23482072? ago

Braveheart is my favorite!

23481177? ago

They have done the rituals, and now they're possessed.

23479997? ago

It's like, at what exact point in their lives did they become demon possessed and thereby minions of Hell?

Looks like they all willingly made that particular transaction - and for them it looks like a permanent situation as none of them have any remorse for anything they've done - they are complete psychopaths in that respect. They're all put-ons - like the acting Meryl Streep did at the Oscars that time where she attacked POTUS Trump and faked her indignation and outrage (just another acting performance)

23479099? ago

Babies are (((their))) premium brand of high-grade caviar cocaine diamond steak.

23479015? ago

You're quoting a literal fake news article.. Provide a source disinfo faggot. CIA Mossad nigger shill. You fucking glow.

23484524? ago

There you go, attack the source, not the content. Patriots agree with whoever made the statement, its Darkness vs. Light, good vs. evil. God wins!

23487083? ago

Guess I'll just write a bunch of fake shit that no one ever said and it's kosher with you deceitful kikes as long as you agree with it. You are the FAKE NEWS.

23493223? ago

You can post anything you want, its a free forum. If its the truth it will defend itself. The statement presented, regardless of who said it is true. Good luck with your propaganda, nobody is buying it anymore, we are awake.

23495404? ago


23477308? ago

From Fall of Cabal: “it doesn’t matter if you believe in god or the devil, because [they] worship the devil.”

Probably slightly off on the quote, but the point remains the same.

23477393? ago

Its a very good point.

23476962? ago

Read poppy bush's incitement. Look it up. The most evil being,that ever walked the Earth, ever!! Crimes against children.

See Gene Decode on YT: channel CIRSTENW

for document and summery.


23477751? ago

ok so I went to this channel^^^


who is this guy talking?

23476518? ago

2 days ago I saw a rig that could haul that tanker...

You wanna get out of here alive?

You talk to me.

23476129? ago

Mel Knows! if this is truly the case!

I call it "the inverted moral compass". the metaphor I use is "you know how you have an urge to pet a puppy on a sidewalk? its because of a certain joy feedback effect. you petting the dog makes the dog happy. his evident happiness makes you happier. he's happier because you're happier, you're spiraling upward. there are people out there that feel the same urge, just inverted. they want to bring pain to the puppy, the puppy lashes back. you spiral downward. its all they know. almost like they've been conditioned. their lives are a slow crash with a brief flameout. but they can change. there is always hope. I think the term is "dying to self" and its darned tough to do. I haven't accomplished it. but I think its more about being on the right path than by how far you've gone down it.

23479177? ago

When I was growing I had exactly what you described. I enjoyed causing pain because I perceived other people causing me pain, or I thought they were stupid or annoying and deserved it. I actually took pleasure in spreading misery and I enjoyed being around it. It excited me and made me feel happy inside. In reality I was just an incredibly selfish kid with some really fucked up emotions.

Thankfully I was eventually placed in a psyche ward and that caused enough trauma for me to realize I was wrong - at least on a conceptual level. My compass reversed but the damage was done by then and I grew emotionally detached from people after that.

I'm getting better, I can sense something like a positive spiral now, but it takes a lot of effort just to connect with people. Anyways, I don't know why I'm telling you this, but when I read it something just clicked for me, and it felt good to type.

And for those interested, I'm part Ashkenazim, and so is my sister who drove my father to suicide and laughed about it. So is my brother who is Schizophrenic, and a communist. Me and my mother are thankfully Christians now and my brother is turning around, but my sister is still fucked in the head with BPD. It looks like a broken compass can be fixed, but it takes a hell of a lot of work. God bless.

23494278? ago

Glad you were able to turn your life around. It is not an easy thing to do.

23479282? ago

i hope God blesses you and helps your family in their fight to resist temptation.

23476109? ago

Original source claims he said this backstage at the Graham Norton show. No named witnesses, no evidence other than the word of the person reporting it - he didn't even source it in is article. So Mel said this stuff in front of media jews and NONE of them went to the press? Don't be so gullible. Why are people so willingly fooled? Of course Mel knows what's going on in Hollywood but making up stories does nothing but harm to anyone who wants to expose these pedophile cunts.

23477227? ago

Thanks for you exhaustive research, but in the end, regardless of who said it, its very true, and that is what is important.

23476017? ago

129 upvotes and 2 downvotes (one mine) on a post currently sitting at #3 on QRV, on a post that disparages all Jews.

Shills are getting more creative.

  • Make the post sound positive

  • Don't actually say their name, just have Jews as the context

Voat has serious issues. This one is on the trolls and the multitudes of probably well meaning patriots who didn't spend enough time thinking about what they're doing.

This is why Q never links here. Q links to Twitter like crazy, operated by a Satanist who openly flaunts pasta and Satanic verses but they won't link here anymore. Let that sink in.

23477270? ago

There are trolls on her, but only they used the word 'Jew'. What was said is 'these' people and people like yourself twist it into some type of anti-Semitic shill bullshit.

This was a reference to Hollywood with is made up of a lot of different people of all walks of life and it refers to them.

23477408? ago

This was a reference to Hollywood

You will never win your war because you are unable to describe who you are at war against.

Qanons are at war with the worldwide cabal of individuals, consisting of every nationality, ethnicity and supposed religion. These individuals are into human trafficking, raping children, cannibalism, war profiteering and plundering the wealth of the world.

You? You're at war with muh joooos. Bush? Innocent, not a Jew. Hillary? Innocent, not a Jew. Guy walking down the street with a cap on? Guilty. Because muh jooooo.

25% of Jews voted for Trump last time around. Trump's kids, grandkids are Jews. Trump celebrated Hanukkah at the white house. Meanwhile, the Nazis of Voat rant about stuff that would only get them locked up in jail if they ever acted upon their stated goals, for violating fellow American's rights.

23477509? ago

I'm at war against corruption and evil, wherever it may be and whomever commits it. Specifying Jews, that's on you.

