23485196? ago

who allows this shit? its at the local level so don't say its Trumps fault

23483792? ago

You know, we don’t want the Religion of Peace adherents to get violent or anything!

23482631? ago

Well they wipe their anuses with scented oils to ward off the colds, so they're good to go.

23482491? ago

Call the local police non stop to report the ‘violations’. We’re way too passive. Fuck muzzies.

23482288? ago

The difference is that muslims will commit acts if terrorism if they aren’t allowed to do their thing.

23481422? ago

because we sit back like faggots while everyone else fights for their beliefs. where's your belief system?

23481205? ago

Expect some discrimination lawsuits

23479567? ago

Same in the UK. White people are being arrested for walking their dogs alone in an empty park, while the Muzzies are allowed to take over public tennis courts and use them for mass prayer meetings.

23483727? ago

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23479556? ago

That's terrible. Christians are being targeted, while Muslims continue to close-associate, potentially spreading the virus amongst themselv...


23479510? ago

Why am I not surprised....

23479498? ago

Well, whoopity-doo big surprise. Like we didn’t know this was going to happen. Fuck the rats.

23479478? ago

This is not even in local news -



muslims are considered a privileged class here ... not sure if syracuse university with its enforced 25% diversity is related (think chinese who pay full tuition)

When anti-sharia peaceful rally - antifa was bused in. Cops did not call in help. I think there were less than 10 on a otherwise quiet summer day.

Only reason rally goers were not beaten to a pulp is that local militia were there to help.

Local news took the side of the "peaceful" muslims

23479437? ago

That is just fucked up.

I just don't get how a street level cop would act this way.

23479054? ago

guess the muzzies are amune to the flu.

23479004? ago

I live east of Seattle. The Mexicans were selling flowers, the business next to my house has leaf blowers going. The condos behind my house had gardeners working. The beauty shop...yes, the essential beauty shop was open last night. The massage business..open

Could anyone do this east of Seattle. A few weeks ago suppose to be a misdemeanor.

I am betting if the average Joe did this they would be shut down.

23478931? ago

Who cares? You aren't going to go St Tarrant on them.

23478147? ago

This is comparing one state with another. Different governors have been doing different shit to their people. You can’t compare state law enforcement in NY to state law enforcement in MS.

23478130? ago

The religion of the Anti-Christ during the 7 year tribulation period. Beheading non believers of Satanic Islam.

23477711? ago

Absolute bullshit this is allowed to go on.

23477538? ago

If this is happening then Muslims should be dying in droves. I would say let them go at it.

23477480? ago

All the animals are equal

Except ...

23477417? ago

Are they still performing the call to prayers in places where they do that, like Dearborn Michigan and parts of NYC? Just curious.

23477287? ago

Any goats in Cuse?

23477223? ago

They also arrested a bunch of Hasidic Jews in Monsey, NY.


Although to be fair, these Hasidic Jews were the ones who were the first to bring coronavirus to Rockland county, making it one of the top hotspot counties in the U.S. So fuck them.

23477197? ago

Muslims are special because they are part of the pedophile club. Satan loves that kind of shit.

23487667? ago

Spiritual warfare? Only let satanits pray.

23483706? ago

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23477144? ago


23476944? ago

Trump made this stand out at presser.

Literally said he wanted to see if "they" would do anything to shut down mosques like they did Christian churches during covid.

23476795? ago

You cucks think this is Islam vs Christianity when in reality it's shitskin vs white.

23478576? ago

Obviously, it's both.

23478694? ago

Nah, it's only whites. They don't give a fuck that you're Christians. They worked hard to have an offshoot of their religion erased and replace our people's natural spirituality.

23479566? ago

They very much do, they've been murdering Christians for 1400 years.

23480492? ago

They've been murdering whites. White is not synonymous with Christian you cuck.

23481731? ago

It was until the last century or so and it was always Christians fighting them, you cuck

23483561? ago

Oh? Christianity originated in Europe?

It's a sandnigger religion that erased and replaced our native spirituality you fucking idiot. The Jew wants you dead, and he started by killing your spirituality.

You are literally worshipping Judaism and you call me the cuck lol?

23484424? ago

Europeans occupied the Middle East and North Africa into the 7th century.

