23555814? ago

COMM ? From the National Guard Q1000 https://qmap.pub/read/1000 Phones were allowed in.

These people are stupid.

Q Satanic Cult explains so much... Do get creative with your thinking.... After-all this is the most fascinating, AND multi-dimensional game of Clue EVER

23552679? ago

Flynn COMM ? https://qmap.pub/read/1008 Mueller Going After Inside Plants & Cheatin' Obama Not a thing to see here shills.

23552461? ago

Check out 9 "I have held the highest security clearance provided by the government." https://www.scribd.com/document/444791080/Flynn-Declaration the HIGHEST

23551958? ago

_.jpg = ‘underscore’.jpg

underscore [etymology online]

1771, "to draw a line under," from under + score (v.). The figurative sense of "to emphasize" is attested from 1891. Noun meaning "a line drawn below (something)" is recorded from 1901.

Child Nutrition 42 U.S.C. §§ 1771-1789 (1988)

  1. Congressional declaration of purpose In recognition of the demonstrated relation- ship between food and good nutrition and the capacity of children to develop and learn, based on the years of cumulative successful experi- ence under the national school lunch program with its significant contributions in the field of applied nutrition research, it is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress that these efforts shall be extended, expanded, and strengthened under the authority of the Secretary of Agri- culture as a measure to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation's children, and to encourage the domestic consumption of agricul- tural and other foods, by assisting States, through grants-in-aid and other means, to meet more effectively the nutritional needs of our children.

U.S. 1771


--pound 8,921 in customs duties was collected at Boston. In this year, and the 2 to follow, the town imported a total of nearly 500,000 lbs. of tea.

--A Philadelphia theatrical group produced a play titled The Rising Glory of America.

--Benjamin Franklin started to write his Auto-biography. His purpose was to acquaint his son, William, now the New Jersey governor, with his family background. Franklin's famous work combined remarks on literary affairs, religion, and utilitarian philosophy, with colorful comments on his life in Boston, Philadelphia, and London.

--Philadelphians ridiculed the use of a new device-the umbrella-to ward off sunburn. Effeminate, said the newspapers. The doctors were all for it, however. Good for preventing vertigo, epilepsy, sore eyes, fevers, and other ailments.

--Genealogy in America began. Ebenezer Watson published a 24-page pamphlet on the Stebbins family of Hartford, Conn. It gave births, marriages, and deaths from 1707 to 1771 for the Samuel and Hannah Stebbins ancestors.

Mar. 15 The Virginia Gazette recorded the marriage of William Carter, 23, and Mrs. Sarah Ellyson, widow of Gerald, aged 85. The former Mrs. Ellyson, it said, was "a sprightly old Tit, with three Thousand Pounds Fortune." Recording a bride's worth was common practice in the Colonies.

May 16 Some North Carolinians calling themselves the "Regulators" protested to the royal governor, William Tryon, about discrimination in new laws and lack of representation for western counties. A battle at Alamance Creek followed, between Tryon's 1,200 soldiers and 2,000 Regulators, the latter mostly without weapons. Tryon's forces won, and tried 13 men for treason. Seven were executed.

Aug. 22 The Widow Bignall placed an advertisement in the Massachusetts Spy. The notice informed seekers of the bizarre that a 22''-high dwarf could be seen at her Boston home near Hancock's wharf. Admission: 1 shilling. The exhibition of this 53-year-old man was the 1st such event in the Colonies.

Dec. 31 American imports from England totaled more than pound 4,200,000 for the year.


23547661? ago

Three if by Deceit?

What if Q is a psyop against the Patriots? What if the Pelosi Witch Hunt was a planned charade to distract our focus away from the real event? What if there is no war against the Deep State but a real Silent War against China?

I am beginning to believe we've been had. Major had. There are not going to be any arrests. It is and always has been the Deep State that "has it all" and is in total control.

5:5? Yeah, I'm hearing you loud and clear now, Q.


23550925? ago

Either the Kissinger post is the Q plan or shit hits the fan at election time. Enjoy the show.

23548541? ago

We didn't have a Patriot movement before Qanon.

23538543? ago

7.35, candle in the wind song, even behind closed doors the wind will blow you out...times up.

23529725? ago

"It seems that hundreds of thousands, and perhaps even several million, Israeli Jews are suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder." ...

