23496566? ago

DS Hoax

23496111? ago

COVFEFE: Remember how long ago Trump said that?. FE FE is iron in the blood. The HCQ cures the blood by allowing red blood cells to be oxygenated. He had the cure the entire time. A ventilator is useless and causes horrible pain. The governors who cry ventilators, are outing themselves, as the cabal knows the cure, only for them, and has hidden in from the slaves. BOOM. Mexico sells HCQ over the counter. The creepy cabal told us the cure in episodes of M.A.S.H.

23495718? ago


23495264? ago

Oh ? It is a BIOWEAPON now ? isn't it supposed to be a cover operations to arrest the pedos ??

23494958? ago

The corona virus is related to and similar to rhinovirus.

Covid is more similar to a very bad cold as oppose to a flu.

Flu does not typically morph to pneumonia like symptoms. Colds do.

The old medical joke was don't get a cold. We cannot treat that. But when it leads to pneumonia, then we fix that.

It is a very bad, quite contagious cold.

Thousands of old and compromised individuals die every year from complicactions associated with rhinovirus.

23493681? ago

Patriots are in control.

23492072? ago

Probably not

23491855? ago

Or, maybe Trump knew their plans. He countered their move before it even happened.

23491068? ago

I have no idea, but it's as good as any other guess. At the end of the day, that EO doesn't mean shut. The cabal consistently disregards the laws and our rights and this won't be any different.

Call me a still if you want - I hope and pray to God I am wrong but I have lost faith in this whole movement. Trust the Plan Q says...well guess what, we don't really know what the fucking plan is. We were supposed to be able to trust the Constitution and where the he'll dud that get us? Right here, that's where.

We follow the laws, we support their bullshit with our taxes and we are sitting here in lock up. On the otherhand, they are committing major crimes against humanity and allowed to run free.

Trump let's Saudi get up there and feed bullshit for the cabal to the cattle of this country.

Im rapidly losing faith in Trump. I don't give a crap what the plan is, he knows Fauci is lying to us and he is allowing it. Totally disgusted.

23490586? ago

I think the first shot fired is when David Rockefeller mysteriously died after his 7th heart transplant.

23489876? ago

Fauci means "Jaw or Mouth" in Italian. I would say his mouth has been shut for good on fake vaccination.

23489835? ago

Nothing By Coincidence!!!!!

23490789? ago

Nothing by COHENcidence, either

23488662? ago

Of course it's not a BIO WEAPON, its a BIO PROPOGANDA WEAPON...pfff fucking academic retards. I'm so smart!!!

23489260? ago

Me two!!!

23488560? ago

Great post... wish I could up-vote this a hundred times...

23488378? ago

Fauci's life ain't worth 2¢ now. He's a puppet that knows way too much.

23488340? ago

well, they had a relatively short timeline left, so they had to spring their Big Event - and Q drops already pointed out how the House Democrats' impeachment circus was well timed with the propagation of the Wuhan virus to our shores (Jan 15th)

Am thinking is more like both sides knew that the next battle front would be on this whole matter of asymmetric, biological warfare - as one of the new paradigms of how World War is now waged

23488050? ago

Not a coincidence. Big Pharma rules almost everything else.

23488014? ago



Sorry for the yelling, but Q has said "what happens when you have the enemies playbook?"

It's going to get a fuck load worse.

23491812? ago

When can I start shooting people?

23499716? ago

It's a free country patriot.

23487902? ago

The plot thickens ...

23487885? ago

The below study has made its way around VOAT before. Getting the flu vaccine leaves people more susceptible to catching a cold, a corona, a new corona, a SARS2. The linked study was done by USA NIH for the DOD probably to comply with POTUS Trumps 9-2019 EO. I believe this study was published 1-10-2020. Someone sure saw this coming.


23488854? ago

Good info. Thanks.

23487314? ago

I believe that they wanted it to quietly percolate under the radar until July after the pandemic bonds matured and Gilead's new Corona virus drug was ready to go. Then make a big public spectacle of it leading into the election. But potus forced the hand early and announced the travel ban which forced WHO to declare a pandemic against their will, causing the bonds to get triggered. Then announced HCQ as a cheap cure making Gilead's new drug worthless.

