23396028? ago

Q+ just tweeted A good old fashioned mutiny every now and then is an exciting and invigorating thing to watch, especially when the mutineers need so much from the Captain. Too easy! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1250075668282576898

23395753? ago

Melania likes to send COMMs Drop 1001(time of Melania'tweet)

https://qmap.pub/read/1001 Human Sacrifice, Cannibalism & Hillary the title from Q Where do roads lead?

Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west.


Collect. Note Satan and Lucifer are DIFFERENT princes Lucifer's sneakiness is why they got away with this for so long

Alters at Epstein Island, and probably others explained.


23395018? ago

[F] black sites are being closed [MK_active] Some suggest MK is Mind Kontrol Mind Kontrol CAN be used BOTH ways.

Martial arts can/does use their weapons against them

Many of the unconstitutional weapons of the Deep State will be used to destroy EVIL.. Then the weapons will be destroyed, for their will be no need for them, where we the Children of God are heading.

23394621? ago

5:5 From Rudy and Kansas

Great knowledge

Great themes


"Follow the money, it’s the key". Q

Note the players; note the themes, note the memes Looks to be a 5:5 in more ways than one

23393058? ago

First it was Sessions who was supposed to be the Punisher; recused himself. Then Huber was the Punisher; pretended for 2 years to be investigating but did nothing. Then Horowitz was the Punisher with his 1 year investigation; concluded FBI acted inconsistent with established norms. Then it was Gen "Saint" Mattis supposed to be the Punisher and round them all up in Gitmo with military tribunals; cowardly resigns. Then Whitaker was the Punisher going to bring down the house with the Scaramucci temp-and-drain model; did nothing but fill the gap until Barr arrived. Then Bill "bagpipes" Barr was supposed to be the Punisher; does nothing but obstruct Judicial Watch. Now Durham is the Punisher. Jesus Christ can Q and company stop acting like a bunch of children with their Marvel references and actually arrest some of these domestic terrorists? Please, for the fucking love of God!

23393149? ago

Maybe they can find no crimes.

23392457? ago

23391990? ago

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23391940? ago

This is beyond pathetic at this stage.

Explain why we couldn't be arresting everyone again. No better time but nope, we have to let them keep raping and eating children.

I believed the excuses before. We have to do this right, set the stage etc etc; well the stage was set and nothing was done.

The Steinlight Plan in full effect.

23391934? ago

What has Q done? Because from where I'm standing I'm not seeing it. I read the comments and people are clueless. You're running around in circles trying to figure out who Q is. You are trying to guess on things that are insignificant instead of dealing with reality

23391928? ago

Haha what a Trump meme to post. Is he sneering at us at this stage? This meme/tweet is an admission nothing has happened. An admission the bad guys still control the media, the internet, the courts, everything. An admission they walk free while we get monster fines for leaving our homes.

Trumps tweet might as well say "arrests or gtfo".

I like how they cropped out the date on Trumps tweets so as not to remind us he sent that a long long long time ago and he's still playing defence.

Trump and Q prick teased us 1 too many times.

No date fagging. Just teasing about date fagging.

23393399? ago



23402060? ago

dont you find it interesting almost nobody gives about actual decodes on a web page made for decodes? i gave up doing them for the most part and just dig on stuff to save the humanity!! always more then one way to skin a kitty cat.

23402311? ago

we are living in a world of confusion. especially since this so called virus. information and disinformation. euphoria and despair. working and digging. we have more than we know. we have to know that we know nothing. all at the same time. time : action.

ps: living in a shithole. named germany. Trump/Q-Team is our last hope in THIS fight. One is for sure: GOD wins.

23402780? ago

much love patriot !! may God be with you in all you do!! Commit thy works to GOD thats Q 's moto. ;)

23401956? ago

shit nice digits!!! and yea so many ways this diverges

23402003? ago

there is no _uestion, we are in action phase.

23402110? ago

PR< pai_ter, piglosi is butt hurt from my work :P

23391544? ago

Confused anon here - can someone explain to me the opposing sides of The Punisher? They are not mirror images?! Yet, being civilian, I can't make out the reverse images. I see a soldiers helmet and gun clearly on the right...

23390972? ago


23389962? ago

Brennan removed from the picture.

23389595? ago

If the Q team reads this shit — why the fuck are YOU ASKING US when the fucking trials for treason begin?


I can assure you the people where I live are armed to the FUCKING TEETH and we will be ready to put hot lead in anyone who starts kicking down our doors. If you MOTHER FUCKERS think you are going to get away with this shit I ASSURE YOU that the dumb ass teenage idiots you pack into the troop carriers will regret showing up for work the day you pieces of shit decide to march through MY neighborhood.


23389848? ago

It's so fucking fun watching you Q-tards believe this LARP year after year. Meanwhile, the globalists have got us all trapped inside full 1984 style and ya'll are sitting on your asses because you "trust the plan" LMAO!!! This is the best disinfo campaign the globalists could have ever come up with making you boomers sit back and relax as they strip your rights away lol. Pathetic bunch ya'll are

23390781? ago

Wow, you're so smart you don't even realize you were responding to a different kind of shill....or is that your alt?

I don't think you'll be getting your Soros bucks for too much longer, ginger....sucks to be you.

23389572? ago

I’m gonna wait for the gematria to come through on this one.

23389466? ago

I agree with the meme, but why the fake retweet?

23389397? ago

See post 2570!!!

Brennan is missing!

23389733? ago

Nice catch. Interesting. Could he have been no-named?