23476409? ago

Don't actually say their name, just have Jews as the context

They, Them, ZOG, Zionist, ((())), etc. They are jews and should be called out for who they are. You name the jew or you're a shill, whether willingly or ignorantly.

23475861? ago

yeah they're called jews and they have been demonic evil monsters since the times of jesus.

thankfully most christ tards are completely retarded and haven't even read the new testament

23477285? ago

lets just leave it at 'them', Ellen isn't Jewish, and neither is Tom Hanks or Okrah, it involves many corrupt people.

23478917? ago

it's jews and people corrupted by jews.

it all goes back to the british royal family, the rothschilds, and israel.

also judaism itself is a satanic religion, just read the talmud

23494330? ago

All roads lead to Rome. Check out the history on the jesuits and how they corrupted Judaism with the Babylonian talmud.

23495350? ago

nice kike shill post, old testament jews were also evil if you haven't noticed. not to mention jews are still disgusting and have disgusting rituals even today

23476100? ago

"Christ tard" here. I've been reading the ladder parts of the old testament... God frequently was not happy with the jews leading up to Jesus's birth.

23478934? ago

reas the talmud...then you will see what inhuman monsters they really are

23494298? ago

It is the Babylonian talmud inserted into the Jewish religion by the jesuits.

23495344? ago

nice kike shill post, yeah it must have been the jesuits not like jesus himself said jews were evil. lol

23475757? ago

There is nothing QRV about this entire thing.


23477314? ago

It sure is, it references our enemy, the cabal, and in this case particularly Hollywood and the people that make up that sphere of people. Most people are inherently good, these evil people we are fighting do not have that in them, they are inherently bad. This is very much QRV, its pointing out once again, this is a fight of Darkness vs. Light, Good vs. Evil.

23475985? ago

I used to post these type of things on Thegreatawakining, but the mods blocked me. QRV mods are more lenient.

23475889? ago

They ran the numbers, and it turns out, only 17% of posts to QRV are actually QRV related.

23477080? ago

Yeah. Lots of "I'm a Patriot reporting this" post titles, then it's just a safe space for Commie Shills to talk BS back and forth....

23475127? ago


23477323? ago

I can't say that for sure, but nothing would surprise me at this point in time. Aliens, clones, etc. yeah, anything is possible.

23476027? ago


Haha just kidding.

But seriously got a source on this?

My humble theory is that they are human, but after excessive exposure to sick sick shit, they loose good parts of their human soul and now do whatever their masters tell them.

23478176? ago

Research the Serpent Seed Doctrine. There is a recent video by Laura Eisenhower called A message to thenDark Controllers. I have a lot more sources if you want them.

23476605? ago

Read the parable about the wheat and the tares that Jesus gave us. Pretty well sums it up. The wheat and tares (weed) are identical when they are immature. You can only tell the difference when they began to bear fruit!

23494248? ago

My favorite part of this story is the tares. Just like taring a scale. Press a button and they are zeroed out as if they were never there.

23476919? ago


win owing

23474955? ago

Says the guy who pretends to SHOOT people ON TV as if it's a good thing. I'd like to shampoo his hair in my bathroom sink like mom did for me. THAT is love. NOTHING else is love.

23474902? ago

a lot a fake Mel Gibson quotes in the internet. Is this one of them?

23477356? ago

i doubt there are but a few quotes on earth that you could confirm a particular person said unless you were there, who knows.

Doesn't matter, the point is simple, most people are inherently good, the enemy we fight is not, it is inherently bad. This is simply a point made that this is Good vs. Evil.

In this case, we're talking about Hollywood which is the most visible enemy we know.

23475261? ago

No it's Chuck Norris

23474837? ago

Must suck to be a sociopath

23476278? ago

I wasn't suggesting Gibson is one. It's a sociopath that he is describing...... so fuck you

23475650? ago

If you're suggesting Mel Gibson is one, you'd be a shill and a fool...

23475065? ago

  • They have all the money and power.

  • All that they have is money and power.

23474692? ago

YourNewsWire, renamed themselves NewsPunch nowadays, are fake news. What is your source?

23477369? ago

The internet, and everything on the internet is true, right?

23477528? ago


23475456? ago

You shills seems to be shilling hard against these alternative media sources, i wonder whys that???

23476068? ago

Original source claims he said this backstage of the Graham Norton show. No witnesses named, no evidence the quotes (as delicious as they are) weren't made up whole cloth. If Mel had said this in front of entertainment types you don't think this would be all over the place? You think they would practice restraint instead of ratting him out to the likes of TMZ. Use your head.

23475969? ago

Because like Cannibal Club, they are plants from the cabal. The site is fake, the information is based on a kernel of truth. But you promote the site as your proof, normies and MSM debunk you quickly. YourNewsWire aka NewsPunch are the same type of clowns. The big "stories" articles are fake, meaning the stars never gave the interviews, but the content is based on a kernel of truth. So you promote the stories, normies and MSM debunk you easily because said stars never gave such interviews.

This was provable at least twice to be fake news (Katie Perry and cannibalism, Macauley Culkin and human leather shoes) for those of us who are French and made the effort to search our own MSM (because yeah, yours truly is French).

All these articles were written by the same clown and all had a pattern. Some big Hollywood star makes big claims, that you can only find from a written article originating from YourNewsWire/NewsPunch. The star was either abroad, talking to non-English speaking press agent or made some claims in situations impossible to fact check. No video or audio of said stars making these claims.






And there were other fake news article circulated by this clown but I can't remember them all.

23474670? ago

Mel Gibson if you read this you are invited to dinner at my house anytime.

23482048? ago

Mel Gibson has alleged evil behaviors. Including but not limited to, racist, hate, divide, bully. Source at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3776034/23482045/

23494374? ago

Those were all hit jobs from the cabal to punish him for calling out their bloodlust for children.

23477280? ago

I ate near him at burger lounge in Santa Monica.

He was eating with an African American woman and her son.

Seems his supposed bigotry does not extend to racial differences.

I don't really care one way or the other if it extends to religious prejudice. Lol.

