Imagine being this insane. Look at these comments from this Voat user. (QRV)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3764290?
Those of you looking to ban everything you find offensive? Fuck you. I'll continue to play Grand Theft Auto and watch porn whenever the fuck I feel like it. 1984 type reasoning bullshit.
23405260? 4.9 years ago
Hi there. Please see my submission for more information on America's strict Christian Founding.
23388139? 4.9 years ago
Degenerate in decline.
23387748? 4.9 years ago
Fuck banning things. Fuck squirt boy vidya games. This is gay. You are gay. All.of this is gay.
23387722? 4.9 years ago
Fuck you Find the right sub for this bullshit.
23387715? 4.9 years ago
Seems reasonable to me.
What's the problem?
23405260? ago
Hi there. Please see my submission for more information on America's strict Christian Founding.
23388139? ago
Degenerate in decline.
23387748? ago
Fuck banning things. Fuck squirt boy vidya games. This is gay. You are gay. All.of this is gay.
23387722? ago
Fuck you Find the right sub for this bullshit.
23387715? ago
Seems reasonable to me.
What's the problem?