Remember early on when the left denied it was a problem. Because they didnt want it to become known that early. Then they fought him on the HCQ, now they are fighting him on reopening the country making mail in voting un justifiable. Potus has screwed them on every front.

23493907? ago


23487270? ago

Bingo. PANIC.

Patriots are now in control

23487045? ago

I assume all vaccines are evaluated for efficacy. Does this make it so the VA (under Secretary of Defense) has their input where they didn't have input before? If so, does this mean we have white hats in the VA who won't tow the CDC safety and efficacy claims?

23488107? ago

Stop assuming! Never assume anything! It will always screw you in the end!

23487280? ago

Vaccines are not independently tested. The companies that manufacture them are also responsible for testing them. I guess the assumption is that the honor system stops them from manipulating results in order to rush a vaccine to market.

23487368? ago

I didn't know that. Never would've assumed that. But that's very disturbing.

23487206? ago

That's how I'm reading it.

A new set of eyes evaluating what's going on.

The VA being involved is very interesting (as military men have been used as Guinea pigs in times past).

23487006? ago

Dont know if it forced their hand becaise I feel this was scheduled all along, only under Hillary. I think the eo might take the power, and therefore ultimate end result of this FF away from them.

23494584? ago

Trump: nobody could have foreseen this

Gates October 201 65 m dead

EO September While it is not possible to predict when or how frequently a pandemic may occur, there have been 4 pandemics in the last 100 years. The most devastating pandemic occurred in 1918-1919 and is estimated to have killed more than 50 million people worldwide, including 675,000 Americans.

And if the cupboard was bare after BO Trump had three years to restock.

23499923? ago

assuming it was brought to his attention which i doubt it was.

23486829? ago

In it we see that, under the Secretary of Defense, it is ordered that the efficacy of vaccines be evaluated.

Fake News!

From the E.O. text:

“The Task Force shall be co-chaired by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, or their designees.”

E.O. 13887 is a fairly easy read and clearly lays out responsibilities of each of the co-chair positions. Nothing in the document supports your foundational claim.

23487446? ago

Fucking faggot.

23490048? ago

angry shill is angry

23490718? ago

There's no reason for YOU to angry. But thanks for admitting your a fucking shill - shill.

23490781? ago

There's no reason for YOU to (be) angry. But thanks for admitting your you’re a fucking shill - shill.

grammar shill does not grammar-grammar

23494764? ago

That’s all you got pedo boy? Lmao at your faggotry.

23486976? ago

Yep. Easy read. For those with comprehension skills. Apparently something you lack. Shill boy.

(b)  The Secretary of Defense shall:

(i)    provide OMB with a cost estimate for transitioning DOD’s annual procurement of influenza vaccines to vaccines manufactured both domestically and through faster, more scalable, and innovative technologies;

(ii)   direct, in coordination with the VA, CDC, and other components of HHS, the conduct of epidemiological studies of vaccine effectiveness to improve knowledge of the clinical effect of the currently licensed influenza vaccines;

(iii)  use DOD’s network of clinical research sites to evaluate the effectiveness of licensed influenza vaccines, including methods of boosting their effectiveness;

23489080? ago

And you chose to leave out the responsibilities outlined for the HHS Secretary because . . .?

Did you leave that part out for the same reason you didn’t link to the E.O. In question? Because they didn’t fit your narrative?

I linked the E.O., and you suddenly become an author of baseless internet fantasy fiction.

Your foundational claim was false, therefore a nonexistent base upon which to build your theory.

I won’t fault you for indulging your creative side, but posting bogus fake news as fact will always earn you a public humbling.

23489235? ago

Actually the link to the EO is in the original post, azz hat. You're lying.

So, anyone interested can link it and read it.

I choose to highlight the part about the Secretary of Defense directing a review of current vaccines, because it is important to know that the Secretary of Defense is directed to oversee a review of current vaccines.

(b) The Secretary of Defense shall:

The foundational claim is true. You are lying.

That you desire to attempt to obfuscate this point by way of the other directives in the EO indicates that you have some agenda. So, fuck off, shill.

23490040? ago

fuck off, shill.

