23409444? ago

It's clear that SNL Hanx bullshit was an awkward deepfake by NBC. The question is why?

23399363? ago

Pretty ominous that he got a haircut.

23396923? ago

If you're going to be a useful anon, you can't be so easily trolled by stuff like this. There are plenty of absolutely horrifying conspiracies out there which are true, let's not dilute those with stuff like this.

That was clearly Tom Hanks in his office, which has a kitchenette. He doesn't store his typewriter collection in his true home kitchen.

Now is Hanks a pedophile? Probably. Is is neck-deep in DS crap? Yes. Did he lie about his hair, probably.

But extrapolating that it wasn't him, and that he is allowed to do an SNL broadcast from prison, is insane.

Hanks may someday be brought to justice, but not as the first guy, not by a long shot. The first is Brennan and that is only just starting.

23395967? ago

The cue card clearly says "RIFF, BABY", not "RIFT, BABY". Riff means to improve and make it up as you go. That having been said, TH probably is an elite diddler.

23395661? ago

This is not quality research

23395295? ago

His daughter has plenty to say about him. No one listens.


23394956? ago

Cue card said riff, not rift. I thought Q addressed this crazy conspiracy stuff. This thread is trying too hard to make the case. Here is a idea. Instead of attempting to twist shit around to fit your theory let's piss with the cock you got and present true evidence.

23394798? ago


23394792? ago

Wow that was interesting. Thanks

23394686? ago

Anon with actual "deepfake" creation experience here. I've personally created dozens of deepfake videos and can weigh in on this with confidence. First thing to know about "DF" videos is that creating them requires some pretty extraordinary technical skills and an enormous amount of time and practice. It takes weeks and weeks of trial and error to gain enough familiarity with the software and the process itself to even begin to create something that would fool anyone with half a brain, from a distance. To make high-resolution DF videos (broadcast quality video) requires an enormous amount of graphics engine computing power (GPU) to do the processing required in a time period shorter than one's own lifetime. And by lots of GPU I don't mean expensive graphics card in your home PC. I mean access to mountains of GPU power @ hosted Google or Amazon services.

The reason I'm pointing out how difficult it is to make a really, really convincing DF video is to illustrate there aren't very many people in the world who are familiar enough with the technology, process and results to spot a good DF video.

That said, in my opinion, this bunch of Tom Hanks SNL video clips are all DF videos. That is his face swapped onto someone else's body.

The OP's point about the benefits of having a shaved head are spot on. Where hair meets face is the most technically challenging thing to deal with. With no hair, the transplanted face can be seamlessly blended with the "destination" actor's scalp & forehead.

The fact that SNL would go to this level of effort for one "episode" speaks volumes to me anyway.

I predict this SNL episode will be historically famous. It's a huge fucking deal. What it means and why they did it, I don't know.

I'm surprised Tupac wasn't the musical guest. Whoever did Hanks could absolutely have done that.

23394586? ago

I caught some pizza, train, etc "art" in the background of the opening introductions, so there might be more than just "Hanks" communication

23394540? ago


23394529? ago

Tom Hanks is in Gitmo awaiting his trial!

23399063? ago

sauce or conjecture lol

23394498? ago

Why the hell would he be permitted an SNL appearance if actually in jail/prison.

23400607? ago

Because that is not Tom in the video. That's the point. It ain't him.

23399044? ago

Thinking the same. What's the point.

23399436? ago

Moves and countermoves. Don't spook the prey as you take them out, one by one.

23393915? ago

Are these creeps hiding in their bunkers? Are they hiding from the hammer?

23394482? ago

That bunker idea certainly makes sense for the environment he is in, particularly the doors.

Also the ceiling seems a bit low like it could alternatively be a basement home office.

23393883? ago

I noticed all the oddities, before I read them. Noticed the green screen, no ring, young hands, funky neck against bright white shirt, and his nervous hands. The glass on the plate is so noticeable and the stuffed kangaroo is also photoshopped in. I have been a graphic artist for over 30 years and I notice it all. When you have to do it, you see every thing that needs fixed to make it look real. There is no reflection on all things in the foreground on the shiny table top. So now that we know this is fake, who,what and why? Also are these meant to be found? Either they were done too quickly to not clean up the obvious or they wanted them to be seen. It makes you go hmmmmmm.

I love good mysteries.

23395193? ago

It looks like BO fake birth certificate.

23396717? ago

is there a good redpill site for that? i wasn't a fan of Barry, but bought the MSM's line at the time. Barry's birth cert has been overshadowed by other stuff since, so i've yet to dive down that rabbit hole.

23397350? ago

Pls search for sheriff Arpaio’s investigation. The bottom line of it is that was very “on your face” blatant fake. Basically it was proven from experts that it was created in multiple layers from different documents. Also added some grins and in your face signs that they are mocking us and we can’t do anything about it.