Ever heard of the Romans? lol

23484517? ago

Ah, yes, the famous Roman Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef the Nazarene!

23484612? ago

Right, now you know how ridiculous that was.

Face it, you didn't know who the Romans were. lol

23484871? ago

I think you're the one who has it backwards, Boomer. Yeshua ben Yosef was a Semitic teacher of Judaism, not a European - even if a European nation ruled the area at the time.

23484939? ago

Jesus was from Gallilee, not Judea. lol

23485032? ago

Plenty of secular and contemporary sources agree that Yeshua ben Yosef existed - however, he was not a god, and "miracles" he performed were fake news.

23485166? ago

No one ever proved he existed or that he was jewish, dumbass.

What a 'tard. lol

23485241? ago

So you're doubting his existence, but you think Europeans are synonymous with Christians...

23485262? ago

The Europeans, who were all Christians, fought the moslems and their jewish allies for 1400 fucking years.

That is correct, dumbfuck.

23485345? ago

You have got to be the stupidest fucking user I've ever met. Europeans existed long before Christianity existed. That's inarguable. Christianity did not originate in Europe. That's inarguable. Therefore, Christianity is a foreign, invasive spirituality not native to our people. That's inarguable.

1,400 years of Christianity doesn't supercede thousands of years of blood lmfao. If I kidnap your kids and raise them to think they're my kids, when they have kids are those my grandchildren or yours?

23486064? ago

True but moslems didn't exist before Christianity, dumbass.

23486530? ago

The dementia kicking in, Boomer?

23486583? ago

GenX. I accept your surrender.

Back to public school you go. lol

23486710? ago

I'm not surrending, you're losing focus. I'm talking about Christianity not being European. I have no idea why you think Islam is relevant to that. And I've been around the block; I know when I'm talking to a Boomer, Boomer.

23487521? ago

You cucks think this is Islam vs Christianity when in reality it's shitskin vs white.

As I said before, it's both, dumbass.

You're the one losing focus.

Can't just change your point midstream and call it good, ignorant motherfucker.

Fuck that and fuck you.

23488004? ago


I said:

They've been murdering whites. White is not synonymous with Christian you cuck.

Pretty early on. Even if you want to bring Islam back into focus, it has absolutely no bearing on the whether Christianity is European or not.

23488890? ago

White is not synonymous with Christian you cuck.

It has been for the period of time that Islam has existed.

The Scandanavians converted during the Crusades, so who is left, exactly?

The white atheists that barely ever existed? lol

23490127? ago

Are you implying that, if it weren't for Christianity, Europeans wouldn't have stopped the Arabs?

23490132? ago

I'm saying it outright.

23490145? ago

Oh, well then you're retarded.

23490174? ago

Historically accurate.

Ever heard of the Crusades, dipshit? lol

23490258? ago

Yes, the Crusades happened. Your assessment that Europe would have fallen to Islam if it wasn't for Christianity is what's retarded.

And it's not just retarded, it's an extra special kind of retarded the actual retards would mock you for.

23493241? ago

It's absolutely true.

I don't know who you think wasn't a Christian that defended Europe.

Was Charles Martel an atheist? King Ferdinand? Not that you know any of those names. lol

23493254? ago

Please ping your real username so I can mock you properly.

23493278? ago

I'm already mocking you plenty, ding dong. lol

23481330? ago

Whites are a target, but so are Christians of other races, for example Christians in Nigeria, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Pakistan, and elsewhere.

23483552? ago

They're killed because they're minority groups in places where having the wrong type of nose ring gets you killed.

Whites are the only target.

23478946? ago

Why would kikes see nigger Christians as a threat?

23480486? ago

Exactly. Religion is irrelevant to them; they only care about ethnicty. Every time a white thinks Christians are being persecuted, a Jew wrongs his hands.

23478069? ago

Its jews vs everyone.

23481178? ago

Golems and Jews vs Aryans, faggot

23476773? ago

Christianity is illegal goy, become muslim.

23478974? ago

Kikes only attack Christianity so dumb faggots will defend it. Muh Western civilization is Christian civilization. Puppetry.