23474609? ago


23477376? ago

Mel Gibson, I called and asked if he said that, he said can't remember I was drunk.

23474466? ago

Sounds like he’s talking about @boomerhater1488er

23474498? ago

Why do you say that? Love is the primary driving force behind everything I say and do.

23474519? ago

Love of mangina

23475657? ago

Thanks Lil' Wayne.

23473850? ago

What do you mean the 'these people'?

You know where Mel's head is at if you've seen Apocalypto. Absolutely amazing film and 100% percent over the target.

From wikipedia...

The Mayan kingdom is at the height of its opulence and power but the foundations of the empire are beginning to crumble. The leaders believe they must build more temples and sacrifice more people or their crops and citizens will die.

The very end of the movie Mel tips his hat to the next batch of ruler/invaders.

23483306? ago

We should sacrifice many of (((them)))

23482045? ago

You know where Mel's head

Mel Gibson has alleged evil behaviors. Including but not limited to, racist, hate, divide, bully.

WARNING full, uncut version of Mel’s alleged recorded phone call at https://youtu.be/50_qMJSPtqY

Alleged comments by Mel Gibson

  • About John Lennon -- "I'm glad he's dead. He deserved to be shot,"
  • About Oksana Grigorieva, "I want to f**k her in the ass and stab her while I'm doing it,"
  • About William Morris/Endeavor Chairman Ari Emanuel, "He's a C**t Jewboy," were all on tape.


23477265? ago

A very underrated movie, and eerily reminiscent of America in the last 30 years.

23476908? ago

Not historicaly correct at all, as per usual with Hollywood

History Buffs: Apocalypto

23477748? ago

So I just watched the history buff review.

Very upset that they dubbed a boar or pig squeal over a tapir in an action hunting scene.

Offended by representation of a forest village as Mayan because they speak a Mayan dialect yet their village is not Mayan. Forest hunter gatherer vs farmer agriculture. Notes the village looks more like an Amazonian tribe. Nevermind that Guatemala and Mexico today recognize about 20 dialects of Mayan language. I'm pretty sure there are native cultures around Yucatan today that are not pyramid builders. I've seen them while on vacation in Panama Bocas Del Torro. He's hung up on a 2 day timeline for a trip to the pyramids. Yet they speak Mayan dialect. Who cares. The points they are representing a tribe outside the influence of the empire. Attacked and brought to the city against their will. So the tribe they would have captured might have cultivated squah, maize, or potatoes. And freely volunteered to be sacrificed. Sometimes.

Small pox vs other pestilence. Reviewer admits movie could use any number of local pestilence and not small pox symptoms to get point across. No one said it's small pox. Who cares.

Describes the collapse of the crops caused by deforestation and other causes. Could be accurate.

Decribes accelerated sacrifices to appease gods during this hardship. Could be accurate.

Takes issue with depiction of sacrifice. The Mayan of Yucatan mostly practised tounge bloodletting and foreskin bloodletting as sacrifice. Except when they did kill people. But when they did kill people they mostly just decapitated them. And fewer at one time than shown in the movie. You see it was the Aztec who killed tens of thousands and pulled out people's hearts. Not Mayan. Conclusion, the authors conflated the Aztec and Mayan scale and scope of sacrifice and placed the action near the ocean.

Timeline between Mayan and Aztec also a little confused. Mayan culture was done by 900ad. 600 some years before spanish reached Mexico. Aztec are the culture the conquistadors encountered. Yes the same ones that cut out hearts and sacrificed children. Sometimes by throwing them in a pit. When they weren't cutting out hearts and cutting off heads. Which they did do. By tens of thousands.

Oh and an Aztec would not have been near a beach apparently to see the arrival of conquistadors. Shrug.

23481104? ago

"Archaeologists have found the remains of at least 42 children sacrificed to Tlaloc at the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan. Many of the children suffered from serious injuries before their death, they would have to have been in significant pain as Tlaloc required the tears of the young as part of the sacrifice. The priests made the children cry during their way to immolation: a good omen that Tlaloc would wet the earth in the raining season."

Sounds like adrenochrome harvesting. Yuck.

23477205? ago

But do you think it is interesting at the level of alegory?

23477499? ago

Actually love that movie!

The priest class (todays Cabal) using hidden knowledge to stay in control.

To believe the fairytale that the sun and moon appear to be the same size, because they just so happen to be 400 times size and distance apart. Fookin ridiculous.

23476330? ago

Apocalyptic is a great if insane movie... insane because the dialogue was all written and recorded in a dead, reconstructed language that no one today speaks. So that was a first for cinema.

By the way, if this Gibson quote is real, I’d love a citation. There’s a lot of bogus quotes being attributed to him these days.

23476862? ago

You responded to me but I am not OP.

23475040? ago

I had an argument in /v/religion about the Catholics and the Mayans. The number of people who think that the Catholics "genocided" the blood thirsty, human sacrificing, Mayans, and defended them, criticizing the Catholic not knowing exactly what happened was saddening.

The lies we've been fed are deep.

23475217? ago

I'm not following?

Are you agreeing the Mayan culture was evil, unnatural, and in decline?

Or that conquerors were responsible for this decline and have reason to feel shame?

I'm not 100% informed on the history -- but isn't it both?

Probably debatable which is/was worse and although I believe in objective morality -- I'm self aware that my personal certainty and faith in this objective morality is culturally rooted.

I wonder what basis we will have for moral comparison if we ever encounter species from another planet? Surely Mayan and Conquistadors were similarly alien to each other at first? Even if we try to base morality on the preserverance and respect for natural or God given essence, how far does this extend? I dont extend this moral use/violence to my pets, my dinner, or the hornets nest I exterminate?

23475875? ago

nice try kike shill.

yeah human sacrifice is totally ok...or at least you will try to justify it as a kike

23476168? ago

Conducting a thought experiment dumbass. Not implying human sacrifice is moral.

23478926? ago

your thought experiment is literally moral equivocation and shilling for zionist bullshit

23478968? ago

I don't think so.

