23504115? ago

why does the fed always have to provide, can't you get this on your own? Half the people are too stupid to take it anyways

23503873? ago

For $2.2 Trillion they could mail it to everybody on planet Earth.

23503519? ago

A vaccine is not necessary for something that has a cure. Especially something like COVID19 where the death tolls make predictions look like random numbers pulled out of an elephants ass.

23502483? ago

This would be the cheapest solution, yeah. Not sure if it'd be legal or not.

23502763? ago

Herbs and vitamins are legal, nothing prescription in my list.

23502805? ago

Quinine is rx only.

23503019? ago

Many tonic waters have quinine, so does cinchona tree bark, both readily available OTC. As for HCQ, might be a problem trying to blanket prescribe, or even supply, to the whole Country.

23503087? ago

Many tonic waters have quinine

How much tonic water would you have to drink to get a dose equivalent to a prescribed dose?

23506689? ago

Stewed green tea apparently does the same as HCQ

23515763? ago


23522140? ago

23503929? ago

According to Dr. Nepute 4 ozs of tonic water/day. There was a video but UT deleted it.

And if you left distribution to the states it would not get done.

23501229? ago

How about instead of me paying for your vitamins, go and purchase them with your own money?

23502521? ago

Good luck finding hydroxy, etc. at a reasonable price. You don't think much before you speak, do you?

23503164? ago

You dumb cunt. Maybe you should read the actual post before spouting off.

Hydroxychloroquine isn't listed anywhere in the post. It also points out that everything listed there is over the counter. Meaning, anyone can buy it.

So it turns out, you don't read or think before you speak, do you?

23503476? ago

You're too dumb to run the numbers and realize that giving people free nutrients to prevent disease is actually cheaper than paying for emergency response when they get sick. Cool.

23501425? ago

This is far cheaper than letting this plague rage on. You should be worried about things like pelosi's pork, not pennies to stop deadly disease.

23502290? ago

He pays for yours and you pay for his. What's the diff?

23501081? ago

Bake cannabis, THEN eat cannabis = fixes things in your body you didn't even know were wrong.

The 'Fountain of Youth' is cannabis.

23502540? ago

The "Fountain of Lethargy" more like.

23504211? ago

you are both right, baking the cannabis is good only for decaboxylating the cannabinoids, which i guess is 'kind of useful' in the case were the body is not producing its own cannabinoids and its too stiff for anything to flow properly, but this is a two-edged sword, since:

* you are not fixing the underlying issue - the body is not producing its own.

* you are suppressing the body capability of producing - body stops producing anything you supplement from the outside.

* the body is flooded with cannabinoids which turn on and off many things uncontrollably - it makes you feel good, especially when everything was down for long time, but in the long run you will become very unstable.

* your body will become dependent on cannabis for emotional 'balancing', it get used to being relaxed, so its own emotional balancing mechanisms is becoming weak and dysfunctional, just look at all these regular smokers that if one day they dont smoke they lose their shit and they will look for any reason to justify smoking it.

* essentially the main factors that makes cannabis useful is that it gives you some cannabinoids to turn on the endocannabinoid system and that it relaxes your body (which have many many benefits such as better blood, lymph, neurotransmitters and energy (what gives you the effect of 'Fountain of Youth' :)) flow), some oils that can be useful for the body and some alkaline chemistry which acts as anti-acid or anti-inflammatory.

just a warning, it will be fun and games until a point but it will become less and less effective and more and more destabilize you. been there done that. there are better ways to achieve the same thing without all the addiction and crap side effects.

23506606? ago

Don't hold out on the better ways.

23511312? ago

well i am not going to write the eating part again so there you go: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3754112/23305428

i would say though the better ways is a combination of a real proper diet, some herbal tea/formulas (at least licorice root/ashwaganda/ginseng family root - 3 times a day, 1 month on -> 2-4 weeks off cycle), proper body movement, proper mental activities, proper rest and inactivity, all done in such a way to bring your body into "union" (;)) or proper alignment with the bigger creation (aligning with god).

now as for the energy part, its rare to find people that are willing to really dive into the deep end of energetics, so for most people i would say learning healthy sexuality expression and learning to work with that energy is enough. just an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY7SKLFEUyw

23511969? ago

Thank you.

23500905? ago

Fake ass vitamins versus eating an orange, Brazil nut and a carrot while sitting in the sun.

23502496? ago

Fake ass cars versus riding a horse.

23502281? ago

Where is the natural quinine?

23506647? ago

Drink tonic water

23502682? ago

Tonic Water

23518022? ago

I read that there's not much in there, but it might help as a low dosage preventative a little bit?

23522120? ago

The recommended as a preventative amount that I've seen was 8-12 oz. per day. Considering how many people drink gin and tonic, it might be worth a shot but that's a personal decision.

23524157? ago

Interesting. Thanks....

23501135? ago

Vitamin supplements can be clean and effective depending on the objective and competence of the manufacturer.

23502897? ago

ha, if you think you can just take vitamins as isolates and they will magically be absorbed by your body you are in for a surprise, you go to the source for a reason.

23501001? ago

Woah now.... let us not make too much sense in all of this madness.

23500904? ago

This idea I love, so long as any and all vaccines remain clean, safe and VOLUNTARY. Some of us will opt to support our own body to do the work instead.

23501072? ago

Forced vaccines are insane under any circumstances.

23501146? ago

If they were honest, and the vaccines worked with little to no side effects, They would not need to be FORCED.