23481965? ago

THIS is the Great Awakening. This is what it is all about... Numerous COMMS, yet, Quite simply LOVE IS IN THE AIR... https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1252061844942045185

23478201? ago

Paul Revere already died.

23492691? ago

Someone downvoated a known fact. That is the mentality of QRV.

23529346? ago

Ahh I get it now

23477151? ago

Q620 He has had the MSM attacking him 24/7 and still stands strong. Immigration is down, black unemployment is down, Hispanic too, and lets not forget how the value of the USD value skyrocketting.

I think that President Trump is the greatest person to have walked this Earth. And so are persons like Q, who have been working in the shadows for the good of all.

God speed everyone.

God speed.

23477070? ago

Multi-Dimensional Clue is so much fun... AND

at one time or another +/or One dimension or another; you may just be right.

23477023? ago

https://qmap.pub/read/1414 Ivanka COMM


23486427? ago

Huh? What about Ivanka?

23476850? ago

COMM from TOM ?? Interesting theme https://qmap.pub/themes/read/50

23474926? ago

Pompeo COMM ? 1411 Q 1411 https://qmap.pub/read/1411 THEME44>>>>a MUST read https://qmap.pub/themes/read/44

23474297? ago

Search of 187 at QMAP brings up a LOT

Q187 Country forced hard left -> population to puppets -> Causes uprising by certain Patriots like Kennedy/Reagan/Trump and while they managed to kill Kennedy and outlast Reagan enough lessons were learned that we are now finally ready to clean house and become America again?

First time in about a hundred years.... wow... https://qmap.pub/read/187

23474239? ago

Q+ COMM this morning... Q 834>>> https://qmap.pub/read/834

Note the Players AND themes. A LOT here The BRIDGE.


23473948? ago

My thoughts on Q's drop....

I see two candles that were burning for awhile but are now snuffed out.

What if "two if by sea" is really: two if by [C]" meaning [C]hina or [C]ovid-19?

What if the" two" is Bill Gates and Fauci?

What is the "shot heard around the world"? Is this Gates and Fauci profiting from the vaccine shot from the virus they unleashed upon us?

I summary, Gates and Fauci by way of [C]hina released [C]ovid-19 to force everyone in the world to take their vaccine shot. Candles are no longer lit, as patriots foiled their plan.

23469812? ago

"The fate of a nation was riding that night"

23468122? ago

Reverse image search reveals it's a children's reading book. To be used in conjunction with Rush Limbaugh's book "Rush Revere and the American Revolution."

23467092? ago

someones candles were blown out. 2 deaths?

23466958? ago

I think it’s Bill and Killiary’s lights. They have finally snuffed them out! Kek

We could only hope.

23466141? ago

Penis face vagina fart

23465836? ago

Q post 3313 from April 18th 2019 is an Ariel photo on Long Beach port. 2 if by sea.

23466075? ago

Nope. Just a bunch of niggers and spics there along with a faggot dem mayor who is open borders.

23465117? ago

This little light of mine,

I'm gonna let it shine

23463903? ago

April 19...Happy Patriots Day!

Www.nps .gov/mima/patriots-day.htm

Sorry, can't post links...had to skew

23463640? ago

On the night of April 18, 1775, hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord in order to seize an arms cache. Paul Revere and other riders sounded the alarm, and colonial militiamen began mobilizing to intercept the Redcoat column. A confrontation on the Lexington town green started off the fighting, and soon the British were hastily retreating under intense fire.


So I have two hypotheses on what Q is communicating:

1) Be prepared for or expect an attack upon the American public, or Qanon.

Just as the lanterns were placed in preparation for an expected British advance to disarm the patriots of Concord and Lexington. Symbolically in the photo, it is yet daylight, and the lanterns are as yet unlit because the nature or direction of the attacking force is as yet unknown.

2) The attack upon the American citizenry has already begun and is in progress. The counter-attack is imminent.

Symbolically in the photo, Paul Revere's and Dawes' rides have accomplished their purpose, it is daylight now and the candles have burnt down somewhat, and having served their purpose, the lanterns are extinguished. And in the early morning hours a band of provoked and forewarned patriots are prepared to counter-attack, turn the attack upon the attackers, and "the hunters become the hunted".