23393824? ago

Tired of all the speculation with these people. Some real life informative confirmation would be real nice right now and go a looooong way in proving to the Normies that this movement is real

23393823? ago

His height is disproportionate to that counter and the stools!! I slowed this down and watched it too! He never takes more than 4 steps back and that pencil sharpener is odd as hell.

Definitely sending a message out

23393744? ago

Great work! That is so obviously fake, indeed.

23393627? ago

One thing we can all agree on that Hanks is a pedo scumbag. He is either already in jail or headed there soon. Either way he is finished hurting kids.

23393739? ago

I've seen not a shred of convincing evidence that would sway me to that conclusion.

23394901? ago

You are not alone in that. At best this all is a ruse to keep Hanx's face in front of people.

23393432? ago


The entire presentation feels like the author knew he was going to find damning evidence before he watched the video.

I don't put much stock into the ring. Could be a prison confiscation or he could have just taken it off for any number of reasons.

Looks like the cue cards are numbered, so either somebody was very detailed in producing the fake or Hanks actually was trying to keep several cards in order.

As for the hair... I know how I am looking after not getting my hair did for a few months. Is it more likely he took some clippers to it before being on TV or he is a clandestine prisoner in the takedown of blah blah blah?

Picture would be innocuous, but for the subject matter, so maybe?

I also am not convinced by the analysis of the "fluid dynamics of the jowl wobble". A tie and a tight buttoned-up collar are not going to be flattering to a doughy neck waddle.

The video will play relatively well amongst people already "in the know" about what has been going on, but to the normies it won't be conclusive enough to meeit consideration of much aside from our sanity.

This isn't a smoking gun.

23393520? ago

it's clearly NOT his house

RIFT meaning

23394086? ago

Look closely. The cue card say RIFF not RIFT!

23394127? ago

he SAID RIFT, faggot

listen closely

It's called a Freudian slip.

23393756? ago

Did he claim it was his house? I haven't watched the video. Could have been a family member's, could have been a nearby set where the video transmission would be better.

23394541? ago

Could it be a guest house. I know of lots of properties that have them.

23393766? ago

yes.. and it was promoted that way.

23393721? ago

Yeah, I watched it I think on Sunday morning and the kitchen was the first thing that stood out to me. I watched it and was thinking to myself, that is not the kitchen of a millionaire actor. My kitchen is nicer and I don't even make 50k per year!

23393381? ago

Just fucking stop.

This. Is. Fucking. Retarded.

It’s not a double you morons... like holy fuck it’s scary that people are dumb enough to be fooled by this tabloid bullshit.

If they were gonna attest HANKS for crimes against children... including fucking ritualistic murders...

He’s NOT going to just be sitting around on house arrest.

23393448? ago

read the fucking post, dipshit

the OP is claiming it's a DEEP FAKE, not a double, fucktard

23393478? ago

It’s not a deep fake. You’re all fucking idiots for buying this bullshit.

Yeah they’ve been secretly arrested and these are actually deep fakes.

Trust us, we saw pixel blurring. Don’t mind that everyone has reduced streaming quality. That’s something we can safely ignore because we know for a fact hanx is arrested.

You sound like a fucking moron.

OP is a dumbass who hasn’t proven anything.

23393529? ago

clown ^

23393574? ago

Yes everyone who disagrees with your bullshit is a “clown”.

Intellectually... you’re a fucking disgrace.

23393598? ago

meltdown clown ^

your unwarranted hostility gives you away, bozo

23393643? ago

Unwarranted hostility?

Do you realize how fucking stupid the shit your peddling is?

Hanx was arrested weeks ago on house arrest. The COVID is a cover for his secret arrest!

When hanx appears on SNL you just follow your bias and find a theory that allows you to ignore his appearance.

This is a little convinenent.

Pretty sure the shills are the ones pushing bullshit theories that Q hasn’t endorse that make us all look like morons.

It’s important to dissent so people know this kind of low critical thinking doesn’t represent the overall movement.

I very much resent this kind of bullshit content clogging up the board.

But yeah everyone who doesn’t think hanx COVID is a cover for a secret unannounced arrest.

The theories went from Hanx is on house arrest to Hanx isn’t real and his kitchen is fake.

If you can’t smell the bullshit you’re just straight up retarded.

23393725? ago

that's not his house, faggot.

yet, you think he's under house arrest lol

23393946? ago

This one isn’t too bright lol.

23393793? ago

He was being sarcastic. Plus, who cares if its his house or not. BFD.

23393341? ago

He also says he was diagnosed on March 11th (3-11). This is a number specific to the cabal.

23394665? ago



23393301? ago

Did WIILLSOOON!! wear a wedding band?

btw OP was referring to "live" monologue of Stanks not wearing his ring

23393289? ago

I have to admit when I watched this originally I did think that was a shit kitchen for someone like him.

I do love these type of threads however I think its just entertaining, not truth.

We can only wish!