I think it forces one to make up their mind.

Are you on the side of humanity and life.

Or in the side of death.

23479047? ago

you don't need to do that to realize jews are evil pieces of shit

23475365? ago

The Mayans had pyramids, much like the ones in the middle East. This is significant because the cabal constantly symbolize the pyramids. But why though? Whoever built the pyramids were extremely advanced. Far more advanced and precise than we are today. Some speculate it was the fallen angels and the nephilim who built those pyramids. The nephilim ended up becoming evil spirits on the earth, which is who the cabal seem to serve.

There's no doubt something of interest in this regard, I just can't quite put my finger on it. I feel like a big chuck of the story is missing.

23476322? ago

It was ABSOLUTELY the nephilim who built the pyramids.

At that age in time, only GIANTS could conquer such incredible feats.

16k pound precisely cut stones? Moved with wheels? Uphill? Hundreds of feet high? LOL good joke.

Giants built the pyramids.

23476463? ago

If I built a miniature pyramid with regular bricks, I couldn't achieve the precision that actual pyramids achieved no to mention the astrological alignment

23476757? ago

For sure, might have been giants, but the point is the tech, not brawn.

23478686? ago

Some of the South American stones at foundations in Peru look like you took giant marshmallow heated them and stuck them together. All sorts of weird shapes but smooth tight seams that are not straight. Almost harder to see how joined becauae they dont appear cut.

23479060? ago

The wierd shapes allow the structure to withstand earthquakes. After everything stops moving all the pieces settle perfectly

23480219? ago

Many eastern (asian) temples are the same. They love and way and rock and wobble bit don't fall.

23476446? ago

Yes, that's my thoughts as well. Nephilim with the help of the fallen angels. Everything is so precise. Unless God himself built it.

23475608? ago

It was a GLOBAL civilization. It's their "Mystery Religion" and "Lost Civilization".

They are trying to recreate an advanced breakaway society now.

There is so much to be revealed to us.

Forget Flat Earth.

Think Hollow Earth.

23475845? ago

Forget Flat Earth.

Think Hollow Earth.

Whatever shape the earth is, its definitely not a ball flying through the universe, that I know.

23476104? ago

Just check it those orbiting Starlink satellites like a necklace.. They are orbiting us even if we are riding a potato

23476746? ago

Look up how many baloons NASA puts up. Look at videos of Satellites hanging from them. Got to give them some credit, but they are evil and Earth is flat.

23482634? ago

Hilarious.. Sometimes sarcasm is hard to detect when written because it's hard top tell l if the writer us a nutjob.. Hee hee

23483189? ago

So you can transmit too a point inn space then you don't need a satellite ? Wow do you believe this ? Actually ? The steely acts as a receiver and transmitter it collects a signal and Sends it like billiard ball bouncing off a cushion into the pocket without the cushion you wouldn't get the ball in the pocket assuming you were assuming at the pocket on the same side as you started from. That's the whole dammed point of a satellite.. This is so retarded

23488682? ago

There is no space, there is a firmament. Great documentary here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BplqzcTr1eI

23486087? ago

You only need balloon and ground based transmission. Too much to say here. Watch DIRH videos.

23495091? ago

no balloons satellites I saw them along with 5 other people with our eyes the shutters are very clear now you should look bout 8 pm

23497410? ago

2 separate things. 1st, NASA has the largest balloon program in the world. They are the #1 consumer of helium. https://www.reddit.com/r/notaglobe/comments/ehcsz4/why_is_nasa_the_worlds_biggest_consumer_of_helium/

2nd, seeing lights cross the sky doesn't mean the above is false.

Put the two together and add "Why don't we EVER see high powered telescopes tracking up close, satellites?" Makes you wonder.

23498811? ago

Tons of you tube forage of people taking close ups of the moon bruce sees all is one with a Nikon 9000 camera yes a digital camera . Tell me this if the earth is flat how is the moon then ? Isn't it just another flat dish at right angles to the status flat disk . It makes no sense. So how is it possible to release balloons do the are equidistant and appear at the same point in the sky night after night in the same formation ? There is even a Web page with photos of the satellites saying you may see this.. They are in the same formation. Balloons would be impossible to do that with night after night and why would they ? . I notice you can't think for yourself or answer and basic questions that come from you you just post links. My duress trump your links I seer the satellites every clear night have done for years and I can predict where that will be in the sky night after night..

23511362? ago

It is a Nikon P900 and the new P1000 that you are talking about. Look, this place is a mystery. I can't answer everything but I can create enough reasonable doubt to show you that something is off. That is what to look at. Don't necessarily search for a gottcha question, though it is great to dig and ask.

We don't know what the moon really is. The bible say it isn't the 2nd light, for the night. And oddly enough, if you measure the temp of moonlight, it is cooler than measuring the temp in the nearby shadow! Almost like a laser, at least a different light.

Watch this video and answer his questions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BplqzcTr1eI

23517769? ago

Can't get past the satellites I see every night sorry.

23526234? ago

I love Trump, but there are certain things I don't like. (e.g. nuclear energy, fracking, etc.)

Does that stop me from seeing all of him? All the beauty of the Q team?

Careful of your filters. ;-)

23518140? ago

There are twin brothers who paint on bowl shaped canvas when you look at the images they look flat it's only when you get to the side of the image you can see it they illustrate that put year postcode light very differently to how we assumed. Light bends as it enters the atmosphere . I'm still not sold at all.

23483129? ago

So funny do the satellite ring I see every night that orbits the death isn't real . Didn't know I can trust my own eyes.. Who resets them so I can see them every night if they aren't orbiting the earth ? .. Balloons wouldn't follow a pattern that is the same every night and why would they ? So many holes in flat earth. What I find fascinating is that you can answer the satellite question ..

23486108? ago

You trust long distance photography?

You trust Nasa ISS green screen mistakes?

Enjoy your Truman show.

23495078? ago

No I trust my own eyes like hundreds of witnesses that saw the Stalin satellites with their own eyes all I've the uk.. Maybe you should try it yourself.