23478484? ago

Mudslimes ftfy kike

23476599? ago

They’re even breaking social distancing with 5-8 people participating in goat orgies! These people are sick!

23476528? ago

President Trump addressed this yesterday. He said the Christian faith is being unfairly targeted.

23479486? ago

I don't see satan confronting islamist or jews or hindus or buddhist.

This convinces me that the Christian path is the right path being most offensive to satan.

23484067? ago

The name of Jesus Christ is hated the world over. It's not that Christianity is the right path, it's that Christians take upon themselves the name of Christ.

Nominal Christianity is a fraud that has snared men by a false gospel.

23493670? ago

How do 'you' describe yourself?

23494638? ago

Someone who has been on both sides of the fence. I grew up in Pentecostal and AOG churches and was part of the ministry at age 14. By God's grace, I saw discrepancies between the scriptures and what was being taught and practiced. For example, nominal Christianity teaches the doctrine of eternal torment. The scriptures do not. In fact, it teaches the opposite and such is character assassination against the Lord and contrary to His nature. Religion has always used fear to control it's subjects and to coerce them into joining the fold. Jesus Christ died to save ALL men, in the fullness of time.

Another falsehood is the doctrine of "accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior." This doctrine, pandered by Billy Graham, isn't the least bit Biblical. Such puts man in the driver's seat to take his own salvation by the reigns. It doesn't work that way. God chooses the vessel, not the other way around. This doctrine has given false hope to millions upon millions.

In order to learn anything about the true Lord, I had to leave the religious institutions of men behind. When the Lord apprehended me, I became aware that these "high places" were a front for the real thing. It's all show and lip service.

At 27, He brought me into the real church. The true bride of Christ is indeed hidden from the world. I learned for 7 years and had breakthroughs in my life. Unfortunately, I ended up choosing my sin over what God has given me. It was foolish and cost me salvation in this life. He is indeed merciful but His Spirit will not strive with a man forever. Still, ive retained everything at the intellectual level but I am not a believer by God's definition.

Confessing with one's mouth is one thing but believing in one's heart is a matter of obedience and commitment, which Christianity disregards. "Grace" is erroneously believed to cover or excuse one's sin. Not a chance. Grace is the unmerited favor and power of God to put sin away COMPLETELY in this life. He will not give His Spirit to those who waver.

What about you?

23506396? ago

Thanks for laying it out for me.

There certainly are false understanding within the church, which are fundamentally a result of Bible illiteracy.

Not all who identify as Christians believe in religiosity. There are, if you will, true christians, followers of Christ.

You made so many solid points most of which I agree with.

Some I question, bulleted below:

Eternal torment whether it's a lake of fire or separation from God, is still eternal punishment.

Jn 3:16 includes "those who believe in Him", Jesus made salvation 'available' to all, but not all will be saved.

Confession by one's mouth, is useful for sharing one's faith. Contrition with God is personal.

Grace does cover, but doesn't excuse all sins.

We all waiver, but seek strength and comfort from the Holy Spirit.

Jumping back up to your "At 27" paragraph I don't really understand what you are driving at.

You seem to question the lasting validity of your salvation while understanding it intellectually.

If you have chosen to fall back into a sinful pattern, there is still hope by recognizing it and seeking help to overcome it, either with the help of fellow believers around you, or professionally, but ultimately directly with Jesus the greatest healer. I hope I understood your points as you intended, and my replies were not misaligned.

23507072? ago

On the issue of my salvation, I appreciate your genuine concern. Those of us who have been in the institutions of men are led to believe that salvation is for opportunists and that those who backslide can return to the Lord at any time. That, however, is not true.

The Bible says that no man seeks after God and that's true. God chooses and apprehends the individual that He's calling or choosing. You can say a prayer of conversion all you like, sincere or otherwise, but it is to no effect if the Lord isnt putting His hand on you.

Abram wasn't searching for God when He was apprehended. Moses was apprehended on the mountain, doubted the mission he was given, and was put in his place.

Man doesn't have the power to reach God. Noah would have been dead in the water if not for God bestowing His grace and choosing to spare him.

While God chooses, He can also cast off. He is indeed merciful and long-suffering but deliberate rebellion for so long has its consequences. If He casts you off, He's not likely to change His mind and you won't have the grace to put your son's behind you.