When failing on substance, resort to personal attacks. We know the script.

BTW, do you think Fauci knows anything was ’taken away’ from him last September? Do you think he would be surprised to read that in your baseless fantasy fiction?

23490927? ago

Ignoring substance and the total destruction of his fake, lying discourse, the shill continues to blather with nonsense as if he deserves any further attention or response.

By the way, Fuck Off is not a personal attack azz hat<( that is), it's a Fuck off. As in run along.

Yes, shill, we know your script.

23493522? ago

You continue with your pedantic lefty checklist: Project, Deflect, Deny.

And ignore the gaping holes in your fantasy fiction:

”BTW, do you think Fauci knows anything was ’taken away’ from him last September? Do you think he would be surprised to read that in your baseless fantasy fiction?

23495643? ago

Are you still here?

If you want to apologize for your blatant lies about the OP, that would be fine.

And last I checked, Fausi doesn't work for DOD or the VA, or HHS, so yes, ass hat, he's excluded from this investigation of efficacy of current vaccines.

Were you born this stupid? Or has it come upon you?

23486906? ago

You are mincing words and semantics (word freak). The gist of his post is legitimate, although not word for word, and you are nitpicking it apart. Upvoat for OP.

23488900? ago

You are mincing words and semantics

You should understand the meaning of idioms before you embarrass yourself with their misuse. There was nothing vague or indirect in my comment, quite the opposite. Neither was there any play on semantics. You look foolish for making those suggestions.

I stand by my criticism of OP’s misleading claim which he proffered as foundational to his theory. Regarding your upvote, I place zero value in those pretend internet points that you envision yourself wielding as some sort of weapon of righteousness.

23494789? ago

Look, we are all doing our best. We are not all as smart and word smithy as your good self. Cut him some slack and you could have been foundationally more helpful.

OP under the Secretary of Defense, it is ordered that the efficacy of vaccines be evaluated.

EO (b) The Secretary of Defense shall:

(ii) direct, in coordination with the VA, CDC, and other components of HHS, the conduct of epidemiological studies of vaccine effectiveness

It seems to me that you are not only being unkind, nit picking and pedantic, but wrong.

A gentle row back is in order.

23496120? ago

Stop rephrasing irrelevant work of other posters and representing it as your own. You’re late to the party and now you look even more foolish than you did when you got up this morning

23489372? ago

Doubles down on stupid. ☝️☝️

23490056? ago

emoji shill uses emojis

23486665? ago

No wonder Gates and Faui are pushing vaccines. They are fighting this EO. And they will not win.

23487048? ago

Wow. Our Master Chess Champion Trumped them again and in the meantime he is working behind the scenes to bankrupt the Fed and reset our economy and currency back to the Gold Standard. He is always 9 steps ahead of them. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Winning.

23489308? ago

Trump is operating on a whole another level. Too many dimensions for me yet Trump is still soaring ahead. I'm in awe.

23486192? ago

Remember Bill Gates didn't want vaccines to be evaluated? The plot thickens.

23489611? ago

Yeah, I remember the interview he gave, saying "I told President Trump, who I think liked my daughter a bit too much, 'that would be bad'."

23486172? ago

direct, in coordination with the VA, CDC, and other components of HHS, the conduct of epidemiological studies of vaccine effectiveness to improve knowledge of the clinical effect of the currently licensed influenza vaccines

Now that is very, very interesting.

Can anyone take a guess and figure out what people's reactions would be if they learned that the vaccines that are and have been pushed for decades didn't improve our lives at all and if anything made us more susceptible to illness?

If I was worried about any study that would provide conclusive evidence such as this, I would in turn create a highly contagious virus, use all of the the resources at my disposal to convince the masses that their lives are on the line, literal life and death unless they take my vaccine -- the fear will be so great, the demand will be so great that any objective evidence produced after the fact that would suggest foul play will be brushed off because said people will have believed with all of their hearts that their lives were saved by said faux vaccine. And if this supposed vaccine had the secondary effect of eroding our civil liberties to nothingness...all the better.

Knowledge of this EO needs to be pushed and pushed hard, that is a motive if I have ever seen one.