23497414? ago

2 separate things. 1st, NASA has the largest balloon program in the world. They are the #1 consumer of helium. https://www.reddit.com/r/notaglobe/comments/ehcsz4/why_is_nasa_the_worlds_biggest_consumer_of_helium/

2nd, seeing lights cross the sky doesn't mean the above is false.

Put the two together and add "Why don't we EVER see high powered telescopes tracking up close, satellites?" Makes you wonder.

23498745? ago

You miss the point I'm making how can a satellite orbit the earth if it's flat ?

23511368? ago

They don't orbit the earth. Communication is ground based and balloon based it appears. For sure we can see lights going by. What are they???

Watch this video and look at some very very strange anomalies in our planet. We don't have all the answers, but Earth is not as it appears.


23517751? ago

They are satellites I can see them bbc they ate not balloons . Why would Elon musk put them in the sky night after night inn the same place making the same patterns ? Flying super fast. Use you eyes and questions don't paste articles to distract Grimm the facts I'm presenting you can see them same time ish slowing for daylight lengthening in the shy making the same pattern every night. Why is that ?

23526239? ago

You see lights. Why are there no videos (from Earth) of all these satellites from tracking telescopes? Interesting eh?

Elon did not put a Tesla in space btw, lol.

Watch the video and answer some real questions.

23529473? ago

I just saw the the rocket launch added another 60 satellites. I see them with my naked eye . You don't listen do you ? They are making a circle around the earth which you can see with your naked eye every night just go out side and look a perfect circle.. explain that

23531267? ago

Well, something is up there for sure (be it lights, high speed something, etc.)

Put it this way, what you are doing, holding onto this one thing, on a Q forum, is ironic as hell.

Look at the bigger picture. If you can watch that video I posted and not have any questions, then there is no hope for you,

But that is yet to be determined. You have nothing to lose. It is even quite entertaining and interesting. Really asked

some great questions about our world.

Flat Earth has been mostly removed from Youtube searches, unless you know the exact name. When you type Flat Earth in on Youtube, you get only videos attacking it.

Youtube made it a priority to "remove" them. More so than the Q videos, but similar. Again.

I couldn't stand them coming up in my feed 2 years back. Then I watch something like 10 Flat Earth proofs and was just really wondering about those questions.

Why can we see SOOOO far with no mirage like distortions? Why are all the pictures of Earth from space CGI? Why is there an Antarctic Treaty, the only treaty

I can think of that has never been broken, for an area with literally only penguins and is extremely inhospitable to go? Why right after Admiral Byrd went there and

discovered, as he put it "A land mass beyond Antarctica that is bigger than the US and has vast coal reserves. Enough to solve our energy needs.", then the Antarctic

treat came.. Hmmmmm...

All for a LARP.

Sound familiar?

23539749? ago

There are tons of videos from space that ate not cgi https://youtu.be/eosrCytlkwk

23541203? ago

That looks fake, green screen background and too much curve of Earth.

Regardless, try to find something a bit further out. And at that height we can track from Earth, but nothing.

Watch the video I linked. Ask questions and stop defending NASA.

23553364? ago

It looks fake .. Er can you tell me how it looks fake ? And why don't you answer any of my questions ?

23553646? ago

You push the goal posts. I am not here to be your personal flat Earth Tutor (especially when you don't seem interested). Why won't you watch the video?

23567687? ago

I watched it I told you that many times. Look I reason like this if I see something I believe it with my own eyes .. You don't answer my questions . Up to you Stalin is real and not owned by nasa it's owned by space x . I can see them every night with my own eyes why wild anyone try to fake it ? How hard would it be to reproduce that every night ? The wind would vary the weather Ask that wild make it impossible to reproduce the same ring of lights ( if you think it's balloons ) every night. No your not my flat earth tutor I didn't ask you to be but you decided to be anyway by sending me stuff first then I counted it with questions that you keep sending me to s video that doesn't answer the questions I ask

23567805? ago

I want long distance photography, NASA ISS video mistakes, Antartic treaty, missing deep space pics of Earth, Horizon being further than it should be, explained. In the meantime I‘m looking for photos of satellites taken from Earth using our tracking cameras. Right now we have the occasional light at night.

23579662? ago

No we have a ring of lights equidistant that you can see with the naked eye . Funny that you downplay it .. 60 in a row evenly spaced all travelling in a line is not occasional. Try it and see. Do you know how hard it would be to zoom in on one travelling at 20.000 miles an hour to see it ? Why don't you do it instead of complaining ? .. What about the black knight satellite been there forever and tons of pictures.. Google it. What about the iss videos taken from earth ?


23580530? ago

Thanks for the video. I know it actually and have seen other ISS ones. There are unanswered questions about Flat Earth, but WAY MORE about Round Earth. And seeing an ISS light in the sky is nothing compared to clearly seeing across lake Chicago across lake Michigan. Something to think about.

If you have an open mind, another video for you with some bigger questions.

6 hours, should keep you busy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46GiTKR_Xzc&feature=emb_logo

23620551? ago

So how do you explain the iss and satellites ? Considering they are both satellites ? Thanks for the video.

23634821? ago

After further review, the Earth should be blocking sunlight from hitting satellites in the middle of the night. Satellites and ISS are somehow being made via lit objects, not light reflection.

Largest consumer of helium? NASA formtheir ballon program! Look it up. They hang satellites from balloons, plenty of videos of that. No Satellite signals in S oceans, that is a problem ;-)

23621149? ago

What we see - ISS and satellites - seem to be lights. Have you ever wondered how in the middle of the night, you can see these "objects" when the sun is completely blocked from them? How could light reflect off them at that time? If you could imagine a beach ball, those satellites and ISS would be a few cm from the ball. The sun would DEFINITELY not be able to reach them at certain times and yet we get "light reflection", seems more like lights.

I don't have all the answers but sincerely want to thank you for this particular one as I looked into it and not have some pretty good questions here.

Understand, this would be the mother of ALL conspiracies. IF the Earth is flat, there is a creator. They don't want that. They want something from nothing (big bang).