We will know soon enough.

23463808? ago

Number 2 would be better than 1. The corn has been harvested so I would guess 2 is in progress.

23464656? ago

You have a very great point.

They attacked (or trying to escape) via water, got taken out already, and this is the signal that mission accomplish.

23463817? ago

I tend to agree with you. Thanks.

23463095? ago

Time to fire the Shot Heard Around The World.

Q wants boogaloo! YES!!!

Let's fuckin go PATRIOTS!!

Remember the revolution started the very next day!

23463030? ago

Over 900 days of Q and no traitors brought to justice

Jesus you're a bunch of gullible tards

23463852? ago

And you're fucking blind.

23466081? ago


23468123? ago

You will see.Must learn to see big picture.

23462842? ago

https://newengland.com/today/travel/massachusetts/old-north-church-2/ I think this is the original location for that photo. Aimee Seavey took the photo.

23462463? ago

I posted this 14 hours ago on here in response to another Anon posting the test of this.

Was that Q on here?!

23464901? ago

Of course Q is on this forum, foo. His whole purpose for existing is to see the reactions here.

23468492? ago

Or Q's whole purpose is to disseminate incredible information (via 4/8Chan >> 8Kun) and the whole purpose of Reddit >> Voat/v/QRV is to gauge our reactions to Q's posts). But yes, I totally believe Q team monitors this forum for feedback. Same with Patriot's Soapbox live stream. There have been many times we'd be talking about something on Patriot's Soapbox and Q would post something EXACTLY about what was being said there while we were talking about it.

23469522? ago

There is no Q team. Its a hoax. A larp. How do you people not realize this yet?

23471866? ago

Deyz fooz, foo.

23465009? ago

I know.

Just wanted to hear you say it.

23464025? ago

Thanks for posting the poem link. Gave me shivers.

23465001? ago

You're welcome. I loved it too!

23462489? ago

My thoughts exactly

23462432? ago

When both lit they represent the twin flames also.

23462410? ago

Paul Revere...

Q knows what's up.

23462283? ago

Patriot's Day (or Patriots' Day) commemorates the battles of Lexington and Concord, which were fought near Boston in 1775. Patriot's Day is annually held on the

/// third Monday of April. ///

It should not be confused with Patriot Day, held on September 11 to mark the anniversary of terrorist attacks in the USA in 2001.

23468504? ago

Something just popped into my head - that Boston might be the location of some upcoming 'big event' (maybe a false flag attack or maybe some type of VICTORY for the good guys)!

23462167? ago


scroll down and read DURHAM

23462002? ago

@RevBilly is a nigger with his @Bumblecherry alt

23461899? ago

Paul Revere was a Freemason.

23463705? ago

Freemasons were not always evil. The organization was subverted.

23464513? ago

They are the successor to the Luciferian knights of the temple of solomon. Evil ab initio.

23463762? ago

Like how the (((Jesuits))) infiltrated the Vatican and consumed it from within.

23462697? ago

No, he wasn’t a bricklayer. He was a silversmith like his dad.

23462997? ago

The records of Saint Andrew's Lodge, of which Paul Revere was a member, show that on the night of November 30th, 1773 - the night for the annual election of officers - only seven members were present.

Paul Revere was an active Freemason in Boston for many years, and held many offices in two different lodges.

You are wrong.

23468214? ago

He was a silversmith. He was not a bricklayer.

23468834? ago

He was inducted in the lodge. Look into it. Your ignorance is not equal to knowledge.

23469130? ago

Oh, I’m just trolling you, foo. They were all Masonic.

23470794? ago


23464532? ago

The Masons helped form the USA. Intentionally.

They knew we would trade freedom (which we had initially) for security, and we have done so, gradually but nearly completely.

23468082? ago

What are you, indian? Bacon founded the masons before Jamestown. Everything gets corrupted.

23468245? ago

The masons are the successors to the Knights of the Temple of Solomon, who learned to covertly worship Lucifer from the Ismailis (who are not Muslim).

Corrupt ab initio

23472446? ago

The Templars? Tenuous connection, I’d have to dig out The Temple and the Lodge.

23472843? ago

Bill Cooper lays it out, a selection of sauces and all. Mystery Babylon. It’s a serial radio show but it has been transcripted and is freely available.

