23520595? ago

Shills and trolls often use the trick of demanding "proof."

Which sounds fine, except that whatever proof you provide---they always say, "that's not good enough proof."

It's an endless loop which trolls love.

Before going to the trouble of looking for links and providing proofs, find out what they will accept as satisfactory proof....

23520493? ago

Event 201 had the little cute toy orange corona virus pillows made for it, so the public will know it was a corona virus. https://www.ageofautism.com/2020/01/center-for-health-security-coronavirus-pandemic-event-201-highlight-video.html

The 2012 Olympics had a virus pandemic theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxVaw6XNasY

(to program fear subconciously into the public)

Q confirmed it was deliberately released.

We assume it was a Corona virus, unless someone can point to a scientific paper gene sequencing it and photographing it.

Regardless, they achieved the fear, panic and shutdown they wanted. Next week we won't be allowed to leave our houses without downloading a tracking app.

23516874? ago

How do I prove they haven't isolated it? I say this to people and they just say "no they did!"

23519978? ago

If you can't prove it, then how do you know it's true....

23525697? ago

I don't, truly, so I need more information.

23528852? ago

I think we all need more information---Which we can depend on....

23516869? ago

Nothing you have written is true. Let me guess, it's all 5G. Q is right - you are stupid.

23516231? ago

Many doctors have said this disease is different from the normal cold, flu, or pneumonia, that it behaves differently and responds differently to treatment. That a person's oxygen saturation levels can plummet rapidly and dangerously even as they're looking and sounding fine, which is very unusual. The initially recommended treatment for their pneumonia-like symptoms, putting them on ventilators, backfired rather than helped, as their lungs were working properly, but their blood wasn't transporting oxygen properly. Nurses and sufferers have also reported that this illness is different from what they've seen or experienced before.

I'm willing to believe that COVID-19 has unique characteristics unless it's proven otherwise. That doesn't mean the international overreaction wasn't manufactured by globalist health organizations with an interest in trying to destroy economies, use terror to push through new and terrible laws regarding monitoring and controlling people, and selling a dangerous vaccine to everyone on earth.

23516064? ago

Exactly! It doesn't exist. This is a scam. An economy destroying scam that everybody believes in.

23515247? ago

How did Boris recover so fast?

ICU to on his feet in days? At that age?

It almost makes me wonder about thus 5G shit.

23515397? ago

Flu can do the same thing to people. I know when I've had a flu I'd be in bed for a few days then recover... probably people are freaked out, and decide its covid and their bed stay should be in a hospital instead of at home, because of all the scare mongering...

23515430? ago

You trying to down play it? You a shill?

Boris was in IC fuckin U. People don't go to ICU as a routine thing.

He was diagnosed with Covid 19. You get that? No? Read it again.

And then he waltzed out a few days later.

That is not supposed to happen.

Stop down playing important evidence.

Makes you look like a (((clown))).

23517128? ago

You trying to down play it? You a shill?

Lol. Thanks.

23516199? ago

We already know there is a cure. It's not a mystery.

23515558? ago

I agree but with less rudeness.

23515165? ago

It may not be CV19, but it sounds like something definitely has been in the air since last November. Lots of people who haven’t been sick in 10+ years... suddenly sick as a dog. My family is one of them. I got sick at the end of February, and am still not 100%

23516441? ago

Back up your anecdotal comment with facts or you are a nigger faggot shill.

23517138? ago

Why are you so afraid?

23517083? ago

My experience IS my backup. FUCK OFF.

23518065? ago

Your reaction speaks volumes.

23515145? ago

this is nonsense. the virus is real. how people seek to politicize it is a whole different story. idiots like you conflate and distract.

23515274? ago

^ Ad hominem. This NPC has no ability to discuss the substance of a topic. That's what 10-year olds do, not adults. Grow the fuck up.

23515740? ago

dude. actual people are dying from it. multiple people in the same families in some cases. I live on the PA Jersey border and know a nice little old lady from our church that got it and passed away from it. Her husband got it too and survived. You're just another version of an NPC if you buy into the crap that there is no virus.... Or the virus itself is a hoax.... Now i can have a rational convo with you about how it was released or more plausible theories that bad actors took advantage of it and spread it on purpose....

23515843? ago

Want to have a rational convo? Fine.

First, we have to establish that it exists. Your dismissal out-of-hand is not an argument. It is the lack of an argument.

Respond to my OP, and we can go from there. But your attempt to push past first proving that it exists, much less that it is the cause of illnesses, is a no-go.

23524722? ago

if it doesn't exist then i have to assume all of these doctors all over the world in all of these different countries are in on your grand conspiracy.... come on.... use a little common sense.... Mind you. i'm no shill. i think there is definitely politics going on with all of this for sure.

23520124? ago

The first step in your request is to determine what you would accept as proof that the CoV-19 virus exists?

23515263? ago

Why hasn’t it killed more than the flu, anywhere?

You were one of those credulous faggots saying “just wait two weeks”. It’s been 6 fucking months. It’s a dud!

23514697? ago

I know for a fact there was a post out here with a supposed picture of covid-19. There was an article about it. Anyone remember that?

23515585? ago

I saw one article that compared it to exosomes which looked identical on electron microscopy.

23515794? ago

How could anyone compare what it looks like if it has never been isolated by anyone?

23514846? ago

Fake. Covid-19 has never been isolated, so there cannot be a photo of it. There might be an artist rendering of what it might look like.

23516427? ago

I have a personal friend who is studying the virus in a US level 4 lab....

23516704? ago

Right, but if he is just doing PCR, then he is not really studying it at all.

When they get around to isolating and purifying it, then there will be something to talk about.

23514347? ago

And Dr. Brix said testing is only 50% accurate. So we have to do enough that everyone is either infected or not.

23515184? ago

So we could flip a coin and side step the test??

23519913? ago

If you want to---for yourself....

23515287? ago

That depends on whether or not there is a gun pointed at you.

23514247? ago

Well if you losten to Makovitz (i havent myself yet)

COVid cannot infect humans, that this is a coverup for a vaccine fuck up using mouse brains as a vaccine ingredient.

23514179? ago