Kirsten Dunst instagram of fallen "Woody" from Toy Story.....Oh and btw--- she's posting from NEW ZEALAND. WHERE IS HANX???? (
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3778131?
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23489834? 4.9 years ago
She was a child when she starred in Bonfire Of The Vanities with him.
Wonder if she knows more...??
23490262? 4.9 years ago
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23492635? 4.9 years ago
The IG comments seemed to be saying RIP, Tom.
23490151? 4.9 years ago
I get good vibes from her. She doesn't seem to have been assimilated.
23490937? 4.9 years ago
I get horrible vibes from her...ever since she said Spiderman would do poorly without her in it. Another swollen headed celeb.
23490344? 4.9 years ago
what the fuck is she doing in NZ ?
considered to be the Alamo for the Cabal
23490890? 4.9 years ago
It's close to Antarctica, which is where they head to from NZ.
23490414? 4.9 years ago
Nz is where the rich build their bunkers.
23490248? 4.9 years ago
How about assaulted or victimized?
Remember, I stated she was a child when she starred with him in the movie...
23490802? 4.9 years ago
Not sure how getting good vibes from her means she wasn't victimized at some stage in her life. Some people rise above abuse.
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23489834? ago
She was a child when she starred in Bonfire Of The Vanities with him.
Wonder if she knows more...??
23490262? ago
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23492635? ago
The IG comments seemed to be saying RIP, Tom.
23490151? ago
I get good vibes from her. She doesn't seem to have been assimilated.
23490937? ago
I get horrible vibes from her...ever since she said Spiderman would do poorly without her in it. Another swollen headed celeb.
23490344? ago
what the fuck is she doing in NZ ?
considered to be the Alamo for the Cabal
23490890? ago
It's close to Antarctica, which is where they head to from NZ.
23490414? ago
Nz is where the rich build their bunkers.
23490248? ago
How about assaulted or victimized?
Remember, I stated she was a child when she starred with him in the movie...
23490802? ago
Not sure how getting good vibes from her means she wasn't victimized at some stage in her life. Some people rise above abuse.