Cursed is he that the Lord casts off.

Am I saying that it's impossible for Him to change His mind with me? No but I see no indication that He intends to do so in this life.

I understand that many Christians don't buy into the religion thing. That would be all well and good if not for the fact that they are still indoctrinated by a religious false gospel. You can't walk with God while believing and acting in accordance to falsehoods. These people are in complete spiritual darkness and cannot help me, as sad as it is to say.

23508473? ago

I know there is nothing I could say that would convince you that your belief of your current situation is unfounded.

I wish there were. As for me. I put my complete faith in the fact that Jesus died and rose again so I would never have to be afraid of the wrath of God that I most certainly deserve. Jesus said it is finished and I believe in that. I'm fearful that satan, the great deceiver, has planted his evil seed of doubt in your head. I will pray that you somehow can come to understand that God would not abandon you or you him. It may not feel like it now, but God loves you and wants you for himself.

23528943? ago

The thing that disturbed me the most is how sure of yourself and your path that you are.

Hell is the state of the spiritually dead. It is not just a place you go to but a current spiritual state. Within is ignorance, darkness, loss, failure, sin, delusion and hope in hopelessness. It's sad to see one clawing at the walls of the vault but I suppose we don't hold the keys.

Most of what we've learned about God is by brainwashing, repeated programming and hireling influence. Satan's biggest stars were never burning Bibles at a rock concert or running the banking system. No, his star pupils stand behind pulpits all over the world.

23536102? ago

Please don't presumptuously include me in your we.

23506666? ago

I appreciate your reply. On the subject of eternal torment, there is a key component that people miss. The scriptural meanings of the words "Hell, forever and eternal" differ from Marriam-Webster's definitions.


As I said, eternal damnation isn't Biblical. Here is a section explaining:


Here is a good read on grace:


These writings are indeed the unadulterated truth. A bold claim to be sure but He doesn't leave His sheep in error.

23508536? ago

Thanks for the references. I sincerely appreciate your effort. I will give due consideration.

23478461? ago

But muh muh Muh raycis!! Clearly all Christians are toxic white men!!!

23476650? ago

So fucking do something about it. I do not care about optics anymore.

23482498? ago

Exactly. FUCKING DO SOMETHING. NO MORE TALK. And fuck the pussies on here ‘muh normies aren’t ready!!!!’ Legit fucking pussies. When will they be ready? When it’s too late? The time is perfect to shed the light on EVERYTHING. I swear, the ‘optics must and ‘not yet’ types are 100% disinfo agents/shills.

23479136? ago

By calling it out, he's doing something about it. Do you want him to order Gov. Cuomo to send in the clowns? Do you think he wouldn't turn right around and say 'Trump hates muslims'? He has infiltrated the political world. It's now up to US to act. Isn't this what you've been waiting for? To 'arrest or GTFO'? Well....get the fuck up and start pointing fingers and making shit happen, anon.

23478467? ago

Keyboard warriors do stuff?

23477487? ago

It's always been about optics.

IF you dont wake the normies up, then even if you fix it ... in the future the evil cabal will push this on again and the normies wont know.

If you want something done, go and spread the word. Bitching about it wont help you.

23485209? ago

we have had optics until we can't stand it any longer, time to shit or get off the pot

23478611? ago

So posting it isn't spreading the word?

What a dork....

23478960? ago

Posting is spreading the word!

I'm referring to your opinion that you don't care about optics.

23478995? ago

That wasn't me.

Learn how to say what you mean....

23479503? ago


If you read my original comment, I said bitching wont help that person. Spreading the world is not bitching. Bitching is where the op said 'i don't care about optics anymore'.

I can't spell it anymore than I have. It's plainly obvious to me. If you didn't understand what I meant, I understand you too as my message was short, and not enough details.

23480513? ago

If you want something done, go and spread the word. Bitching about it wont help you.

I'll gladly give you the benefit of the doubt that the above means something to you other than what it actually says....

23480583? ago

This comment here "So fucking do something about it. I do not care about optics anymore."

23491919? ago

OK, I get what you mean....

23477465? ago

Barr is.

23476486? ago