23493941? ago

EO Executive Order? Low let me guess which one. Or I could search for it, but what would I search for. I'll try EO and see what comes up.


Hmm.. gissa clue.

23487416? ago

Woke af.

23487620? ago

Well that has renewed meaning under this light. Wow.

23486324? ago

Veterans deserve reparations for what was done to them - many were used as straight up guinea pigs for vaccines and other meds.

23487888? ago

My dad was one of those guinea pigs. Died of cancer in his early 50's.

23486818? ago

Yeah, becoming an order follower for Gog and Magog was never a good idea.

23488071? ago

Oy vey! Anyone who sacrifices their children for Israel is a HERO!

23486794? ago

This x1000.

From, one of those guinea pigs..

23493796? ago

I got a lot of shots in the Army

23489008? ago

My heart hurts for our veterans who were put through this. Infuriating

23486805? ago

God Bless you, anon.

23486161? ago

Thank you President Trump.

23486160? ago

this is just one of many carpet bombs against the deep state

23486146? ago

I can't upvoat this enough!

23486112? ago

"But but muhhh CDC numbers and muhh more contagious and muhhh [insert MSM talking points here]"

Yours truly,

Non Player Character

23486049? ago

Follow the money. Normies will get the stock trade stuff.

23485984? ago

Great observation anon, thanks for sharing.

23485955? ago

President Trump was on this ahead of time.

23499144? ago

archived copy https://archive.vn/ZkTJu

23494643? ago

Wow. Thanks for the incredible read. Everyone, take 5 minutes and read the article.

23488996? ago

Add to it Q3909 https://qmap.pub/read/3909

Why did WHO make several strong recommendation NOT TO impose a travel ban?

Why did select [D] govs ban the use of hydroxychloroquine [key]?


Time sensitive?


23489129? ago


23487858? ago

That should be it's own post

23488683? ago

Someone posted it yesterday - feel free to re-post, all the good information gets buried so I try to spread it around by making posts directly to anons who seem to be well informed true patriots.

23487286? ago

Great read. Thanks.

23486151? ago

More than we realize, COVFEFE

23486683? ago

COVFEFE and COVID-19 both contain Pi codes:

C O  V  F E F E  (62)  
3 15 22 6 5 6 5        

(62)     (35)     (127)     (28)     |     (252)

(7 letters, 1 words)
  • 315
  • 2265
C O  V  I D  (53)  1 9  (10)  
3 15 22 9 4        1 9        

(63)     (36)     (92)     (38)     |     (229)

(5 letters, 2 words)
  • 315
  • 2294
  • 5319
  • 229

23500222? ago

What is a Pi code?

23488469? ago

Covfefe Decode > Translated from English to Hebrew and back again Covfefe = Covid Xix (Covid19)


Sean Hunt Qster - Decode - Follow The White Rabbit 'o-o' < Part 2


Adrenochrome Chemical ID Decoded = COVFEFE = QANON = DORIAN


FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Fresh Air And Sunshine - Q Proofs/Decode 'o-o' <


23486965? ago


Covid FE2 FE3

23485910? ago

'Nothing is a Coincidence' Q

23486652? ago

When did Q say that?

23491772? ago

When did Q say half the horseshit people attribute to him?

23491846? ago

You're a fraud

23485901? ago

Read Or listen to the book Dr. Mary’s Monkey

It is finally come full circle. In order to know the truth, you need to have the foundation.

23494205? ago



https://www.amazon .com/Dr-Marys-Monkey-Cancer-Causing-Assassination/dp/0977795306

How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey ... Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics

The 1964 murder of a nationally known cancer researcher sets the stage for this gripping exposé of medical professionals enmeshed in covert government operations over the course of three decades. Following a trail of police records, FBI files, cancer statistics, and medical journals, this revealing book presents evidence of a web of medical secret-keeping that began with the handling of evidence in the JFK assassination and continued apace, sweeping doctors into cover ups of cancer outbreaks, contaminated polio vaccine, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and biological weapon research using infected monkeys.

23487011? ago

Awesome book. A highly recommended read!

23485933? ago

Can you give a tl:dr

23488791? ago

Weaponized cancer virus.

