two about a normal white family that actually is married and have jobs.

23535396? ago

I know, We have kids. Going back to homeschooling actually. Done with their BS in schools.

23531481? ago

My ex is was a top commercial actress with over 100 small market commercials and 20+ national commercials. Work completely dried up over the last 5 years. She does have a successful commercial actor workshop and pays her bills that way.

23531146? ago

And I can guarantee you that now the 'diversity' catalogues include gays, transgenders. I've also noticed a very strange trend towards amputees and deformities. Anyone else notice that? What the hell is their obsession with that?

23532116? ago

I know this will "offend" some people, but I'm real tired of seeing the commericals featuring the children from Shriners Hospital and St. Jude Hospital. I am saddened that families have children that are ill and afflicted with such diseases, but stop using these kids. Same goes for the Humane Society showing abused dogs / animals, the Ukraine poor Jews that need our help, etc. I am SO sick of ads using people to play on the emotions of the viewer in order to get us to send money. I turn the channel or mute the tv.

23530721? ago

I hate to be a white-piller, but They are really piling it on which screams of Their desperation: it is natural for any group to want to continue and for individuals to want form groups, and I believe White people will continue to do so, regardless of >>>Their<<< hateful, fantasy projections.

23530700? ago

If whites are vanishing, humankind will be dumbing downn

23530497? ago

Kalergi Plan. They removed Kalergi's quote in Wikipedia where he talks about his vision of a mixed race world run by Jews.

23529964? ago

13% of population. 75% of commercials. 50% of violent crimes.

23536455? ago

I think it's way more than 50%.

23529961? ago

" Whites are going away "

Away from the TV that is. What are you doing still watching and movies? I only watch anime, and youtube videos. I realize even that is questionable.

No sensible human being should make a habit of getting lobotomized by kikes.

23532158? ago

If I lived alone, I'd never have the tv on. My husband is the one that can't live without it.

23534671? ago

lol, opposite here.

23530344? ago

sure... this is an observation about the motives of Fortune 500 companies, insinuating that Whites are being removed from society. Do you want to know who those companies are before you spend your money on their products or trust them with your retirement?

What sensible human being would be handing their money to these cunts?

23530536? ago

Ideally we would throw out all parts of the economy that keep people enslaved. Cars enslave people with continuous expenses for insurance, gas, and car payments. Throw them out and replace them with buggies, like the Amish, or bicycles.

Houses are also too expensive, we must learn to build our own, without being dependent on the banks.

23534661? ago

lol, cars free people not enslave them. Buy a cheap one. They won't let you build your own house. The city inspectors will literally not pass you on anything and if you try with out them they will have the cops arrest you while they bulldoze what you have built....for your own good

23529911? ago

Predictive Programming 101

23529880? ago

Lamestream media is a very effective ENEMY of America.

Turn it the fuck OFF.

23529867? ago

Imagine you're a space alien with the wife and kiddies in your Galaxy 500GL space cruiser heading out on your annual family vacation.

What would you make of the darkening of intercepted earthling television broadcasts from fair and beautiful and wholesome at the start of your trip . . . to dark and foul and demonic by the time you enter the Sol System?

(You paid for the optional hipo warp engine so you get to see a century of programming over a few days as you bear down on Sol III.)

Do you turn around and go skiing on the Milky Way?

Or in a macabre sense of fascination, do you continue to Sol III so the kids can see with their own ten eyes how a civilization kills itself?

23529856? ago

The new normal needs to be the same as before ... a restaurant with 100 tables will still have 100 tables

23529816? ago

WHAT IF the Cabal triggers / brain washes black culture ( rap, tv, movies ) to be the target of hate while we look there, Elite white pedos take over the world and we are still not understanding why we are so conditioned to hate black people. We are the swamp - FREE yourself. Jesus Trump -Q - God NEVER said be racist. Good luck.

23533157? ago

Cabal has no intention of making the black community the target of hate. I don't even know how you can twist that to make it seem so.

23533619? ago


23530163? ago

You are missing the point. I don't think OP is suggesting racism. He is pointing out obvious facts not to be ignored. Head in the sand got us to where we are today.

23531931? ago

you still believe in the lie.

23529724? ago

This has been going on awhile.

I noticed it a couple superbowls ago during the commercials. It was 70% niggers, 10% older white women, and 20% everything else except white males.