23462116? ago

Perhaps even somone with knowledge revolts from it.

23461715? ago

So I suppose this supposed to be the lanterns of Paul Revere?

Somebody please tell me, why are the candles not lit? Why is the picture taken during the day time, not MIDNIGHT like the poem? Why are they in a round window not typical of a colonial church steeple?

The math is not working here...I think Q wants to send a different message than the obvious.

I'm not being smart, I am honestly asking this question. Everybody here jumped on Paul Revere, I even thought it at first, but none of the details line up, and Q is very much a details matter kind of operation.

23464543? ago

It’s a stock photo which, in context, references Revere.

23462287? ago

Its a proof photo the candles had been lit. And Q did say the signal would be evident. Patriots dont waste candels !

23461704? ago

Im sorry for posting dumb stuff in the past. I used to be very brainwashed. Now I am much less brainwashed.

23461670? ago

Maybe the lanterns are for a "bat signal" re: the horseshoe bat-derived Coronavirus - LOL!

23464696? ago

I wouldn't be surprised Patriot!!!

I've seen many decodes, that have been correct at the time, and then later a second meaning and sometimes third comes out!!!

Multiple meanings exist at different stages of the operations.

23468558? ago

That TOTALLY happens with the double (and sometimes triple) meanings. Those posts are particularly cool. Gosh, I love Q - but I love POTUS even more. =-D

23461567? ago


23461609? ago

noticed that as well

23461733? ago




23462184? ago

What is that?

23463438? ago

Is he drawing a pyramid?

23463524? ago

think so. Y-family / pyramid

23464741? ago

Did the Y family ever get named by anons? I’ve been racking my brain about that one.

23468224? ago

IIRC, it was Rockefeller. One of their leaders died upon Trump taking office or something.

Y = goat head, luciferians

23461535? ago

Post last nght: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3772971

Then Q3987 shows up today. Thinky face...

23461450? ago

check Q


Drops will go fast




23461493? ago

It was two by the village clock,

When be came to the bridge in CONCORD town.

He heard the bleating of the flock,

And the twitter of birds among the trees,

And felt the breath of the morning breeze

Blowing over the meadows brown.

23461458? ago


Drops will go fast.

WH clean SIG.


Everything is planned.





We Fight.





23461134? ago


23461174? ago


23464748? ago

Agreed Patriot!!!

23461973? ago

This is a confused person

23461216? ago

I don't think you know what that word means.

23461124? ago

Notice the candles are out. Did we lose?

23462245? ago

Only your faith is lost.

23465056? ago


23460935? ago

We heard it every Patriots day:

It was twelve by the village clock

When he crossed the bridge into Medford town.

He heard the crowing of the cock,

And the barking of the farmer’s dog,

And felt the damp of the river-fog,

That rises when the sun goes down.

It was one by the village clock,

When he galloped into Lexington.

He saw the gilded weathercock

Swim in the moonlight as he passed,

And the meeting-house windows, blank and bare,

Gaze at him with a spectral glare,

As if they already stood aghast

At the bloody work they would look upon.

It was two by the village clock,

When be came to the bridge in Concord town.

He heard the bleating of the flock,

And the twitter of birds among the trees,

And felt the breath of the morning breeze

Blowing over the meadows brown.

And one was safe and asleep in his bed

Who at the bridge would be first to fall,

Who that day would be lying dead,

Pierced by a British musket-ball.

You know the rest. In the books you have read,

How the British Regulars fired and fled,—

How the farmers gave them ball for ball,

From behind each fence and farmyard-wall,

Chasing the red-coats down the lane,

Then crossing the fields to emerge again

Under the trees at the turn of the road,

And only pausing to fire and load.

So through the night rode Paul Revere;

And so through the night went his cry of alarm

To every Middlesex village and farm,—

A cry of defiance, and not of fear,

A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,

And a word that shall echo forevermore!

For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,

Through all our history, to the last,

In the hour of darkness and peril and need,

The people will waken and listen to hear

The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,

And the midnight message of Paul Revere.

23460695? ago

arrests are coming! arrests are coming! oh wait....those candles woulda burned out a long time ago

23460665? ago

It's been the British all along. The Queen is going to have a terrible May!

23464505? ago

Water > Admiralty law > The Crown and its handlers

Watch the water?