23636984? ago

Light reflects off them because they have their own operational lights on them ..

23637729? ago

Do you know how funny that sounds? "Light reflects off them because they have their own operations lights on them."

Where the heck did you hear that?

23533945? ago

Watch the video. I'm not your private flat earth man.

23532851? ago

Just because you can seer point to point.over forget distances than anticipated doesn't prove the death is flat it proves.only that the drop off isn't as It's why we

expected.. Light bends did you know that ? It's why we get super moons

23533951? ago

Enjoy your bubble, unless you have enough balls to watch a video to make you question.

23539728? ago

Ha . Well that's rich . Its you who keeps sending met videos. Shane your not open to looking at the other side. Soon you will see the star link satellites and wonder. You don't attempt to answer my questions. Funny. I watched the video it's a guy going on about how the drop of means you shouldn't be able too se across a lake etc. I addressed that. Light bends. Funny how they are no long distance videos say from country to country from a mountain top to mountain top to allow for the ocean swell yet they ate loads of p900 videos if the moon up close so it could be done. If you have ever been in the middle if the ocean hire chime there are no long distance videos of land to back up the flat earth theory ? How do compasses work ? How thick is the earth crust if it is flat .. What's underneath if it had an underneath odd not flat exactly is it ? How do the star link satellites work then ? You still have no smart yet you are so sure the earth is flat despite contradictory evidence that is more solid than the video you gave. I guess at this point you will call me blind and walk on and not want your bubble burst. ? Projection much ?

23541228? ago

I sent you 1 video. I've looked at both sides. That is how I ended up here. You, just believe MSM and NASA.

Light bends, yes, but when it bends it distorts. Unless of course it is long distance photography, then it is miraculously clear.

Can't see another country due to both smog/pollution and just moisture in the air. You should know that.

I can't explain all this to you here. It would be easier if you lost your fear and just watched the video I linked.

23553359? ago

I did watch it.. I responded to it

23553647? ago

It sure doesn't sound like it.

23476201? ago

Gollum "What's taters?"

Sam "Po-ta-to. Cook em, boil em, put em in a stew."

23475549? ago

Don't forget the mounds all over North America, the Indian pyramid towers, supposed pyramid hills in Serbia/Bosnia, some amazing stones and mounds and tablets in Australia, henges, hinges, stone lines in Europe, Nazca lines. Not to mention whatever is buried underwater due to sea level changes.

The Graham Hancock ice age cataclysm theory is persuasive.

As to how these cultures built geoglyphs with astronomical accuracy including awareness of things not visible before telescopes or not observable over human lifetime is a mystery. Like timing of I think the term is astrological procession in earth access to date certain events on the horizons. And why it was significant enough to warrant the effort. Yeah. Lol.

The alien/angels/gods/nephilim,/annunaki origins as slave race for gold or whatever else. Multidimensional entity/spirits/demons and spiritual vs physics/space.

The appearance of agricultural grains, wheat, various colors and shapes of potatoes and corn. All very interesting stuff.

23475830? ago

You're right, it is fascinating. Tons of disinfo injected into each area as well. Ancient aliens and all kinds of shit.

Something tells me many of the answer lie within the library of the Vatican, where ancient texts written by these previous race probably exist, along with whatever plan it is that they're following.

23482715? ago

I believe in my heart of heart, the reason why we don't understand history is a key element was taken from the people. The books that were removed from the Bible during the canonization were partner books. They told our history to fill in needed information. I think it was done on purpose. Our history tells the story.

23475316? ago

Mayan culture was obvious evil, unnatural, and in decline. It's why the Catholics were able to convert the whole region and get those people to willingly come to Christ.

You never have a reason to feel shame if you speak the truth in God and use Him as your example. If you preach the gospel to a people, and they accept, then great. Great gifts will come to them as they come to Christ. If you preach the gospel to them and they reject it? Then you will be kicked out and are to knock the dust off your shoes as you leave.

The Mayans chose to repent. For that they were saved. As a result they destroyed their books and treasures on human sacrifice, because it's evil, and they wanted to conquer it. A few dozen Catholics couldn't do it by themselves. Think logically.

As for objective morality, you have a very confused idea. If you believe your culture dictates your view on objective morality, then you don't believe in objective morality, by definition. So perhaps you should first consider all of the arguments for the objectivity of morality, and start from there.

First, the idea that Mayans and Conquistadors were as dissimilar as aliens is an insane assumption. The Mayans and Conquistadors could easily successfully interbreed. They're of the same species enough to do that. The idea that aliens and humans would have a similar compatibility is just ridiculous a priori. So no, they weren't "similarly alien to each other at first".

Second, if you don't extend that same respect for animals and the world around you, you're doing it wrong. If you harm your pets for fun, then you're an immoral person. If you abuse animals for fun, you're an immoral person. If you abuse hornets for fun, you're an immoral person.

Does that mean you treat your dog like your child? No. Does that mean you treat your chickens like your dog? No. But it does mean you must treat all of creation with the respect it deserves. To love for the sake of loving because that's what we are called to do. To love for the sake of loving also means correctly identifying beings/things that are contrary to that idea, and dealing with them as appropriate. So it does not mean that since you "love" your vomit that you must eat it. It's entirely confused to think like that. All relationships in proper order. You love your pet and treat it with respect because it is part of God's creation. You love your chicken and treat it with respect on all the days of it's life, except for the one day it gives its life up for you, so that you may be sustained. So you respect the chicken insofar as it is a sacrifice for your life, and don't treat that flippantly.

I don't know, I don't find any of this particularly complicated. We can deal with specifics as they come, but in general it's pretty straightforward I think.

23477527? ago

Ok, but you seem to have a misconception that catholics (or any man made religion) are accurate or good natured.

They are not. Look at the pope. Many many catholics follow him and his evil ways.

Religions are a way to control the population. Being a good person and doing the right thing are typically FAR FAR away from man made religions. Yes, yes, everyone says THEY are good. THEY are on the righteous path but history has proven otherwise.