23529701? ago

Well, the FELLOW KIKE WHITES need a REAL Holocaust. Problem solved.

23529680? ago

They want us to think that President Trump will lose 2020, the Trump years will be walled in by 8 years of Obama and 8 years of Clinton, everything we have accomplished will be undone and we will enter a new hell where they fund White Supremacy and then they accuse us of white supremacy. They intend to persecute us more than ever before, and they are rubbing it in with their commercials.

23529976? ago

They have literally zero chance of winning in 2020...that's why they're trying to burn the whole world down now. They do not understand the concepts of personal success, prosperity, justice and liberty...it is anethema to their 'cause'.

23530151? ago

Yes, they will lose because President Trump has almost been perfect, but they are fighting like hell and they are fighting as if they still believe it can accomplish something for their terrible cause.

23529569? ago

all jews are foreign enemy combatants. Ben Shapiro has stated openly that he wants to brown America.

23529511? ago

If we'll just turn the TV's off, they'll go away.

23530194? ago

Head in the sand?

23532471? ago

No. Not at all. Just not their audience anymore. There are plenty of credible places to get news that aren't on TV.

23535212? ago

I never watch it myself either but we sure get a lot of it on here so to some degree we need to know what they are up to.

23529505? ago

Don't count on it!

23529392? ago

I love that commercial for Aids meds with the black guy who is an artist, an activist, dressed well, and seems to have it all going on well.

Serious reality theré, huh?

23529774? ago

Where I live the black guy you are most likely to encounter is driving down the street in a vehicle with a flat tire, and then you notice the other tire has the spare donut on it.

23530128? ago

Or coming up to the window with a baggy or squeegee.

The kids can't spell their own names, which is unsurprising because no one can pronounce them either

23531424? ago

And it finally dawned on me why blacks constantly have flat tires a few days ago. It's because they are lazy and have low standards. They don't notice that their tire is low on air, so it doesn't get filled up. Then eventually the tire becomes completely flat. But this is a gradual process. The car still rolls and then one day it's completely flat, but the car still rolls.

23530258? ago



23529664? ago


23529388? ago

Who the fuck watches TV anymore?

23529546? ago

Anyone who walks outside or goes into a store will be bombarded with tv screens and jewish advertizements. It isnt voluntary. Gas yourself.

23529591? ago

You don't have to fucking look at it. Go to a mom and pop store and give some real people your business. Or just make fun of it like when Walmart put up all those big fat pig lesbian douche bag videos of "If you see something say something."

23530046? ago

Gas your entire family

23532159? ago

When there's no more food, you can't find a job, and they are chasing you down to stick needles into your family's arms — remember Trump cares about you.

23529312? ago

65% white, it was 76% what the hell happened?

23531225? ago

Whites aren't having babies any more. have to work.

23530064? ago

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23529931? ago

Unchecked legal and illegal immigration

23530229? ago

illegal immigration isn't counted in the 65% number, so its more like 55%

23534132? ago

You'll soon be wanting minority rights.

23529250? ago

Yes, I've been counting whites in commercials too..

Stopped tv except for fox news eves

23530446? ago

Stopped tv except for fox news eves

lol cuck

23529212? ago

I'm seeing a lot of Chinks lately and it's making me so angry. Especially with them unleasing this bioweapon on the world. God Dam China straight to hell! I hope we radio active waste them! Death to China.

23529108? ago

Have some fucking kids or stop fucking bitching.

23529054? ago

don't forget the root of the psyop:


NWO bullshit

23532997? ago

They're EVERYWHERE >> TV Commercials Excluding Whites, Over-representing Blacks.... Saying: "This is the New Normal" and "The World Has Change" and "Things Will Never Be The Same"

I disagree

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They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


23534223? ago

Absolutely friend!!!

23530922? ago

We're all in this together except for white people.

23530913? ago

Also it's the kike tribe of hook nosed bastards behind the war on whites in tv commercials.

23534537? ago

I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!

23530899? ago

OP gets it wrong i'll explain the truth which is despite making up 13% of the pop blacks make up 75% of all people on tv despite making up 65% of the pop whites make up 7%-10% of all people on tv the rest is mostly spics and some gooks also niggers account for 86% of all violent crime spics account for 12% yet whites are the majority of arrests and incarcerated and shot by the police and mistreated by the police yet niggers want brown peoples lives to matter more than the true victim which is white people now for the rest despite making up 13% of the pop blacks commit 56% of ALL crime and then followed by spics and then white people.