23464611? ago

I do believe so.

Remember those cruise ship stuck in water because of the law of the water? Trump did that to push that narrative that there's water law aka Admiral law.

23464421? ago

England still owns us. Everyone here should know that by now. I have made posts on here on that subject several times and was downvoated by many anons. The choice to know is yours. But better now than never.

23464501? ago

As a Canadian, I approve your message. Source, we are still cucked to the Queen. Every single working citizen here pays the Queen a couple of dollars every year. Doesn't seem like much until you multiply that by the population. And for what exactly? She's human, just like me (or maybe not), she doesn't have the right to just rule because of blood.

23468248? ago

The Royal fambly actually has enormous landholdings that they let England use in exchange for maintaining their figurehead status. The amount they receive in payments is a fraction of what England nets off their landholdings.

23471665? ago

Same thing in Canada, it's all owned by the Queen. Matter of fact, Queen Elizabeth II owns 1/5th of all the land in the world. That is INSANE.

23468242? ago

The Royal fambly actually has enormous landholdings that they let England use in exchange for maintaining their figurehead status. The amount they receive in payments is a fraction of what England actually makes off their landholdings.

23467273? ago

I made contributions to the Queen while living in Canada for many years. Now I still make them living in the US. The only difference is that most people in the US just don't know it. People need to get smart and dig DEEPER than just re-posting media stories and giving opinions about MSM stories on QRV. I know more about the US as a legal immigrant than most people born here. Cheers fellow Canuck.

23467071? ago

worlds wealthiest welfare family.

23460420? ago

"So through the night rode Paul Revere;

And so through the night went his cry of alarm

To every Middlesex village and farm,—

A cry of defiance, and not of fear,

A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,

And a word that shall echo forevermore!

For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,

Through all our history, to the last,

In the hour of darkness and peril and need,

The people will waken and listen to hear

The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,

And the midnight message of Paul Revere."

23461685? ago

Photo is taken during the day, the candles are not lit. This is not Paul Revere.

23461775? ago

Yes. Yes it is.

23463687? ago

Those digits! 1775

23462181? ago

Hah yes its me i am him in a lifetime away. And your digits confirm so the year freedom rang form ear to ear. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NX87em_r5jg

23460775? ago

This poem always brings moistness to my eyes. Every single time.

23469136? ago

Porn does that to me too.

23464855? ago


23466236? ago

Fuck you, commie rabbi.

23460404? ago

https://twitter.com/LTWWG1WGA/status/1251539148026101760 On a dare/operation of LT Freedom BOTH run times of 1:07 Q107 is quite interesting >>> Interesting interpretation by Q MAP GO ORDER ??? Interesting comment by Q Coincidence?


Q COMMS or coincidence ?? I do have a hunch renegade is F*CKED as do many/most paying attention..

23460385? ago

We have foreign invaders everyone. Chinese? Pelosi had a Chinese spy driver. Sure it is nothing. China buying up our media, one way or another. Probably innocent (and loving.)

B. Evil families not loyal to any country.

23460567? ago

Feinstein had the Chinese spy driving her for 20 years. FYI.

23461122? ago

Thanks, hard to list the crimes with the people, so many.

23460332? ago

Qmmers and Qtists are jizzing their pants and creaming their jeans while we are locked down on house arrest as the left crushes small businesses, the economy and life in the USA. Don't forget they unleashed a bio-weapon on us and we aren't going to do shit but let people die.

Nevermind that the MSM is still brainwashing the other half of the country who hates Donald Trump.

23463945? ago

Grow a pair dude.This is a FUCKING WAR.Did you really think this was going to completely painless.

23461930? ago

Wait, this is a downvoted comment? Yikes.

23460643? ago

Stop it, just stop. That's the old system. Things are going to change for the better. You're in Plato's cave. You're literally crying about losing our slavery jobs, slavery pay, slavery taxes, etc. Just seriously stop.

23461077? ago

Small businesses are slavery jobs? Sorry to hear about your low oxygen birth.

23461367? ago

I didn't specify small businesses you retard. I'm talking about the economy in general. It has been completely high jacked and controlled since day 1.

23463039? ago

I did, asshole. Read my first fuckin post.

23463246? ago

Eat a bag of dicks, asshole!

23463270? ago

You first, shit for brains.