23393138? ago

Remember, it was asked to put Brennan back in? It was, once. Back to pic w/o Brennan.

23389318? ago

another repeat? is this Q greatest hits? so either these are posted cuz Trump is firmly in control and there is nothing they can do about it. ORRRR. Trump has zero control and hoping to wake up populace. There is NO middle ground in tipping off deep state. NONE. So which is it, and why?

23389191? ago

Let me guess, "soon"...

23389169? ago

We now know without a doubt Durham has grand juries and there has been subpoenas and testimony, indictments are coming. FISA will be the start.

23389088? ago

It's Happening

23389333? ago

I think I've heard that before.....but I wouldn't be shocked if you were right this time.

23389065? ago

This one is missing [JB] from same picture from Dec 10 #2570 post.

23394668? ago

eXecuted ? to be executed ? He/it earned this

23390758? ago

good catch!

23389028? ago


Free the West!

23388903? ago

Honestly, I’m okay with catching up the normies on the latest posts. Everyone is bitching and moaning like Q is supposed to give us more. We’ve been here for YEARS! We KNOW what’s been going on. We are 100% caught up. Next step for us is arrests! So why not spend some time educating the newbies??? I’m okay in a holding pattern for the time being. We need EVERYBODY on board with The Plan! The more, the merrier!! You think some Normie is gonna go read 3,000+ posts to try and catch up at this point?! Helllllll no!!!

23391861? ago

Because the more we educate the newbies the more credibility we lose when they don't see anything to prove us right.

23389725? ago

We have worked our fingers raw and bloody converting the normies. We need ammo... we need declas.

Why should we be expected to win an information war without access to the truth? Especially when Q+ undisputedly holds full declas power?

23389982? ago

We need ammo... we need declas.

The ammo isn't ready yet!

23389050? ago

You're right. Probably not too many patriots sucking down redpills left in this country at this point. Normies won't even go to QMap.pub unless someone gives them a clickable link, and then it's sooooo much words and numbers. And that's too bad because they won't or cannot learn everything, so me too - I'm OK letting them catch up, but hurry up dammit.

23390080? ago

I've sent somewhat redpilled people to Qmap and they just don't get it or care. They will in due time though.

23391066? ago

Anons need to explain it to normies in layman's terms. It's confusing to them at first glance. And it doesn't help when assholes sit on their high horse and rudely tell a normies too fuck off and do your own research. Diplomacy bitches be nice🖕

23388860? ago

Does anyone have the link to the retweet in Trump's twitter?

23388972? ago

https://archive.is/GCD0I https://twitter.com/The_Trump_Train/status/1067687857400229888 suspended account


232 views 28 Nov 2018 KC Comeback https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NMcTwx1K-0

23388826? ago

Probly never.

23388805? ago

Q, you are such a tease!! RELEASE THE KRACKEN!!

23389202? ago

Hey dont steal my shit


23388770? ago

Is Wasser wet?

23388768? ago

Looks like a count down. But no one is datefagging around here anymore lol.

23388727? ago

What kind of mind fuck game can we make of this?

23388697? ago

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Im a rocket man...All ya gotta do is put a drink in my hand!!!

23388638? ago


Go fourth into Peace let your burdens be set free! Move into the Light let the Love shine bright, as it radiates onto the faces of everyone you meet, let it be the beacon of truth they all shall seek. Then walk in victory with God so shall you Prosper for eternity


23388602? ago

Wait, he retweeted that? Holy shit.

23389486? ago

I highly doubt it. Simone please provide a valid link.

23388828? ago

when i think this is very old

23388582? ago

Maybe the military tribunals are already in effect? I sure hope so! Can't wait for the silent war to become public. Although the normies will be fucking annoying. Anons have known for years already!

23388920? ago


23388581? ago


23388563? ago


23390004? ago


23390941? ago


23391700? ago

Okay, but you first

23389709? ago

Speculation is the first arrest is Brennan - hasn't tweeted since 4/4 - not necessarily significant as he does not post for two weeks at a time - https://twitter.com/johnbrennan https://archive.is/mUCo2

https://twitter.com/russ_ayers/status/1249865902759145473 https://archive.is/wip/bzO42

23390060? ago

You mean another invisible arrest?

23388552? ago

At the ready

23388542? ago

Waiting on you

23388540? ago

Arrests fucking when??

23388523? ago

We’ve see these images before.

I’m sure Q is catching up the Normies... but Jesus H.

23389412? ago

Brennan is missing! Compare to drop 2570.

23391814? ago

Also Brennan's last tweet has "fire" in quotes

Post 2570:

Fire at will.


23388514? ago

Why the fuck are you asking us?

23388481? ago

File name


The silent war continues

23390244? ago

I think Q made another mistake. This time, he named the picture 5_4_3_2_1.jpg when it should have been 5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5_5.repeat

23388478? ago


23389286? ago

I'm curious, is this one single account that consistently gives us the "ARRESTS OR GTFO" posts or is it a legion of the impatient?

23394942? ago

Just some dildoe that can’t find his own ass.

23388453? ago

Agreed, when do the indictments drop? I hope soon.

23394654? ago

Add the Q+ retweet Add the Q drop. Panic for the laughable shills.. EXTREME panic for the shill's handlers.

23388725? ago

When pigs fly.

23390613? ago

Blackpilled babies are hilarious. All they do is cry and fill their diapers.

23388669? ago

Durham should be making his indictments public very soon. John Solomon has been reporting about a Grand Jury being held in at least DC.