23489088? ago

You remember the heart attack gun used to scare those who wanted to get rid of the CIA?

After seeing that, perhaps nothing will surprise me. Well, if Trump actually succeeds and is truly altruistic, I'll be surprised. But as far as depravity, that hole is endless.

23485843? ago

Nice dig.

23485820? ago

Maybe. I think the virus has been planned to be released anyway though.

23485816? ago

The ban mentioned in this image was actually started in October, and only finalized in January: https://files.catbox.moe/98b5vc.jpg

They are all accessories before the fact, and therefore all eligible for the death penalty.

23494235? ago

Where do you get October from?

23485780? ago

This makes all the sense in the world. Thanks for the great post, OP. Everyone needs to know this.

23485741? ago

Seems like it, anon. Nice view

23485702? ago

good work anon

23485463? ago

yep... no wonder this KungFlu hype looks FAKE AS FUCK



They are using their proxies in the corrupt Health Care Industry and the Media to LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

23492993? ago

It's absolutely not "the flu":

How does coronavirus kill? Clinicians trace a ferocious rampage through the body, from brain to toes (Science Magazine)

FTA: “[The disease] can attack almost anything in the body with devastating consequences,” says cardiologist Harlan Krumholz of Yale University and Yale-New Haven Hospital, who is leading multiple efforts to gather clinical data on COVID-19. “Its ferocity is breathtaking and humbling.”

Understanding the rampage could help the doctors on the front lines treat the fraction of infected people who become desperately and sometimes mysteriously ill. Does a dangerous, newly observed tendency to blood clotting transform some mild cases into life-threatening emergencies? Is an overzealous immune response behind the worst cases, suggesting treatment with immune-suppressing drugs could help? What explains the startlingly low blood oxygen that some physicians are reporting in patients who nonetheless are not gasping for breath? “Taking a systems approach may be beneficial as we start thinking about therapies,” says Nilam Mangalmurti, a pulmonary intensivist at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP).


Dysregulation of Immune Response in Patients With COVID-19 in Wuhan, China

Results: Of the 452 patients with COVID-19 recruited, 286 were diagnosed as severe infection. The median age was 58 years and 235 were male. The most common symptoms were fever, shortness of breath, expectoration, fatigue, dry cough and myalgia. Severe cases tend to have lower lymphocytes counts, higher leukocytes counts and neutrophil-lymphocyte-ratio (NLR), as well as lower percentages of monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Most of severe cases demonstrated elevated levels of infection-related biomarkers and inflammatory cytokines. The number of T cells significantly decreased, and more hampered in severe cases. Both helper T cells and suppressor T cells in patients with COVID-19 were below normal levels, and lower level of helper T cells in severe group. The percentage of naïve helper T cells increased and memory helper T cells decreased in severe cases. Patients with COVID-19 also have lower level of regulatory T cells, and more obviously damaged in severe cases.

Conclusions: The novel coronavirus might mainly act on lymphocytes, especially T lymphocytes. Surveillance of NLR and lymphocyte subsets is helpful in the early screening of critical illness, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.


Young COVID-Positive Redditors Describe Agony Of Ongoing Symptoms Nearly Two Months After Getting Sick

"While COVID-19 mostly kills older people with underlying conditions, it can have devastating effects on the vast majority who survive the initial illness - including younger individuals.

Based on what we know about this brand new disease, up to half of those who contract it may show no symptoms [The most statistically-reliable numbers from South Korea and the cruise ships show that approximately 85% of those infected show now symptoms]. Of those who become sick, effects range from no worse than the common cold, to 'worst flu I've ever had,' to requiring hospitalization and oxygen support, to death."


23497655? ago

Wow is that what ZeroHedge has come to? Redditors are the main consumers of mainstream media and fear porn. I’d probably get my data elsewhere if I wanted a more balanced experiential account. EBV, cytomegalovirus, Borrelia, shingles and HPV, off the top of my head, also cause long lasting, unpleasant and painful symptoms.

Based on what we know about this brand new disease, up to half of those who contract it may show no symptoms [The most statistically-reliable numbers from South Korea and the cruise ships show that approximately 85% of those infected show now symptoms]. Of those who become sick, effects range from no worse than the common cold, to 'worst flu I've ever had,' to requiring hospitalization and oxygen support, to death."