23463840? ago

After you, I need to see how it's done first, boomer.

23462303? ago

Exactly when one door closes another one opens.

23460330? ago



Robert Newman is perhaps the most famous sexton ever to serve Old North due to his participation in the fateful events on the night of April 18, 1775.


23465366? ago

Related comment about April 19th, 1775 at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3773914/23465334/

23460315? ago


23461180? ago

Shill faggot

23460257? ago

The candles do not burn my friends.

23462081? ago

Your an idoit they put the. Out when they went to bed or the signal was seen bloodly wasting liberals.

23462889? ago

Something something bed, something something liberals.

23463198? ago

Its a typo even a third rate child could decode it. I wont edit it cause it burns you so. Now shoo fly back to the pile you flew off of.

23462413? ago

English translation?

23464493? ago

The new wave of chink shills suck at using translate. It’s all over this sub.

23464331? ago

Garble translate

23461088? ago

They went out long ago...the minute our governors put us on house arrest.

23461330? ago

Don't think so

The candles are not burning YET.

23463052? ago

You can see they have been lit and there is melted wax all over. They were already LIT.

23463393? ago

good point

23460255? ago

Princess Diana is still alive.

23465143? ago

Yes, so is Elvis. 9/11 was an inside job. Trump secretly executed NoName. We should trust Wray and Sessions and believe Barr when he said Epstein killed himself. And yeah, Q is totally for sure real.

23466127? ago

9/11 was an inside job.


23461104? ago

Agreed. She is probably hanging with Jeffrey Epstein, Tupac, Seth Rich, JFK , Elvis, Michael Jackson and John McCain.

23460656? ago

She's not, but what did she find out? That's the question we need answered...

23461148? ago

agreed.. and who else knows what she found out? Charles, William, Harry?? could explain Harry's exit.

23464710? ago

Harry's exit is because megan is a tranny, with the ability to kill like the movie Jason Borne.

23461389? ago

High Level Insider from 4chan back in 2015 said Diana found out about 9/11 before hand. It had been in the works for many years, so I could see that.

23464427? ago

she found out if you become a muslim fucking slut you die.

23460334? ago

Only in your wet dreams.

23460250? ago

The enemy has come.

We are at WAR!!

Deep state wants to destroy America!!!

23460226? ago


Why does our deputy prime Minister sit on the board of an organization dedicated to furthering Ukraine’s interests?


Enough of this venal corruption! The best government is local government! We are not Ottawa’s colony!

23460200? ago

The British ( crown/ jesuits) are no longer here / in control

23460174? ago

Tomorrow (4/19) is the anniversary of Lexington and Concord

23465334? ago

Tomorrow (4/19) is the anniversary of Lexington and Concord

April 19th, 1775


To not set yourself for disappointment, I suggest to not expect any event tomorrow April 19th. As this date may have multiple meanings.

23460129? ago

Paul Revere never yelled out, "The British are coming!"

23465031? ago

Yes, he kept it secret because he wanted to be the Royal Silversmith.

23460202? ago

IIRC They were called regulars as everyone was already part of GB.

23460086? ago

I sure hope this doesn't mean the British are coming kek

23460587? ago

I sincerely thank you for the laugh.

23460143? ago

Harry and Meghan are home shopping in Bel Air.

23465531? ago

Harry and Meghan are home shopping in Bel Air.

Harry found a job in USA. Meme at https://i.postimg.cc/jjGkbb2k/runaway-memes-about-prince-harrys-and-meghan-markles-latest-stunt-17.jpg

23461697? ago

Harry was exiled from the House of Windsor for marrying a half nigger who talked back to the queen an challenged her authority. He is nothing more than a common ex-brit now by Royal Decree.

23464557? ago

He is not a House of Windsor member. His father was American, a Texan red haired guy. Probs still alive. Harry's wife is American and maybe he found out he is half American too.

23460185? ago

Lmfao I hadn't thought about that!

23460078? ago

Nice reminder.

23460053? ago

Patriots RIDE!!!!

23460045? ago

"The niggers are coming! The niggers are coming!"

23460686? ago

Yes! The lanterns are busted.

23465040? ago

Niggers ruin everything.

23460028? ago

Are we going to be attacked???

23465042? ago

We have been...

23460232? ago

enemy on the move?

