23462074? ago

It was on the 18th of April in ‘75. It is the calling to arms of Lexington and Concord. Q is calling us to arms. The enemy is at hand. Read the Ride of Paul Revere. Here is the last stanza:

So through the night rode Paul Revere;

And so through the night went his cry of alarm

To every Middlesex village and farm,–

A cry of defiance, and not of fear,

A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,

And a word that shall echo forevermore!

For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,

Through all our history, to the last,

In the hour of darkness and peril and need,

The people will waken and listen to hear

The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,

And the midnight message of Paul Revere.

23461604? ago

How bad is your education (you had to research this!) that a cursory look at 'two lanterns' in an old 18th century window does not immediately remind you about the Paul Revere story- the old one if land and two if by sea story? Obviously, they are intercepting intel right now and calculating movement of enemy for future comms to white hats

23461839? ago

Oooo the attack and look important troll, nice, I will tell you what I tell all trolls, you cannot troll me, so go elsewhere,

23476590? ago

Pointing out your lack of intelligence and education (I learned about Paul Revere in 2nd grade) is not trollish. Its just being a dick. Sorry.......

23476662? ago

For some the reference doesn't come directly to mind, that's not a lack of of intelligence or education, just you being a dick, sorry. I love you all the same.


23492152? ago


23461499? ago

Compare timestamp of Q3987 with this post from last night: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3772971

23461251? ago

Guys guys, Q meant April 18, 2022!


23460965? ago

Which route will indictments [1-6] use to try and escape?

23461444? ago

By sea, air is too regulated.

23550938? ago

1 if by land, 2 if by sea; this is "by zero" and ambiguous. Could be air; could be underground. I can't think of other alternatives, that is if we keep to these four dimensions of X/Y/Z and time.

23460703? ago

Those aren't lit candles. What does that mean?

23460862? ago

Possibly that signal is waiting to be sent tonight, the evening of April 18th.

23462485? ago

Exactly. Candles wouldn't be visible during the day.

245 years ago today.

23461878? ago

As good a guess as any but, it's still just a guess. Time will tell.

23460676? ago

I'd be concerned about a mini nuke lit off under sea just west of the Azores.

Watch the water.

23460379? ago

Lexington and Concord drops relevant here, especially the one where WWG1WGA was introduced.


23460211? ago

Noice find, Anon!

23460064? ago

Arrests are already here. We are on house arrest. Not sure why lanterns or references to fables were needed.

23460256? ago

How is our History a fable?

23460279? ago

It is a tall tale. Everything you were told and taught is practically a lie.

23460050? ago

The British are coming by sea to arrest us? Interdasting.

23460994? ago

Anyone know how Prince Harry got here?

23461440? ago

His departure is odd from the start. Leaves Royalty to head to Canada, then changes his mind and heads to the US. He probably figured out Trudeau's days are numbered.

23462917? ago

I think he figured out grandma's days are numbered.

23462938? ago

Well she is going to have a terrible May possibly.