23530220? ago

NWO bullshit

And also the "In These Uncertain Times" line for fear and brainwashing.

And LOOK AT THE RACE MIXING in the print and TV : Look! :


All 100% of those (((TV))) commercials depict "approachable less-threatening negro males"

Music Industry is behind the agenda for de-threatening White Replacement :



23530748? ago

What annoys me, is, that they always just show the combination "Black Male - White Female".

23536421? ago

White males are smarter than that. Same can't be said for the women though.

23530893? ago

NOT ONE JEWISH woman ever! Its 95% of the time BLONDE long hair nordic looking women with small noses.

NO JEWISH Race-mixing ever promoted in the relentless TV brainwashing.


23529125? ago

commie propaganda, indeed.

Every celebrity who spreads this bullshit needs to open their gates and allow ALL US DEPLORABLES to social distance on their estate.

" Hey Tom Brady... I'm here 'cause we're all in this together!! Now, where is Ghisele at?? "

23529923? ago

Why would you pick Tom Brady of all people to single out? He may no longer be in New England, but he's still a patriot (and close friend of President Trump)

23532620? ago

I don't care if he is a friend to POTUS. Brady is a repeated cheater and a crybaby. What is his connections to the guy who didn't kill himself?

23534509? ago

Got that right. they let them cheat because Kraft is the only owner in the NFL who is in the big Jewish club.

23530499? ago

Because Brady was on tv as I was reading the comment, telling me that he and I were in this thing together.

That's why.

23534208? ago

Did you mean like ghislaine? I don’t get it, not op though.

Brady was great but he turned into too much of a pussy in his last few years, I’m glad he and gronk are gone since they couldn’t handle bill belichicks no-nonsense, no one is special coaching style

23534494? ago

How you feel about all the cheating they have done over the years? What about the refs that always seem to throw flags or miss calls that help them?

23534896? ago

Www.yourteamcheats.com man, deflated balls seriously you think that’s a big deal? Spy gate when everyone else was too? Fuck off. What’s the other scandal - the fact they won 6 Super Bowls over 18 years together? Obviously you hit a nerve lol sorry

23535150? ago

No, the fact that Kraft is the only NFL owner who a Jew member of the "Big Club"....He's allowed to cheat. That's why the refs make "key" calls or miss them to change the outcome of the game. Look at the last SB, blatant PI on Cook at the 1 yard line not called. That changes the game. Their whole seasons have been that over and over again. You really think the Falcons just gave up all those points and suddenly forgot how to call offense after half, yeah sure.

23535700? ago

The falcons collapsed so hard after their fucking owner was on the field, they were way too relaxed and overconfident. The patriots fucking execute.

23535791? ago

Yeah, the faithful Patriots in stripy unis, and who ever got paid on the Falcons

23528783? ago

More blacks put themselves in debt with over-consumption. They are targeted for ads.

A mutual fund investment is not the kind of possession that can be displayed on the street.

23529650? ago

"More blacks put themselves in debt with over-consumption. They are targeted for ads."

Tell that to my white ex-wife

23528831? ago

lol no buddy... blacks are being depicted all over the financial industry

I actually saw a commercial with two WASP's turning their retirement over to a black chick.. lol


23529756? ago

They have that friendly you can trust me smile.

The financial industry is filled with crooks working on commission.

23528646? ago

Jews want us dead.

White Christians makes a mockery of the Jew's claims to be a superior master race.

23529777? ago

Why the downvotes? KIKE JIDF FUCKS trying to slide actual truth?

GOYIM = ANIMAL IN HUMAN FORM TO BETTER SERVE THE KIKE. Christians are going to get us killed for how much they suck the dick of Jews.

23528853? ago


the jealousy is obvious.

23534615? ago

Found the Hasbara kike

23528633? ago

Television reenforces voluntary retardation.

23528952? ago


23530193? ago

Yes sir!

Thanks for the correction. I should refrain from typing in the dark.

23530416? ago

Are you typing on a gameboy? Doesn't your monitor have backlight?

23530445? ago

Wireless keyboard. Monitor is on the wall across the room.

23529079? ago

or was it reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenforces?

23529310? ago

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeinforces, technically

23528550? ago

Lined-up back-to-back.........10 days of Darkness.

23530008? ago

10 days of darkies. FTFY