23460018? ago

Are they going to arrive by sea? Is it boogaloo time yet?

23460163? ago

But only if lit, right?

23464576? ago

Extinguished already. The corn is harvested.

23468913? ago


But note the pic comes from a Rush Limbaugh book about the Revolutionary War.

This can be quite symbolic and not exactly actual.

Time will tell.

23459980? ago


23461189? ago

Faggot shill

23459964? ago

So Paul Revere is warning us that we are going to get arrested by the British and they are coming by sea.

Thanks, Q!

23459946? ago


The enduring fame of the Old North began on the evening of April 18, 1775, when the church sexton, Robert Newman, and Vestryman Capt. John Pulling, Jr. climbed the steeple and held high two lanterns as a signal from Paul Revere that the British were marching to Lexington and Concord by sea across the Charles River and not by land. This fateful event ignited the American Revolution. Built in 1723, Christ Church in the City of Boston, known to all as the Old North Church, is Boston’s oldest surviving church building and most visited historical site. In 1775, on the eve of Revolution, the majority of the congregation were loyal to the British King and many held official positions in the royal government, including the Royal Governor of Massachusetts, making Robert Newman’s loyalty to the Patriot cause even more extraordinary. The King gave the Old North its silver that was used at services and a bible. Each year we welcome over 150,000 visitors to our site to experience this unique and stirring monument to liberty.

23462675? ago

Fake news.

23459945? ago

Q is going to attack us by sea. Good to know.

23459920? ago

Mornin Q

air guitar

23459809? ago

Two lamp stands... The two witnesses

23460110? ago

Shining light in the darkness

23460691? ago

Candles aren’t burning.

23462234? ago

It burn when I piss tho

23469157? ago

Lots of sex should heal that right up.

23460952? ago

No they are not and if you tried to light them you would get arrested. The pic is from the Old North Church window set as an historical display.

23459777? ago

One if by land , two if by Sea , the ride of Paul Revere reference.

Peace Y

23468269? ago

Q is a fake piece.

23462085? ago

@RevBilly is a nigger with his @Bumblecherry alt

Stay away from v/AnonAll

23461270? ago

https://poets.org/poem/paul-reveres-ride https://archive.is/wip/gGQW9

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1807-1882

Listen, my children, and you shall hear

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,

On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five:

Hardly a man is now alive

Who remembers that famous day and year.

He said to his friend, “If the British march

By land or sea from the town to-night,

Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry-arch

Of the North-Church-tower, as a signal-light,—

One if by land, and two if by sea;

And I on the opposite shore will be,

Ready to ride and spread the alarm

Through every Middlesex village and farm,

For the country-folk to be up and to arm.”

23469739? ago

1 if by land 2 if by sea, maybe were coming by sea with NO warning!

23462017? ago

Thats is the north tower i knew instantly iv been there more then once in more then this lifetime.

23537914? ago

I've wondered about this^^^

have we been patriots before?

23539675? ago

LITTLE BIRD TOLD me that food workers are being told they have to get the jab? in the land of midknight sun? t or f?

23539666? ago


23460765? ago

Don’t mean to be a nigger in the woodpile here, but this means nothing. It’s crap to keep his followers hooked. You see, Q is a faker; a jokester. Anything and everything Q says should be taken for entertainment purposes only. For fun.

23462084? ago

Ya know. What if Q is the psyop? That the left have been right this entire time? That a one world gov't is the only way forward? That jews should rule the world? That whites should breed with all other races to raise their avg. IQ? That trump is a trojan horse? I mean, come on, hebpassed a 2 trillion bill where the Libs got xmas for the rest of their lives? Fuck. It's done. The economy is fucked. We're fucked. RIP

23461221? ago

We got a nigger in the woodpile guys. Someone grab a rifle

23460872? ago

Shill detected. Downvoat this goof and move on folks

23461010? ago

Amen Patriot. Just the N in the woodpile reference gives it away. So tired of these fucks. But I guess they gotta collect their paychecks...

23462065? ago

It's always rhe same with these satanists. The n word, saying things about the jews, these are evil people.

23461228? ago

Fuck you nigger.

23460634? ago

The lights are out. No warning coming.

23475744? ago

@Revbilly's kid is a piece of shit.