Such non-specific symptoms says more about the diagnoses than the disease. Maybe the PCR assays being used are not sensitive enough for novel COVID-19 genotype and what people are actually testing positive to is any coronavirus whatsoever. Dr Wolfgang Wodarg has been in several videos now criticizing the PCR test the WHO approved for COVID diagnosis. I see that the paper on potential false positives in the COVID PCR assay, released in early March, has been withdrawn because it was decided by the editorial board that there is insufficient data. But apparently we have sufficient data to initiate lockdowns.

Ventilators also present a conundrum since they often cause pneumonia and basically always cause hyperoxia, lung injury and neutrophil infiltration. I don’t know anyone besides the media who is claiming young people can’t contract it or suffer severe symptoms.

23492416? ago

All this arguing about whether or not it's the flu. What is awesome are your bullet points, Anon. They are all true and shouldn't be overlooked. Copying your list for ammo if the topic shows up when I'm on Twitter. Thanks!

23488150? ago

fucking retards...everything that makes somebody sick is "the flu"

Do your dumb ass hemorrhagic fever, HIV, Herpies, and everything else might as well be called the flu.

Its a corona virus! Its a cousin to the common cold, and SARS. It appears to be spliced with HIV.

It was a research virus that the Chinese were working with trying to be the first to get a vaccine ready for the next SARS outbreak, which would net them billions and billions and billions of $$$$$$$$$ as the WORLD took the vaccine they would own the rights to.

This could have been escaped, or released. YES they want a PANIC because the VACCINE is the point. And no its not the point to inject you with mind-control nanobots. No they are going to sell a rushed, probably doesn't even work "vaccine." It not actually doing to do anything horrible, at least not intentionally. THE POINT IS MONEY. Its that they are going to sell it for $500-$1000+ a dose to every last human being in the world. That world be 4+ TRILLION DOLLARS of profits.

Its very simple, it was all about the money, it was always all about the money. One has to remember the only thing these people care about is money. The are all-consumed by the sin of GREED.

23497367? ago

Also it will not be the people purchasing it, it will be governments paying Gates with taxpayer money.

23494962? ago

Follow the money and you will learn the truth great post

23489359? ago

You are correct however you can't really say it isn't a bioweapon. Any biological agent being intentionally released in order to achieve political goals is biowarfare. And the goals are more than about money at this point.. In fact they will blow money if it advances their NWO agenda

23488564? ago

Um, there is a slight issue with this AIDSFLU,Yes the first infection is a lot less than major flu, but there is no immunity(HIV inclusion), and it appears, the second and third infections are the ones that kill. Its a BIOWEAPON to create this exact scenario No big deal at first, everyone goes back to work, then gets it again, and again. Can all be avoided IF WE JUST TAKE VITAMIN C there are no worries. You cannot get it. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n14.shtml Watch CLIF_HIGH on UTube. man gets it.

23488549? ago

What do you suppose that Bill Gates intends to buy that he doesn't already have?

It doesn't take much thought to realize that it is not all about money. It's all about power.

And the kind of power desired by Luciferians is the very most evil kind.

23495741? ago

The guy you replied to is a known shill. He posts all over this board and in the EXACT same formatting. Plays both sides like he does in real life. Confirmed shill faggot. You’ll notice this if you read a lot of threads. Just an FYI.

23499454? ago

Thanks for the heads-up.

23505101? ago

Anytime patriot. There are a ton of these media matters and chink shills here.

23490925? ago

the 'greed' shills did the same thing re: 9/11

23486838? ago


No one in this thread took microbiology? No-one?

FLU has over 10 times as many RNA genomes. This has only a genome size of 29,903 bases

Influenza virus is the flu

This is the 'corona virus' and is related to SARS, and in fact is called SARS-2 by all scientists this month.


Read that.

This bioweapon was a research DEFENSE test virus for military bio labs, but leaked out in china, it was not fully weaponized yet, or not meant to be.

23492483? ago

OK, so it's not the flu, it's a variation of a Corona virus....