Be a good person, don't be a religious zealot. No one realizes they are actually doing evil, until it's too late. That's not an excuse either.

23477630? ago

Ok, but you seem to have a misconception that catholics (or any man made religion) are accurate or good natured.

You're conflating "Catholics" with "Catholicism". "Catholics" are fallible creatures like anyone else. "Catholicism" I think is true due to logic and reason. So from my perspective, you have the misconception that that is not the case.

They are not. Look at the pope. Many many catholics follow him and his evil ways.

The Pope is obviously a sinner. He might even be demonically possessed and/or working with/for Satan or any one of a number of demons. I think that's likely true. So I would go further than you.

None of this is to say that Catholicism is wrong. In fact, the fact that Satan has worked so hard to infiltrate it is actually actively predicted by Catholicism from the beginning, so you're not telling me anything that is outside of the scope of my theory. Father Ripperger said it best, paraphrasing "the pope is obviously under demonic influences so why curse him further? If you pray for him then maybe a positive outcome will result."

There's a reason that every night part of my prayers contains the following:

We wish also to make amends for the insults to which Your Vicar on earth

and Your priest are subjected, for the profanation, by conscious neglect or

terrible acts of sacrilege, of the very Sacrament of Your Divine Love; and

lastly for the public crimes of nations who resist the rights and teaching

authority of the Church which You have founded.

And it's because I fundamentally believe that God gives us what we ask for. That when we turn from God He removes His grace and protections from us and we suffer the consequences.

Religions are a way to control the population. Being a good person and doing the right thing are typically FAR FAR away from man made religions. Yes, yes, everyone says THEY are good. THEY are on the righteous path but history has proven otherwise.

So you want me to follow the religion of no religion. The religion of Stalin that killed millions of Christians? The religion of Mao that killed millions of Chinese? That's your answer?

Sorry, this is too naive to believe. You can't say:

Yes, yes, everyone says THEY are good.

When trying to demonstrate that you're more moral to me because you don't follow "religion" (whatever you think that means), and then unironically say:

THEY are on the righteous path but history has proven otherwise.

Right after. Your comment is self defeating, and as such the only rational thing to do is dismiss it out of hand.

Be a good person, don't be a religious zealot. No one realizes they are actually doing evil, until it's too late. That's not an excuse either.

Are you a good person? Are you acting like a good person? In what way are you a good person? What does that mean? How do your actions demonstrate this?

Do you think you're projecting when you say:

No one realizes they are actually doing evil, until it's too late. That's not an excuse either.

Or do you honestly think it applies to me? What evils have you committed? Do you do anything evil? What is evil? How does it manifest?

Does any of that make sense?

23481012? ago

You're conflating "Catholics" with "Catholicism". "Catholics" are fallible creatures like anyone else. "Catholicism" I think is true due to logic and reason. So from my perspective, you have the misconception that that is not the case.

Otheranon here. Catholics worship idols. God said not to. I agree with OC.

23481325? ago

Asking someone to pray for you != worship. Whether they're alive or dead.

23476015? ago

Is that you god? How did you know that I eat my vomit? Lol.

My comment on objective vs culturally subjective determined is slightly different than you are suggesting.

I'm acknowledging that the first base assumption at the root is determined by the root of our mere existence. The physicality and spirituality of our sentience MUST define our ability to know or think or be. Therefore if it were different (if we live in a computer simulation, or created one with different rules, or had a different brain etc.), the rules of that awareness may result in completely different base from which to observe and reason. Its the common and constant universe to measure against. But your sentience does the measuring. Philosophy hand waves away the problem of knowing to be able to start somewhere.

To me, my objectivity is rooted in the knowable and observable universe around us. I base my belief system on what I can know. With my brain. With my spirit. Right and wrong are determined within the limits of this system of knowable and conceivable. Here amd now.

But just as I conceive this universe is based on these rules and this physics, I can conceive of the plausibility of a different universe with different rules. Different 'physics'. And therefore different observations and conclusions.

People theorize on the existence of multiple dimensions, or 'multiverse' of all time happening at once, of interdimensional sentience without physical form.

What set of rules will define morality when that reality is outside our system of physics?

What is in accordance with nature then? Who knows?

Therefore I conduct my life on what is knowable.

I seek to maintain a human and moral purpose with regard to treatment of humans, animals, and natural resources. Try not to be wasteful or cruel.

But ultimately it's a judgement decsion where one draws the line.

Some people only eat food where the fruit drops from the tree. Won't pull a carrot from the ground. Won't even steal a cow or sheep's productive energy of milk (because not freely given and bred for that purpose without consent). I eat meat with respect (who knows i dont run a farm) for the gift of nourishment it provides me. I could just eat vegetables. I could just eat fruit that falls. But I don't. And I don't consider it immoral.

Is my sense if morality determined by what is convenient, expedient, practical, and pleasurable? Then what will we have to say about someone who turns that logic on us?

23476705? ago

Is that you god? How did you know that I eat my vomit? Lol.

No absolutely not. I'm a terrible sinner, worse than most.

I'm acknowledging that the first base assumption at the root is determined by the root of our mere existence. The physicality and spirituality of our sentience MUST define our ability to know or think or be. Therefore if it were different (if we live in a computer simulation, or created one with different rules, or had a different brain etc.), the rules of that awareness may result in completely different base from which to observe and reason. Its the common and constant universe to measure against. But your sentience does the measuring. Philosophy hand waves away the problem of knowing to be able to start somewhere.

To me, my objectivity is rooted in the knowable and observable universe around us. I base my belief system on what I can know. With my brain. With my spirit. Right and wrong are determined within the limits of this system of knowable and conceivable. Here amd now.

People theorize on the existence of multiple dimensions, or 'multiverse' of all time happening at once, of interdimensional sentience without physical form.

What set of rules will define morality when that reality is outside our system of physics?

What is in accordance with nature then? Who knows?