23461754? ago

Best interpretation I have seen in this thread. Bunch of hope fags keep thinking its the famous Midnight ride...but the candles are not lit and its clearly daytime in the photo, nor are the candles burned out as if they burned through the night.

23468980? ago

No, the implication is to be ready for the warning.

23462892? ago

^ some of the gayest and most asinine analysis I've ever seen. You should give talks 1st graders about your thoughts on symbolism

23462871? ago

Being a dick about people trying to speculate on a Q drop? No one can think differently than you? No free thought?

Stop it, let people think out loud.

23469094? ago

You’re the dick. Probably because you are what you eat. Are you by chance a smoker of the sausage?

23557440? ago

Ah the dissension sower

23462145? ago

It's the anniversary of something which happened long ago.

You Commies are really getting desperate.


23461857? ago

wicks are black

23464922? ago

They prefer “niggerized.”

23462142? ago

So is your wife’s boyfriend

23464863? ago

My wife is yo mama.

23464059? ago

TY for your valuable contribution.

23461999? ago

And wax everywhere haha. Lets Ride. This means so much.

23464045? ago

Where is "meaning" being assigned?

23464084? ago

Call Home perhaps.

23460321? ago

OK, two what? Those candles are not lit. There's a significance to that. Anyone??

23467091? ago

It can only mean they aren't coming. Whether that is a sign that the enemy is defeated or that they have yet to attack, is something we will have to wait to know.

23464485? ago

Maybe getting prep?

23464653? ago

Could be. I know that without being lit, those are not functional 'candles', just two wax sticks.

23461885? ago

trying to say no one is coming yet. addition to the the no dates post.

just an excuse to keep the larp going post crisis with nothing happening.

23462782? ago

Even as the gas chamber fills with purifying smoke, youll still be kvetching "nothings happen..in........guuuuuhhhhhhhhhhHHHh"

Annnnd youre done.

23463136? ago


23462931? ago

lol nothing's happening except you jerking off to hope porn

23463019? ago

Yeah onto your moms face

23460246? ago

The British are coming

23460647? ago

The British are being cummed on.

23462080? ago

Vid or it didnt happen

23460605? ago



23460122? ago

Trip 7s confirm.

23460065? ago

It's funny because when POTUS tweets the storm message, I keep thinking that'll be his Paul Revere moment (and no not the horsey in the Beastie Boys song kek)

23459928? ago

Good form.

23459737? ago

Not an original photo. Reverse image search shows it's laterns in Old North Church in Boston

23460136? ago

I recognized it as soon as I saw it.

23459792? ago

Probably the Church where the lanterns were lit telling Paul Revere how the British were coming. One if by land , two if by Sea.

Peace Y

23459719? ago

2 if by sea, watch the water.....

23500106? ago

It means they've switched from helicopters to submarines.

Quieter. Easier to listen to techno while you hack.

23464502? ago

VERY good point Patriot!!!

23460658? ago

Lanterns are not lit.

23466786? ago

Confirmed shill. Look at the formatting all over this site. Always posts the same and always a faggot.

23466860? ago

Always posts the same and always a faggot.

Specifically, a tranny. Easily identifiable.

23462041? ago

Haha latterns never stayed lit youl libral faggot true patriots were and are conservative never wasting.

23466479? ago

How do you see the warning in the window if the lanterns aren't lit...

23468196? ago

Hope has been extinguished.

23468208? ago

How's that black pill taste?

23466935? ago

because they were lit for a specified time with a signal back the lanterns were distinguished. didn't you see the wax ....? waste not want not! and why leave them lit for your enemies to see?

23459714? ago

has to be a signal. but for what??

23460157? ago

It's 4/18

23460035? ago

They are coming to arrest us like the British were. Apparently, they will be coming by sea.

23460348? ago

we will be waiting for them, as patriots do.

23460377? ago


23459746? ago


23459707? ago

One if by land, two of by sea.

23460204? ago

“...think of a perfect symbol of American Revolutionary War, perhaps short of the Declaration of Independence itself, if would probably be the Paul Revere’s lanterns...”

23459706? ago

I suspect this has meaning.


23459700? ago

2 blown out candles?

23459739? ago

I wonder if this is about Kung Flu going out.

Also note it is in an old style window, towerish.

23462263? ago

Proof or gtfo.

23459709? ago