But sometimes the symptoms are kinda like the flu---sometimes no or very little illness, and sometimes very severe symptoms, and probably most of the time somewhere in between (depending on if the person has preexisting complicating conditions).

So it just is what it is.

With the HCQ treatment and some highly successful nutritional treatments being reported, the real death rate should be way lower than "official" reports.

Plus, if the antibody tests show that many people have already had it, but didn't know it, and recovered on their own---then those people probably won't get it again (anytime soon anyway), so the count of contracted cases should start going way down.

And the country will open back up again.

So, with the stimulus monies, why get all bent out of shape about anything---except maybe who started it....

23491015? ago

Yes, I took micro and graduate studies in genetics. Unfortunately you are talking to mostly vaxer/5G/chemtrail idiots with ZERO science education around here.

23489267? ago

It wasn't leaked. Intentionally released. That's why it was telegraphed many times over.

23489029? ago

Coronavirus is common cold. Pneumonia is what kills you. Feel better?

23489192? ago


Pneumonia is a symptom, not a disease.

  • Pneumonia can be from BACTERIA (commonly)
  • Pneumonia can be from FUNGUS (common)
  • Pneumonia can be from VIRUS (common)
  • Pneumonia can be from SUB-BACTERIA (Mycoplasma pneumoniae)
  • Etc.

But yes... the symptom of Pneumonia can kill you.

23492976? ago

NOPE [...] but yet

Actually, just "yes." The mere presence of cold coronaviruses doesn't kill, it is the damage those viruses cause that kills.

And to correct the anon you sought to correct: it's not the flu, it's the cold. Same death rate and everything.

Imagine being one of the gullible, credulous faggots who fell for it. KEK

23487713? ago

For what you wrote here to be confirmed you would have to take a sample from a Covid positive patient. Then isolate the Covid virus within that sample. Then examine and compare the Covid virus with the flu.

No way that's going to happen. I highly doubt the news has done this. So what you wrote is nothing but media conjecture.

We know nothing.

23487683? ago

Maybe not but a few classes of human bio say you are right.

23487603? ago

this faggot cites WIKE and the WHO and 9 cuts suddenly upvoat it ??


23492048? ago

It's basic scientific fact that coronavirus family is different than the influenza virus family. The source is irrelevant. Use a highschool biology book.

23487549? ago

The who website, and wikipedia, HMMMMM

23487610? ago

aaaand 9 sudden UPVOATS

23487365? ago

there are devices like crisper that even a microbiologist could not fully comprehend, as well as nano particles none of understand. Gotta just follow the money like always.

23487050? ago


23492306? ago

How can you be so sure....

23486942? ago

Exactly. Every medical lab tech in almost every single hospital across the country knows it's not the flu.

23488765? ago

Yeah the same 'experts' who are studying a sequence that was put online BY CHINA for them to study...lol Oh my how silly to follow 'these' experts.

23487655? ago


shut the fuck up with your EXPERTS AGREE bullshit

23488278? ago

Where have I heard that before "17 Intelligence Agencies Agree"

23487803? ago

Haha! Yeah. Those are the same "experts" that get funding when they agree and don't get funding when they don't agree!

Kinda like those lab mice that get the cheese if they do certain things.

23487332? ago

Only based on a test provided by Big Pharma does 'every medical lab tech in almost every single hospital across the country knows it's not the flu.' They don't KNOW Jack Shit. Operative term, "TECHNICIAN."

23487939? ago

My wife is a medical lab tech that runs a lab. They know it's a corona virus not the fucking flu.

23500177? ago

Um..just a simple question that you might want to think about. "Who" gives your wife the slides to test/study? Does she draw them herself directly from the patient or is it 'given' to her by someone else?

It's like the sequence that China uploaded online for everyone to study right? So you've got all these 'experts' telling you all these details of this 'virus' and how it's NOT a simple flu yadda yadda when THEY'RE FREEGIN STUDYING A VIRUS CHINA PUT ONLINE FOR THEM TO STUDY...lol

Compartmentalization. If you're studying/testing a sequence that at it's origination is false (but you believe it to be real), then EVERY bit of info you obtain thereafter as an 'expert' is also false. She is probably in the lab testing a sample GIVEN TO HER in order to produce her findings....duh

23487994? ago

If your wife is running a PCR test, then SHE doesn't know jack shit, because PCR was never designed for that purpose.