23393278? ago

this is why the "normies" don;t take this movement seriously. It's because of non sense like this. If Hanks was or is guilty of something put him on trial and let the evidence speak. This whole "we are doing it covertly" is rubbish.

23393836? ago

Not to mention the obsession with celebrities is in itself worrying. We've just had a possible bio-warfare attack from China, which has laid waste to our economy. BUT THAT'S NOT TOM HANKS' REAL KITCHEN!

23393933? ago

exactly ... there is real world shit going on but this guy is focusing in on Tom Hanks' kitchen?

23393400? ago

Pretty sure this is being pushed by shills.

He obviously has not been arrested.

23394641? ago

Yeah, he shot it with a backdrop of some sort, but so what? Didn't he just move into a new mansion after being sick and out of the country? His real kitchen is probably the center of unpacking chaos. Q hasn't said anything about Hanks.

23394786? ago

I agree. I think it’s shills pushing this content with the intent of writing dailybeast articles saying how Qanon thinks HANKS is on house arrest

23393268? ago


Yep...(((Hanks))) needs a placeholder.

23393215? ago

What the poster says about his neckline jowels in the video is accurate.

It looks just like that assange video, everytime his head moves, an army of pixels gets agitated to blend the edges, his neck fades from in front of his collar several times.

23394210? ago

That was the oddity I saw the collar never moves and the flesh around the collar gets very pixelated?

23393398? ago

Use your brain dude.

Everyone streaming quality is reduced right now...

23393488? ago

streaming quality doesn't care about your neck antialiasing, and its far more than video artifacting, which is not localized around points of interest.

Sorry, I actually know what I'm talking about. I appreciate your cynicism and would urge you to keep it in these trying times.

23393532? ago

You really think this is a deep fake and hanx is arrested?

Come back in a month and you’ll feel stupid.

Like seriously... you sound at least somewhat intelligent... don’t just forget about this like all the other stupid theories pushed by shills here (still waiting on those mole people... or for Oprah...).

It’s important that you come back in a month and reflect on what a colossally gullible buffoon you’ve become.

23394295? ago

Thank you for spending you time here to point out what you think of as people being wrong. You must be a democrat. Worst sore losers in history.

23394515? ago

You respond to criticism in the most pathetic way possible.

23394937? ago

Thats also not me.

You suck at this.

If you think I'm coming back in a month, you're retarded, I've been here for YEARS.

23395001? ago

You also have the reading comprehension of a first grader, apparently.

23395063? ago

You assume my switcharoo is a misunderstanding, I have so little respect for your message now, maintaining it's integrity within my rebuttals is unnecessary.

I know what you meant, I just dont give a fuck.

Listen, bruh.. everyone can see what happened here, so just crawl away, your efficacy has fallen to zero and you know it.

23395100? ago

Nope. You still haven't figured it out yet lol.

Your IQ is significantly lower than you think it is. So feel free to think whatever you want.

Come back and check in a month.

23395115? ago

It must be lovely in your little fantasy world.

KYS, obvious shill is obvious

23393608? ago

neck yourself, clown...

times up

23393667? ago

Like I said... come back in a month.

Because when you do you’ll see Hanx is still free and that you’re wrong.

23393790? ago

Thats not me genius.

23393719? ago

shut up clown

23393208? ago

Canary in a coal mine? What to canaries do when they smell danger? Sing.

23393581? ago

Ummm...actually...they don't smell danger or the gasses in the mine and they don't sing. They die.

23393176? ago

the video of him is 100% manipulated, This is so obvious I feel bad you spent time detailing it. I'll re write your post for you " Its Fake " see how easy it is! JK Great post / thread .

23393617? ago

I agree the vid has oddities - Celsius thermometer and pic with kid's mouth covered are weird - and it may be greenscreened, but why? What does this have to do with him being incarcerated? If he was in a lockup, why do THIS?

23398357? ago

The people will at some point be told what we know or think we know, I have no clue how this will happen, The video monitors at the briefing could become the disclosure? hmmmmmm

23393663? ago

Speaking of which, he says 36 is bad. 36 = three 6s = 666

23393123? ago


23393028? ago

Here's an idea: if he's guilty of something actually put him in jail instead of playing silly games

23393940? ago

Exactly...fucking gay decodes and punisher logos. So stupid

23392879? ago

"Also, they forgot his wedding ring! He always has his wedding ring on!"

People wear wedding rings on their LEFT hands.

23393113? ago

I thought the same thing, then I went and watched his monologue again, he is wearing no rings... on either hand. You don't get to wear jewelry in jail/prison. When I saw him on a large TV I thought it was a green screen immediately.

23392814? ago

I could have sworn Tom Hank's Wikipedia page used to claim he was Jewish... but now it claims he's always been Orthodox Catholic.

23393918? ago

Theyve all but removed "early" life sections on wikipedia in order to mask who is and isnt jewish.

I was baking the bread the day wikipedia removed the paragraph about epstein being jewish to hide it from normies who cant spot jewish names.

Its only gotten worse