We have good arguments for God (e.g., Kalam Cosmological argument, argument from Contingency, argument from Morality, the teleological argument, the ontological argument, etc.), and what properties God has. So when you say "the universe could have been differently", what you're saying is "the universe is contingent". On the other hand from the arguments we see that God is a necessary being. A necessary being that is omniscient, omnipresent, perfectly good, perfectly just, etc. In my mind God is just "perfect".

So if God is necessary, His nature will not change. If His nature doesn't change, then the objective nature of morality doesn't change. So by that simple reasoning, it defuses your problem of morality being arbitrary or relative depending on the physical laws of the universe (which as you mentioned are contingent), because they're contingent on the necessary perfect being, and as such flow out of Him.

It's kind of like saying, even in your alternative universe, 2+2=4. This is just true, not dependent on the laws of physics. In a similar way, so goes morality on the system for the same reason. They derive from the perfect being.

Therefore I conduct my life on what is knowable.

How do you define "knowable". That's going to depend on your metaphysics and epistemology. For you're probably going to say we can't "know" the supernatural, only the things we can physically interact with. But to do so you're literally going to have to define conscious experience out of existence not because it doesn't exist, but because your theory doesn't cover it. So almost by definition you've excluded "supernatural things" (i.e., things that don't adhere to the laws of physics) because you can't explain them, then say that these things don't exist.

That argument has convinced a lot of people, especially when coupled with disdain and scorn for people who disagree, but I don't think it is a compelling argument on the merits.

I seek to maintain a human and moral purpose with regard to treatment of humans, animals, and natural resources. Try not to be wasteful or cruel.

But ultimately it's a judgement decsion where one draws the line.

Some people only eat food where the fruit drops from the tree. Won't pull a carrot from the ground. Won't even steal a cow or sheep's productive energy of milk (because not freely given and bred for that purpose without consent). I eat meat with respect (who knows i dont run a farm) for the gift of nourishment it provides me. I could just eat vegetables. I could just eat fruit that falls. But I don't. And I don't consider it immoral.

Is my sense if morality determined by what is convenient, expedient, practical, and pleasurable? Then what will we have to say about someone who turns that logic on us?

Well you'll have no defense, because ultimately you're appealing to your convenience, expedience, and pleasure to justify your claims. When you do that, you will immediately be attacked for exactly the reasons you stated. Because you don't have a formal foundation for your beliefs other than preference, you have no arguments against them, and that's all you can say.

Counter that with the Christian worldview, where we have God as our underpinning of reality. And thus the answer to all questions is to look to God for guidance. From a Catholic perspective that entails reading the Bible, your Catechism, learning about the Traditions of the Church, reading the Church fathers, and coming closer to God. For in coming closer to the One True God who condescended and became Man to teach us how to live, we ourselves better exemplify what it means to be human. We better exemplify His perfection, and come closer to Him.

Insofar as we reject Perfections in search for false idols (this is why God describes himself as jealous, incidentally, what He's saying is that He wants you to love Him and not the trappings of this world) like lust, material possessions, etc., we are sinning (in that we're missing the mark) and destroying some aspect of perfection to do so. Or at least not living up to that aspect of perfection.

From this idea one can take one of a few options.

One can:

1. reject all of this as nonsense, and do whatever you want.

2. accept that God is real but believe that trying is too hard and give up.

3. accept that God is real and try really hard but continue to stumble and get back up and try again.

4. accept that God is real and fully come to terms with that, and live in Him.

If I'm missing an option let me know. According to Jesus Christ, option 1 is what sinners who are damned for all eternity will do. Option 2 is what Judas Iscariot did, who is damned for all eternity. Option 3 is an average Christian. Option 4 is a saint.

The choice, so to speak, is yours to make. Good luck, and may God bless you.

23480931? ago

Insofar as we reject Perfections in search for false idols

Interesting! (otheranon, here.) This rhymes a great deal with "perfect is the enemy of good enough" -- and, I can detect some overtones in it, spiritually, as well!

23476851? ago

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

I enjoyed reading.

Taking it all under advisement.

23478646? ago

I just found this lecture on the influence of music by a Catholic exorcist (yes an exorcist, he has lectures on that too). He goes on how music that a culture listens to can control a society. Perhaps something interesting worth listening to to give you a true, Catholic, understanding of what is happening in the world. It's probably the most rational way I know to understand what's going on, but feel free to tell me what you find untrue/uncomfortable.

23483286? ago

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23478736? ago

Have discussed exorcism with my sister in laws Catholic priest uncle.

I'm convinced of its veracity and the veracity of possession and internal spiritual illness inherent in nihilism and post modern entertainment, drug use, and pornography etc.

23478866? ago

Something I just through of while listening to this lecture is at around 54:00, he talks about beauty and good. And at the end the parents are begging him for help on how to deal with the problems that are related to such music, and he points out that if after showing them this video they are still attached to the music, they are displaying an absolute disorder. And I fundamentally agree. I'm open to being wrong, but you're going to have to prove to me what he's saying is false (i.e,. you're not like the other addicts...).

That being said you then look at why children disobey their parents on this? Well, kids now go to government school. What does the government school teach? That their parents are "the man" and you must resist them and not obey them.

What does the kid think? "My parents are sending me to this school because they're better able to teach me than my parents are so they're right."

We've built a degenerate society and are wondering why it's degenerate.

23483285? ago

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23478809? ago

Well if you want to learn how it works, he has a ton of lectures (e.g., on generational demons, on spiritual warfare, this explanation of a Catholic understanding of modern times is another, and perhaps most foundationally the Catholic understanding of guardian angels, etc.) on how exorcisms work, and his experience with demons. To the point where the people in Nashville thinks he has healing powers because he cured this guy of cancer by praying an exorcism over him.

He's worth listening to if you want a really robust understanding, and not this fake BS Christianity that people try to push as "real" Christianity.

23476972? ago

It was my pleasure. Thank you for your time.

23475644? ago

Nicely said.

23474681? ago

Yes indeed. Well stated anon, totally agree!

23473744? ago

Mel had a front row seat too. He would know.