What test is she running?

23488197? ago

You don't even need to run any test to know it's not influenza. You can tell it's not influenza under an electron microscope.

23488951? ago

"His crime?" "Driving an electron microscope under the influenza."

23492337? ago

Good one....

23486865? ago

spam confirms CLOWN ^

23486966? ago

Not a rebuttal. You may be right so prove it!!

23487229? ago

you latch yourself onto the narratives that suit your political biases, anyway..

  • pneumonia and flu deaths going to zero

  • health care workers dancing on tik tok ( Chinese malware banned by US Army )

  • empty hospitals and REAL health professionals being LAID OFF

  • arbitrarily adding unconfirmed deaths to the total, including 3,700 in ONE DAY from NY

  • 50 something celebs affected, yet I DON'T KNOW A SINGLE PERSON who is KungFlu positive

  • all heavily affected states are BLUE DEM CONTROLLED AREAS

  • all heavily affected countries are EU strongholds

  • Bill Gates

23486771? ago


FLU has over 10 times as many RNA genomes. This has only a genome size of 29,903 bases

Influenza virus is the flu

This is the 'corona virus' and is related to SARS, and in fact is called SARS-2 by all scientists this month.


Read that.

This bioweapon was a research DEFENSE test virus for military bio labs, but leaked out in china, it was not fully weaponized yet, or not meant to be.

23486790? ago

wiki lol


23487698? ago

Science, my friend, is also your friend if you pursue it.

23487738? ago

science like climate change, faggot ?

Put your mask on, cower inside, being a cucked worthless piece of shit.

it's your DESTINY

23489220? ago

Climate change is natural and normal. I wear no mask and I am female. My destiny today is to be your fairy god mother and unroll your disbelief in a bio weapon. How can I be of service?

I warn you before hand that I do have in my possession a fairy wand that's capable of turning you into any number of land based critters. Things never turn out well for the offender when you piss off a fairy, just so you know ; )

23485841? ago




23485920? ago

It's totally not the flu.

Hey look over there!

23486194? ago

why are deep state muppets calling it the flu? maybe sliding...maybe knowledge. could be either.

23488577? ago

I don't know. Smoke and mirrors?

I think as long as you're busy arguing about this, you won't notice other things.

Whether or not it's the flu isn't what we should be focusing on.

23487693? ago

Influenza A, B and the Coronavirus have the same symptoms and close R0 numbers 1.3(influenza) and 2 (coronavirus). Both kill the same way, respiratory. Everything about the wuhan virus is exactly like the flu. When people say it's just the flu, they are not saying it is the exact same thing, they are saying they are the same. Now Jews and Niggers don't understand this type of cognitive thinking, it is something Whites do.

23493063? ago

Exactly. So annoying having to explain everything in excruciating detail around here. Can the anon you were replying to not think for themselves?

(no - in which case they're brainlets)

(yes - in which case they know what pilpul shit they're up to)

QED, faggots.

23485430? ago

Look at the stock market trades between September 1 2019 to Jan 1 2020, then Jan 1 2020 to April 1 2020.

Look for suspicious sales and buys regarding Healthcare companies.

Soros' in particular, paint an interesting picture when combined with this EO.

23485556? ago

$ore as$ never misses an opportunity to further line his pockets.

23488257? ago

HE is connected to literally everything bad in the last 15 years...

One of the worst human beings to ever live. His manipulations have created many wars, and GREAT swaths of poverty that has easily killed over 100 million people over the last 40 years. From his rape of Western Europe to his support of black lives matters, the Ukranian revolution, and the creation of ISIS, he has fingers in all of it, all of it created chaos, war, and crushing poverty that put many people in the ground.

And he will always say "I didn't tell them to kill anyone." No George you just gave millions to crazy people and let things take their course, full well knowing what would happen.

23493019? ago

I remember a quote (I believe it was from $oreas$).

"It is easier to kill a million people than to control a million people."

He should know - he has his hands dirty with the blood of millions.

23488055? ago

That's typical for a jew